HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-22, Page 4• Ate.. 1 1 rJNNOING i � 1 flat x•"' 41, 55.7 .l f zf,f ,ID'�/dl t THROUGHOUT Canada the Bank of Montreal is daily loaning funds to re- sponsible farmers to assist them in their business. This Bank is at all times prepared to advance loans on terms consis- tent with sound banking. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in excess of $83o,goo.000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. Westinghouse Batteryless Radio 22P YOU HAVE NOT HEARD TIl1S NEW (LOW PITCH) RECE1V- . alItt AIM Loom SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL Leri l f I i BET 21 ; ! t i L $EE %AND ]TEAR IT AT IES RA IO •EL CTRIC .• •. 4C. CREDITON Sam Kuhn,,t,who has been ser :godly ill fora few,;ddaya, .has ) tt Mott the erisis and its novir slowly Vraou-venni;. Mrs. G. 2 idler has returned t, 31110$r lxonne in Dashwo tt.after visit- 'ing with her son, Wm,. ettther and wife for a few week. Mrs,. ,loco!, /311.110 0c and Mrs, ,FFr e'lyn were recent visitors'wiith the tortrier';s aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Go- wer, Shipka. The nest E: L, 0, E. Oratorical .aii4s«,t will bre heel s'orno thee ill ZURICH NERALD - June This, will be the District Religious Educational Rally and held at same appointed ',church within the- boun % of the district. Clara hiarlock representing Crede icon at the next contest. - 31r, an.] 3Irs. Wni..Hoi'ftnan and daughter hli:drei, ani air. and Mrs, eeL of iifran, all of Zurich' l were Sunday last visitors with 1,Irs.. C, Hoffman and family. '•' Wealthy 8chraeler, who found employment in London for the win ter nontns, has returned. bone. Business meetings ale now the ,order at the Evangelical church as the end of the Conference year is drawing near, quarterly serv- ices the evening of March 23rd. S. S. ele_t o.i Ma.eh 2:th. Aii nal Ius iness meeting of the congregation cin March 28th. at 8 pan. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our Dear Father, Joe IBech:er, who passed to the great beyond one year ago' March 21st, 1927 , 4, Tis sweet to know we'll rntet aga'n Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well: Has just gone on before.: Christ shall clasp that broken chain Closer when we meet again.. Wile and Family. , HENSALL T. C. Joynt visited with rel- atives in Toronto the pAst week. Miss Margaret Haugh, of Bruce field was the guest at the home of Mr. and ". Mrs. F. W. Hess. I11rs, Anna McDonald len: for Toronto where she will spend a few weeks with xe:atives and fri- ends. Mr, and Mrs, Lennis O'Brein and. children of Zurich, visited wtih Mr and Mrs. Hudson and family. Laird Joynt of Lonon Univer- sity visited at his home here. Miss Dolly Hagan vis+t21 with Mrs. J. W. Peck a few days., Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. !Smith and children of Detroit ars* visiaign at the home of Mn, and Mrs. Wm. Consitt Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Veber we- re visitors to London. Mr. Pepper of Toronto, ,visited with his perents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pepper. Friends of the late -Harry Hum- estop of London were shockedto hear of his sudden death, beoften visited here and part of hisearly life was spent at Chiselhurst. , The United Church of .Hensali have engaged the dramatic Soc- iety of St. Marys, to put on theirs latest play entitled "The Prince of Liars" in the Town Hall,Hensel', on Thursday evening, . March 29. The Hen':a 1 Continust on S::hool. held their literary meeting on Friday afternoon last, a feature of which was a . debate,'. the: subject ing, "Resolved..that more crime is due to :wealth than . . poverty,", for the aff:irmat've side Ruth 'Chap 1 than, Iargarat McQueen, Miervyn Ryckman, for, the negative, Miss Avis Linclenfe , St€1'a Ingram, El- driri Smith. The d.ecission by the judges was given in favor .of the affirmative. The many friends of Norman Cook are sorry to learn that he continues quite ill. Mrs. L. Sullins and lady friend of Detroit. are visiting with cher parents, aMr, and Mrs. Geo. l Iud- ESon. Duncan McArthur, of London, visited for la few days swith Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold. Earl McEwan, of Lethbridge, Alta., Is visiting relatives and fri- ends here. Hy. Horton of Tuckersmithhas purchased the property of Robt. Green at the corner of .Nelson and Mill strs. and intends to move to town shortly. hags, barley fork, corn planter, stable broom, 2 set doubletrees, neckyokea, 2 barrels, hog troughs reeking bar, cow chains, wire cable, 2 horse blankets, x -cut saw axe, 4 bush, potatoes, several oil lamps, Pandora range, new 5 -;al., oil can, string bells new, 21arge; cracks, 3 pails, strainer, 2 lant- erns one new, garden tools, '(quail- tity bay and oats and numerous ot- her articles TERMS — $10 and under cash. Offer that amount 9 months' :credit will be given on furnishing / ap- proved joint notes 4% off for cash on .credit amounts, Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer, Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk, A. ?ranger, Proprietor, AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, SEED GRAIN, HAY AND SEEDS The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed lto sell on Thurs- day, March 29th, at 1 o'clock on Lot 22, S.B. Stanley, 2%, miles north ami half m:`lewes%, of eZ nr;eh HORSES --Team of carriage horses broke single and dauble.. . CATTLE -Fresh cow, bred Feb. 15„ Cow 6 yrs old bred Feb. 18, jersey cow, rising '5 due Sept.15, All good milkers, 2 fat steers ris- ing 2, 1 fat heifer rising 2; 2 heif- ers rising 1, 1. steer 'rising 1. , HOGS, ETC -2 brood sows with', third litters, 9 stockers about 'Alba' 8 stockers about 140 „lbs. - 5 dacen young hens, {mostly pullets, 4 Barred Rock roosters, 22 W. Leg- horn roosters, Collie dog. HAY AND GRAIN — 75 bush_ O.A.C. No. 221 barley; 75 husl4 mixed grain, 150 bush. Banner se- ed oats, 5 bush. yellow sweet clover, 5 bush. white blossomaw- eet clover, quantity seed beans, 5 ton alfalfa hay, first and -second cutting, 5 ton mixed hay. I1I LEMENTS, ETC. M. -H. hinder nearly new, M. -H. fert:llzer drill, M. -H bean puller and scor- ner combined, M. H: cultivator, M. H. mower; wagon nearly new, 14 a - you box with stock rack, , 16 -ft. hay rack, set bob s:e:ghs with new soles, above mentioned articles are all. nearly new, 130 ft. new cable with; trap chain, grip ropes and pullies, 4 sling ropes, bag truck, Clinton fanning mill, set doublehar nese with breeching, 3 collars, sin- gle harness, buggy with 2 lights for oil or battery, stoneboat, old wagon, 1C ft. old rack, Verityplow Na 21, rowing colter, 3 -section har- rows, stoneboat, wheelbarrow, gra vel box, cow leader, scythe, 1y_ dozen grain bags, 3 horse evener, doubletrees, neckyokes, hoes, forks • and umeroiis articles. Everything must go as propr- ietor is leaving the- farm:. TERMS Ali sums ,of 310 and under- cash.- Qyer that. amounf ;7. • Imarith's credit on approved joint notes. 3,, straight off for cash. on credit ,amounts, . Oscar Kropp,:Auctioneer. W. S Johnston,. Clerk Norman Gascho, Proprietor. An old land mark on Goshen A. C. Hoggarth is Visiting for a short time vyith relatives •, in Norwicltl. --• - ° The first regular meeting of the library board for the year ,was held in the council chamber • the 'tilerevening. Reeve Higgins uas appH Intel chairman of-- the board foo ,the year, and TV. M'. ikay .,sec 'rear's -.;Mi r*'McKay aft ccouert, o.f the -library •worlt-Por 'the past year.• ab •:reported $225. in the ltireasuryt The ehairtna i 'tlt4light i Was an :unusual amount to have to the credit of the board- at the end of the •year, and ; as a lot of the hooks are getting in a bad condition he thoughtt hat the hoard should spend $100` or 3125 in new hooka. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND'-1MPLEMENTS On Lot (22, Con, 4, Hay Township, On TUESDAY, `.VIARCH. 27th, 1928, Commencing at 1.30 p,tn• HORSES—Black team: rising 9 and 10, about ,1450 'lbs; Carriage horse, single and double. CATTLE -,Cow 8 yrs. old ,due in April, Cow 6 yrs. old fresh; Cow 4 yis, old fresh; ,4' heifers ris- ing 1 'yr; 2 calves.Brood sow bred Feb, 8 bacon type; ,9 An- cona hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC,—Wagon al- most new with bolster springs, 16 ft, hay ,raek new; gravel seed }drill, waggon with hoc and stock rack combined, buggy cutter, walking :plow, 100, cedar poo, set 'bob sleight, z get dou- ble "harness with breeching, bog- gy harness; h:iniea, and tugs 7 cailar•,tf, manure; Sleigh, 2 stone boats,.. snoW plow, sacks; forks, shovels, ..hay fork rope, and sl- ' •, AUCTION . SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMjENTS. On Lot 21, Coit. 10, Goshen Line,. Stanley Township, 4 miles south- • west of Varna on Tuesday,March 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following; , HORSES -Choice draft mare 8 yrs. old; Draft mare 11 .yrs. old, an aged driver, good in tdoublehar- ness,: . CATTLE—Durham grade cow 4 Yrs, old due July 10th; Durham: grade cow 3 yrs. old due Nov.15. Durham grade cow 5 yrs. old ntililr ing;. Durham grade cow 10 'yrs_ old duo, Oct. 12th; 5 choice steers' 2 yrs. old; •2 choice heifers 2 yrs. old: 3 choice yearling heifers, 2 choice yearling steers; fall calf and a, .young .calf. Pigs=Sow •• due April 12th. Poultry_ L About 75 Ancona and White eLhogrn hens. ,IMPLEMENTS 'll; -I[. binderr 6 -ft ; cut, M.- i hay' loader kneatI '• newt-ilAt_H. geed' drill 14'libe; H. bean scn1ilpr and -'harvester -spring. � tooth: cu'itivairsr; Made for the Tae -mise 1Vlotorist Highest in: quality--!owin price. A genuine Seiher- Iing bit tire, 29 x 4.40, for only. $ 9.55 rrilM t;re-wiseand the value -wise motorist can tell by one look at a Seib- erlirrg All -Tread that it offers ioore tire and greater value: More rubber, stron- ger cords, more material, more actual tire for every tire dollar you spend ten. Seiberlings. And added to this, a quality which comes from the knowledge and skill acquired in the building of over 50,004000 tires. Call and see for yourself how those heavy ribs of tough rubber extending right over the side-wall protect aga nstcurb and rut chafing. Bear the SEIBERLING SINGERS every Tuesday at 8 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time,over WEA, and 26 other stations. H. S. WEIN Dashwood You mill find Our Service Department prompt, courteous and modernly equipped .i•OIN•Ai•re***N4N6MN11ONtaiWeeeeeeseeel eeilliAev011i OUR ACCOUNTS t . Are now ready for all parties who 1 have accounts on our books. All I_ Accounts not called for by Feb. 1st will be sent through the mail • e . i 1 Continental Stock: Salt For Your • HORSES,, OATTLE1 HOGS SHEEP and • POULTRY • Louis C i b, ;_ Zurich .....e N�NONCanitftler,a Deering mower .6ft; cut; : Deeri:UsIs hay rake, Deering disc harrow; eeC of diamond ha'r'rows, pea''Iitrveat- er;, land roller, Bain wagon ';nearl3*' t new,. set of farm trucks, hay rack, , T. gravel box, stock rack, waking plow, - set of sleighs, cutter,, top buggy, gang plow, set of 'sealer 1.200-1b, capacity, cutting box,with carriers, Fairbanks gasoline en- gine 6 h.p..;Fairbanks' grin'd'er 8" plate, fanning trill, 2 seta. -of heavy harness, 2 sets single harness, a- bout 100 bush, of -seed oats O.A:C. 72, -quantity of barley, quantity of hay, forks, chains, whippletrees j ce! and ,other articles. -HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Er f tension table, 6 kitchen chairs, couch, sideboard, bed• •room suite, complete; .2 toilet. ,sets, bureau; and . stand, parlor ' suite, parlor table, ,square piano, 'walnutrecking chair, Aladin lamp, hanging lamp, clock, pieturett, sealers and nuntt- erous other articles. TERMS --Grain, and all Stmt of $10 and 'under cash, over that a niouft" S Inonth's credit will be given on furnishing approved paint notes, or a dils,epunt o1 4y -,straight allowed for cash,on crefiift anr-1 olitrtti. Everythig to be..ss4d'alis the farrrit is disposed of. Gco, • ..t:" Johnson, Proprietor;. Geo, El Elliott Auctioneer., h 1 • !o.tlo New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices - The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that itis big value and leader- ;. ship in the .Meld of low, priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstrationiffial .al PAIGE . vets ID caimans BODY 'TYPES AND COI.Oi COMBIN. ATIONS — IN Sal" AIi D EIGHTS -- GIVE$ YOU Ag HANSI 6!i1DV ►L CHOICE THE -IN16B'iS• �IIDr1�T SOrPi ,. TIN AND NIGENIS lIPSICEp: AUTOS. t we* see eed drive 'tbse new Paige eara before yore •Jif ?a1 • e a tally as. s ttie wo na ertel Tierfornnee and 'the 4;