HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-12, Page 7if you U40 Red Rose 'Orange
Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will
enjoy Canada's finest tea and
materially reduce your tea
ptills. Red Rose Orange
ekoe lasts longer because
a additional strength and
flavor make it go further.
Every package guaranteed.
Salf our Cancels
All Engagements
'Daily Express Says British
Statesman Suffers From
Heart Trouble
'Earl is Also Known for Publie
cations on Philosophy,
London.—The Daily Express says
that Lord Balfour, Lord Presideat of
the Council, former Prime Minister
and one of the oustanding British
statesmen of the prese,nt generation,
is enffering from heart trouble and
has cancelled all his engagements. He
Jas been ill for some time. In. Janu-
ary he suffered a severe attack of
Arthur James Balfour, first Earl of
/that title, and• Viscount Traprain of,
Whittingeham, hes been prominent in
British governmental affairs far more
than 40 years, '
Starting as private aecretary to the
Merqui of Salitsbury when that peer
was Foreign Minister in 1878, Bad -
faux went ahead steadily and became
Unionist Leader of the House of Com-
mons and First Lord of the Treasury
In 1891. He was Prime Minister 1902.-
190,5. During the World...War he was
laird Lard of the Admiralty up to
1916 and Foreign Seczetary until
1919. He headed the British mission
to America in 1917 and also the Bnit-
deh mission to the Washington con-
ference in 1921.
Ms publications have touched not
only the political and economic ques-
tions with which be has dealt as a
government official, but also have
gone into the realenat philosophy and
One of his outstanding work was
"The foundations of Belief, being
Notes Introductory to the Study of
Theology." This was issued in 1895
and was put in popular foam in 1901.
He holds honorary degrees from all.
fl principal universities of Great
Britain end Irelands -and also an
LL.D. granted by Columbia Univer-
sity in 1917.
There is no limit to purchasing
silty if only the right machinery s
put into the hands of labor to, produce
the right gouda tor, aet it again be
said, labor coneuanes what Labor prod -
'Why do so many, many babies of to-
day escape all the little fretful spells
and infantile ailments that used to
Worry mothers through the day, and
keep them behalf the night?
If you don't know the answer, you
'eaves:at discovered -.pure, harmless
Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and
`Sweet in tbe little stomach, And its
gentle influence seems felt all through
the tiny system. Not even a distaste-
ful doe of castor oil does so much
Eletchera Castoria is purely vele.
table, so you may give it freely', at
sign of collo; or constipation; or
diarrhea. Or those many times when
you just don't know wind is the Mae
ter. Foaresd sickness, call the doctor,
always, .&t -other times, a few drops
Of alleteber's Castoria,
The doctor often tele you to do just
that; and always 'lays Fletcher's.
Other preparations may be lust as
pure, just as free from dangerous
h bag s es,
e !Kok on care and feedof
iable8 that comes With Fleteisera
Catstoria is worth its *Weight in goldt
Children Cry for
ISSUE No. 14—'28
Napoleonic Soldier's Kin
Seek Office as Deputies
The days when Napoleon was the
object of hero worship are recalled by
the candidacy for seats in the next
Chamber of Deputies ef two net of
the name of Chauvin. Both are said
to be descendants of the soldier of the
Grano Armee" Nicholas Chauvin,
whose ardent affection f or the Em-
peror made his name a symbol for all
that is patriotic to an excessive de-
Concerning the Nature of Rewards,
Pauline Herr Thomas
'rill someone please tell nae why have a Alice dish of stplaa'? That
it is tie t the thingSI that are leaSit Weliklfilt be any laduceneent."
healtiefull or aerneficial for our dais- "Of couree not. 1 adroit that cake
dent are generally the things they tesites better, and our testes axe ficklse
want hba Wet?" demanded Mrs. alWaoss rejeoting the ok ween same-
Zoblae o the other motliela, over OS tIttn nare palatable can be had; hut
teacfure, one of the reasons why cake is more
owoji,,, sad Niro, maane, epereaatet of an inducement is that et bas als
its just human nature to want wbet. wale been use for one,
we oan't have." I "My Jeanne is a wonder to
"Oh, 'k3, ease aareers,ermese, thee . everroneellresuse she will Islay la a
,a,1,"e3srakinoMwrsih. egyuncat,nrahew1tirt
it t1p 1i1 -
thor atediaa room8 '8831dY is UUWVerell and
reach and ,saKom think ofThask-
, lagfor a piece, mach less helping her -
FOR 14ITTLE ONES itsivagalVIre0t6,1713111'r f114.SiT. She has neves' bad one piece as
a reward for good bebavior. She eats-
. You know," Said Mrs. Sholden, it wan It is passed at tbe or else.
Is What Thousands of -Mothers
Say of Baby's Own 'Tablets
With the passing of winter mane
People feel weak, depressed and easily
tired. The lately lacks the vital force
and energy pure blood alone can giv-e.
Ina -Word, while not exactly sick, the
indoor life of winter has left its mark
upon them. A blood -building, nerve -
restoring tonic Is needed to 'give re-
newed health and energy. Dr. Wil -
Hares' Pink Pills are an alayear-round
blood builder and nerve tonic, but are
especially useful in the Baring. Every
dose helps tomake new, rich, red
blood and with this new blood return-
ing strength, cheerfulness. and good
health quickly follow.
If you are pale, easily tired, or
breathless at the least exertion, if
your complexion is poor or you are
troubled 'With pimples or eruptions,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just what
you need to put you right. If you
have twinges of rheumatism, are sub-
ject to headaches and backaches, if
you are irritable and nervous af your
sleep does not refresh you, or your ap-
petite is poor, you need the treatment
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone can
give—you need the new blood, new
strength and new energy this medi-
cine always brings. Mr, A. Marcotte,
North Hans, Que., writes:—"I have
fouud great benefit from the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before I be-
gan using them I was in a badly run-
down condition, and at times felt
scarcely able to work. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have changed all this . and
since taking them I am enjoying the
best .of health. Every man who feels
rundown and easily tired should give
this great medicine a fair trial."
Try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi-
gestion or nervousness. Take them as
a Mule- if you are not iu the best
physical condition and culttivate a ree
sistance that will keep you well and
strong. You can get these pills
through any medicine dealer or by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
For a Coconut
Caramel Pie
In a frying pan, caramelize 1/2 cup-
ful of sugar, being- careful not to burn
it. The sugar will form a ball, when
stirred, and do other odd things that
mystify the amateur, but it is all
right; .keep on stirring until there is
a liquid almost ready to burn, then
pour in, very slowly, 2 cupfuls scald-
ed milk. With the addition of the
Infiniti the mixture will suddenly rise
as steam, so be ready for it. When
..ae milk is hot, turn off the fire. Sift
-ogether 11/2 cupfuls of sugar, 8 table-
, tpoonfuls of flour and 1/8 teaspoonful
of salt. Mix it to a smooth paste with
some of.. the hot milk, then turn it
back into the rest of the milk and
cook it over hot water, stirring con-
stantly until the mixture is thick and
smooth. Pour it ever the svelabeaten
yolks of 4 eggs, cook a minute, then
add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla and 1 cup-
ful of grated coconut. Pour it into a
baked pie ohs% add meringue and
brown as usual.
For a thick meringue for one pie,
beat until etiff.. the whites of 2 eggs
and add 4 teaspeonfuls of sugar, beat-
ing constantly; never stir meringue.
Pile it lightly on top of the pie when
that surface has cooled slightly, •and
bake 15 ..minutes M a moderate oven
(325 degrees F.), when it will be
• gcH___ jy_poyeltooittoarati,
" tAve.Wrib: AY •• .Cm lc KS
Our eteckrs are high
co producton. White, 8roWd
and Buff Leghorn* Barred and
White /locks, R.I. Reds, An4
corms, Buff Orpington* White
"Wyandotte* 12o and uo. Zoog
We delivery guaranteed. Write
tod6y for 'FREE CHICK hootc.!
SOMMER'S tiATCHWirroo sortmoiricti.auFFAIAKIAT
Kidney Disease
Doesn't Warn
It strikes—when least expected.
Ward it oil in time with
Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
At forty and airier is the critical
younger men, blooming With health, step
for men. If yo
d Slow down yea le
upahead, They take the promotion, the
Mg money—you take their ()niters.
Health—a clear brain—a sound body—;
that's what you need lo bUsiness,
Gently stir UP Your liver and kldneyp,
to do their proper work with Vtl'llSr
Sate Kidney and Liver Con1/3iStm
safe, herbal remedy with the fdeasant
taste has been% fairionefor more than GO
y'ears. Otigintan, a tioctor's prescrip-
Oen, it is doing slatted good. Save Yodr
besets), man. etey dreggist Will sell you
a bottle ea Warner's sate 'Reinte aIL4
Liver genteflY at :linen cosi. But get
itrethei,e's the only Way to enjoy its
=tenefits. Warnei"S Safe Romadies Co„
Toronto, Ont.
Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
thaughtfulia, "I believe that this very
*steers, es the eas,s may be. It has
thing whech is to commonly oharact- veva', been presented to her as any-
erestie of our Gb.ladreil—to eay nothing titling but eornethIng to eat.
"She is also a sourceof coonelder-
great 'extent." • able admiration to Ir-' friends because
"I can't see that," said 1VIre. Hunt, she 'goes to bed', so ntiesaya Never
we always trying to bestialehas bszin allewed to remain up
Imowaedge of what is best .and what late as a rewara for good conduct.
is not? Unless you mean it is our She goes ear:), regularly, unless some
constant talking about tbie forbidden unusual oecasion makee it necessary
thing that keeps them reminded of it." fo.r her to stey up somewhat. later,
"Yes, that is abvions," MTS. "You'll soy, pm baps, 'She is an un -
Sheldon, "but I think there is another usatil elv;ld,' but I insist that 833e is
reason which escapes roost of us, We not, for Coe rniOxi.lavas like any other
say to Mary, 'Now if you eat that child, at times.
soup, you may have thee cake,' er to tSpSnach, as 'ou say, seems ratite&
Bally, 'If you don't go to bed. tais ens to ue se a revsard. Nevertheless,
ute. you may not stay. up late Saan:- 1 am sure that it laureate would eease
day evening. By sueh tactics we to sarrosed the lees healthful and
give to the less healthful .cake er the beneficial things e ith the atmosphere
lesse_beneficisa late hours tthe role of of reward, and it withIbicild only Buell
reward. It becomes at once -the cave things- by way of punishment, they
eted thanes" would, in turn, cease to be the most
"Oh, Yes,'." answered Mas,„ Haut, c'oyeted by the children."
"but what good will it do to say to We were aryl thoughtful—at least for
Mary, 'If you eat your eoup, you may. the rest of that cup et tea.
of ourselves—is' our own fault to a
- 7
cooked through and golden -brown on
Perfect meringue can never be
baked in a hot oven, because that does
not give the egg-white time to rise'
gradually to its possible height; a
meringue baked too fast is thin and
leathery. If the oveu is not hot enough
or -the pie is removed before the
meringue is cooked, theegg-whites be
come watery again and the meringue
falls. .
Some experts add flavoring to their
meringues. Others mix with the
sugar. 34 of a teaspoonful of baking
powder, and still others add ei of a
teaspoonful of cornstarch instead; the
baking powder insures a rising of the
mixture, and the cornstarch, its stay-
ing up.
Not Sick, But Not Up to the
Mark—You Need the Help of
That Sterling Tonic, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills—They Give
New Vitality.
A medicine for the baby or growing
child—one that the mother can feel
assured is absolutely safe as well as
eillelent—is found in Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are praised by
thousands of mothers throughout the
country. These mothers have found
by actual experience that there is no
other raedicinelor little ones to equal
them. Once a mother has used them
for her children she will use nothing
else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles
Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S., writes
"I have ten children, the baby being
just six months old. I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for them for the
past 20 years and can truthfully say
that I know of no better medicine for
little ones. I always keep a box of
the Tablets in the house and would
advise all other mothers to do so."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or will be mailed up-
on receipt of price, 25 cents per box,
by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
She—"Are you you spying on me?" •
He—"Only to find out if you're spy-
ing on me."
Where the Shoe Pinched.
the Strong Man from Norway was
booked on the Orpheum Oiroult. }tie
specialty was breaking paving stones
with a sledge-hamMer on 1110 wife'S
head„ It was a wow, as we used to
say in the old eountry. Suddenly his
bookings• were switched. They put
hire on the small time, where he had
to de four and flee shows a day.
He did it for seVer51 Weeks, then
-canceled his cottaatt, "What's the
matter-” they ted blni. "Is Your
Wife getting headaches?"
"Oh, lin, it isn't that," apologised
the Strong Man, "but Wm afraid she's
gating fallen arches."
TeleVision tiCk.008 the oeeen le the
latest achievement, Mayor Thompson
tan keep an eye on Xing George/IS
Jack Dempsey's Sister
Who prefers to be known as Elsie
Dawn and is making good oe the
Man Who Smoked in Car
With His Wife is Fined
Loudon — A chivalrous stranger
drew the attention of the man who
was pulling a pipe in. a non-smoking
car an a suburban railroad to the fsot
in the opposite corner was a woman
with a baby.
The woman with the boby said no-
thing. Nor did. the man. with the
pipe. He went on smoking. So at
the next station the chivalrous
etrangev complained to railroad of-
"I theu found that the silent wom-
an I was championing was his wife,"
he testified in court when the stub-
born smoker was fined $5.
Minaret's Liniment for Backache.
Paris Traffic Injuries.
340 Policemen in Year
Paris.—A Paris traffic policeman
is no risk for the accident insurance
companies at all. According to a re-
cent stater M. Serrault,
ister of the interior, the maelstrom
of darting taxis, automobiles and cycl-
ists in the French capital places 840
of M. Criappe's traffic regulators on
the injured list during the last year.
And vehicles are increasing monthly.
Another indication that Paris
policemen are no more to be envied
than those of New York is given with
the report that 587 policemen were
wounded trying to maintain peace and
order and four were killed.
A chain of American hotels is now
placing in every guest -room a 5O0
page volume of familiar poems. In -
is assumed, the Clerk's fav-
orite, "Charge, Chester, charge!"
Corrugated Iron
ASK von
WHEELER & BAIN I Just a tasteless dose of Philips' Milk
Red ose Orange Pekoe
—Top Quality
15 In clean, bright Aluminum
Stamp Worth $32,500 Classified Advertisements
Included in Display oaiti_AVZ YOUR OWN BUST.
Of Prize Collection scan<lard Company,8erearn
ox 4 t/ Toronto.
bo_nuse_s. Write
New York—Rare Postage Eternise,
valued at dm° than $1,000,000, have
just been exhibited here by Arthur
Hind of Um, N.Y. The collection re-
ceived the grand prize at the recent
international philatelic exhibition in
Unusual stamps from the Cape of
Good Hope, India, Maurittius, Spain,
France, Hawaii, New South Wales,.
Tuscany and Rumania are included in
Itthe collection. One of the notable
specimens is the British Guiana one -
cent stamp of 1850, walch Is valued at
The collection includes what was
said to be the finest group of United. tg:teSsnatesNh' and up 56 K,g4ufiP175
iStatesprovislonal issues, put out by Sons. Box T, Ftockwoo'd, Ont.
iseveral postmasters prior to the first jerey a-TIMM—Wei HATCET FOUR
xmv.r 1333.131gSWIOIE
.11..) farming opportunities offered here
le1111TP:Igl 'Prg7,1 .PelfTA
fr()ede brargain ecaialog ready.
Alfred Burley Co., Limited, St. John,
flowers, Glads fifty, Dahlias 6 or
rOSeS 3, delivered, $2.00. Catalog' free.
M. Sr Q. Dodos, Sox•rento. B.C. -
Wyandotte, Red Baby Chicks,
lb.eiu per 100 and up. Hatching eggs.
