HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-29, Page 2$6e law�ng sunlight—cool Dark-skinned natives.__ s ploughing through mountain tops—great ship P +► ming actors you. Such tropic seas --'hese things ail come to mind when a cue�SALAi�A n e. “SALAnA . aat'.�sg�d9`iiti"a11+lr"�* Try I police,. it seemed to me that, with a bit of belt, there was no reason Why I should not prove the exception to the rule, and' forever avoid exposure. Study, in the seclusion of nay Parse aptmaent, inmed mchwide I coaruld hardly bforops toe inlp,atove upon the rriethods of some of the nacre fa - moue of the historical soper molts, > could, by applyln; their maetht)s3S in a different fashion, avoid Choir errors•' For the crook has no friends; neither' bas he any Af the ordinary recourses of the law=abidiing citizen. If your reputable merchant is robbed, hcan ye and complain to the nearest b immediately all of society's eomplioat-! ed legal machinery is set to work in, his behalf: But if the thief ie robbed, ' where may be look for red ees?should! To prey upon thieves, he my career. To wait until the vul-; ture rose from the carrion and then'. to take from hire his tidbits i •that was " my plan. I would work alone, having neither confederates nor confidants.wealth' y And near the sight of all this wee paraded .:before ;ore spurred inc o , action. Crooks were battening Parisi these parvenus. Every day $�riS0111e5 papers told of robberies. The .New Y o k papers, which I received eegu- -�� . - lady: told of,tle continuuo°n the c crime -wave there Everywhere trade. rworld thievout my ting t of trade. Ti l CLUB tel;' ai��-i;'� MEN I had "napped so neer upon the ( ,d living had restored my muscles itl Rogers Batteryless Radius Reduced in Price (bust szi o It was time for me to go to work. Seated at my table just removed from the throngs on the sidewalk, sipping niy vermouth, I arrived reluctantle at this conclusion from theverty bit f legerof - demain At - surface of the sea,drifted weird car- goo surface of society !asci nerves to their:f�towork•or, iron. ��las time for me to g The sight of them, obese and opo- ( I walked across the Place e I'OpY. BY od and entered a steamships d :bath had lent, made ole realize that it wa.s time for ore to setstable ed . an o ago, gang of their o genes. Notintended to prey* possible for me aux richest left there In;:t'wen y minutes; ec u. a re e sA GS2O asters That Wear Odd .Colors Lobsters alive and in their native element are a dant green, whish tui ! to a .brilliant red when they are toil ed; but there are exceptions, and sometimes a lobster fresh trona the snit water wil be soros other color than green. Near ,niherst, N.S., a pure white or albino lobster was taken once and sent to a Portland (Me.) wholesale lobster dealer, who tor many years exhibited it preserved in alcohol. Near Mohegan Island a lobsterman took from :a•. trap a thirteen -inch lobster which was a rich indigo along the. top 01 the body onell and the sides il, the the indigo aiga- shading plf pace into blues of a clear, lighter tint. At Peaks Island a specimen was captured whose back and tail were a This Value! bright indigo blue, while the l under Look At � parts shaded ,off into an. almost pure rxow at tails amazingly 1°'P ge low pSat white. At Beal's Island a jet-black canine Ram caught a f w Years ago, Yen can OWA - sloe is • terylesr seer°. Tid i price i the pieta (except speaker), guaranteed. ogers a•a• Tuber fully B gagersd. 'You've probably wanted a Canadian Bogeys -- moat .people do, dt'e a tree eiCse in the ao mien(, sola no p of proven world and has throfe (tea Y a Rogers performance bac You enjoy the own And pr Sure! payment and radio prp�autaues initial by jos t =making a small initial payor spread the balaaae over t n mouths. Near it in your own \lobster was e ,and' near Vinalbaven this Winter a cream -colored one was found.. Bright red lobsters, looking pre-, cisely as if they had been boiled, 1 while infrequentt, have, been 'hauled up at several points along the Maine Sc coast. A few weeks ago 'e A Shell of the Ages. otie lobster in a consignment s for A large fragment of a mussel shell, Boston attracted attention because its about 180,000,004 body-• shell ' w�` iii -alternate( p . computed to be ivory l ld has been found 5n Nest' There 1s a Rogers Dealer near You- er gree Booklet sequest. Toronto, Ont. Q. R. S. Music Co., rtunity must combo to me before I n the practice of niy new could begin in GU your bona. That's heWgy� -to assure successs. Nada in Canada No Aum E.W. GILLETT CO. LIlls'. TORON'T'O. CAN. . Not that Po ! e ' about the aquisatian ; great fortune a Teem: h hour ' profession. pressed me! On the contrary, more imerchar been surrendered obtain•' Up to novo, living comfortably and i a and it was t uinutes lazily, t I had not given much thought proceeds p a certain after that I inters e there remained to roe, on these nares land So I practice; I had devoted myself to i m * passage across the At err th p the possessor of t k t which en la P' But the sight 'auch wealth paying 3 P later from theory is this lantic nay expenses in Paris for the But where the carrion hes; tlSe , t Iititled me to sail three days exhibited in the Place deOa fillie to lase three months, and restoiting niy fires. It was toward the vulture, his Cherbourg on the Altana ' • , for spring afternoon had given wardrobe to its present satisfactory ta]ans gripping choice morsels, 1 I would For nay course it'was neC+MsrY p' g some ten thousand dollars. :would bend my energies. geld let me to ply niy trade in ne cavo coon -!ambition. I acted,. to the extentre of Condition, s the exchange, the vulture do all the profit. t transportation to New Certainly, benefitted by for an -'work, and I would reap ent,try, It is true but I did not matters purchasing I could hope to live decently mg of French, ' s began to wonder to what pew other six months at least. For do not thiol;. that I had spent I these months in Paris in mere stupid 1 easily in that language. 1 would be (�. York, I m I would have been appetites that had ed at the outset, if I dealt . pose. To be continued) Not so ion ago, atification of app It is;haCidicaPP byr- I poverty. with French criminals. • ---4.--_. overjoyed f assurance of ftnsix l se- b been balked so long PEOPLE WELL? days. that I had'.There was, e is true, a certain riskst �R� PALE curity for six tireeks, or even ss stomach true that I had indulged in sundry 1 in returning to New Yolt• MY G todeed, sufficient awayoof in niy luxuries and pleasures, for sir hours was lived once more as a gentleman should venture into theft had been at the ex - to keep hunger by soiling econ- pence of Daragan, the Fifth Avenue a rare condition with me. But our live, unharlassed ideas change with aur changing pros- amiss; but I had devoted, myself stn -'jeweler. it was not a: certainty People are that Dara But knew who had robbed per ty. i 1i those who thiols that the dious]y to thought of the future. looking at myself in trine governs material things ponder That that future must be outside hirer• Moreover,my this aom, reverse. the law I had determined. My first ! the gilt-borderede,okingr in ys fin IT seriously I sin I think, and who makes to venture into crime had yielded mea Meinan the Rue mirror , his mind quickly, and acts immediate Profit so great, for such slight efforte'eloubted if Darnell. would be to ed - e ins On the evening able't I ly=. Certainly when I had decided that P ' d k that I never far a inament I t d from has in I would rather live a thief than starve d anything but had brought me f that the an honest mail, t had acted instantly. bat me say, in parenthesis, that I had not yet arrived at regret for that de- cision- I acted, in this perhaps less important natter, as suddenly as I had acted ,on that evening when I had hissed an airy farewell to the ttadi- tions of all the Ainsleye, whom I, John, was the first to turn to crime. I raised niy finger and an attentive d garcon leaped to my table. P aperitif, arose, and with him for my P one stride was mingled with the crowd that surged from the Place de l'Opera uasthe an observation of the nd duals who made up the crowd that had brought me to the decision. For it was springtime, and the world had come to Paris. From my lace at the table I had seer fortunes in furs and jewels pass by. The profit- eers of all the world were here; and their wives and daughters and ads - tresses flounted the success of their roarer before the others of their kind. Swarthy Argentinians grown riche in beef and hides, shining -eyed Span- iards who had traded while Europe ope bled, munition -makers from Eng and America—they rode and walked the streets of Paris, gross, vulgar and overfed. As, after a terrific storm, strange carcasses arise from n the e depths and fioat offensively p of green and yellowish white( or tint, almost as if it had' -been painted. Keep Mlnard's in the Medicine Chest. years o the measure- ments Judged by r found elsewhere, n this l itis frag- ments the mussels of its remote ��. mated drat A housewife objected to being awak- 'date, apparently the heyday of mus d at dawn by the crowing of a sels, grew to -be as much as three feet ens in length. i hbor's chickens. Some people meg would have threatened Police Court.l an risk, continuing considered needs of upon the career existence had made me choose. For understand that these are not the eecogniz • pocket the had abstracted ands ring which a wherewith once again to live like a.' gentleman, my hair had been long and `unkempt, my cheeks sunken . and ghastly white. Now there were no hallows under my' eyes; my esh was firm, and my skin was red we , health• f• n I had looked like a consumptive; a stealthy and dangerous oe. ld If you will send your name and c � The housewife wrote a courteous no ? to her neighbor, A few days later the neighbor's maid appeared, with a nice- ly dressed Chicken on a platter. A note attached said: "We think this is the rooster that has been causing all the trouble." Courtesy wins every time. - A famous anthropologist says boys are two inches taller than they wore fifty years ago. Well, why not? It's a poor sort of kid who can't grow two inches in that time. Some paleell but not many. Pallor generally means thin blood. When, iu addition, you are short of breath, and your heart pal- pitates after slight exercise and you perhaps show symptoms thereindiges- tion s no tion and nervousness, doubt about it. You are in an anae- mic condition. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the logical remedy for anaemima, tor- thethin begin at once to build up blood, strengthen the nerves, increase the appetite and aid digestion. But do not wait too long. Thin blood is f 1 'i'ne Now I looked like an athlete. I conthey will send discount any fears of recognition: by dress to The Dr. Williams Me i Co., Brockville, Ont•, .,Building Tnd the jeweler.. , ust aes naamy per- you t�vo little bookietts, And there viers j " and "What to Bat and How to Eat," both of which will be sons of A -gotten wealth in New York the Blood, n rhere were in Paris.Y tivays net found very useful in t� me. narrowing my opportunities:_ by re- ti ming to a country with which I was 9 uanal familiar. Indeed, as I contemplated my return, I wished that I had never left New York. For now that I plan- ned activity, it did not seem feasible, as simple as it had seemed when I was merely studying the careers of mas- ters of crime. I. suddenly wondered, n, as I sat in nay window, j est where and how I would begin niy op- erations. eculate For it is easy enough to sp idly, to ascertain the weaknesses whereby others have failed to survey. rendered, the future, to state that one will do is this and avoid that; but actuality dif- pocket; penitent ock t; they aresthe onf a paltrytivs pick- speculation. After` all, client must comae to a lawyer before pocket; narratives of an Less from sp can demonstrate that artist. the In the apartment whirl I had had deliber-t other attorney err in their handling of ed, onthe Rue Dapro l cases; the patient must some torove atel gnir studiedll literature problem. I.had ac- quired all the Titexature dealing with doctors before the physician can prove ap- criminals that I could find. And I his ne'ev. theory of dragn cantle to the inevitable conclusion that the so-called super -criminal had never +r existed. For always the histories of these persons ended with the accounts of their arrests and convictions to punishments too unpleasant to eon - template. A supercriminal should be one who escaped the law completely, who died, when his time.carne, full of riches as well as sin.' Yet souse of these men had cached a talent for cringe that app d genius. I asked myself why they had finally failed, i'rhy, at the end, in the �iok, they had heard'the judgment, of society. • The answer was obvious: no man can be stronger• or 'cleverer Tthan man, . the forces of all society. then, who antagonizes these forces is a fool- A fool must fail in whatever he attempts. But