HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-05, Page 6INDIAN PRINCES WELCOME JCanadian Trains
Some Contest British Right to Force Abdication or to Inquire
In,a Conduct; Frequent Appeals Made
Survey Expected to Cover Grievances of the States' Popul-
ation; Prices Soar
"to report upon the rela-
tionship between the paramount power
and the Indian states, with particular
reference to the rights and obligations
arising from • treaties, engagements,
sanads, and usage, sufferance and
other causs, and, secondly, to inquire
into the financial an d'economie re-
lations between British India and the
states, and to make any recommenda-
tions that they may consider desir-
able or necessary for their more satis-
factory adjustment."
People Voice Grievances.
The relationship to be inquired into
is made out here to be a tripartite or
triangular one—l.e., tthe British 'gov-
ernment, British India and the Indian.
states. There is no reference to the
subjects of the Indian states, who
number more than 70,000,000. It is
commonly known that in most of the
states the condition of the people is
unbearable and that official adminis-
tratipn hardly gives them any security
of :person and property. It is only
during late years that the people of
some of the worst governed states
have made bold to assemble in some
town in British India and voice their
grievances. It would be benevolent
if the committee extended the scope
of its inquiry so as to comprise also
this aspect of the important problem.
Lord Irvin's humane sympathies, as
well as Sir Harcourt Butler's regard
for popular welfare are sure to recog-
nize the need for action in this mat-
ter. In that case the Indian States'
Committee will be of wider benefit
and importance than if it is concern-
ed merely with the personal claims
and clamors of the princes.
London.—The recent aanoencenient
of the Viceroy that the Secretary of
State for India has appointed a com-
mittee to go into the question of the
relation of the Indian princes with the
British government is welcome news
to the ruling princes of India. Con-
siderable anxiety has prevailed in
their minds during recent Vice -royal-
ties owing to the difficulties in the
way of securing settlements of cer-
tain outstanding matters. Of course
their position precludes them from
pursuing methods other than those of
secret and tactful diplomacy, whereas
the politicians of British India have
no such limitations and are free to
resort to any measures of agitation to
secure their desires.
After the close of Lord Curzon's
strong -handed regime, Lords Minto,
Hardinge and Chelmsford pursued a
policy of "peaceful procrastination"
with regard to the individual and col-
lective contentions of Indian princes.
After them Lord Reading made a
point of facing the situation and an-
nounced decisions• which Lord Curzon
himself might have envied. His reply
to the Nizam of Hyderabad on the
question of the rendition of Berar, and
to the Gaekwar of Baroda with re-
gard to his claim of suzerainty over
the Jamnagar and other Katheawar
states are judicial documents contain-
ing memorable dicta which the
princes could scarcely have relished.
In the former document Lord Read-
ing obser"'ved: "The suzerainty of the
British Crown is supreme in India,
and no ruler of an Indian state could
justifiably claim to negotiate with the
British government on. an equal foot-
Princes Cling to Old Status.
The remark stands like a truism
nowadays, but some of the princes,
like those of Hyderabad, Bhopal and
Cashmere, treasure the idea that not
many decades ago their ancestors
held the same relation to the imperial
government that King Amanullah of
Afghanistan and King Fuad of Egypt
now do, and that since there has been
no open conquest of their dominions
since then the old relationship must
be deemed to continue.
Historically the growth of imperial-
ism in India falls into three periods.
In the first period, or up to 1813, the
pressure of Parliament and prudence
of the merchant company eufored a
policy of non-intervention. Next, from
1814 to 1857, schemes of empire en-
gaged the Governors General. The
policy adopted was one of isolating
the native states and subordinating
them to the ascendency of the para-
mount grower. The expression "mutual
alliance" gave place to "subordinate
alliance." After the mutiny of 1857
the Viceroy, Lord Canning, said: "The
Croivn became unquestioned ruler in
all India," and from that date preven-
tion, guidance and correction became
the aims of the Viceroys.
The third period is now under way,
so far as the imperial policy is con-
cerned, but the treaty documents in
the possession of some of the major
princes do not seem to be specifically
assertive of that policy. The present
trouble is, therefore, that they are in-
terpreted in one way by the political
department and in another way by
the ruling princes concerned.
Dissatisfaction Often Voiced.
Consequent on this, many times dur-
ing recent years the Secretary of
State has frequently been appealed to
by one dissatisfied ruler or another, as
for instance, the Gaekwar of Baroda
regarding his suzerainty over the
Kathsawar princes, Jamsaheb claim-
laiming to develop his ports as against
Bombay, the -Begum of Bhopal regard-
ing the question of succession, and so
It is further contended by the
princes that when one of them is
guilty of malpractice or of maladmin-
istration the British government has.
no right to inquire into his conduct or
to require him to abdicate. This con-
tention was put forth during the In-
dore inquiry, at the time of the Nabha
abdication, and more recently in the
case of the Maharaja of Bharatpur.
In 1918, when the Montford Re-
forms were on the anvil, a princes'
conference voiced the complaints
loudly on this matter; whereupon
Lord Chelmsford's government asked
them to point out specific .instances in
which the powers of the political de-
partment had been aggrandized a1 the
expense of the states.
The granting of financial autonomy
to the Indian Legislature, in the con-
stitution of which the states have no
part, has swept the latter into an elab-
orate tariff maze, and as a result the
cost of living in the Indian sttates has
increased, without the Corresponding
industrial development which a tariff
Wall is expected to encourage, because
the tariff revenue goes in ful to the
Indian exchequer. The terms of the
reference to the Indian . States. Com-
mittee indicate an inquiry into this
-question also.
All these various problems make a
very thorough investigation necessary
and require statesmanlike conclu-.
Bions. Lord Irvin has taken a most
comrnendable step he securing the ap-
pointment of the eomrrlittee. The Ob-
jects of the romtnittee iii the words of
the announcement riref
Graduate Studies
At the University
. Of Toronto
The University of Toronto is gain-
ing wide recognition for the oppor-
tunities which it offers to college
graduates to pursue post -graduate
studies and research work. The Pro-
vincial University has always en-
couraged advanced and specialized
studies, but ,fn comparatively recent
times the enrolment has increased so
greatly that a re -organization of the
whole field became necessary in 1922,
when the School of Graduate Studies
was established with Dr. McMurrfch,
Professor of Anatomy, as Dean.
In 1920 there were 155 students en-
rolled. This year there are slightly
over 400. While the large majority of
students are graduates of the Univer-
sity of Toronto, there are men and wo-
men from over thirty other universi-
ties and colleges. Fifteen universi-
ties and colleges in Canada are repre-
sented, among these the western uni-
versities are conspicuous with a total
of twenty-nine students of whom
eleven conte from British Columbia.
The provision of scholarships to as-
sist students from the west, primar-
ily, accounts In part for the relatively
large number drawn from those pro-
vinces. Many other countries and na-
tionalities are represented; for in-
stance, Russia contributes three
young men who are studying the
Canadian science of Agriculture, and
a young woman, native of India, is
doing medical research work. The
high reputation which this University
holds throughout the world may be
judged when it is realized that the
foreign students select Toronto after
investigating what other institutions
of higher learning have to offer.
Candidates, who have the requisite
entrance requirements, are accepted
for the courses leading to the follow-
ing degrees: Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.), Master of Arts (M.A.), Doc-
tor of Medicine (M.D.), Master of
Surgery (Ch.M.), Master of Applied
Science (M.A.Sc.), Master of Archi-
tecture (M.Arch,), Civil Engineer
(C.E.), Mining Engineer (M,E.), Me-
chanical Engineer (M.E:), Electrical
Engineer' (E.E.), Chemical Engineer
(Chem.E.), Metallurgical Engineer
Met.E.), Doctor of Pedagogy
(D.Paed.), Forest Engineer (F.E.),.
Master of Science in Agriculture
(M.S.A.), and Master of Science in
Dentisttry (M.Sc. Dent.).
Modern Radio
Transcontinental Lirniteds
Have Receiving Apparatus
in Pullman Cars, With
Earphone for Each
Operators Man Receivers
Difficulties Experienced Due
to Blanket Effect of Tun-
nels and Steel
Despite the fact that the train was
speeding along at more than forty
miles an hour on its way from Boston
to Montreal, regardless of daylight
and the hilly country through which
the road lay, passengers in the parlor.
car of this train were being entertain-
ed in a most novel fashion, Promthe
loudspeaker at the end of thecar
issued forth music from New York
,.and Schenectady with a• volume
which was easily heard by the holder
of the rear -most seat. And if at any
time any passenger wished to listen
more closely to the concert he had
but to put on the earplednes which
hung beside his seat.
As nightfall gathered and the music
became even louder, reception improv-
ing with a greater choice of stations
as a result, a feeling of admiration
and awe became prevalent through
the car. To pick up entertainment
such as this, with, as good a quality of
tone and as small an amount of inter-
nterference as one has in one's parlor.at
home. seemed incredible. The most
skeptic on the subject of radio on
moving trains would have been eu
Nitrate of Soda For Strawberries,
Tests made for several seasons at
the Kentvilie, Neva Scotia, Experi-
mental Station show that, under the
soil conditions of the district, 100
pounds of nitrate of soda per acre ap-
plied broadcast after strawberry
plants have started growth in the
sppring -will materially increase the
yield of fruit. Heavier applications
have not been as. profitable, In the
four years during +which the experi-
ments were Conducted, land on wlilch'
200 pounds per acre of nitrate of soda'
was spread produced at the rate Of
7,510 quarts of strawberries per acre.
When the applications was at the
rate of 100 pounds per acre the pro.
duction -averaged 7,00G quarts, while
the land receiving no filtrate of coda
gave an average of only 4,009 "quarts
of fruit per acre.• --•Issued by the
Director of Pubiloity, Doni. Dept. elf
tirely convinced.
Seventy -Six Cars Equipped
The government-owned railway of
Canada operates seventy-six cars
similarly equipped on its runs from
coast to coast. Practically any of the
longer trips to Canada may now be
made more pleasant with tl a enter-
tainment afforded by the radio.
Whether one travels in the east or
west of Canada on the Canadian Na-
tional Road, and a parlor car .is at-
tached one -can be fairly sure that
there is also a radio operator and ,a
radio receiver aboard. A box ant-
enna extending the length of the car
and about seven inches above the
metal roof, gives the clew from the
outside of the entertainment to be
had within. The aerial is supported
on glass. insulators above the roof,
which is also the ground for the. re-
ceiver, thus allowing but a very short
distance between aerial and ground.
At the place nearest- the position of
the radio receiver the -aerial is tapped
and a Lead-in brought to the set.
The receiver is housed inan upright
cabinet, being a separate unit loosely
placed in the cabinet. Above and be-
low the place for the receiver there is
room for batteries and accessory ap-
paratus, while on top of the cabinet
in the cone loudspeaker. As men-
tioned before there is a pair .of ear-
phones plugged in at each seat, the
fittings for these plugs being specially
built into the car and the wiring to
the receiver is behind the panels.
The number of phones used caries as
to the number of seats, from twenty-
eight to forty being used. These are
Connected to the number in sets .or
five, eaoh live phones being hooked
up in series, and each set lli. parallel.
Sete Used
In most of the cars the receiver
used is a four -tube reflex, doing the
duty of a six -tube set, with a three
stage power amplifier for use ,with the
loudspeaker, This receiver is special-
ly made for the railway company and
is not found on the market although
at one time it was among the sets,on
sale to the public. The choice of his
set and the five -tube neutrodyne of the
same make on the n --ewer cars, such
as the Boston -Montreal, was only
made after exhaustive tests had been
conducted with a great variety of re-
ceivers. Loop aerials and super -
heterodynes were found to be useless-
selesson moving trains, especially steel cars,
which make up the majority of those
on the Canadian lines. There are
still sets being tried out for new ears,
and all the cars being built as parlor
cars are now wired for the purpose
while under construction. '
Tn insure the passengers of good
reception a radio operator is carried
on each radio -equipped car. These
are in the main young men, specially-
peciallytrained to use radio receivers• on the
trains, and they know with a nicety
what to expect on a run and where to
find those stations ,quickly without
too much interference from telegraph
lines and power lines coming in dur-
ing their bunt. In fact, while look-
ing far another station they will dis-
connect the phones and loudspeaker
and plug in their own headset.
These young men, some ,of whom
are government licensd wireless oper-
ators, are uniformed and instructed
in the interesting points on their run,
so as to be able to inform travellers
I -what this or that interesting land-
' mark is. -
Difficulties in Reception
It is interesting to listen to the con-
certs critically when going through
cuttings and tunnels and over steel
bridges. Each of these structures
has a tendency to blot the music out,
sometimes noticeably and at other
times barely perceptibly. Power lines
also cause some trouble, and at some
stations it is necessary to turn the
set off, due to the interference caused
by the telegraph dispatcher.
Although a few. railroads in the
United States 'also carry radio-equp-
ped cars, none of the companies. Inas
gone into the system in the same man-
ner as the Canadian National Rail-
ways. Trains operating into the
United States from Canada are now
being equipped, notably those from
Montreal to Boston and from Toronto
to Chicago. The service, now three
years old, is greatly appreciated by
travelers, many of whom voice their
appreciation to she operator at the
termination of their trip.
Power of Thrift.
"Baldwin -"Well, we've stopped the
crime wave in Edinburgh."
George V.—"Fine. How did you do
Baldwin—"By charging for room
and board in the jails."
More Like a Straphanger.
"What will become of a child who
constantly clings to his mother's
"He may become a trapeze artist"
I! we adults are a sample of what
spanking will do in forming character
perhaps it's just as well that parents
no longer do it.
The Wrigley Swimming Marathon Trophy is a perpetual trophy to
be competed for each year, The first Wrigley Marathon was field off
Catalina Island, and won by. George Young, of Toronto. The second.
Wrigley Marathon was 'held at Toronto and was Won by Ernst
Verkoetter, of Berlin, Germany. The third Wrigley Marathon will
be held its 1928, either in Canada or the United States. The Wrigley
Trophy is a reproduction in sterling silver of the lemons "Flying Mer-
cury" modeled, by Giovanni da Bologna, The position of the figure is
changed to show Mercury presenting to Father Neptune a wreath.
