HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-26, Page 5VAngsdiar Apicis 26th, 192$. J'R els 'BALD . � iUSI NE$ CARDS ar 'UDLEYEa.1 OLMES ZEABRIST1 R, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY PUBLIC',. ETC. +,OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODIIRICH, Ontario. Special attention to Conned and Court Work: 'Zitar, H•ohnes may be consulted at :ti€4•oderich by Ph ne, and Phone charges, PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Eto.Ad$ XT+T '1'EIIiS. COLUMN! • EGGS FOR HATCHING White Peckin Duck Eggs, for. sale. 'Apply to Melvin Smith, Carl and daughter Martha, a, 'were Zurich, Shone 10-82. 1 Sunday visitors at Kitchener. a few lays mat week eek at the home LOST of M .A .i etc) le and �y bile•the i. A string of Pearl Beads, be- Mr, and Mrs. S. Greb and yarn- did lz .rz.sanent ;'a� n; foe a zi t.:•- tween. South end of Town and the ily were Sunday visitors to Grand Ter of iate:i, in which the Messrs • Ben& ; IloLlgins ale highly recommended Rev. Prof, Neudoerffer of the 1. Ae. ;,a;b•,„ Waterloo" Seminary conducted the I have a supply of good Nia- w rship 'services in the Lutheran gara Lime on hand. Suitable tor church Mast . .Sunlday. gardens and truck raising. Any - Mr. Herb. Kalbfledsch, who isone wanting some kindly call at °k si Mrs, H. Angel was a Sunday visitor at Goderich. Mr. M. C. Milliken of London, visited friend shere the past 'week Mrs. Egbert Heideman, her son Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O'Bxein and Mia. C. iltritz were Vlsitox•s toLon- Ion on Wednesday. Rev. ?. L. IIowt ic1, ;of New Dundee, a former Zurich Boy will conduct both morning and • evening nervi es in the Lutheran church on Sunday,. i11a G, Ilodgins of Kitchener and: son Douglas of Stratford, spent Lutheran Church. Finder kindly return to Herald Office ' Dr. II. I. COWEN ,vs.,y ' ..lJ L+ L. D. S. D. D. S. . DENTAL SURGEON # $ p.`FN ITZ BLOCK—ZUR ICH Every Thursday, Friday, urday At I3ABTLLIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD and +very Monday, Tuesday WednosylaY .UTUAL • LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBE1,i:9.L DIV 1DENDS HESS — Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada BEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. W uerfn—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-&1 Santee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strangest Co. in Canada Commencing this week the Zur- ich Erg Pool will again operate as usual. Non-members will be ,attending the Waterloo Seminary', my place. John Hey, Jr. Gurzch charged $2.00 to pool.. Truck will visited his home on the i6th can. i of AL6: call ,every Monday and 'Thursday • Hay, over. the holidays. A number of choice isn'ialI pigs Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer, Babylon for sale, apply to Hy. Clausius, Line ;spent Sunday at the home, 1.,061 of their daughter, Mrs. Wilfred i On Bronson Line or .vicintiy of Jarvis, oHmesville. • I Zuri_•h, a ladies purse containing Mr, incl Mrs. Sol. 1.0.rtin and four dollars. Pinder pease d receive at T. L. Wurm's Store. NOTICE. A -U.0 T-I-O-N-E-E'R OSCAR 1LOPP Graduate Carey M. Jone 9 Nat- ional al School of AuctionLe cin Stock, Registered keeping for Terms in ;�11• Breeds). rices. Choice with prevailinn. P hint; Vanes for sale. Will be11 angt Anywhere. write. Zurich. ;Phone 18-93` or We have made arrangements to supply the water Par washing autos at the large supply tank. By calling at the telwephone Cen- daughter visited at the homes of turn to Heial f ice. an , tral you can get the key and also Mr. Chas, Guenther and Mrs. C. reward. paying the sum; sof 30 cents. Finkbeiner, Dashwood, on Sunday.! NOTICE. Zurich - Police Trustees.) Mr. Garfi&d Witmer of the Baby • The J. I. Case Threshing Mach- ---' .lone Line attended the Evangel- inc Co., of Toronto have appointed FOR SALE scat Conference at Waterloo on mw as their district representative Sunday. ',Anybody in need of .t Gas Tr - Five fresh cows; Holsteins and Messrs. Con. Schilbe and A. G. actor or Threshing machine and Durhams; also some alfalfa 'seed. Edighoffer have received new tractor plows, see me. Tractors Aaron Oestreicher, Essex cars front L Schilbe & Son, 3 :sizes 12-20; 18-32; 25-15• John Hey, Jr., Zurich. Phone 88 Phone, 57 r 10. Dashwood ; local dealers. Licensed Auctioneer iVOR HURON & MID Ali IN. .A. POSITION TOaCOe- duct any' auction Sale, res I es :to (size or article to 'sell. solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Arthur Weber -- Dashwood. Zee 13•--67 Zurich Me I : Fresh and Salt Meats i Bologna Sausages,is Highs*! Cash Prise for Weal • GASH FOR S)8JNO 'SIDES 1 MARKET `,gblut ®rt Desch i .N, M••0$g4M0�M•a~ FOR SALEMr. and Mrs. W. Rader, Ws. A. Rose and Miss Lylyan Rose and 1 Axminister Rug size 9x12. Miss Lylyan Rader spent Sunday 1 ?Tapestry rug 9x63s.;. 1 roll 7 in Dashwood. tern flooroilcloth. The backward and cold wee- ing unnecessary nosie or shouting Applyy ards 22 -in. wide li ht oak pat - y g then is making it a long wintery, in the Village of Zurich, will have to H. Gellman. and farmers are beginning to get to discontinue same, as the full ex - somewhat alarmed, as the season tent of the taw will be applied to FOR SALE is progressing and no seeding op- st ch offenders, Police Trustees A. 5 -Tube Adralo Radio\Set in erations have as yet commenced. A. 1.. condition at a bargain for We have for sale at a bargin the following -1 good used side - WANTED springs, and a kitchen cabinet al- In Stanley Township, good or A quantity of good land suitab'e most anew.—Johnston & Kalbflei- with er windmill d milts thereon. to sch. Oscar Koehler,. Zurich. for Flax—F. C. Kalhfeiscli Canadian iForestry week—April. 22 to 28;Forest fires make lumber FOR SALT- prices higher, and costs of Build- A good 3-h.p. engine, for both ing are increased; put out your gasoline or kerosene, apply to W. season•. a limited number taken on matches; smouldering Camp fire9 Sasolin , blacksmith, Zurich. Lot 9,� Con. 6, Hay Township, ap- start Forest fires; !smokers, be BLAKE ply to Henry Truemner, Zurich. careful in the woods. Mr_ and Mrs, Jas, Carnie of A new barber has arrived in the Bronson Line north (spent town, Mr. N, Precious of Goder- Monday at the home of Mr, and ich, as will be seen on page one Mrs. ;Jas. Altar near Zurich. ti of this issue. Evidently it has Mr. Chrs. Meyers spent,the we - 1600 Eggs per week. Eggs put- been the means of some "Razor ek-end at his home in ,the village chased from Standard Flocks and ,Slashing Prices" as we the Miss Shirley Koehler of flurich Legho Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for haircuts for men have noticedroppedthe spent the week -end with her ;o - Hatchns and $8.00 for Rocks. front 35c. to 20c., and the feel we usin Miss Beatrice Manson. Hatch Guaranteed. Orders may can afford one or two nore -trims ; Miss Lydia Gingerich spent ,a be• left at Stade & Weido, Zurich, during the summer at this price. few days at her home 4n the Bron - Or apply to J. Elgin IYIeKinley► son Line t R. R. 1 Zurich. ALUNIINUMWARE CONTEST 1 Mr. `S -mi, Hey of the Babylon In connection with the &oein5 line spent Monday with friends ,in FOR SALE— of our Aluniinr;mware Premium of- the village. r Mitis Grace Love of I�Flllsgreen Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound far and to take care of the un -'spent Sunday at the home hof Mr. bags at 9y�c. per pounid. redeemed certificates, the follow- d Mrs.Albert Keys. , Feed a handful a day, •ing basis has been decided on;-- ,Mrs. Albert ffer who spentthe Keep the Vet. away. Those holding 20 or more certif- winter. with friends in Michigan, Fred. C. Kalbileisch, Zurich icates will have their choice O1 winter home Saturday. Double Boiler, Utility Kettle; set R or Mix.ing Warning is hereby. given to all those who are in the habit of mak- LIVE V POULTR WANTED 'Taken eve• any till 3 o'clock,p.m• illee not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— Crearrl and Eggs - W. D'BrienI r Phone s4 — Marten Headquarters FOR #� lIS TUBES sue Order—Zuricho ice FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acre grass farm on Town Line, Hay .and Stanley, well. f ur- WANTED ;Cattle for pasture for coming BABY CHICK HATCHING + • t + F, 4. 4, ♦ ♦ a s FARM IMPLEMENTS ♦ 0 ♦ a L. A. F rang - Zurich ori♦660e04ObO���•�A4.ta oa>�?a•eoeeea9G06�nbtat.e.4 t,494`d6.tp64 ,Perre IMO +1►444:4444�M�4!►4444#NMT+4°��i4t+$�4AQii4444�f�4�►4!*�,�I Autos and. Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SA VE .SOU 51ONEY ON 'T'HESII VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3''/z AT ONLY TUBES 30x3; AT ONLY GOOD RUBI3ER CASE BATTERIES AT 1 SECOND HAND 1;� III. P. GAS ENGINE, 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAH. 1 GOOD TRAILER. . ........... .. $1.40 $15.00 VERY CHEAP. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BA l' i TRIES. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SI EVIG: FOR 'YOUR MONE Y PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Cas, O s and Greases **as!li******s**o*R AND Stoop Batteries N. S. WIN, Prop COAL SCHOOL REPORT of saucepans, caster b bowls. 30 Certificates or over For S. S No. 11, ;I3ay, for the Percolator, Pail, Double Boiler, tit- Easter exams ility Kettle, set ofsaucepansy Sr. IV—Gordon Smith 82% An - .1928 Roaster or Milting Bows. CercG- thony Masse 71, Ruth Hendrick/0 leates must be in by April 30th. Irene Charrette 62. W. O'Brein & Sons, Zurich', Rep- ; Sr. III—Norman Sararas 69, Lu- resentatives for Silverwoods Ltd., cille Jeffrey 6>'1, Arnel Desjardine, London, Canada. - 67, Dennis Charrette 61, Clarence The Evangelical League had its Lafromboise and Laird !Hendrick regular meeting on a tFriday evening absent WE ARE SOLE AGENTS ;FOR GENUINE • Scranton Coa1 ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD' SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PHONE 36 — HBNSALL The Bible Study Committee, Miss Jr. III -Theresa Masse 64, Avila L. Faust, convenor, had charge of Ducharme, Rosilie Ducharme, Rich - the meeting. Miss Ethel Gabelled and Masse, even 61; Regis Duch - the meetng while Mr. Garf'eld Wit- arm:e 60; Marie Lafromboise 58, mer conducted a very interesting Marie Siemon 55, Marie Masse and and lively discussion on "'Our at- Iray Desjarcline 54. titude towards Other Paces." The - JI—Eva Masse 77, Leona Lafrom- • monthly social concluded the meet- boise 73, Chemie Jeffrey 72.. ing. One of the main features of I—Maxim Ducharme 80, Alphonse the social was a Georgaphy marth, Masses 78, Miss Myrtle Weber and MI'. Del- Sr. Primer—Joan Masse, Norman bert Geiger being chosen as cap- Bederling, . Harold Si:emon, Leo. C. tains. /Mr. Delbert Geiger's side Lafromboise, Cyrille Ducharme. was victorious, Miss Elizabeth Ben- Jr. Primer — Ella Desjardine, St- nie defeating Miss Edith Greb. anley Smith, Doris Jeffrey, John Come along. Join us, We have Denome, Veronica ED c a hamer. Teacher. real good times, eats and all. I PHE original Royal Charter of the Bank of Montreal, bearing the seal of William the Fourth, and renewing the charter previously granted by the Igislattiute of Lower Canada, is well preserves in tIvs Bank's museum. Daring more thaft one hundred years since it was first incorporated, the Bank of Montreal has gone steadily on its course, serving the people of Canada and enjoying the unshaken confidence ofsuccessive z?i Nir MONTREAL Established .BiT' Total Assets itt exees3 of $ 830,000,000 Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Eto' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 1 4 *+++++++*++++++++4•+++++++•N++++++++4++++++++++.41 • + USE CEDAR SHINGLES i 4. + For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITHOUT ANY PAINTING OR REPAIRING AND WILL OUT LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOF. - SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW, PRICE OF - 5X 'Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 3X 'Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 6 -FT., CEDAR (POSTS AND 9FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. 1 F. C. �c i PHONE 69 .. LBFLEISC ZURICH rwwww&ihwiwAtaimovvmhimiwwww Zurich Drug Store 1 Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND FILIMS l J1 Mac .innon,Zurioh i'inimMIVAMMM J MPA