HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-05, Page 1Vol. CXVII[ Ho2.3 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 5,t928. CIMItegt 'M SWIM P ~et SIX el . YOKO 10 law ;1.50LNARREARS,$2MAT MgUSAE• : Build up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town u• London Life Insurance Company 1 ,r� , tTypical. Policy Results ANNNUAL DIVIDEND PLAN • , •i• A Policylhoide ' at ages 31 took a . $1,000 policy on the 20 T. pay anent Life plan in 1913. On the 15th anniversary of the Pel- 2 ' iF icy in 1928 his insnsrance protection will have cost hi.ns4 on the �. It average, only 44 cents a year. 4. 15ears Prem. of $27.90 each year .::..1 es -1 ..=-,y - $418.50 4.4. +Y+ it 9 Less" 15 Year's Diviide:ea .-$118:87 4 Net Amount Paid t'ot he Company -.._._ ._...a. Guaranteed Cash 'Value on Anniversary in 1928 _.,:1 Total Cost of Insurance Protection for 15 Yearn The Average Annual Cost in this case is 44 ctsl, for r�we found you a willing helper. and �� 4. a gialthful teacher in oar Sunday �.,.. 299,63 nonite church, have assembled' There this evening to express!, to you .the admiration and love;{ �v¢' . 6.63 T�+ + _feel for you. During the years ��$1,000 Ina. T. that you have labored among us. • PRESENTATION A large number of the members of the 'Mennonite church gathered at the hoint!e of their ipastoes,Rev. and Mrs. C. Schrag on .'.Tuesday; e'v'ening ;in honor of their eldest daughter Miss Ruth, who on Sat- urday was united in marriage to Mi', S. Peacheyt During tieev'e;n.. ing two presentations were m.ad'4 'with the following addresses; • We, as members of the Men E Oesch Agent Zurich :,4+1+4+4++3+ 444 L.F+9.i 4 4-14 t +i y•••••••as•••••••O•••••••••• •••••••••••r••••••lNI6•1111, • • = BARGAINS BARGAINS • 3 Received a shipment of waterproof 4 Robes which 1 am retailing tar lowbe- atalogue prices, get your's at Special Price $12.50 •large size FRED THIEL - ZURI:OH rO•9a�(t4<+>+G:?�'i'L44#'�gFC�@ Q��b �+' O••�••Od+! e>aivJ F��?tA� i •4'�1�0�►(E Newe • 'iN4 '011 *• OOl•IQ••Qy66*9lflaiCOE;00049•6•S* • • tFsion •••• In SFring Footwear JILT • BROWN'S Boot Shop WINDOWS FORETELL AN IN- S TERESTING WORT OF NEW r I SPRING FOOTWEAR FASHIONS SD 1 THEY ARE AUTiI ORAITIVE AS 1&th LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE ITIIEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD OF VALUE AT THE MODERATE PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only the best . of Itateriaie is wised. Bring them ter mea and you are .assured nag' cme infaictien WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LESS. • ' SEE OUR Mrs. J. J, Smith of Hensall is visiting with friends here. Messrls Wm. and Lee Roffman motored tfo, London. on Wednes- day,. Miss Pearl Wurtz who visited for a few weeks at Guelph, has returned hone. school and chureh. We regretex- Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of ce.edingly your departure fromourVarna were Sunday visitors at the midst, but the best of friends roust home of Mr. Wm. Lamont; part and our hope and 'prayer,' is that we may meet again some 'fart- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess of are time. Our heartiest good Hensall, were Sunday visitors at wishes follows you. and yours tb the home of Mrs. G. Hess and'Anna your new home. May God's tiles- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weber of sings always be with you and keep Hensall were Sunday visitors at you. ,We ask you to accept these the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis slight .tokens of our love and ep- weber, teem, and we assure you that tive will always have a warm spot in There will be no services in the our heart for you and yours. Lutheran church on Good Friday, • but tin Sunday, April 8th Rev. Signed on behalf 'of relatives and Schilke will preach in the German friends. language in the morning and stud- ent Deters will have charge of Dear_Ruth-- the evening service which will be 1 in English, We, as ;your pipuls hayz LATE MRS.MERNER. gathered here to -night, go shvw our drove to, you'', as ,our Sunday Mary Ann Blear was the bel - School •teacher. Your have been oved companion of the late'Gott- a kind and loving teacher to k75. ieb Merner twho departed this Time and again you have war'ne'd life, April 21, 1924. She was born 'ars, and tried to show us theright near Fort Wayne, Indiana, Au;ust way of living, and in many W'ays 25,. 1837 and died at her home in have shown us, .how- that !we qh ,Zurich on Monday, evening, April uld be bright and shining 2, 1928 folloWing followinga period of afflie lights for' Jesus. We 'know w that tion of three months duration, and we will niss youg'neatly from, our through it all she was very pat - Midst, 'but 'hope also 'that ; 'God ;through and resigned and uncomplai- will spare yon, to come back ia- ping. She was most lovingly and gain some future time. We ask tenderly nursed at the house of her • you to accept this as ,a slight g ift daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and • an showing our groat love in which Mrs. Wm. Callfas, Jan. 4, 1855 she " • ,we held you, and we wish you and was married to the late ,G. Merner • ours joyand happiness inyour • , •y l p' and together they shared the joys new home. May God bless , and and sorrows of life for aver 68 •• ,keep yours. years. They lived for two years • l at Zorra, near New Hamburg at • S.ignel in behalf of the Sunday 'first, then they came to Blake and 1 School class.• • BORN The and most popular Line of Diam- Rings in Canada WE RAVE THEM Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & H ONt and D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY. SOFT �, COAL MILLER'S CREEK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD DE - LAND GRADE A, WHITE lj 7pa ATOES. Can.teiort. HENSALL CTE Phones -Office lOw. Rouse 11x', .;.• .-i0+++++++71-4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .-i0 �<°r3�++ 71.4. r�rs��o�: + ++1++1++€+�rrT•�€ F+�+�r+ +++3�+�+++ ++1+�'r3r++ ++ + +II+ + ++ FORDS! FORDS! CO se Cars F. r Sale WE INVITE e- I ®Us To inspect our New and Used. Cary: before- you purchase We have nice varietyof used Cars C s in A Y. ca�nditia�I� 4. and will take your car in exchange and give Tei • No extra charges for financing. This saves you. . between $3_ri and $50 r,r, o nor sE▪ + . y9 .9 - 4. 9 T r engaged in the mercantile business far 12 years, -when they located on the Merner homestead on the Bron !son Line for 40 years, after -which • • Perkins -AT Detroit, on April 1st, time they came to Zurich where to Mr.. and Mrs) nee Ada Witmer father cared. Seven sons and 3 " • R. Perkins a son. t' daughters were given them; one • daughter died in infancy. The • • I late Mrs. Merner responded to .9 ® the call of God's ~vend when it * = Evangelical Church Notes days o erne bvo; thy, Cfo ator novase T. ZURICH - ONT. • RADIANT RELIGION • • Radiant religion is a light that ishines brightly and a star that • leads safely. Any other kind , is -worse than useless. It is a divine only 13 years old when she was! +;+ le•_i into the enjoyment of the chr- istian life, during the ministry of the pioneer ru;n ster, Rev. So'.omon Weber. She became a member of the Evangelical Murch and livedo beautiful exemplary and 4. 4. Brown's Boot ShopWINI}C W. ]i;tl >ida. • adjustment to God's wi.l. Itglows;,saintly life, as all who ]knew her j. • 1r•• ••40•••40••@••• !•••44+ 4),4, 4 • It•4r••4•••irPA•••••***446i4g4.....iM••••• �q { • .* 1 • a Is the time to order your w• .! New Spring Slut • • O 8V Do it To*Day GASC SAO in the face and heart ,and life; in will verify She was a nodest, lin and character. It beauti- I mild, unassuming, unselfish char- 1ies, enriches and perfects. It ins' acter�. Her sotto was "for me to a good arm,otm, but a bad clock. !live is Christ." God and \ ,His It glorifies inspires and quickens Kingdom were first in her thinking life, making it majestic and inn and striving. She exerted agodly mortal. 