Zurich Herald, 1928-04-05, Page 7ATENTS List of "Wanted Inventionse• end Full information Sent Free on Rawest, W] E RA1pMSAY CQ.. Dept. W, 873 Bank St., Ottawa, gene, MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE Year Choice of Light and Heavy Duty Motor Trucks at Very Low Prices, Consisttng of 4 internationals --1/2 to 21,4,ton, 3 G,M.C,-=K,41. 10 Ruggles -1 to 21/2 ton. A nurrlber of Fords—Stake Bodies, Write us and we will give you full de$Criptioti and prices. All trucks guaranteed to be as we represent them, We can arrange I112ancing on G.M.A,(', terms. General Motor's.Pro acts of Carkack , Liniited 208 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO. TRinity 8743 Tei ity 8744 Does thework ofalamer, snore costly machin". constructed, serviceable, will last a lifetime. Mr Wonde "'Concrete Mixer The New Brantford Wonder Mixer sells ataprice so low that roifarmer can afford to mix concrete, mortar, seed grain, fertitiz:,r, feed, etc. by ki rC- Write for descriptive folder No IC GOOL11, SHAPLEY. 1UIR C4.Lt:1. Brantford - Ont. `d .j Grade Holstein Heifers Client wants to purchase now fifty grade heifers due to freshen in Autumn. that have you to offer and what Is your price. R. E. C U ill N • 7 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO " d.w " Shown §2. 'k: a4t�13 Brttsie:is-.-Tire ettv ', iliza "Dawn" was sl own in the ]a.;; s, rnc�t ::.-pic- ture house in I;lu .e:Ia. Theee thou- sand persons crowded into the thea- tre, M. Cornoy, Miniefee of the Inter- ior, and the fernier 1'Ul'i'ign Minister, Emile Venders -chic, being among the numbers. On fishing trips take Minard's. Time to Retire. "Freddy hasn't been out at night.or played poker for three weeks." "Turned over a new leaf?" "No; turned over a new ear." The Soviet policy is said to be mov- ing toward theLeft. We've never known it to turn to the right. The BABY No another au this enlightened age .Would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little i11. Fretful- ness and fever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. • That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is peeded. It does all that castor oil Might accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. Xt's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur, al sleep, x Just one warning: it is genuine Pletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, hit no child of this writer's is boing to test them! Besides, the ook on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria is worth ita weight in gold. eaeamesamereeseeleeteeteemeeestos Children Crfor er c„lrvt l".. �rN. (ON WITH 4AUQSHTER) Critic—"you have made your hero too hot-headed, Inn afraid," Budding Author — "How do you mean?" ' "Well, he has a lantern jaw to be- gin with. And so his •whole face' lit up! His cheeks flamed, and he gave a burning glance, and then, blazing With wrath and boiling with rage, he ,admiuietered a scorching rebuke." Parent, 5 aro. not always' carofal about who kisses the girls when they are babies, but when they grow up some of them are even more careless about that than their parents were, Mary hail a Iittle goat, The goat had halitosis, And every place that Mary went The people held their noses. In the spring a young's man's fancy fondly turns out schemes to loaf. Puzzle: Find the easy in easy pay- ments. Speaking of degradation, -think of the pttnrli bowl converted into an ac- quariunr for gold fish. Their Good Work. The wild flowers blooming all around ')'ern dezp.,rateIy tryfn' To clover up with reliance • Th,: piaky dandelion. Thoughts. Anger is an explosion in the human boiler, and who ever knew are exp]o- sioll to do a boiler any good? The man who c•an be stopped isn't going anywhere. The man who can't work without a mono about hard work over Ills desk won't work hard with one. It's taking the "1" out of "shirk" and pltt.tii g the "will" into "wiliitig- ness" that locates the "we" in wvezliil. Science has done practically every - +h' for the ilreldcrn home but mane a home of it. Ther mau who lerene the reread driving a Mock car from coot t+) `' t co'rt probably was locating for a plum to park, The ;aft est. job would be that of pitblic-yty Alan for Benito ntussoliti. 'etre awaken in others the same at- titude of aril el that we hold toward them. In ethics you cannot better the golden rule. • Most men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.—Andrew Carnegie. To have -a share in the company's progress to -day is to draw dividends from its resources to -morrow. Some people wash their faces Each morning in the sink; i lee a drinking fountain And do it while I drink. Raising the Ante. The auctioneer, who had been whis- pering excitedly to a man in his audi- ence, held up a hand for silence, "I wish to announce," he said, "that a gentleman here has had the misfor- tune to lose a wallet containing five hundred pounds. He tells me that a reward of twenty-five 'pounds will be given to any one returning it" After a silence a man in the crowd shouted: "I'll give thirty poundsl" Any flyer who has 110,000,000 with hint in justified in saying "We." Our 1928 Catalogue listing a good assortment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Perennials, etc., is now ready and will be sent on request. Brookdale Nurseries Bowrnauville SCHWE0LERS" TH®R.O.BRED" BA kV *LIVE -ANO L`AV'LCNtCKS Our breeders are bred (or high egg production. White, Brown : and Buff Legborne, Barred and White Rocks, R.I. Rede An' cons, Buff Orpington,, White Wyandottcs,l2c and up. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Write. today for FREE CHICK BOOK, t11CUWEGLER'S HATCHERY= eaaraaIersu, sUFFA10.ttra Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? Look out. It may be kidneys. Try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy "Yes," gays the kindly doctor, "you need a ntianulant diuretic." And for morn than 50 years the beet known comedy in tine otaaa has been wilarnor'u Safe gin. ney and Livor Remedy, (31•41aa1iy a phywioian'q prescription, rondo of Zia. titre's herbs. Safe, of Oourer so. lout bottthan that, it 'helps to preserve your most procious asset, your health. Gently it stimulates kidneys and liver to do their work of cleaning out body poisons. With your brood-stroant cleansed. and all organs Ifnnotioning as they should, you awako from a sound 'night' steep refroshed, iuvigoratoR, ostrong. ureyo rcicaLifo takeYosur °Lit in a- new joy. Yrb. gains a healthy ;oolor. Yon •anent with asauranoe. You display an it of lite' anomie. and a oe. Every druggist knows Pleasant tasting l Warner's• Safe lriatiey and Liver 'axons: oda. It costs little, but it is worth mi. told anlottnte to anyono Who needs the help it giver. I3uy your bottles today. Get b a00.,t Toronto. Oniarrib ,s Safe' is'eaii• Warner's Safe Kidney and • Liver Remedy London Welcomes Afghan King Old City Picturesque in Wel- come to King and Queen of Afghanistan London—King Aneanullah of Af- ghanistan has arrived with the Queep and their oriental retinue, amidpic- turesque scenes of welcome, reflect- ing alike the importance of the dynas.' ty in Asiatic affairs and British popu- lar app•ecation of the romance of the mot:ar'e/I's•: life—brought up with a twentieth century education in a land of medieval barbarity,. The tour is regarded here as a courageous attempt Of the young King to fortify the efforts for'12is peo- ple's advance toward western ,civiliza- tion by gathering' first-hand labour- edge, as was done by Peter the Great of Russia two centuries ago. It is recognized tba'l both in quitting the mountain: fastnesses and adopting European habits himself be is defying the reactionary mullahs, who still wield an incalculable infiuenoe• among the tribal peoples he rules,' It is hoped, nevertheless, that the fine blend of Haran -al -Rashid and Mussilini characteristics be presents may bring him safely through. The Times says: "That his plans may continue to be conceived and executed with prudence, but also with the broad spirit of enlighten- ment to which ins v;sit in the West beers new and striking. evidence, is th,, wish and hcrpe of his neighbors in India, and his hosts on British The Manchester Guardian says Af sh rui:titan "can lee either ..a bridge i tw- en Eust and West, a factor in uniting the: civilized world, or the paarbead of an Asiatic offensive against Europe." It adds: "The decision will largely lie in the hands of the men, whom _the convulsions and revolutions of recent years brought.;, to_ the. leadership of their peoples. If they are convinced' that the_. -policy, of Ennene—ante Europe means largely this country—is peace end co-operation, Instead of expane son and c i)lo to ion, elle world will be spread a .I nee period of unrest and • dallgee." AVOID T. PAINS OF RHEUMATISM This Trouble . Comes Through Weak, Watery Blood Many ny people suffer rheumatic Pains that could be avoided by building up the •blood', Rheumatism comes with thin, Watery Blood, and can only be driven out of the system by enriching and purifying the blood, To make rich, red blood leo medicine ecivals Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "•'These 'pills .ac Panty make new blood, driving out all poisonous secretions ,and creating a condition of robust health. Thous- ands of rheumatic sufferers can tes- tify to the value of Dr. Willie/xis' Pink Pills: Among them is Mr. Jos. A, Tul- ly, 33obcaygeon, Ont., who says:— "As a worker in the woods for years I was exposed to all kinds Orrough wintry weather. The result was that I was finally laid up with rheumatism. I could hardly stir, and was confined to bed. Medicine seemed to have lit- tle or no effect and the hest encour- agenient the doctor gave nee was that with the coming of warm weather I would be better, But instead of get- ting better, I grew worse. My joints were badly swollen, and my Legs so stiff they would hardly support my body. At this stage I read that Dr. Williams' Pink i';lis were recommend- ed for rheumatism and derided to -try then]. The results were beyond my expectations, af:.er a few weeks the swelliug had dieepocared and the :tiff ness gradually n -,re away, and much eoonrr then I expected all traces of rhethh ttirin Ih td clisall aeered, The next wiener wattle I went into the wood I took a 'amply of Dr. Williams' Piuit Pills with me, and they kept me in the best of condition. My experi- ence should give e n ooragemeut to Other rheumatic sufferers." You eau get these pills through any 'dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine no., Broekvilie, Out. ��.''@°c•. r,r] j:dr latae 1 �. Att.) '7g n'Fy fo>l t 1 ` 1 c 1 1 f;3 {9t 'aryq t „ 1_i ,Ti•�'i $' E? c Ether the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones— whether it be for the new born babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. • John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Ont., says:—"We have three fine, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine deal- ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Try a Beanshootcr. Clerk—"Did you get rid of any moths with those moth -balls you bought?" Mrs. Dun—"No, I tried for five hours, but I couldn't hit a one." Somebody suggests that the Army could enforce Prohibition. Always figuring out some scheme to stimulate recruiting. A scientist says the vocal cords of a woman use Less energy in talking than a man's. It would seen that talk always follows the line of least resistance. . r i offritrA and Pneumonia Neglected bronchial colds are dan- gerous. Stop them instdntly With iaEuekley's Mixture, Its action in re- lieving the cough and clearing the tubes is amazingly swift --and sure. All druggists sell "Buckley's" under positive guarantee. Buy a bottle today, and be safe. BUNV. A. Buckley, Limited, 111 Mutual St., Toronto 2 CKLREY 5x2 Acta Ata flash i sines sip prove' It Out drop Costs wiIn labor, steed, and overhead eat hr your profits? Big crops are cheaper to grow—get bluatper broils by uai3tg' DOUBLE WORTH FERTILIZER • One Ton r1 1v 4-24-4 equals Two ',tons 2-11.2. D. W. GUNN, urtt,, 20b Vitae Ave.?' Toronto, 'on istue No. 13—'28 el "My doctor told me it was only my strong constitution that pulled me through." "He shouldn't send yen a bill then." Is Your Lightning • Appetite Satisfactory? Row are you fixed for Iightning? The. General Electrtic Company has perfected a machine which makes it possible to produce, wrap up and de- liver 3,600,000 volts of lightning. This is a lot of lightning, much more than the average man can use, but the company soon may be able to turn it out in any sizes ordered. * * * Lightning bolts to suit any taste are in the. offing. The wizards of the elec- tric world are out to bring lightning within the reach of all. In another year or two no lover of good lightning will have any reason to complain that his requirements are unsatisfied. * * It won't be long now before the General EIectric Company and West- inghouse will be co-operating in a spe- cial combination offer of a radio out- fit, a telephone machine, radio movies and fifty bolts of genuine lightning for. a three year subscription to the Elec- tric Age and fifty cents in stamps. * * * As most people seem to feel no great desire for more lightning than the average sulrrnler season provides, and even then are moved by no burn- ing passion to tlo parlor tricks with it ,there will have to be a big selling campaign to put it over with the pub- lic and create a demand. * * ,* Lightning will be advertised as just the thing too enliven house parties, exterminate moths, repel insurance agents, drive away bill collectors, in- cinerate landlords and take baby's mind off his new tooth. * * * It wilt be recommended for remov- ing spots from white frocks, jacking, up automobiles, taking down storm doors and obliterating an annoying guest at a week end party. * * Arid, obviously, the selling cane- paigu to popularize lightning in every hone will not be complete without one of those campaigns advertising it as a been to health and physical vigor and 00 the social graces: "For years I was pale, weak and tired. Then a friend told me to take two bolts of lightning between meals, Nowhealth,n 2 >, pictureof and I an the wrestle elephants tor light exercise." * rt * And•--enlee Didn't Know Why She Refused to Douce With Ilitn Even hia best friends wouldn't tell him. Then one day lie 'discOverecl the truth. . ITe Couldn'tl�,XAn +,,ake A Electrical Disturbance."--N.Y. Sun. Use hilwlard's 'LIni hent for Cornu;. Britain Calls a. Halt in Arabia a holy war• directed against the Britlsh protectorates of Irak and Transjordinia, in Bgypt tho rejection of the proposed •`Anglo- Egyptiall treaty and in In(lia boycotts against the Simon Commission for an investigation of Indian self-gover'11- went—these are the significant and inter -related problems, in each case Implying to :a- lesser or greater de- gree a challenge to British authority, which have suddenly sprung up to confound the directors of Groat Brie taline policy in the East. The course of empire does not always run smooth, Tho sharp and minatory note which has been dispatched to Cairo, demand- ing Egyptian compliance with the ob.' ligatioirs assumed under the deelara. ' tion of 1022 and reserving the right to take such steps as the British Govern. ment finds necessary, , is starttling proof that there will be 210 further con- ' cessions to the Egyptian Nationalists. The proposed treaty represented the maximum amount of independence England is prepared to grant to Egypt. Having refused it, that country must face the consequences of her intran- sigence. Tlhis note goes further, however, than achieving the immediate aim of , laying down the law of Egypt. It is fair warning to the Eastern world that Great Britain is ready to defend Iter rights. gets. It serves notice both up- on the Arabs. of the dr ort and c? slp::i*.t the Hindus of Irene that. the idea ter .., empire iii not Eni:'r } (i -r I't't;r:i fro t � `°' s.' , 2 r• I.- }^SS1SZd AdaiOiLl•s+'3�:1 s1 the. British Goluri. ,-.,,c :1 a of ':<I- : •tir:sl.:'. In ti.t' vontoil;'•E-I.lr:.: :i:ttt tiee '»:.€. reas;1.. .. 1'sri ie . aetbarltiee ereeerve i rt r41:1)1.! ,e,,r IEtt t() tat-tt: such .tE.1,o-; as in '1h€,a w-.., ibe i t.E1:+ i . i .tt: i �'r::t"tt situation may dclt"r .i: i tri .. 1- ti `�' ' "• ,. i"...• „ .. 1I. 1.. t , ,,. hh clear ladieaiion that inieee the va:v0i - •_.,.... -.. glove of coneeeeione taategtanneo x oe neez '$ Ing privilr;ges there is still en Iron hand determined to uph;..:I lit.tLi h authority a.nd prestige. - In India especially there has been • keel) interest in the man.: r fn w?:ich Great Britain would trc-at with tLkw nationalistic 01011115 of Egypt. 1'ro- pouc to of Swnt-nj 1 vo pointed to . Britain's title .tO'1s R LI etc t: l filar 1 F :' :t; 7,117.y?, yrttle flancf) DIRECT". to PIER, ' VIA f R WHITE ST (3 hours to Paris) Also Dlreot to Great Britain Travel Wh ite' Star---Uu- surpassed accommoda- tions, cuisine, service and satisfaction, Daybreak Sailings fronn Montreal, embark night bee fore, no hotel necessary. Return Rates to Europe Cabin 5290 up Tourist Third hi d Cabin 1 as $ $ 5 4.50 asp AB Expense Tours $29a up Consult our experts—no obtiga- tion. Call, phone or write: Mug' SI.lr,ast, Toronto 111 ui11 Building, Montreal or Local 5 S Agents 212 .00""kre, s "o a t a psi Fir IS Q� •'s� Q;'.1a l 'Y I ('Ii, ai"•,UV per 161) an+i u1r. Iltt lig ;r i sy, FS,5i per 100 and up. Pedi.,t r r t C.tc el:4, $Ii,69 each, and up. 11s Page 1 rs- trated Catalogue Free. L. 1.. '1't:k? & Cees, '.:lux T. Rockwood. a 01. gli.lt:v Iiia w i rlr r i l r let l t1 ? 1`� i t 3i'•. cit ti 141:P. 1 a- - .0.1 ..i,. ,... ti. Ctw'i L.t t r'uai_.. Ont. ..,.. _... ..... __ __ 3:' x •, i. .11 aim, i t i! testa i t-. ei ainlu-ih'nl. 1 , 'Ihe,hte will . i�:th- ,-i.hl redo , 1.;-.t r.r Ir: , c (.. 1 1h e hrl, . r wrhat w, ;: t.ilcr you. M4orooned Laawyers. A tinemith after repasr.ng-a roof c' a lawyer's home lie, hued his bill rte follows: For bringing ladder and tools .... 11.00 For putting ladder against wall .50 For climbing and taking tools on 2,00 4.00 roof For repairs Total The lawyer, after looking over the bill, spoke up: "Go and see if the tin- smith is still on the roof, for in his bill he has no item which says any- thing about bringing down the tools and taking away the ladder." $7,50 CorructeateAd fro ASK FOR WHEELER & BAIN "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies still open in some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 148 George St., Toronto 2 DISTRESSING 11EADACIIE 1 Bathe the forehead with Min- ard's. Also inhale. Brings soothing relief. .9 Who'e ce pr.rt t'-- :• grade e 1 c. ~'Cit ref Write for r'u'.F pi7r...k.iths.rs to DOMINiONi TRADERS, 73 King St. West, Toronl.o RESTORED TO OOD PE'LTH v Mother of Eleven ChiUdyen Praises Lydia E. Pint har-i�'s Vegetable Compound Her Interesting E:pei'ience Buckingham, Quebec.—"I am the mother of eleven living cl.iidren, and my baby i3 five months old. I am only 38 years old and I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for weakncss and my nerves, i knew of it from my sister, Dame Ed- ouard Ilellefeuiilo of Ramsayviile. For five years I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now I ani so happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 sears old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young giris.-Dame WILLIAM PAR- ENT Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec. 'Why suffer for years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middle age, w hen Lydia E. Pinkham's Verelef?getable Compound will give you In a recent country -wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 250,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100. reported they were bene- fited by its use. r; - oBUIM@ icopp t•1AGlp For 2l oubles clue to Acid INDIGESTION AHCEArSrBUR.FtIO $ MAtF1 HEAOACH6 Es•t•IAUS5A About two hours after eating neatly people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. it meads that the stomach nerves have been over -stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, wllieh neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of M=agnesia --just a tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and ours harmless. it has remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. It is the quick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the approved method. You Will never trse another when you know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia preserilted by 'Mpg - clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains pull direee tions -any drugstore.