HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-12, Page 1VoI. XXVIII No 39 ow ;.. 4 46' ZURICH, THURSDAY -141;01NING, APRIL12,(928. Cheater 1 Einnith, Prablintasik 11.35 TOO Adv•I•Wilo, $1,50 IsTARREARS,S2 MAY BZOKANOM Build up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town HAY COUNCIL . -- 1: London Life Insurance Company The regular monthly meeting of . + f * the Township of ally was 1.field - Rt. ::Typica• l Policy Results the Town Hall, Zurich, on 1VIon- * day, April 2nd, all the 'members • 4E- AliNNUAL DIVIDEND PLAN • ' were present. The minutes ()idle • an A Policyholder at age 31 took a $1,000 policy on the 20 previous meeting were adopted as t. payment Life plan in, 19/3. On the 15th anniversary of .the Pol- roar1. di• icy in 1928 hia insurance protection will have cost himy, 013 the .2. The Clerk was instructed to on average, only 41 cents a year. - . . * order the sewer tile necessaryfor * 15 years,..Prean a• $27.,90 each. year .....,....1 .......4 --F.g - $418-50 4. the construction oft he Tolbot * .11. Less 15 Year'a Dividends ....,---a i= --i ,. --- -- .... -8118-87 * Drain in accondance with plana,etc. n• '-'-- 4.• and the By-law. -,Z Net Amount Paid tot he Company ...: ....Lan_ ---..o.no non 299.63 4* + A carload of Northern I.:White * Guaranteed Cash •Value on Anniversary in 1928 -....f non- -229 00 al• ••• ---....3...."-... 4 cedar poles, butt treated, will. be 4+ Total Cost of insurance Protection for 15 Yearn ...... .....-___ ..: 6purchased for the, Hay MuniCipal .63 + 4 The Average Annual Cost in this case ia 41 ets. for $1,000 Ins. + Telephone 'System. en + nn t The report, eto. relating to the -4t E Oesch Agent Zurich in connection with the impro've,- a: portion in the Township of Hay aonannenn Mr. Lawrence Ran of Detroit, visited hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau, over the holiday. Mr. Chins. Gascho of the Wen, son purchased a used car froml C. Fritz & Son.t Mr. and Mrs, Morley (Witmerof Detroit, were holiday visitors with relatives here. , relent of the Mud Creek Drain by , Mr, Jas. Hagan of Seaforth cal - the Township of Stephen, whjeh led on friends here in Zurich the was served on Mr. E. P. Klopp,, past week InO•••••••0414...04644444••••• • •••••••••••••••4144111EN•1111111, reeve, was received and adopted Mrs. E. Weide and Gwendy Clark • • and By-law No. 7,1928, relating to , visited at London for a fewldays • .... the matter 'was provisionally ad- last week. opted and Court of Revision td I BARG:Ang. .S . BARGAINS 1 the Town Hall, Zurich on Tuesdaynn TO1'011 tot; Mr. and Mrs. H. q. Joy spent consider appeals will be held. in, the 'Easter holidays with friends. May 15th, at 7.30 o'clock -lin the Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Livingoiod evening, by-laws to be printedand and Mr, and Mrs. David Mank, of served on every person assessed, and shall contain notice of ( sitting Kitchener were visitors here ov- er the holiday. of Court of Revision and- notice' As to proceedings to quash the. Mr. John Becker of the Town By-law. 1Line has sold his 373 acre farm in 7'he Township Engineer's report,HaY Township, it being pt. ,lot 18 plans, estimates, etc., re Blockill' B.' to, Mr. Arthur Sreenan. Creek Drain was adopted and( Mr. Sam, Gascho has moved,hiis that By-law No. 6-1928, - relatinglhousehold effects from the house thereto was provisionally ,adopted,to recently sold to Mr. E, Dat - and a Court of Revision to con- i,ers, into the house owned by Mr. sider appeals be held in the Town:.Henry Wolper, just west of ,the a1111, Zurich, on Tuesday, May: f.bake (shop. 22nd, at 1.30 o'clock in the after-. 4, noon. By-law be printed in pamp 'APC•ii.44;<4.04,4-0.5040-044^0.61.6).:4 t 400•44414.•.4,4.4..41640***010.1r, i, hlet form and .servect on At the auction sale pf thefarm • sessed party, and shall contaiti eonay arniand effects' of the late John Ste- • The following accounts were .. of nonxt of Ite,Airphan on the Parr Line, ;of Satur- ne to r si ie. • notice iof sitting ViRi011 and notice as to .proceed '- ...lon,,, the farm, ayes being ,purchas- • seeseroseseessessesessesoe••••• 4, ed. , . tinue e ,de the. • ,ce ingn to quaali the By-law. .' n , by Mrs, ,Stephan, Who will con - 60.4111.0440014141119901961546409 . .. • a Mrs. M. C. •,Milliken and little, Newest Fashion T oughts : pas.sed;- F. Stelck, pay_list 2.5; 8H. Brown Gal.;e1Dictig,rn1.10;pai‘c.; We understand they intend mov s illISPtheNIVCIII: • pa saty 1 151. So to ; 2.Z. isnogn tRhoe.drete,itofwiGtioldfearlieenhd, • .6.80: G. E Thompson ditto 5.75; ition. • ing from Goderich to London, wh- . • Poster ditto 8.90; T. Dinsmornditto ere Mr. Milliken has a good pos- In Sprig: Footwear ',ditto_G4.60; C. N. R. ifreight on gra-1 ! ,R eiger ditto 6.00; L Kalbfleisch i . • ' -1 e. - • n 4.79; Munic'pal World supplies Mr. Walter Schnurr• of Mildmay ALT * • "2.78; Ont. Ho.spitzd re C. Moon .who has recently takelp over ‘the • -31001 C. L. &nth priintino 144.00: ; blacksmith business of Mr. John • W. a Edighoffer, assessor salary Kipper, .who has left for • the V est, 1 . • 2 0- ' • • in 0.0 , Stiomberg-Carlson TeolCo, has commenced operations and is 'upplies 55.05; Northern Electric , doing business. He comes high - 6 s6 Co,. 92.97' M G. Deitz, 'salary etc. ly recommended as a straiglA for- ward business man, and this 00111- • i !0 Loa; P. McIssac, salary and labor bined -with a _good mechanie; is • • Received a shipment of waterproof • • Robes which I am retailing far be- * • 44: low Catalogue prices, get your's at • • Special Price $12.50 large size I, FRED THIEL - ZURICH I BROWN'S mot Shop WINDOWS FORETELL AN IN-, . 1 • TERESTING STORY OF NEW The and canond Ring most popular Line of Diam- Rings in Canada WE HAVE THEM Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & MIESON? and D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY " SOFT COAL MILLERS CREEK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD IS-, LAND GRADE A, WHITE Par— AMES. Canteioxi. H E N SALL ONT. Ph;ones-Offiee lOw. Rowe ItZfr, ••••••••101mims..•1•11"10111111Mall••••UMMIMMII. +4. +++ ;-1. FORDS! FORDS! . . + t ..., 1--+ Closed Cars For Sale I WE INVITE INVITE YOU 4 Ilk.....-.. +. * -1. -i, To inspect our New and Used Cars 4. * S ,... before you purchase ..,.. We have a nice variety of used Cars in A 1 condition t. aid will take your car in exchange and give Terrat .1. + Nao extra charges for financing. This saves you. t 4. 1 between $35. and $50. on.a car + FORD COUPE 1926, extra front and rear bumpers', automatic + + 4 - wiper,. heater, water pump and spot light. Car in good cern- .t., .!-- -1- 1- 4- dition. nr- FORDn.... :.., 4' -door Sedan 1926 model, in beautiful shape, Ductno.rd .t. + upholstering like new, extra equipment:, ant, wiper, header, 4-- SPRING FOOTWEAR EA NS , 500.02; C. N R. freight .on direct- a splendid asset to the future of The Council ad* ed t t NU THEY ARE AUTEEORAiTIVE AS IEEE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE umina rn_e a_ •gain on Monday:I°, y 7th, at1.30 THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOG.ETHER NEW O'clock, Fiidny afternoon, March 31, 77.P i • A F ESS, Clerk." G E pupils of S No. S: ntart- ley held a farewell party arrant:1T STANDARD OF VALVE H AT THE MODERATE PRICES. • our ofGarnet Turner1 fories 5.30; C. L. Sm'th printing 20.60 this young man in Zurich. + , w be leaving shortly for his new 4: REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only the best of Materials is home Goderichn A program • used. Bring the to ate, and yoe sire as.suredt of Satinfactien Evangelical Church Notes Iconsisting •of an address, recitat- i.. i 1 • ZURICH - ONT. i thpupils,. After the addresnlie. ons, ,and songs, was rendered:ply, WHERE GO)01) SHOES COST LESS. e : • ,'Tuesday eve., 7 p.m. -Jr. League was presented with gifts from hia SEE OUR • p WINDOW: Basiewirfellow 'schoolmates and teacherf. • • ; Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer andXis absence will be felt keenly but 49 , he good wishes of all his friends IMO I Praise will gowith him to his new home Brown's Beet she 4044 ** 044440•********4 4.44****** <z„.1 0 IFOR Si? i N 0 w -:: I Is the time to order - 41 . New Spring Suit * 410 0 it T t DaY - • • . * • . • * to • OASC°14 d1. &TAM .... ' our 'Friday '1.30 p.m. -Senior League Friday 8.30 pan. -Choir Practice YOUTH AND LIFE NEW BOOKS The ever growing Zurich (Enda- lic Library placed the following nooks on 'the Library Shelves!. k To all who walk circumspectly The . Dark, Road Harold Bindiosa and remember their creator in the Under the Grey Olives days of youth, this golden period' . Marian. Keith • .01 of life spells opportunity, and ;,Treasures ,of the Red Tribe manhood will mean achievement And old age, holy memories, Life ,The Magic Garderi, CharlesGlison , 1 is a swift and rapid thing. Mov- Gene ,Stratton Portee. ing swifter than the speediest train They also Serve, Peter Boyne that rolls aver tracks of 'steel,Junt Barberry's .Bush Kathleen Moria about the time we have /learned to Job's Niece live, the bells of eternity ringout Grace Livingston Hill. our soul and no power ,en earth The Mad Carews, Martha °stens°. Gl'aco Richmond beginning but it will never end. The Savng Clause can prevent it. Your life had a Lights up, -not follow you into the beyond but Graitr, Robert Stead Sapper H. C. Neil r; The iniperfections of your body do ,, the perfeetions or imperfections of , The Wolf Pack, Riidgewell Cullen -your soul do to bless and glorify Dusty .Answer Rosamond Leh- loreven We 'are in the making iThe Quest.of Youth: manns. you or to gnaw and punish you far t • inow,,whattnil,the fm:shed product ' aef fery Larnal, k • be? It's worth thinking about! , rhe Lest EScaSy Sunday Service's. Mary Robert Rienhard, 4, 10.00 a.nu Wonihip . Great Builders of the Enpire, U. A. Cody . ' Lighting Stars Charles Kelly Sobler ct-How the young recur itS rorlon River, ZaneGray may go forwArd with sthe rong 'stout TMixer, Folgar Wallace . heart, • The -.White FloWer, Grace Livingstone 11 11 11' -.Bib]: Sehool, . Hill.. ,, Toward Sodom, B, Mabel Dunham 3, E. Gmich0, SuPerintelident. The Sea (lull, Cathleen Vorrit• 'The Mating Call, Rex. Beach . A Ma ri'S, Werth " S!dney Arthur i REX. W, 5: Dreier. Plotor The Blue Window Tempfe ,BoelyI Jack Miner and the Birds 1 4' 4 Emma 67 -v-ji..ittlf*44,4144,44*****-$14 44440.4114 44'4 7:nq m.-Woriabip Subjeet-ColorieSs People, 4. 4. in front and back, and new licenses. 1923 Ford Coupe in real good condition. 'This car will give ne you a lot of cheap transportation. 1926 Ford Ti. in nice shape with new license Four "Wheel trailer, in good shape, a snap; and engine. can be used for (power, only '$20.00 mak 1 GOOD Rubber Tire Buggy, nearly good as new. , STEEL TIRE. BUGGY, very cheap. FORD TTJDOR: .1925 in good condition; equipment, spare tire, 1. 8 automatic wiper, slip covers, heater and licenae, at a price any one can afford to pay. 8 FORD DEALERS Tires 30x33 $5.. to $6. Batteries SECONDnEGAND PORI/ PARTS AT HALE PRICE O. FRITZ & SON 1: Spring and Summer GOODS When you start out to do your spring and summer buying Come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF GINGILMS.. PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAY0:&S, SIURTINGS, COINFONADI. FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, 13.A.RDWARR: A PULL ASSORTMENT OP PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARESW REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON RAND, Ai. IDOu./L A VE GENEWAL fiefEROHA 4 r n - 97 Et LA • 4