HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-05, Page 8LADIES' SPRIN6 COATS We expect a Shipment of Ladies' New Spring Coats to arrive by the 15th inst. They comprise the season's newest styles and cloth. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? Wall Paper t7'IRTE CARRY WATSON, FOSTERS' AND BOXERS ,WALLPAPERS IN STOCK, AND INVITE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH 1S AMPLE BOOKS. SUITABLE PAPERS FOR EVERY OF. YOUR HOME AT RIGHT PRICES. O U R ROOM el Ilk Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement - J. GASCHO & SONS ProduL- Wanted Phone 59 •r••e•m•i••1°�3^•4�•��i••��•,�•tr�r.^�•e�•i��•�•+II••7••1••i••3�:+.1.•�.:.• F-'r�o•:•-:•d••�•1•.F•.1•.1•.g.•II••1••1••II•� Fdd•d• ANNOUNCEMENT •i• 4. We have been appointed Agents direct for k •1• •4. ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF WILLYS OVERLAND LTD.. �T ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - WHIPPET T T OUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE a; COMPARE IT WITH.A.NYTHING AT THE PRICE. AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY TRIED WHIPPET r� I X THE LOWEST PRICED STY. ON IvvTHE MARKET. A CAD. WITH A SOUND REPUTATION . Willys Knight THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE + MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, •A SATISFACTORY DEAL 4' ASSURED, BESIDES: 4. 4. •II• II. Mousseau Zurich T. 1�` .4. :-1..'.,*,..:••:-1.4-1.-0.1..E Y-4-4• •. ,4-:•a_,:.,; .;-:.,.y 4.++++++++++4+++++++++++++. $ "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" CV009'i'Ili•••••o•.•fiiDOOO•••QI•re9eocaso eleo••••••••••N•• • iP • H:tchingSeason ! 1 • Why pay fancy( prices for your •s •. • • young Chicks' ,; •••• 2 when with a few 5�, • • • t • • minuter of spare time each day o you can hatch and raise nine( your own STRONG, HEALTHY . CHICKS • 1 • • • • AT A BIG SAVING IN •MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN • • ALL ABOUT OUR.. • Buckeye Incubators and Brooders e If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEIDOI ZURICH -- ONT. E•••••••••••••r••••d••••••••N•�a •••r• WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. ZURIOR HERALD' Goons NEW PATTERNS In Plain and Printed Oloths Georgette, Fugi Silks, etc. in many shades CURTAIN NETS, SIDE HANGING MATERIALS, PARICLS. CONG. AND LINOLEUM RUGS AT LOWEST PRICES. WE HAVE A PIECE OF ,BLACK SATIN GOOD WEIGHT, EK. - ,TRA SPECIAL AT $1.39 YARD, ; 1 YELLOW FRONT STORE . PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Cf Fritz and Dr. H. Cowen motored to London on Sunday. / - Our merchants are disposing of their Durth Sett onions which they find ready sale for. Mr. Samuel Schoch of the 14th eon., has treated himself to a fine new Pontiac ,purchased from) Mr. G. Koehler, local dealer. � Mc. J. Decher Jr., is attending the C_inton and Seaforth Spring Shows this week, with his splendid Standard breast, We have just received our an- nual ;"supply of fresh Formalde- hyde, .which is put up in different size bottles and can be had in any auantity;.-Zurich Drug Store. The Cansd'an weekly newspaper men will meet for their annualeon- von tion this year in Edmonton.the first week in July. A •pleabure pleasure trip will be made .toJas- per Park after the business (ses- sions. `Twill be a fine outing far those fortunate enough to be able to take it. The Junior League of the Evan- gelical church, had a most enjoy- able evening on Tuesday of , this week, when 22 gathered at gat the parsonage for a social evening, and Jlev. and Mrs. Dreier most :royally :entertained theme. A fine program was run 'off after which refreshments were served tQwhich one and all responded. A number of our ,citizens are letting itheir chickens run at large which become a dirty nusi-ancees pecially in this mud, and whilethey 'cannot do mach damage in the gardens, yet they play Kovac in the 'flower beds by digging up the bulbs, etc., and always seem to. be worse on the neighbor's. Be a peaceful and lawabiding citizen by 'keeping your chickens shut up or build a fence around your that they will not; crawl throu BLAKE W. M. S. -The regular monthly meeting of the Blake W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Manson on Wednesday, March 21st. The meeting was opened by sing- ing hymn 483, Mrs. Penrose ; led in prayer; Scripture lesson was read by Reta McBride, Romans 6th chapter. The minutes were read and adopted. Roll call was an- swered by a word of scripture, there were 17 present. Mr. Pen- rose sang a solo en'ttled "Any- where wth Jesus". The offering was then taken; we then had the business of making plans for. Eas- ter. The topic was then taken "New Frontier o -f Christman Miss- ions", by Mrs. Robert Douglas. The meeting was closed by sing- ing hymn 3766. Mr. Penrose clo- sed in prayer. Mrs. Manson then ,served .a splendid lunch which was enjoyed by all p: esent. LOCAL MARKET: Live Hogs cwt Butter, lb.. _ _ . .»... 40c Eggs .__w _ ..� Ea 24-31-34 Dried applesIb; ;-_,-, .