Neptune' with his trident, dolphins and water surrounding are in
bronze, The Mercury figure contains o ler 1,000 ounces of silver. hi
g Y
addition to the big trophy there will be provided annually a replica
in sterling silver and bronze, to be presented to the city where the
Marathon is held.
ar`" x ►vim>aais
... ? t tee it' �? � �•`�b
Fruit ranch, 30 acres, water frontage i $4,000 cash or $4,500 on terms.
on oeautiful Arrow Lakes, half clear-
ed, fenced and planted, about 1000
trees, good buildings, garden, lawn,
and flowers, close to church, school
and store, good hunting and fishing,
C. S. Bali, owner, East Arrow Park,
British Columbia, or Mrs. S. Frank
Wilson, 5 Dale Ave., Rosedale, Toronto.
Telephone RAndolph 1830.
England Builds
America's Bells
2,000 British Bellringers Stand
in Wonder as Tone Stronger
Than Big Ben's Rolls Out
in Test
Crowds Stop in Streets
Carillon Made for New Baptist
.Temple in New York is the
Heaviest Set of Ten Ever
Chimed or Rung
Croydon.—Two thousand bell ring-
ers from all parts of England listened
recently while a new Pell with a voice
deeper and more resonanat than Big
Ben boomed out from the Croydon
bell foundry for the first time. It was
the eighteen and a quarter ton bell,
the largest ever cast in England,
which has been made for the Carillon.
of the Park Avenue, the Baptist`s new
Temple in the Riverside Drive; New
York (whose pastor is the Rev. Dr.
Harry E. Fosdick).
Slowly the gigantic bell began to taves.
swing while four men pulled a rope Other American balls which the
with all their might. With each swing ' bell-ringers of England saw in vari-
the bell gathered momentum and soon ous stages of completion, included a
the massive clapper struck the bronze carillon of forty-eight ror Norwood,
side. The resulting tone seemed to Mass.; twenty-three for a Cincinnati
roll up from the depth's of the earth, ; church and eight additional bells for
and, the vibration was such that It ilio Cohasset, Mass., tower.
seemed as if all the air was in motion
under the roof of the foundry shed.
As the tollinggrew more insistent, i'
crowds stopped in. the..eireet. outside,'
wondering what the stentorian ivoico
could mean, for even when the giant '
ip Perlianient Tower' speeles,hie-atone
is hot quite "sd commanding.
;rite chivies" of mile .otfrer great;
bells, all destined for: the'. Riverside ;.i:"
Drive tower,"i•ankeeit.elro-against the
walls °of the Ioutedry, and; were heard
far across' Er eydon. 4+ fields.
•They are the heaviest set of ; text
bells with eo isecrttive• notes ever
rung or chivied. Their weight is four
and one -halt times `thud of the set of
twelve in St. Paul's, in London, lith -1
erto the -heaviest in the world, The
big bell for the Riverdale temple as the''
fourth ,largest in existence ands the
biggest ever tuned for chiniilg.
Crowds of visiting bell ringers
stood in: wonderilnont.,in front of the
massive beta, as 12 it could not be real.
Some of these, men had conte from
sleepy little villages in the country,
from churches like the famous one of
Stoke Poges, whose curfew bell in-
spired Gray's Elegy, '
:One visitor with a wrinkled face
and a fringe of white heard under his
chin had conic . front an obscure vii.
lase in North England, whore he has
been ringer for :almost sixty years. I• Ie
had begu.n.rieging on au ancient hand -
chiseled bell in a 'wooden steeple,
never dreaming of such a creation as
he saw.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and
other church dignitaries were present
at the foundry as a tribute to the
Guilds of Bell Ringers—the "change
ringers" as they are called here. Form-
ed entirely of volunteers from con-
gregations who have an ear for music
and an enthusiasm for this hobby,
these guilds have been a unique fea-
ture in English church life for three
In chiming and harmonizing the
bells the most beautiful results came
from the magnificent carillon of twen-
ty-three bells made for the Mayo
clinic, Rochester, Minn. This carillon,
with a tone as mellow as the ancient
Belgian bells, is played on a' keyboard
much 'like an organ and requires little
more physical strength than a big or-
It can :give two chromatic octaves,
with the exception of the two lowest
semitones—an achievement not equal-
led by the medieval carillons which
were not tuned accurately for pealing
in harmony.
The Rockefeller carillon when coneplete (the dome of its bells is already in New York) will be still more
remarkable, with a range of five oc'
(11 :r, a
Gabby Gertie
"A girl skips the dancing stalls
when she leaps into the limelight,`
When will warfare end Well, con-
si.der this: It's only in life 1. communi-
ties that, inert still.er. settle cements
ivlth their fists.