HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-26, Page 4ZURICH. gERALD ®U get moremiles, more trouble-free miles, more economical miles with Seib erling All -Treads, but the first cost is no more and the final cost much less, than for ordinary tires. You get more rubber, strong- er cords, more actual tire for every dollar you spend on.f Seiberling All -Treads. will pay you to investigate these uu usual tires. A Seiberling-bit:it 29 x 4.40 costs only $1 SEIBERLING ALL -TREADS e 11. S. WEIN, Dealer - Dahwood elosestee eseis•ss•esooe•••oecovesse•••••••••a••••f • THE NEW SERIES • • • • ••• 1 1 ' s•seepee••ssesoese•eocoss••se••s••••sss••s•040••••1 Pontiac Six The low priced Six with Power• • and Speed as thrilling as its• Rich New Beauty EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST t IM- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ; 1 ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GIDEON IXOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars • i • • •• • i • • 1 0 • • Wetinghouse Battery1ess Radio • SIP 'YOU NAVE Ali AND LOUD HESS t NOT -HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECEIV- SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL SE"x. SEE AND HEAR IT AT RADIO thEcTRIC Tfiiu+rat#ay, April $Cth, 1928 f ite yp��C!' NCO `Pio:vied book at 5 8 "Oita �1 G ee on request % P d special produc/- for everu purpose-. for every surface WO% PURE PAINT for exterior or inferior WARBLE -ITE For hardwood floors forSaleby JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH ZURICH, ONT. NEU-TONE the fiat c'ash- able paint t/ARitiOLEUP1 for Oilcloth € Linoleum ►Ala OU -IAC stain for floors andl'urni/ure the said account or any part there of and that the Reeve shall refuse t to grant any authority for the ad-', mission of this person to the•Hos-1 pital as an Indigent. •The report of G. A. McCubbin Esq., O.L.S. in reference to The Mud Creek Improvement and Dr -I ainage Scheme, dated March 30, 1928, having been filed with the clerk, be, pursuant to section 21 of The Municipal Drainage Act,• pr- inted in pamphlet foist and •serH ved upon each of the + assessed owners as provided by the said section; and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to have the By law, including notices of the sit- ting of the Court of .i.evision and notices as to proceedings to quash printed in pamphlet form and ser- ved as provided by said section And That a Court of +Revision be held in the Town Hall, Credioton, on Monday the '7th day of May.I at ten o'clock, • By-law No + of 1928, being a, By-law, known as The Mud Creek Improvement and Drainage Sch- eme, having been read once, bei provisionally adopted The Report of G. A, McCub-, bin, OL.,S. in reference to tThel Dietrich Draiin, having been filed' the clerk, be accepted `land that a meeting will be held in the' Town Hall, Crediton on Saturday the 7th of April. In the matter of The Improve- ment of the Aux •Saubles River 'Drain, ithe Treasurer shall remit and pay over to the Trea.s. of the Tp. of McGillivray, pursuant .to the order of G. F. Henderson iK. C. Dr- ainage Referee tinder the Drainage Laws, dated at London, the 19th of November 1927 and pursuant to R.S.O. 1927. Chap. 241, sec. 65, the sunt of $7,197.73 less $350.00 which amount the Township of Stephen is authorized to retain for By-laws Clerk's fees, court of revision, etc leaving $6,847.73 the amount to be paid. The following orders were pas- sed.; Wickwire Print Shop, By-laws Aux Sauble Improv. $150.00; Wat- erloo Mut. Fire Ins. Renewal of ins, Town Hall 24.00; G. A. McCub- bin, A,L;S., plans, 'survey etch re Mud •Creek Drain 587,00;; ,yH; Eit- her re; subdivision Mud ;Creek Drain 25.00; Sundry persons, Clk's foes, +by-laws, crt. of Rev, etc. Aux Sauble Improv. 200,00; •Thos. Klumpp ,doubletree 1.00; Bursar Ontario, Hospital, Woodstock re Williamis 19.50; J. Campbell gravel 1.1.5; A. McClinchey st. labor 10.50 A. F, Smith Treas Tp. 6817.74; pay sheet rd, 1. 60,35,• The council adjourned to -me- et again for its next regular meet. ing in the Town Hall, Crediton, on May 7th at 1 p.m;, Henry Eiiber, Clerk. SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 3,`Hay, for Easter. Sr. IV -Ruth. Richardson, Dave Kyle, Ray Broderick, Byron Kyle. Sr, III -Clifford Weido , Louis Forrest, Harold Broderick, David Blackwell, Edward Shroeder, Laird "Jacobe, Jr, III -Joe Marskel, Orland Re- ichert, I:lerbie Stephan. Jr. II-Vyrne Wei do; First Class -Lloyd Weida Primer -Howard Adkins, Number on roll 1611 Average attendance 13.95. Elias M. Godktn, ,Teacher, Dashwood Miss Ida Goetz of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mr, Ira Tiernan of Walkerton sp- ent the week -end with his .parents Mr. Harry Zimmer has purch- ased the implement shed from Mr. Jon is liartleib and is busy ,fitting it up fo:a garage. , Misses L. Rader and 1, Rose of 'Zurich were visitors in town On STEPHI3.N COUNCIL 'The Council of the:Pownship of *a convened in the Crediton, pril 2nd at 1 ,p;Tri. Ail themetn ?`l r'at were preset t. 'Vhr, r'n,inttrn' QAC Ute previous xneearlg Were ,read :gild adopted. 'Wbe„ Rsh eeve all sign pay -811(10,r„ 04 ,atnonuai(Id iV yvJ. JULY 6it3 Mrs. G, Oestreicher visited at, he home of her song Rev. J. M. Oestreicher, also attended the Evangelical Conference at Water-, Ido. Miss Hilda Snell of London, sp- ent the week -end with her parents Rev. F. B. Meyer and Bender attended Conference at Waterloo last week. IWe under- stand Rev. Meyer will remain for another year. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Rev. Carrier of 'Toronto at Grand Bend on Wednesday, ; 1 . t Lorne Genttner 60, Albert Gaetz 60 Margaret Restemeyer 56, Harold Kraft *51, Mervyn Willert 50, Har ry Rinker 32. Sr. II -Maida Wein 82, Dorothy Schroeder 80, Reta lFassold 79, John Meyer 63, Carl Maier 61, Le- onard Schenck 61. • No. on Roll 32, Average 'atten- dance 30. Letta R. Guenther, teacher Boons III. Sr. V Ruth Kleinstiver 89, Helen Nadiger 89*; Antionette Ziler 82. Jr. V -Zeta Nadiger 77; Ruth Meyer 71, Sadie Held 66, Oneida maintenance of Township Roads. In reference to the account Mel by The Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, amounting to $417.00 for the maintenance of Mary Schmidt, the clerk is hereby instructed to .write the Accountant of the sail Flan pita) an 1 state that the Township U;. ,J..:Slrll+:ii viaylii�c'd u i xiabiii,y t„ J wua•,;cl.. SCHOOL REPORT • The following is the report of Dashwood Public school, Those marked *, missed exams. Room I Jr. II -Wm Ness 86%, Paul Ness, 84, Garnet Weiberg 82, Douglas I Shenck 65, Edna Maier 65, Mabel) Bender abs. Sr:. I A-4yritle Gaiser 981 Murray Wolfe 98, Irma ;Wein 98,1 IIIc Shroeder. 98. Sr. I B. -Alvin Willert 88, Lloyd Guenther 86, Wean Willert 86,1Ward jKraft 57, Verda Rinker 34. Sr. Pr A. -Roy Bender 94,Hilda Maier 93, Herbert Ness 90, ;Jean Moulton 86. :Sr. Pr B. -Mary Dodge 74,• Geo,. Mathers 56. No. on roll 21. Average atten- dance 20. N. K (Geiser, Teacher.. Room II . 'Sr.. III-Arnetta Eveland 86, Laura Witmer 83, Sheldon Wein 80, Thelma Fisher 78, Rosie Willert 77 Ella Wilmer 73, Lorna Kraft 73, Hu- bert Restemeyer 73, Gladys Maier 68, Leonard Restemeyer *45, Irene Genttner 43, Melvin Mason 43, Mel- vin Schlundt 38. X Jr. III -Evangeline Held 90, Milton Willert 84, Ella Eveland 83, Howard Klumpp 80, Phylis Reid 80 Mary Meyer 74, Regina Meller *66, Bestemieyer 63; Wallace Mein 591' •Sr. IV-Reta Hayter 83, Ervin Guenther 66, Ethylda Held 65* Fl- orence Baker 65*; Gertie Hoffman 58, Maurice Klumpp 44*; Melvin, nestemeyer 39*. Jr. IV -Ruth Tiernan 82, Ralph' l+(.xenttner 75, Stuart Wolfe 74, Rath -- I leen ath -•Ileen Merrier 72, Amelia Willert 79, � Earl Zimmer 70, Harry Miller 66*; Melvin Stade 59, Verna Kraft 5$: • 'Howard Shenck 56, Addison Mason 137*. Na. on roll 26 Average gtten- dance 25. P. B. Moffat, teacbe l 1 'ForYou ° ' ome ryPROC walls and partitions will make your stammer cottage much more attractive, comfort- able and fire -safe. Gyproc takes any decoration -a perfect material with which to line your summer bolas. Write for free book; "Walls That Reflect Good judgment," on home planning with Gyproci Rocboard and Insulex. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Wad* Canada dT For Sale By Fresh C. KedbileisCh " - - - - Zurich, Ont: a Reduce the rue flendYeariy Ilarvest NOT fire --but the C'ARELE3S- NESS which fairs to quench it when its menial' purpose has. been served„ is the E'NEM,Y to mankind. Hewhohynegtect causes fire in the forest may well expect the dame treatment as would' be accorded to one who tosses a match into a neigh- bour's haystack. Issued by An hasittrot Charles Stewart IV/inister of daa ginning, 14 11 • iuiLlu�i ..•M.�.