the roan who recog- nizes the difficulties before him, and takes precautions -that will minimize these difficulties, increases his Chante of success. I had seen one sample of the spe- cies termed supercrook, and I knew myself -to be hi every possible ivay, I more capable of success in his profes�-! scion than he. If, then, 1 had inure ability than he, and if 1 so directed my energies and efforts that I would l�e run the least risk of antagonizing o , suggests that A radiatormore artistic• the radiator siiould be After all, itt is- often ts YOU.first thing about a Minard's Liniment kills warts. Engaged Sister: "When we are dear, we must have a married, hyphenated nanPr-it's so much smarter. What would go well with Eatgn?" lier Small Brother "Moth!" A room and bath had been sur - Corrugated Iron ASI( FOR WHEELER & BAIN "Council Standard" o! A. thick, even, heavy spread galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies stillW rite us, en in o stating me Ir size of barn , you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELN, LIMITED Dept. We 108 George' St., Toronto siste�es .For � �Sub ects � FLOW ER British 1 �.:�, Oti@GiiOi1 ifyou give us their names, your 1 relatives and friends may obtain the low ocean rate of Li, reduced rail- road fares, and FREE transportation for Children under x7, providing they are placed in farm or domestic employment. ,risk et once for details of the British Nomination Schein* from any of our offices or agents rANAD1rod =VICE s. The cool, comforting' flavor of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint is a lasting pleast,.re. It cleanses: the mouth after eating—gives a clean taste and sweet breath. It is refreshing and digestion aiding. y T o SAW FU with a 0 ALBERTA MOUNTAIN COA FOR ONTAR'O'S HOMES Write UsYour Requietilen rr Partiouiars egard• ingF Weseaoa Collieries Ltd. METROPOLITAN BLDG., 'TORONTO 2 issue No. 1 A 3toas stew longer Cuts easier. Saws faster GIMONDS CANAOA M NTarSAW GO.LiD.. L YANCOGYKS. NN. ORN,�.,.. O !gin D1 uNES RAMFAX TORONTO W,NN,rEO VANCOUTEIL CALGARY EDMONTON MONTREAL SASKATOON vzeac .. AIN'r Ions Easily, grown. Sown direct in open ground. Flowering the first year. 1 PKTS, ONLY 1 tootl.4a ,.:OWE Provides an. abund- ance of lovely frag- rant flowers., Write fo oar It's gee. free Catalog John A Bruce .C9 mited Seed Merchants %IAM 1(TON, . ONT. Atyiislii31Ol1Se It's cider these clays, that Makes, a garment stylish'. With a fifteen --cent envelope of Diamond Dyes, you cat Make anold or smart clothes any on (display. Keep All your stylish—throught. the quick magic of home dyeing; or perfectly Q if you'll Beautiful dyeing 'll use geous tinting is easy, to original Diamond Dyes (true ciij • s, Brighten the house, too; si5i'eads, etc., art Diamond dyed In- an right over other weSrowounrd hour or less; g rbcs you the ,i O toBtot . F1EE: Your druggist g the COO to You...D° nn1en• pyGlopedia; value ion,,songea6iSedeaNv comm Diamond. pye directions, 'actual ¢onandesioptq suggestions, easy' PM. o st i belt high from , No, I Molt, to PM. r Hain but high groes No, r Cana or piece -goods color samples. Or write it sn�. 4Irt _ t - proved no. Ali stock Varieties me dd to Canadian Dept. c4nditioGrow Your Own gru,le ncvne. for illustrated book Color ES t, lr DIAMOND DYES' daiiCina� nail from Yonknotoitthegwll modestlyprjA -actors' Windsor, �inta7ib• r OOS trope for table use cannily. ltlerkaitf$y 'prone ce et�?oat but little.nGas details of pinnace �'Diamond or lognpeelattoe y' 4t;e FREflentiond. wilW tett• cntslai,to+laY "ONION N'URSE S.thra>Fosaisill.oeii�4tie ? Just Dip toTINT ,arElodZto?7 Y E 44 w ii if7l an .�."�� ,,. Headaches may be swiftly and and there'selieved e after erect; its tablet. A most efficient remedy, it next see ; its use avoids much nneedlessfluence is felt.g Just as helpful when yeti have ' soon its soothing influence lumbago. dust be' certain � - a cold; neuralgia, Neuritis, rheurnatiSri , Bayer on the box, aid you get real Aspirin ---the genuine has Bay _r, o .let. All druggists, with proven. directions. on every tail ,. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; Y it dues NOT affect the heart re-istereii in Canadal indfeatifg Bayer Manetaeture. hil `it In wen is Cha trade orchil f3 tj its, he Ta etS Aspirin eMetalled payer theirutagalct to assure The iC against llr,i tiGY4B, the Tablet