8,00 per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cooker -
Government issue in 1847. varieties of Baby Chicks. Virrite for
free catalogue. Price 100 and ua.. A. H.
Switzer, Granton, Ont.
Use MInard's Liniment for Corns.
The Peacemaker
Briabane0ourler: It would be the
greatest tragedy of all history if the
British Navy were weakened at the
instance of those dreamers who ima-
,g1he that the League -could save us
in tbe day of international. upheaval.
So long as the world is at peace the
League may do very effective work as
a philosophy; when some bellicose na-
tion decides upon resorting to war as
a final arbiter the League is useless,
and depends wholly for its success
talon the half dozen great Powers of
the world that cau. use enough in-
fluence to preserve peace. That is the
role that Britain has played for years.
"Long To Be Remembered" Is Right.
"Mrs. Frank Tappers entertaineed
the Women's Air Society of the See.
and Reformed Church, Hackensack, at
Colonial silver tea. This affair will
long be remembered by the members
and privileged guests as the out-
standing social event of the season.
"Miss Betty Wallo, no costume, dis-
played considerable talent in her
piano selections and songs." — Ths
Bergen Record.
are bringing our shippers excep-
tionally high prices and 5% BONUS
EXTRA. We pay all postage and
express charges, SHIP NOW.
Send For Our Free 1928 Special
Spring Price List.
Levin Fur Co
172 King St East Dept. is
Grade Holstein Heifers
Client wants to purchase now
fifty grade heifers due to freshen In
Autumn. What have you •to offer
and what is your price.
TANCE movers of Canada..Largest
lateat rAtgods. Two expertenoed men
every trip, eAdllylOasds insured. Royon(1
! compare for skill and care. Before you
move, write us or wireand reve?so the
charges. Head office- Hamilton. Ontario.
Canada. Hill the Mover.
An Englishman named Spender is
studying American newspaper meth-
ods. It's a game in which a spender
ca -r" learn a lot in a shot time
W -t
Daily application of Millard's
will dry. up vanes. Also ex-
cellent for callouses, corns and
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking, Lydia
.Pinkham's Veg,etabi.4
Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se-
vere operation and a three wecks"
say in a hotpital
1 returned home
so weak that lwas
unable to move a
chair. For four
mouths wee al-
most frantic with
pains and suffer-
' inguntil thought
sure there could
not be any help
for me. 1 hadvery
. .a3 severe ',mins in my
4 -es* left side and. sut-
ered agony every month. . One day
when was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your med-
icine. My husband got Inc a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
I took it. I started a. second bottle,
and to my surprise and joy the pains
in my side left me completely and1
am able to do all my work without
help, I am a farmer's wife, so you
see I can't be idle long. In all, I have
taken six bottles of' long.
E. Pink-
hana's Vegetable Compound, tire
boxes of the Compound 'Tablets, two
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood
IVIedicine, and have also used the San-
ative Wash."- Mrs. L. LAJEUNESSB,.
Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. a
Clear The Pores
Of Inapurities With
Cuticur:i dap
can, Ointment, Talcum ivohl everywhere
For elsotables
det, to Acid
s .HoNssisocomp irtoc
"Council Standard" of Magnesia in water. That
effective, yet harmless, It 1111.1
ialek, even, heave spread of alkali,
galvanizing over every inch of war -
fade. Deep corrugations.44Kgencies been
still open in some localities,
Write us, stating size of
barn you want to cover.
Dept. W, 108 George St., Toronto 2
Is an
the standercl antacid for 61)
years among physicians everywhere.
One spoonful will neutralize at ()nee
many times its volume in acid, It is
the right way ,the quick, pleasant and
efficient way to kill the excess acia.
me stomach becomes sWeet, the pain
ndeipnaurtte%.. You are happy again in
Don't depend on crude methods. 171n -
ploy the best way yet evolved in all
the years of searching, That is
Philips' Milk of Magnesia.
330 sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
dans for BO years In eorracting ex-
cess sad& Ettell bottle contains full
directions—any drugstore.