�: , . _ .. 9 Wheat ..._._ » .. ..;_.; f..»:_..1.30 Barley Buckwheat - - .� 75 Flow .. - �.+ i. �... :.....3.50-4.50 Sherds per ton._+..r W ..._ . ...40.00 Bran per ton...;.= ... ... 42.00 Corrected every Wednesday) Western farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance al Risk on Deo. 31, 1927, ;522,365,735. Total Cash in. Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates -$4.50 per $1;000 for 3 years. G. Holtzman — Zurich Adolf, Also Dealer in Lighfnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY 1 1 1 ;h° Mae weeks and STANLEY TOWNSHIP. , Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay (of Brueefield and Mrs, J, Moffatt of Clinton spent Sunday at thehonie of John A.rm,strong. Mrs. Moffatt is staying for a time with her daughter, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Robt. McKinley has spent the past week visiting friends in Mcls"illop and Clinton Mrs, 3, T. Keys has recover".l sufficiently from her recent illness to return from Clinton iospital;to her home on 'Babylon'. Mr, Geo: E. Johnston has ex- changed his Ford touring with Easter will be here. NEVER HAS A SPRING BRO- UCrHT FORTH SUCH A BEAUTI- FULL LINE OF SMART HATS AS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OF LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR. OUR LINE OF EXTRA SMALL HEADSIZEI IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- QUIRING SMALL SIZES SHO- ULD CALL AT THE HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE We haven't forgotten the babies and small children. Our line in Silk Bonnets in pink and white and Bonnet Hats in Silk and Straw. Never was better. GIVE US A CALL V. V. SIEBERT Bart Lavi.s of Clinton for a Chev- rolet coach Next Sunday being Easteri thy: W.M.S. will have charge al the ,service, The Message and the music will be on the `Easterth;rne and Raster Thank-offeriing 'will be received,. Mr, Ed, Johnson and ` wally spent Snndaiy at the home of Me. Robert Meehtoehey'1 Seasons 1ardware Spring is here and we can supply the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices I A NUMBER OF. GOOD SSGOND HAND STIJVES VERY CHEAP, !, We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders ., FENCING A CARLOAD OF LtTNDYS'LUCKY TIE •WIRE, JUST AR- RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARB, BRACE AND STEEL POSTS. . A FULL LINE TIRES AND TUBES OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETTER PAINTS AND VARZTISJIES GOOD SUPPLY OF 'MARTIN SENOUR 100%. PURE PAINT, & A FULL LINE 01? OHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO -ENAMELS ALSO (FULL LINE OF, MURESCO, FTCv --�` 4 FURNITURE Fill Line of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Dining Room 4 Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced --prices. Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTI „UITES. 41, BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IR1)N. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE WE 4 4 4 Johnston do Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 •F•+•4•• •II••F• ••H+8E•1• »:P+•l•+•g••II,•l.,i4+•F• +0.1.•1.+•E•+ +++4-2-1• ••F.•II.•p.,II•.y.•p..II.++41-tI Thui sday, April Rh I92Ef• .. _ t. q.1..F ✓.+++ �,.+.7 -o+. '++. m,S„*�....7,4** t'.6..>;. . ,4'....,s * ,-1.4..,*�.�, .:. ✓,»...;,, ' °°•o ..'A 4• : :1�. 1 Auto Insurance The tremendous increase in the numb ar of Autorobilesgin Canada IN RECENT YEARS HAS BEEN ACCOMPANIED BY , A GREAT INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE TO AUTOMOBILES, OR CAUSED BY AUTOMOB- ILES, WHICH HAS INCREASED THE DEMAND FOR PRO- TECTION AGAINST THESE RISKS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DETAILED IN SUBSEQUENT PAGES; r' Experience has shown that the only way to enjoy the full- est protection, with a .minimum of trouble, is to carryi Automobile Insurance in a company which is license[ ;to cover the whole range of automobile Insurance. Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;-SBRVICH RNID SAPETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Here's a Chance At OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahra Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bron- chitis, Croup, Cattarrh, Whooping cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Tonail troubles. Results good or money bated, AT WAGNER'S STORE IIMICRIEMNIMIGNINIMNIONOMMOIXIMMINIP JOHN WARD Drugless Fractiot- eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter , Phone 7O _rpt- - -• 4 - -4-+--•f---t�--�I�-+---'*--•-'�-- t+- $-4-.-- . 7 • TAILOR MADE • 1' 1 2 BY THOSE WHO Y NOW NOT ¢.�H i UT GETU TO-GETHI BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW Our Suitings RIGHT UP. TO, TIM MINUTE • ' fPATTERN, 1tTYLB AND QUALITI FALL" OUR GOODS G"e.RANTEED i DONT be mitwled Ay baying _(,cheaper and interior g,., BUY frost those you kr ;ow will !stand behind everything they Nil., ■ H. HOFFMAN MERCHANT TAILOR, W, H. HOIVIIAN ' & Son, EMBAZ: S HR, Day . Night 'Phone Na. 11 AND ll�oxl�ltiA14 D�tt! end Nigh: