HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-12, Page 4• Z R CH ;F IIRAT,D THE NEW SERIES Pontiac Six The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST \. I1I- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GIDE ON KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars 0000•••••000.00000086000 00009000•000••••••••0000e0 • • i • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Westinghouse Batteryless Radio HE1 SAL L„ Mr, and Mrs. John McKay and fancily aro moving to Southam•p- Ston where he has secured agooc3 position op is fishing tti ifoz'th4 summer" J, W. Ortwein visited ,in Blyth one day recently: The boys of the public school he e organized a suit ball for the coming year and have named the team Stars. Who has been Beatrice Cudmhre, in Hensen for a number ,Of weeks during the illness and death of her father, Mr. R, Cudmore, t left for Toronto, where she will be a few weeksi Mr, and Mr, Garnet Case visit - Red for a few days, with relatives in Toronty. The play entitled "Prince of Liars," will be given in the Town Hall of Thursday eventing by the young /people of St. Marys. Fred Kenning% who intends st- arting a , gasoline station on his .property at the corner of tSou;th Richmond, st, on the London Ro- ad, is busy getting the ground re- ady ,to start building. When .the London Road is paved he will•have a valuable corner and •a splendid business site. Mrs. E. Rennie, who has been visiting for the past week withher daughter in Detroit, has returned home. The annual Spring Show laf the South Huron Agricultural Society -will be held in 33ensall ion Tuesday, April 10th. The directors this year have increased the value of many of the prizes in lthe differ- ent classes. The Firemen held a meeting the other evening land appointed Charlie Moore, as Fire Chief, in place of Ernie Bates, who sent in his resignation, and which was ac- cepted, as he left town recently €or Stratford, where he has sec- ured an excellent position. Orville Twitchell and Wren Eyre were ap- pointed to fill the, vacancies left by Wm.. Fairbainn and- E. Bates. The Firemen are planning to hold a big celebration on the 24th of May and judging from past ye- ar's experience will no doubt pro- ve a great success. Wm, Consitt was a visitor to y. Seaforth for a few days, and al- i so tdok in the Spring Show, An Pr'angen has moved into his new residence on S. Rishmond st. Thos. Appleton has rented H. price's house on Queen st. and has moved therein. • E. Bates of Stratford was in town the other day, and whi'!ehere sold a new car to Nelson Reich - art. Orville Twitchell and family,of 1 amain for Detroit on Saturday morn - town, are . moving back to e town, and 'will occupy, the house ing i'• win\. Fair Wonderful weacther and .a large recently vacated by bairn. Mr. Twitchell is going in- `crowd'greeted Seaforth Spring to the garage business. He has Show held on Main Street, on Tu - purchased the building on Main esday afterniOon. lest. From! ev- st., fo-nilerly Warrener's livery barn pry standpoint, 1928' shoe was 13e - and has 'the building all \remod- Glared "the best yet" T here gilled, were lour more entries than last EXETER year and a number of other hoses Mr. and Mrs. A. Calnm„ woh fro mWingham and Brucetield did recently disposed of their resid- not come because of the mud, e 'once to C. Snell moved their hoe- Thunder storm passed over the dia sehold effects to St. Catharines. tact early in the day. `Mrs. Anna Fish passed" away There died in Seaforth on Sat - on Sunday last in her 71st year, urday, March '31st, Gabriel Reeves following a stroke of paralysis, aged •78 years. He had always be - seven weeks ago She had been a en a frobust eo(rstitiaion ani resident of Exeter for 53 iyears;,her never, sick a day in his life until husband predeceased by 17 ye- suddenly 'taken 311, Was born in ars and is survived by .one daugh- Logan, 'and as a young mean went ter, Anna at hornet- into 'the milling business. Heaer- On Saturday last an Exeter eou tas .'ari apprentice at Baden, nd .ple celebrated the 59th annuver-r afterwards bought the mill, selling sary ,off their wedding day. A- it ,he worked at Mitchell, ,and for way back in the year 1869, on the the last forty years has \been in 31st of March Rev. McDonaugh un- the .lightning rod business, where lited in marriage Miss Bruce and he became an exceptional instal - Mr. J. H. Medd in Durham county. ation hnan. They at once moved to Hullett. Tp Perth County's -grant from, the where they farmed until eight ye- provincial (Government, based on ars age when their retired so Ex- road expenditures in the county during .1927, will total • $51;7r05..86, eter, A sitting of the Supreme Court Oe Sunday last Thomas year, afek in• Goderick is scheduled for Mon- passed -away in his 75th few day„• April 16th, So tar very lit - oration- •a.go h(e underafecit an ,op- tie .buaine :was: in sight tor, • the oration- lin' London Hospital and urt: later was 'brought Hdane' and this coJOhtr Aitken, of Clinton;threugl�,• death ry Cann,n to rght r't.oure . his representative,- has maids:, ap-. •Mary d' by ' Iv'er e t h licat'ion to the Exeter. Council .for inn mor ` struck' by a ,car `the ' aseistance in •e'stabliehing a, fours other morning. She was •hurridly 'dr na that.. town.' 'The conditiomr eeo3eiti$ tial,; s'teeet. •'rvtien two eat-. Were; ': A -building •Z$' ft. •by. 5? ftp:.• came along, and as she was wt. thing, the'One th'e other 'ear slip- and a loan of .$5,000, for, a term: of ped .up and struck her carrying years. The Council., promised to ing her a `distance, she ssras some- consider the propo;siti,oie. what shook up and bruised. f. A wave of petty thieving has been reported at Southampton, re"= COUNTY NE' 'q, centlyl Twos tores were burglar - Clinton's •Tax Rate -has been ized,. Eby's grocery store wherea struck at .46 mills on the dollar. large quantity of candy was stolen There is anagitation. tin foot to and at a pool room; a large quart - install a waterworks system, in antity of cigarets, tobacco and Teeswater. Plans and specific= choclates were taken. ations have been secured 'and the The Orange men of North Huron proposition will be placed be- Iia -e decides; to hold their 12tii or fore the ratepayers, in the • near this in Luck future. ' Several loads of rnachiinery for the Lorne Fire Engine Company have arrived mom Ingersoll and are tieing placed in the factorA. formerly the Mitchell Woolen Milts The company, expects to be .4 - orating o,p- erating tin a couple of . weeks. A tax rate of 49% mills is in \prospect for the municipality. ,tax.payers of Goderi'ch this year. The rate lath year was 145 mills, but this did not cover the expen- litures, and there was a ,deficit,, also.in •1926, ✓ •±Lues teanier Greyhound excu.- aon this year will be in th�efirs5 weep of June, . The steamer ,Will arrive from Detroit Tuesday, June 5, leaving for Detroit, Wed- , retutrninX to God w r • r3i�iWi z:rivay ,tiigiity hind •iCf1"Y315 �` tis MP YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECEIV- NM AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL SET SEE AND HEAR IT AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC Pira, D. Thompson, The frame. dwtelling house 'be- longing to Thos. Elloitt on thelake bank, Bayfield was eompletely,de- strayed by fire on ISurday ;last;', the origin of which is unknoywn,The lti 1 house. s been 'Vactant :lar nearly three yearr.3.. A ;number' of youths were Walkiarg along the beach arvi uatx sed smoke coming over the bank, aruf aali eI r Bing to :the tot' found then bouso nearly burned tl 12th, 192$, ddawm, Thorn zvera seven or eight hundred bsualhels •ot "grain, oats,. buckwheat and sweet clover meed stared in the house. The barn was, burned four years ago. Some iu- • suramee was carried. o urSh1f �F � , i• rr Our AIu-rninum Premium offer CI April 14th 1928 are ses We Congratulate the many Create Shippers who RECEIVED HANDSOME PREMIUMS DURING THE LAST FEW MONTHS BY CONSIGNING THEIRSHIPMENTS TO US. PLEASE FORWARD CERTIFICATES AT ONCE FOR REDEMPT- ION, AS THE PREMIUM OFFER CLOSES THIS' WEEK. ENVELOPES CONT4ININ,G CERTIFICATES WCL BE CRBA.D- ITED LF MARKED UP TO ANI) INCLUDING. � APRIL 30th, 1928 Silverwoods Limited LONDON ONTARIO inon ela ,N those extra miles that Seiberling All -Tread• • deliver, are many extra dollars of saving to you. ling Alt -Treads have more rubber and stronger cords, with an extra -heavy tread =tending . iLgt,:thick, tough ribs right over the side-Awall. Curbs • and deep ruts can't chafe them. They thrive on Heavy punishment. You will be agreeably surprised at the mode• price. A Seiberling•built 30X3% costs only $ s.0o r, 4 a#j 1 i, NG IrTREADS apt, o uc1 S. WEIN,Dealer .� l�ahw •• S•NliNNM• ••••M SEEDS Now is the time to select your seed for Spring. Be sure and call on us for your supply as we have it. QUANTITY OD CHOICE SEED BARLEY FOR SALE Conlinental Stock Sall For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP and POULTRY Louis Schilbe - - Zurich • i .4144444444444401.14040.0.041.10. Qw a THE 1 .r.i ...W��....•..7�� 711 •�7 *�'! f WITH NEW LOW PRICES ,e I In Fours and Sixes with more `actual per dollar value . than any other low priced car. ; The Fawns Willys-Knight July celebration year1 + •now. • Winghani had also invited the lodges, but as celebrations are being held in Listowel and Hensall and. ax Lueknow and Winghanrure X close together, it was decided to- go to Lucknow this year.. :Tho Huron. Old Soy's Associat- ion of Toronto held a very 3uc- cessful euchre and bridge in H'y'- gala ,Hail, Elm St, last Friday ev- ening Some 60 tables being re- quired to accomodate the players. Very valuable prizea were award- ed to the successful contestants, and the games were carried out With military precision, under the able supervision of Mrs. sI•I” B. Stciti"e, After the games, delicious refreshments were served that co - 01 not r,u,t satisfy the tt'n,o,t has - this part of the, entertain: - 'Meld 11144. O flue i , 9. ..r Sixes in Three different Size WIC ARK ALWAYS AT Y OUR SERVICE VOR GENERAL GAMMA REPAIR WORK, WBICH sl'YE MAKE A (SPECIAL,- TT SPECI. -TT OP LR! 115 DO .YOUR NEXT OVERHAUL JOB'.. S&TISFA ioN , OUR MOTTO ' it ANGEL, [prop. Cat Oils 1 Vt.& •:ACeessor ' • 4,: