HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-29, Page 8ZURICH HERALD The Store with t e Btoc LADIES' SPRING COATS We expect a Shipment of Ladies' New Spring Coats to arrive by the 15th inst. They comprise the season's newest styles and cloth. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? Wall. Paper tWE CARRY WATSON, FOSTERS' AND BOXERS WALLPAPERS 3N STOCK, AND INVrITE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH SAMPLE BOOKS. SUITABLE PAPERS FOR ` . EVERY.' DE YOUR HOME AT RIGHT PRICES. O U R ROOM Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement • GASCHO PfoduL Wanted SONS Phone 59 'r,.:..{.*g°,g"p"�' t"�"}"*i'.p'.¢'.t.•l'•f"4.'�"q"q"$"�"g'.g,.g.'�`ra'g.'t": i.or`�' :" �'i.'1+.'�"t"i .,.'�•'�"q.'�'.1' i.!"y',�.>i' rr + ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OP TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OFF. WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- -WY -TIPPET FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITHAND I IED PROVEN PRODUCT OFQUALITY THE LOWEST PRICE.') SIX ON WHIPPET HIPPET S I X THE MARKET. A 4..1.4 .WLTH A SOUND REPUTATION Willy sKnight THE FAM.OUR PROVIDED SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US -gam. BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ;A SATISFACTORY DEAL + ASSURED, BESIDES II- • "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" + III Moasseau Zurich 4• •++ti..;..;..c.l + l € •;,.F•oL++•i••i •i••. ; e4- 4-4+44 i i •€.14.4.4. 44++ D .g .II•++++3+eeef++. 001r006000110080e0INO i9111ii*W .400 <isP06 01110111.10.11.41111111M411 Hatching Season I Why pay fancy I4 prices for your young Chicks when with a few 1 minister of spare time each d ay you can hatch and raise your.own STRONG, HEALTHY .CHICKS = r •r ••r • • 0 r s r • r • AT A BIG SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARNT ALL ABOUT OUR.. 1 Buckeye Incubators and Brooders WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE). . If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it!, ADS WEIE ZURICH GOOD,. NEW PATTERNS In Plain ani Printed Cloths Georgette, Fug' Silks, etc. in many shades CURTAIN NETS, SIDE HANGING MATERIALS, PARICT S. CONG. AND LINOLEUM RUGS AT LOWEST PRICES. WE HAVE A PIECE OF •BLACK SATIN GOOD WEIGHT, EX- TRA SPECIAL AT $1.39 YARD. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 i W. MERNER 4 .244..¢.r'v, .1.. + ' T iateeday, March -2903, 1923 ard.ware .. �►....a. w Mid ^" • Spring is here and we can supply t the Public with Seasonable Hard- I ware at moderate prices =' .;. • A zIU]HBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES VERY .g.. + A CARLOAD OP LUNDYS'LUCKY TIE ,WIRE,. JUST A t- RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL BARB,' BRACE AND TIRES AND TUBES 46 • A PULL 'LINE OP. GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETMER Z PAINTS AND VARNISHES • 4. GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100%1 PURE PAINT, & CHEAP t'' We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders FENCING STERT..POST� I. z ' +: A F[ILL LINE OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS ti ! 1 + ALSO FULL LINE OF, MURESCO, ETG.s 1 FURNITURE I. Fill Line of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Dining Boom ,rr- Suits, Bed Room Snits, Kitchen .Cabinets. Reed Rockers and Chars. A. number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced Prices. s' Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS. AND I 4* ' r MATTRESS. BEWARE OFF, SUBSTITUTES. 4. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Bruce Klapp purchased a 1925 Fori Coupe from C. Fritz Ze Son. Again we must warn the public against the hawker and peddler, who invades the country one selling this and another that. Some take orders for Magazines ornews- papers which never are sent in to the head offices, but the money is gone for good; others come ,a- long and very often with a hard hick story reach the sympathy of the people and ofted misrepresent drygoods, :9uitings, and staples, and snake all kinds of fine• appeals and promises. to the publc, and when it is all over with you re- ceive very little . alue far . your mon:yy. Beware of such, ,espec- ially. who are none .residents, be- cause they usually "get •you" every time Patronize your home tee- ident merchant, who lives With you twelve months of the year,and• will stand behind his sales and goods. O ASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Neuschwan- ger attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jacob Zeller at Stratford on Monday] Mr. and Mrs.' S. Adams of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kraft on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fassold, Mies Verga \and Nelda of London, rvis- ited their parents Mr. and Mrs. .P. Fassold over the week -end. !The lecture given in the Evan- gelical church on Friday night given by Rev. Coiling of Grand. Bend was well attended and great- ly enjoyed. The musical program under the leadership of W. R. Goulding was well rendered. Confirmation services will be held in the Lutheran church pext Sunday morning. r Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mernere vis- ited in Zurich an Sundays Mr. Milford M'erner has returned from• Detroit and will spend the summer here. A quiet wedding took place at the First Baptist church, Toledo Ohio; on Saturday, March .24th, when Hazel, second daugh' er of Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Dashwood, was united in marriage to Frnk E. Watson of River Rouge, Mich. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Albert King 1Vlorri:s of Tol- edo. Mr, and Mrs, Watson will have the congratulations of many friends in town CREDITON Clara Geiser was a visitor with Nfr. and Mrs A.. Niblick, at Zur- ich. New comers in the neighborhood aro in the nature of Chinchilla rab- bits which will attract much ' at- tention ;• as time gobs on Chinchilla is a ' .Hiluable fur and in- great mand at present. Fully . seventy- five per cent of the Chinchilla used in impo •ted from Europe. ti " The regu'a . leo ttbly meeting of the Women's e was he'd re- cently in their hall leith president Mrs. C..Zwicker ptesiding. The roll call was answered by quot- ations'• bearing en "cCourtesy" At - ter -the the business was disposed of current events were given by Miss M. Fahr'ner and Mrs. Cx Hill, a piano. solo by Mrs. E. Fahner,The topic "The Undetstandiing Heart', was very ably given by airs. H. Young. Mrs.''W. Down, of Chesley has arrived to 'spend a time with he.r aged parents, Mr. and Mts. Bratrfi. Mr. Braun has been i iiz1, I djing health ei,nce Christtnan.Mrg bene' i4 surprised with` then #Il quantity of''anew Kiri tbe114>4i LOCAL MARKETS. Live Hogs cwt. Butter, Ib. ....— Eggs l�, ic{d apples lb. Oafs....... _�... Wheat »._.. ... .. ..L30 Barley Buckwheat ».__ ._M _........ .».. 75 Flour .»-.3.50-4.50 Shorts per ton....., ;,..40.00 Bran per ton».. ,.:r _..., 67.... 42.00 Corrected every Wednesday) • 0e ••••••••a 24-31 431 --- --� 9 ...»:.•A Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insnranee at Risk on Dec, 31, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. G. Holtzman -- Zurich Agen(, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY 3 3 3 More weeks and Easter will be here NEVER HAS . A . SPRING BRO- UGHT FORTH SUCH A BEAUTI- FULL LINE OF SMART RATS AS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OF . LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR. OUR LINE OF EXTRA SMALL HEADSIZE 1 IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- QUIRING SMALL SIZES SHO- ULD CALL; AT THE HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE We haven't forgotten ;.the babies andsmall children.. Our line in Silk Bonnets in pink and white and Bonnet Fiats in Silk and Straw. Never was better. GIVE USA CALL V. V. SIEBERT les while in Ches1ey they are walk. ing down the middle of the roads to ,:evadb the n Give drifts. Nelson Finkbeiner, of Saskat- ebewan, is"spending a few weeks with hie father, Chrie£ian Pinkbeifi' er of Shipkas, • . This, son Wale ,snot Ole to attend t,k¢ Golden Wed- ding or the Sancta' laerviees of his! mother, the M, :tate 1re. ( u �+ Zeti>a�i6 i i r•. l ii + 11 BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. PULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE Johnston Kaibfleieh WE 4. • Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Auto Insurance The tremendous increase in the nu m b ar of Automobiles in Canada IN RECENT YEARS HAS BEEN A.CCOMPANISD BY A. GREAT INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS .. FOR DAMAGE TO AUTOMOBILES, OR CAUSED BY AUTOMOB- ILES, WHICH RAS 'INCREASED TEE DEMAND FOR PRO- TECTION AGAINST THESE RISKS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DETAILED IN SUBSEQUENT PAGES. r' Experience has shown that the only way to enjoy the lull est protection, with a minimum of trouble, is to carryl Automobile Insurance in a company which is licensed to cover the whole range of automobile Insurance. Before you Invest -,.-INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;-81311 V LCa AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W I LL? Here's a Chance At OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bron- chitis, Croup, Cattarrh, Whooping cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Tonsil troubles. Resulta good or money back. AT WAGNER'S STORE 11 JOHN WARD Drugless Practou-. eer and Optician. MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 7 t a BY THOSE WHO KNOW NOTTOT,-GGTH `_ BUT • TOag-GWWET . ' BY THOSE WHO KNOW, HOWi I 'ARa — IRIGUT HP TO, STEB MIN I ON tPATTURIT, STYLE AND QiU'ALftt 1ALL, OUR GOODS O"ARANTBED DONT be. ,minied if buying cheaper wad iaterior g".040).• ,. BUY trim those you know will irtawi Is Maid: everything they . ... r MSia+CSdANT TAZLG , W:'' H,'KOFFMAN AND De/ Wail 1114114."1PLow