HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-05, Page 5Dumas woos ;. DUDLEY E. Houvrps 4 "BATtitisTER, soLromott, NOT LARY PUI3LIq ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, just off th. Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Special attention to Councel and Come Work. IV. Holman may be consulted at ,Ooderieh by Phorle, and Phone charge', reversed. RSOISmolot. Dr. H. H. COW EN • L.. D. S. D. D.. S. , DENTAL SURGEON M DEIITZ BLOCK--111111CH Zyery Thursday,' Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DABIIWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE kROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS 416 I, HESS — Local Agent The imperial Lite Assurance Co. of Canada 'HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Insurance. "Meat and, Strongest Cchin Canada OSCAR KL.OPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Na ilenal School of Auctioneering. Try -me for Registered Live Stock, 4All Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing. prices. Choice' Warms for sale: Will ,t3e11. anything nywhere. 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer IFOR HURON & MIDDLESEX rod IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any auction Sale, regardless ein to Size or article to eell. 1 %elicit your business, and if not isatisfied will mate no charges for Services. Arthur Weber — Dashweted. Phone 13—et WEI100410,61011111111111109011110411110609011 ° Zurich Meat I 111ARKET • Vomeono......•••=1....e..•01•••••••••••••••Mme to Fresh and Salt Meats. Bologna Sausages, etc ------.........".......... 0 flegiseet Cask Price for Wool . HASH FOR SKINS &BIDES Tunigigut & Doichert : • • Illdle•••••••00•010114011041•11011110 LIVE POU LT RV WANTED - Taken every day till ao'elock,p.m. not feed. Fowl same atiornOg when brought in. Highest Cash -Prices .-CASIf FOR— ' Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien , - ".72 Z11401 41. Re a dquarters I - FOR TIRES TUBES AND „ Mirage Batteries no wok prop ,IWASECWOOD., /MOTOR: SERVICE'. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Eto. Ads IN THIS COLUMN • NOTICE .A Grand Dance will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday Eyening, April 13th, when good Music will be furnished by local local talent. .Admission gents 75c ' Mr, Ward Fritz is away th Win- dsor on busineen M. 3. J. Mernereef Windseewas a visitor in town on ,Tueeday. Mrs. C. Fritz and ll/fre. Cowen are visiting at Dashwood on Wed- nesdayl 24 pounds pastry flour at the Zurich Mill for 80 cents cash. Mrs. H. fl. Cowen, who has been visiting at Fergus has returned to NOTICE. her home here,. Messrs. Doyle & Bakereof Exeter auto agents, were in the village on Tuesclayld There passed away at London Hospital on Thursday laet An- drew Cain of the town Line, half mile west of Hillsgreen. Ile had FOR SALE been in ailing health for (some time and was taken to London Hoo pita! where he passed away Mrs. Melvin Smith, who ha•s un- dergone an operation at London Hospital, bas returned to her home on the Bronson Line and is improving in health'. The recent warm, weather and rains have put the roads in almost an impassable condition. It is A very •common thing for no rinatter what make of car you &aye, to be obliged to get at eane of horses and be pulled out. Will the party -who removed 'a side scraper from J.. Kipper's blacksmith. ahoin kindly return the same or ratify, Hy. Neeb, Hey Township Road Superintendent. 1 Axminister Rug size 9112. 1 Tapestryrug 9x6eie. 1. roll 7 yards 22' -in. wide light oak pat- tern ,floor Apply to H. Gellm)an. FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Ratto\Set in A. 1.. condition at a bargain for quick- calm—G. Koehler, WANTED A quantity of good land suitable for Flax—F. C. lialbfeiseb WANTED The Maroon Hockey team. of Montreal, of which Babe Siebertis a prominent player, on Tuesday .Cattle for pasture for coming evening won their game from the season, a limited number taken on Montreal Canadians, thereby gain - Lot 9; Con. 6, Hay Township, ap- ing ;the championship of Canada, ply to Henry Truemner, Zurich. and will now meet Boston for the world's Championship , • The daily papers of Monday give an account of a rnotor ac- cident on Sunday on the Hamilton highway in which Mr. A. Moritz of Guelph- was injured and taken to a hospital. Her many friends of this vicinity wish her a •spe- edy recovery. FOR SALE I -am offering the following articles for private sale on my premises, -1 driving mare rising 4 , yrs. old, quiet and reliable, sired by Widower Peter; Cow rising yrs. .due Sept. 1st; top buggy open buggy; road cart; cutter, 2 single harness; root pulper; cut- ting box. John Decher, Sr., Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re; JOHN STEPHAN, late of the Township of Hay, in kthe Co- unty of Huron, Farmer, deceased. CREDOTORS AND OTHERS hav- ing Claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such cams duly proven, to the undersigned The Zurich' Brandt of the Wom- ens' Institute held their monthly Meeting in the Chamber room of the Town Hall on Monday evening and it was well attended. The meeting was lead by Mrs. H. Cow- en, the paper given on "Home In- fluence" by 111ra. E, Klopp was very effective, inspiring and prac- tical, a duett given by Miss Pearl Ptile and Mrs. P. O'Dwyer nwas' very raueli enjoyed. Business was transacted by Pres. Mra. C. L. ( oSrnfth . One of the items being Slicitors for the Administratrix of the said Estate on or before the that the Ladies will hold a Baking Sale in the near future. Miss E. 7th., day of April A. D. 1928, Otero which date the said AAdministrat-1 Rennie then gave her musical in- tik will proceed to distribute, the ils-tractio131. Assets of the 'said Estate, having Hats off to Bailiff Ed. Wura4 regard onlytothe Claims of which who has purchased'a fine now ,notice shall then have been given ;.Dated ;this 15the day of April, A. Chrysler from salesman Wadley. D. 1928. Mileage both ways will likely be Carling & Morley, Solicitors for Administratrix • 'Exeter, Ont. BMW CHICK HATCHING 1600 Eggs per week. ' Eggs pur- chased from Standard Flocks and Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for Leghorns and $8.00 for Rock's. Hatch Guaranteed. Orders may be left at Stade & Weido, Zurich, Or apply to J. Elgin MeKinleyS R. R. 1, Zurich. FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 bags at 43ec. per pound. Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich pound COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE cranton• Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND 72414RAI-TE YOUR ()WM FAR' 1•T TO - caSe & Son PHOBIR Sti nuuisALL. 4 The Old Huron & Erie cat inter newsy doom to its debenture owners and deposiSun and Ain have the Inge sung= of $7500,000 Huron Erie trustee debentures rens 414% upon $100 or ranee- Apprwationa are niOcepted by A, now AGENT the new order of the day. Any- how Mr. Wurrn carries sufficient dignity An davoirdupois to ad-' orn even a Crysler and is known to be an expert at the wheel — Markham, Economist And Star. The annual -election of officers of the Evangelical League took place on Friday,' evening, March 30, and resulted as follows—President, Newell Geiger; Vice -President; Garfield Witmer; Correspoding See retary, Lylyan Martin; Recordign Secretary, Mildred Geiger; Tre- asurer, Edwin Gascho. The Lea gue enjoyed a very profitable and pleasant year last year while the coming year promises to be even more pleasant. IfYMENIAL •- A very pretty house wedding was solemnized at the home of Rev and Ming C. Schrag on Saturday evening, March 31st, when their el- dest daughter Ruth was united in Holy Weddlock to. Mr. Stephen M. Peachey, of Belleville, Penn. When only a few of the imaned- late relatives being present. Rev Mr. Schrag performing the cer- emony; The happy young couple are remaining.here for a •weekt.af- ter which they will go. to Belle- ville, Penn, where they carry with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends. • OLD BOYS AND GIRLS ,Dear Mr. Editor: The Old Boys and Girls who, though far away from• Zurich, still hold a warmspot for their home -town in the hearts will gladly read, the time and date for Zurich's Old novo; JD your valunblepap.er The replies to the first article have been Most welcome and pleasant, proving the hearty and fineneial 'readiness for such an ev- ent. - An a doront reader of the home paper, I wait weekly for the Town Fathers to announce their proposals. As also a report of a ,meeting of the 'town folks. The, official willingness and approved, Mr. Editor, will be glad news for Zurich and all interested readers. The $uccegslitul carrying out •of -Other amalf toWns, of such days, proves that it is not fiO difficult, for it need not be elaborate. The Coining home of many of the boys and girls Would surely be a happy oecasiont I would be pleased if ,more of this would appear in your collimate, from those at hone and boys and girls away, boosting a Re -Union LOCAL NEWS • MONTREAL TROPHY We are in receipt •of the follow- ing article which comes from De- troit;—Babe Siebert, who broke in- to hockey prominence while a member Of the Niagara Falls sen- ior O. H. AA, team four years ago. has been awarded the Mappin and Webb trophy as the most value - able player on the koster of the IVfontreal Maroons. Siebert, who until mid-season .had been a star at left wing, was switched to the defense, where he starred p while teaming up with Red Dutton. Sie- bert is one of the ,stiffest body checkers hockey, has a great burst of speed, is a good stick - handler and the possessor of ea dangerous shot. He was selected over ouch stars as Hooley Smith, Nelson Stewart, Dutton and Jim- my Ward by Montreal sport writ- ers. APRIL ROD AND GUNNN , Uutdoor taste is weill catered to in the April issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is juit published. The latest issue of this sporting mag- azine contains an interestig con- fection of stories of hunting, fishing and camping as well as manyuse- ful and informative articles con- cerning the various phases of out- door life. Helpful articles on the special subjects are included in Fishing Notes edited by G. P. Sladen, Guns and Ammunition, ed- ited by C. S. Landis, and Kennel edited by C. G. Hopton kand L. E. L. Taylor,, The ,Canadian Silver Fox News section ,also contains useful articles in English and French on the latest developments of the industry and the 'care and management of foxes. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. .L Taylor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont. "BABE" SIEBERT AWARDED Here and There Vancouver as a grain port has gone over the top and is assured of achieving the 15,000,000 bushel ob- jective set for the 1922-1923 crop year, according to statistics issued at the Vancouver Merchants Exchange. A Canadian Pacific Railway train, over half a mile long, left Oshawa for New York recently. The train was, composed of 52 flat cars, each carry-, ,ing from four to six automobiles, -and was the first solid train to leave' lOshawa for Nevr V.I. Making the heaviest loading since the big crop year of 1915, grain loaded on the western lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Sep- tember 1st, 1922, to March 7th, 1923,' 'inclusive, totalled 118,565 cars. This is 16,000 more cars than were loaded during the corresponding season of last year. • , While in mid Pacific the wireless operator of the Canadian'Pacific Steamship "Empress of Russia" was in touch with the Leafield wireless station in England, and reeeived a' number of news items. "The ether: waves were evident/3T carried across' the North Pole, as we were on the other side of the world," said Cap- tain A. J. Hosken, commander of; the liner. An Owen Sound deputation which recently interviewed Canadian Pa- cific Railway officials in Toronto, urged the building of a line from Owen Sound, through Meaford and on to Collingwood and then on to a point en the Sudbury line near Cold.' Water. The officials ars reported te have been interested by the surges. tions made by the delegation. .1•••••••••41011.••••• Captain A. J. Hosken, R.N.R., af the Canadian Pacific Steamer "Em- press of Russia," has been awarded the Medaille d'llonneur de Sauvelage de premiere class* by the French Government„for the part ,takon by • him tis commander of the liner 4'Montestile" in saving the crew of the French steamer "Hsin Tien", off the China coast. •••••••••••••••••••=•• i There is a gold rush on to Rouyn, t,ownship, in northern Quebec, to Labrador and now to the See die. trick, In fact, the whole northern listrict has iiamense areas .f mkt hearing mere .r lees raid, and the question is whether the quantity. is' large enough to make a real mum.' Gold mining will be one of Canada's. greatest industries twenty-five years 00311 sow. --"Mail & Empire." , , i Still another case .f children strarellin alone. Elmer Lams, fire 4 us.1 mid-Poland'eallwell, Ten ' t. Iktgivet ' le ass 'titair 'phitatti win, did not hear of them after their dissippoarento until 'notified by Canadian Plata Rail. ;way officials that tho children were n Quebec city, to which pliter MO d begged a ride. Tba initial shipment of cattle sine.' ,the Embarge removal was recently Inspected by th. Eon. W. P. Mother.' Q. P. it. stock , Montreal. The*. well, 04griqulture, in the, ;were atrill.fed tarts cattle fro* ,along the Canadian Pacific west of. ,Tartata, with tha aratrption .f ono ear losid of Weoiterh Cattle, the lat- ger being in the beet cenditen do - ‘1144% the fact* that they had had a Re hours rain fro they Rai. Th I ant grateful for the space for rani:dater texpressa the opinion, tlih these ow Hee% Ifhe eitOle being shipped were a *ft An'•"Old" Boy, brat gosilty • 03 • •**************•••••0,440••••••••••••••••••••44...vis • Autos and Auto Supplies • • W8 CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCES,S,O ,8R 11I5xE..04S 00, • GOOD RUeI3ER CASE BATTERIES AT • • • CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY . 40 • • • TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY • AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON. .T11$7.51: VARIOUS LINES O 1 SECOND HAND H. P. GASENGINE VERY CHEAP. e 2 FORD TOURING CARS : 1 F000110DD ROADSTERTRAILERCAR. • 1 . • • • ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. * e WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK CN REPAIRING AND ek • RE -BUILDING BA.TTERIES, 4 • • • • • 0 : WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND 0 CARRY JUST -THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE Zs ' • • YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICO FOR YOUR MONEY • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR e PUMPS. 0 FARM IMPLEMENTS • Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Frang - Zurich 3.4.044404044,401.0044940.0.41404411040044004410****40444.000, Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Eto. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 1 -- NOW —arl Is a good time to have that inside t Work Done 4. NEW FLOORS,- BUILT IN FIXTURES OR-OTHER—ALTEitat: + IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU MANY + • PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE COSTS CLOnLY .... .1. + INONGsANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT OR NEW BUILD- • 1 4. 4. WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF GYPROC, AND ROOFING' ++ ON HAND F. C. C. KALBILEISC PHONE 69 ZURICII 1 watiweamwahviumwwwwwwiamilaw Zurich Drug Store • Stationery We. Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all. sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all. kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND FILIMS iDr. A1 J'. MacKlnnon, Zurich!. " • •