1t blesses you most as it ,influence in her home and 'church is allowed, to use you sacrifi,caily i and community and her works do in divine Service. It imipells and , follow her. She was an Kdeal and expells. It shrinks from, all evil l christlike mother and a truly de - with a shudder and hastens to t otod companion. She loved the ward sanctity with a hunger. To house and service of God with a judge religion you roust have it pa: Bron; they were dearer to her Human thins must 'be known to than all the world. She put first be loved, but Divine things must things first; let us follow her ex - be loved first before they can be. ample and be wide builders for known. (Radiant religion, trans- ; etern.ityr She leaves 3 sisters;figures ! Mrs. Rev. P. Hon steadt, Lincoln- Teacher -Aren't you Soon eon,ville, Kansas; Mrs. John Kalbfle- r' ing to S. School? No, said Tisch, Filer, Idaho, Mrs. J. l3ecken- Mary 1 Mother says I roust take ],.anon; IVa efie'. i, Neb.; 11,rother up Music and dancing first, SheJonathan Blcam of Elkton, Mich; would rather have ince take up re.- 7 sons a,n:l 2 daughters rental n ; ]igloo later. William of 1Winnipeg; Samuel of '1'liursda3, 7.30 p.m. Prayer and. ',Ilensall; Jonathan of Windsor, Mrs Praise, , Chas. E.ilber, Crediton; Jacob of Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Callfas of Zur- Friday eve. 7.30 Worship, Subject ich; George of Dashwood; Edward Zurich, . 28 i, • of linyfru.d; Wesley of Zutt grand children and 17 great grand children 2 adopted slaughters, Rebecca - Lasch.inger and Diana :Ruby, now Mrs. Witmer, and. Twiny and ;)tiler telativeS and friends. Fun- eral services will be held from. her ;late home at 2 o'clock, Thuesday 11 a.m.-Bible School, 1, afternoon, Memorial service at J. E. Ga'selio, Superintendent.' the Evangelical Church and burial Wortship e".30 pat the Bronson. Line cemetery„.�t1.-� .� :Sabi ct-�The resurrected and :Servant of God well done 01 t. JoAnn. Thy glorious warfare's past. The battles fought, theraceis(run Fret*e W. S': Dreier, ?Aker tau i art Browned at last. •I roma 47 if Sunday Services. 10.00 a.cn. Worship Reeption of Members Ea atism Services. ,4 "4 ,: FORD COUPE 1926, • extra front and rear bumpers, automatic wiper, heater, water pump and spot light. Car in good eon - FORD 4 -door Sedan 1926 model, in beautiful shape, Dueo and. upholstering like new, extra equipment, aut, wiper, heater in front and back, and new licenses. 1923 Ford Coupe in real good condition. This car will give you a lot of cheap transportations. 1926 Ford Tudor in nice shape with new license. Four Wheel trailer, in good shape, a snap, and engine can be used for !power, only $20.00 eac�h� 1 GOOD 'Rubber Tire Buggy, nearly good as new. , STEEL TIRE BUGGY, very cheap. FORD TUDOR 1925 in good condition; equipment, spare tire, automatic wiper, slip covers, heater and license, at a price any one can afford to pay. 0. FRI- z & SON FORD DEALERS Tires 30x31 $5. to $6. Batteries $9.9 SECOND ,SAND FORD) PARTS AT HALF PRICE 4. 4. ,1,.. 4. • •• • 4. .Tj." -4▪ .- +44+4.4-4-4. + fir"x+1++++ ++++.II :++F++,4+++"o.,+.; ,..;.,;.., c g F ph°++ 1w.L, Spring' and Summer G ODS When you start out to coo your spring and summer buying came Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF GINGHAM, PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SHIRTINGS, COTITONADE FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A FULL Assorrmrwr OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. IIAIiN,'B 4.ss REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON LAND, ., N. DOUGLAS GENERAL ill eRCHA T PHONE 11 - ',L '