HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-22, Page 5'+rsdayy, march 22, f 9, cA Ds' D LEY E. FIOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,NOT IARY PUBLIC, ETC.,. 1111tpF10E-Hamilton" Street, Just off the 'Square, GODERICI!, Ontario. Special attention to Councel and Court Work. Holmes may be consulted at PUT YOUR Wants, For. Site, Lost,' Found, Not t e, Etc.'Ards us Tis'comma': Implement Repairs. . . We have taken over Mr.. T., Kip- per's Plow and Cultivator Repairs 3,oclerich by Phone, and Phonefockshittneed 'Ee airs Frost we leave{ sarin charges ,reversed. p on hand, also can get name. at short Notice!, Louis Prang. Dr. II. II. C ®W E'N - NOT2CE FARM) RS ATTENTION' -- We have a car of good old crop Am - At DEM BLOCK -ZURICH erican corn on the way. If re- quiringGceany get in'" touch with us 'Eye*'Eye*Thursday,.+ Friday, Saturday o. . Mickle &Sons; •Ileasalt. At RARTLEIB'S BLOCK, LD, S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and `)Wednesday • FOR SALE Grocery Business $4300,; Confec- tionery,. $30.00. Exceptional op- purnity_ This ells your chance:. MUTUAL LIFE M Sydnarkeyet SmLaneyth,. Business Broker, Landon. OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS ,t F. HSS - Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. E. Wuerth-Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 'Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auuctoneering. Try use for Registered Live Stock, AAll Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for sale. Will 'sell anything Anywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or. write. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN "A POSITION 'TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless as to Size;:.,or article „to selL ? solicit your: business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services. Arthur Phone 13-47 • SPeber - Dashwood. �s1NAN�Ig�OO��NN�N: Zurich Meld MIARKET. • Fresh and Salt Meats = Bologna Sausages,. etc • Hlgbest Cash Price for Wool 0 CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES • Feed a handful a day, U,glilt�"' Keep the Vet. away. Fred- C. Eaibfleisch, Zurich NOTICE 'My accounts are now ready, as well as due, and as I and leav- ing on. March 21st ,all accounts must be settled by that date. J. Kipper, • FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE -Frame house 18x24 with. kitchen 12x15-, 6 rooms in houses nicely decorated, good roof and dry . cellar, barn 18x36, good • hard . water, ideal location: At present occupied by Mr. F. Kochen>b_ For particulars apply to Oscar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. 1FOR SALE We have a quantity sof comb £oundationa for sale at very reas- onable price, also exchange comb foundation for No. 1 beeswax. Prices. right.. - ' J. Haberer & Slons. LOST A men's; good grey overcoat, on the '•Ztthieh Road between .Parr Line and Babylon. Finder kind•_ ly return to Herb. Desjardine. FOUND An Airdale dog. Owner . can have same by paying costs and applying at (Herald Office. FOR SALE S. OMR* .amRALI Misa Alma Uttleyspent a ,few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DavidSohlast week. Mrs. Lorne Armstrong of Stan- ley spent Tuesday at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Deitz. Miss Fowiie of Bayfield, sp- ent the past week with flier fila- tor, Mr's.. G. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Mawhinney and Mr. C. Fahner of Crediton were Sunday visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Kile of Caro,111ihe. visited at the home of her sister, Miss Mian. Johnston and other re datives the past week. ' Mr. and Mns. Geo. Fee of Hen- salI called fat the home of Mrs. H. Lipphardt on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Faber of Credion was in the village on ,Saturday,at- tending the meeting of the A aHy Mutual Fire Insurance Co. The annual business meeting of Emanuel Evangelical church, Zur- ich, will be he'd in the chu ch aud- itorium on Monday evening, March 26th, •A year of great blessing and prosperity has. been exper- ienced by pastor and people thr- oughout the church year. . 'Following the Commencement exercises of the Exeter High School on Friday evening, March 9th,when the diplomas and scholarshipsi were presented to the students, Newell Geiger received his High S^hoot Graduation Diploma, and the second Upper School Scholar- ship, which includes a cheque. This•makes the third schblarship he has won at Exeter and we con- gratulate him on the fine; showing. Paster and congregat%on at Em- anuel Evangelical church will not soon forget the truly blessed and divinely refreshing showers ex- perienced at the evangelistic ser- vices conducted by Rev. W. Y. Dreier for 'the past three weeks. Revs. C. Schrag and E. S. Hiseox each preached the word one night and Rev. F. 'B. .Meyer assisted three times. Their messageswere well resei:Y ed and appreciated as were those . of the pastor. The people had a heart to work and so tinkled they the svelte of Zion. 30 people came to the altar in re- sponse to the earn -est appeal of God's Servant and now rejoice in the Soong and p3rdon'ng grace of God's wonderful Salvation. The attendance and spirit and interest of the meetings were simply re- markable. • OBITUARY Building about 20x30 ft. suitable • On Sunday, March llth, a very for. driving shed,, $25.00. .;.Also• a sad and sudden death summoned Galt 'plaYsee, 1:8 in; planing suiface•the dearly beloved Edgar Ellmore $200:40. Building lots for sale. Rader, teat time to etrrn'ty lw'th- Geo. Hess, Zurich. out a moments warning. 'He was only 11 years and 3 months, but what he " lacked in quantity .of ye- ars he made up in quality of life He was a budding -and „fra,;rant rose in- the family garden. The ate fectionate and devout son of -Mr and Mrs. Louis Rader of the Gosh- en line, near Dashwood. Yea vet- rily he was a beautiful flower blo- oming in God's earthly garden but evidently Jesus who has .first claim. wanted hint to beautify the, paradise of Heaven. And if we live the Jesus Ray we will some happy day find hire blooming the- glory and beauty of heaven; What a comfort! Heaven has all the children tliat slip from our par- ental embrace and heaven is near- er and dearer and more real 'and charming because of it. The fu*,e era,. service on Wed. March 14th. was unusually well attended and the floral tributes from neighbors, friends and relatives were lavish, all of which speaks eloquently of BABY CHICK HHATCHING 1680 Eggs per week. Eggs pur- chased from Standard Flocks and Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for Leghorns and • $8.00 for Rocks. Hatch Guaranteed. ' Orders raay be left at Stade & Weide, Zurich, Or apply to J. Elgin McKinley) R. R. 1, Zurich. FOR SALE • Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4Ke. per pound. Deichert N44NM•Na LIVE POU -LT R Y WANTED 'Takeo overg'2 day td1L so,'ciodi,p.m► De not feed - FoWI same earning when brought in. ,%highest.. Cash Prices -CASH FORS-- ., Cream and 'Eggs W. ' O'Brien Phone 94 -- Zurich 11 ea dquarters FUR TIRES TUBES COAL 19 the regard:in which Edgar was pedal. Fin Fite gn attrrrti.,n, a'inemmn rind likeable lad. To know him was to, . II Class -Francis poster 25, Moz- WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR love him.' His school . mates from! . art Gentles 5. • Sharon School gathered at the • I class -Anthony Hartman 32, GENEINE : tneliMairiel •eervice• at church and Violet Oeseh 9!1` ; sweetly sang' ..Edgar's fa.., volrte Primer If athleen Hey 135, > -taus At the house The Men's Quarte hymn; Safe ,in the Arms' of Jes�rs Foster 131s. Austin Hartman, 125, tt' i Ubine Jeffrey•;70, Loan ,Gelinas •55", sang in a ' very affecting way, `I'll' Lee Erb absent. Total • No. of pupils (on roll 44 Average daily att. -40.91. r G. Bedard, Teacher. LOOAL NEWS' IV Ir. Ted. M%ttleholtz • is moving into the house he recently pur- chased frorxu Mr.-Kirppet!i The large dredge at .Grand Bend has eouxrrnenced operations to de- epen the river. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra •Brenner of Grand Bund were Tuesday visit- ors in • the village. Mr. ,Homer Guenther, of Tor- onto, rs visiting with his mother, Mrs. 3, Guenther,and his gr;and- mother, Mrs. S. Rennie, Mr. Schnu7rr of Mildmay has leased the blacksmith shop occu- pied by Mr. J. Kipper, and will begin operations shortly. Mr. Scllnurr• conies highly recommend ed as a good mechanic and a fine type of personallity, and should do well in Zurich. According to market reports no fess than :`175,000 boxes of British Columbia apples ,arrived in Ontario last week. We welcome British Co- lumbia apples rather than Cali fornia and Pacific •Coast £ruit,bat it ;kens al,suud that Ontsr;o, which can groes the bet apples in the world would have to import so =itch. FOR SALE A fine turkey gobbler. Apply to Wrn. Thiel. CARD OF THANKS Mx. and Mrs, Louis Rader and family wish to greatly- thank their neighbors and- friends for (sympathy and many kindnesses shown during the recent depart- ure of their beloved son Edgar+,. NOTICE. To Members of Zurich Hortic- ultural Society.; The premium lists now 'being distributed must be returned pot later than Satur- day, March 24th. J. E. Gascha, Secy-Treas. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re; JOHN STEPHAN, late of the Township of Hay, in `the Co- unty of Huron, Farmer, deceased. CREDOrORS AND OTHERShav- inlg Claims against the estate -of the said deceas3d are required to sen•, fu.l particu:ars of s. e i c a m.3 duly proven, to ,the undersigned ISDlic:tors for the A•.nlinistratrix of u x,state on or before the Pet 101111 Autos and Auto Supplies E WE CARRY .A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, • AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE 'YOU MONEY ON THESIS VARIOUS LINES • CORD TIRES 30x314 AT ONLY• ,51! 0x334. AT ONLY .. .. $L40 TUBES 3 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $15$8Oa s 1 SECOND RAND 1i 11. P. GAS i3iN(:,INE VERY CHEAP. •• 2 FORD TOURING CABS • 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR, 1 GOOD, TRAILER. - * ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD BTINNING ORDER. IWE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING • RE -BUILDING BA STERIES, FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICt FOR YOUR MONEY i ' • • AND PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Prang - Zurich o+**ese•aeso•eets®saa*•+•®o 644.454,60ee04449eo*044-04641 t s • • • 3 Auto Tops, ,Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Eto Second Handed Buggies� HESS - ZURICH 7th., .day of Ap ii A. ,D. 1928, after ;*+++•¢++ ••1•..1.++4..p.+.l.+++++s,+++ which date the said AAdm.nistrat- + rix will proceed to distribute the t • assets of the sail Estate, hav'n'• regard only to the Claims of which H 4, orace shad then have been given ;Dated this 15th., day of ,April, A. e D. 1928. f Carling'& Morley;, + --rSolicitons for Administratrix, t Exeter, Ont. • SCHOOL REPORT .The 1'o lowing ris the School report 4 of U.S:S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley f for the month of February. + Sr IV-Gwendy Clarke 162, Er- ; .‘an G,ngrri,ch 410, Edmund Schwar C •• :zencr. , o u er 357 Anna Gingerich 341 Jean Hey 330, Allen Schrag 220C Claude Gelina8.147, absent. ,-++++4•.1-1 44+444+1-1.++ " N ®W Is a good time to have that inside Work Done _ NEW FLOORS, BUILT IN FIXTURES OR OTHEl� ,L•TE:RAT- IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU MANY PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE COSTS CLOeLY ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT OR NEW BUILD- INGS. ,y WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF GYPROC, AND ROOFING ON HAND a • ' Jr. IV-Gertie Bechler 420, Rose PHONE ,Poster 340, Sr. -Hie -Gordon Erb 4"48, Mary f Clarke 408, Lloyd Jeffrey 397, Lee Oesch 346, David Myers 344. Jr. IIT-Ephriani Gingerich 431 Surie Oesch-412, Gus Clarke i 385, Harold Thiel 245, Clarence Gascho 245*, Willie Bechler 213", Grace Gelinas 145* • I ` Sr.' II -Mildred Hey 276, Mabel S shwartze utrueer 2:8, Be :trice Man !,on 5t, C r'. Thiel, 227, Wa1'aceGin- gerich 21.2, Louise Hartman 37, ab- sent. • Jr. II Lewis Schrag 172; Rubon G.inger;ch 162, Leonard Becher 152, Bernice 'Thiel 127, Allan Schwartz ,entruber 121, Clarence Jeffrey 105 Ruby Schrag 4.6 Soran-tcn- ` Coal ALSO CARRY - Coke `- Poeal antas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS a EARLY TO u. Case • .:. & Son PHONE 39 , BBNSALL Huron & Ede AND Trustee Debentures • ime ay `iaiei eat ise Baiterle Architsitia tst .rasa ilp �TCiit 1Cf',. � M- AGENT Swage° H. S. W.IN PA. ,,,!a,?BWQOAI> l&COTQR +tl: Meet My Mother There: The choir sang ,two beautiful . : and comforting numbers at the church and Clayton Pfile sang a very ap- propiate solo. Edgar's favorite pa ethue was 'singing and so it was fitting, as well as balniing to the aching hearts that there should be considerable 'singing at the mem- orial service. Edgar was loved by all his playmates and school mates. He so really endeared himself to the heart of his teacher, Miss Lav- ina Sinlit that she found it imprac- tible to teach from Monday, to Wednesday and Teacher and school mates honored the departed with a beautifulbasket of dillies, tulips and carnations; a lily for• each school mato. . Mrs. Clarence Yager, his first teacher sent , a lovely sheaf of flowers from Detroit. ,He is aurvivecl by his deeply sorrow- ing parents, 2 brothers, John and BLAKE • Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber and family have gat nicely settled in their new home on the ,Goshen Line which they purchased front Mr. J. P. u. MrRa. and Mrt. J. A. Ranson and son Russel, accompanied by Mrs. McDougal ,spent Tuesday in God- erich combiasing business With pleasure. The Meats IDlary and Edna Gin- gerich are visiting friends in Kit- chener. • Mr. and Mnar Jae. Carnie of the Bronson Line north entertaied a number of their friends last Fri- day ri- da Mrs. Sam ,Hey, and children have returned home after spending a - • y anti vicinity f ds nal Zurie Harry, 2 sisters, Idella and Selina few weeks 'with_. glen ono favorite niece On* l+Andtr en Miss Alberta tPin�a' other Hoar yelatrve4 an -J.. Is 'spending "One preciou•3 to our hearts has a few weeks with frAends in Lon- gene, the -voice We loved •in stilt. don. The place made vaeaat 'is ourhome Mr. and ]'lis. Val, Gerber and can never More be filled. Our family spent Stu day with friend Father Ili iiia wi' dent gaAIted, the in this vicinity,' boon bis leve had given. And the Mr. 'Harold ,Tohnston on earth the body' re.ts, the- soul day evening 'Withfry' inm is safe heaven.' The s Salable Lino, nl y of the comMun ty goes out Mr.. Lang r►"ster had rlatelt il{ e to the molxk,n nj ta�xrrl�► and friettcl: se?f f'a. L>ti dosed carp K LB/LEISC 69 - - ZURICH 4•++++++++i•++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1-1++++trl++4!e .1 rivimmilmmuwahiwwwinffimmwthwww Zurich Drug Store Statione 1 We Specialize in fine Statio and have writing tablets of ::all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor - re sprnd en ce ®r-resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. ODAKS AND FILIMS Dr� .A� J. Ma,clUnnon,Zurich!- 1wl1)Y N V 111niwk 1ww''