HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-15, Page 84 tx he Store with the St�d ZURICH HERxit it,, L A D I E S IMerner's New Spring SPRING GOATS We expect a Shipment of Ladies' New Spring Coats to arrive by the 15th inst. Whey comprise the season's newest styles and cloth. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? Wall Paper .QWE CARRY WATSON, POSTERS' AND BOXERS WALLPAPERS IN STOCK, AND INVITE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH 0, U R $AMPLE BOOKS. SUITABLE- PAPERS FOR EVERY ROOM OE YOUR 'HOME AT RIGHT PRICES. Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement J. GASCHO& SONS VroduL. Wanted Phone 59 4 -3 -+++H -i -1.13 -i -H. irr�.�fi•�4-2-1-i,+.14,++,0+ . i±:-++++fig+++++•34-b•:••: f• ANNOUNCEMENT 41. ZURICH have been teITY FOR g Ao soE ws direING ctfor s OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF WiLLYS OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF ,THE LOW PRI- .�'' -, WII'�'ET FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A'TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY +it. THE LOWEST PRICE? SIX ON •ry HIPPET S 1 X THE MARKET. A Lail WITH A Tt . Z SOUND REPUTATION ti•ul ht THE FAMOURPSLEEVE VALIVHE �Villys �'� + MOTOR. IF IN NEED O1+ A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US 4. BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ' A SATISFACTORY DEAL *ASSURED, BESIDES: 4 "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" . H. Mo asseau Zurich + .4.4,+4. , .;..: ++++++++++++•:-• ,:-.-:- 1.4.44+++++++++•1-1•444444+44+ All the new patterns are shown in all lines. Again we say it is all Clean Fresh New Stock. And ask you to come and have a look. Don't forget this that the Prices are low. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER ITEMS OI LOCAL iNTF,REST BIRTHDAY PARTY. A very interesting event took ,place at the Mansion House, Strat- rford; .on Priday.evening'March 9th, when Miss Fred iaDeiebert, enter- tained a number of friends; to a Birthday Party. About nine -thirty the young people entered thesit- ting room which was very:Tfiet- tily decorated by Mr. Robertson ra*••s•••••••••a••se••••••s•11**** 04110••19•••••••0•• Ha.tehing Season Why pay fancy prices for your young Chicks when with a few minuter of spare time each day you can hatch and raise your own STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS AT A BIG SAVING dN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN ALL ABOUT OUR.. , ' s Buckeye Incubators and Brooders 176E HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEIDi ZURICH ONT« r. • • • • • • • O • • • 1 1 • LOCAL MARKETS Live Hogs cwt....-. �_.., ir........8.50 Butter, Ib. — ...... 40e Eggs ._. . .. 4.. 25-33-,37 Dried apples es ib. 9 Oats, bushel --. �. " �=,.; :.,. 60 Wheat per bush' .,.� - _._ a 125 Barley --- ._75 Buckwheat . ...., 75 Flour Shorts per ton .r- 35.90 Bran per ton - _34.00 LCorrected revery Wednesday.) for the occasion. The party^'vas - - opened by "0 Canada" on the Victrola followed by a Ispeeehby c Mr, C. Heyes, the Chairmlzn; and presentation of gifts to Frieda, who replied in her very able manner. Games such as fortune telling; writing names and ad- dress, while standing an a jug; copper and guessing contest and numerous othersaroused intense excitement with the plasms;,. prizes being awarded to each winner,Mr. Robertson furnished music, and Mr. E. Wagenast sang a solo' '0 Those Shingled Bells?' About 12.30s andwiches were ser- ved after which thebirthdaycake containing twenty lighted cand- les followed by the Misses Victoria Deichert and Flossie Xleinstiver with trays of fruit salad and ice cream. Miss Freida then extin- guished the candles and served the cake while Vic. poured the tea. The prizes contained in the cake were won by the Misses Victoria and Susie Deichert, Flossie KIein- stiver, ,Mary Givilin and Edward Wagenast. A short dance andth'e singing of the National Anthem closed the evening's program', af- ter which all those present having thanked Miss Frieda returned to their respective homes. 10 ASHWOOD Mr, and Mrs. Wes 'Wine and fan- iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wilds, Mrs El. Willett, Mrs. J. Hartleib and Mrs. G Stire spent Sunday eve. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch'. The annual Band Concert will be held in Wein's Hall on Thursday evening of this week. As thiisis the one big event of th.' yen- to which the public its invitedj,there will doubtless be a big 'turnout on Thursday night, Mr. Herb Ganser of Detroit, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will :Bieber and family were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Geo .Koch. Mr. 'Fred Rinker and daughter Minnie, of Thedford visited in town on Sunday}. Miss 'Fraser of London, han tak- en a position as milliner with J, C. Reid & Co. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Haberer of Zurich, were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. J. Kellermian visited a few days in Toro,.to last week.. Mrs. • Hotchl. ss '.n•1 •son 'Harold of Detroit, and Mrs El z ;beth Ki- ieinstiver of Port Huron, visited re- latives in town last week Born Cunnington Orta Mo' 'nday, March 12th to Mr. andlii'rs. 'Fred. Cuninington, a daughter. Mrs, Nich, Stier is quite ill, the chit.iren were all called home. Her friends hope she will recover. Mr. Chan, Stier has returned on Friday, to Oshawa, after spending some time with his parents. Mrs. Bill Davis of London is spending a few day'si Y . Dash- wood with , Mr and Mrs/ Mover. Mr, Henry Rader, Mr. `and Virg. Herb Went; to Mire'bigarf , to attend a funeral of there Mint Nestern FarmersMutual Weather Insurance_ Co." OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in 'Ontario Amount of Insurance a.t'ltisk oa Dec, 31, 1927, $22,30,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,579,88 G. Holtzman — Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY 4 4 4 Thnr'sda7,; :tV4ar'eh 1.,W t, 1:929 4. • • Hardware We carryya full Line of the. Citi-• • rated Royal Purple Stock Foods. I. t+ HAVE YOUR STOCK WINTER WELL, AND LOOK 'GOOD. ASLO YOUR HENS PRODUCING EGOS WHILE THE ?JuC.. SII, ES ARE HIGH tr +4. .g ZEIULEUMa.. THE BEST THE MARKET FOR LICE,EMC. 4. , lM C. a. 01. BARGAINS IN HARDWARE • 1 4. t. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF REAL BARGAINS TO OFFERI.AT 'b' THE HARDWARE LINE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. .1. Z. sit Bari;ains inf Furniture • Coate and See for Yourself 1 Before Taking Stock We offer many BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. • ' WS PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES.. FULL SUPPLY OR' KRAUSER SMOKE CURE Johnston & Kalbfleiscth Hardware- &.Furniture, Phone 63 �r>•++++r+++++++++ N'.F-i• t04. + 2.+++4.+++++++.1.4+. Auto Insurance The tremendous increase in the numb 3r of Automobilesin Canada: IN RECENT YEARS MAS' BEEN ACCOMPANIED ' BY A. GREAT INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE TO AUTOMOBILES, OR CAUSED BY AUTOMOR-. ILES, WHICH HAS INCREASED THE DEMAND FOR PRO- TECTION AGAINST THESE RISKS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DETAILED IN SUBSEQUENT PAGES. Experience has shown that the only way to enjoy the, full- est est protection, with a minimum of trouble; is to earry} Automobile Insurance in a company which is licensed , t• cover the whole range of automobile Insurances. Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;—S.11 it V 1CD AND SAFr' g Have You MADE YOUR WILL? You're To suffer from) Sore Throat More weeks and Bronchitis, Cough, Bronchial As- thma, Catarrh, Head Colds, Aden- oids and Tonsil troubles, when Easter will be herehGOOD results are guaranteed by using Mrs. .Sybilla Spahrs 'T•onsil- itis. Try it. --At not so Dumb NEVER HAS A SPRING BRO- UGHT FORTH SUOII A BEAUTI- FULL LINE OF SMART HATS AS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OF LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR. OUR LINT OF EXTRA SMALL HEADSIZE M IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- QUIRING SMALL SIZES SHO- ULD CALL AT THE HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHHOICEI We haven't forgotten the babies: and "stniall children. Ourline in Silk Bonnets in pink and white and Bonnet 'Fiats in Silk and Straw. Never was better. GIVE US A CALL V. V. SIE BERT BORN Hoffman --At Hay Township on March 13th, f;o Mr. and Mrs. Simeon 'Hoffman ,a son. • • Hauser --At , West Lorna, on Mardi 6th, to Mr, and Moo. John S. Hauser, 'nee Gerti0 Weigad, tor- r ertY •oi Hashivood, a dattj, fhto AT WAGNER'S STORE 11 JOEN WAS Drugless Practiou eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone ID TAILOR MADE t BY .THOSE WH.O K N W NOT To�ISTaea B J —'- TO - 1 THROWN' BY THOS WHO KNOW. HOW Our Suitings Mao On* r ( t',dl:.( LILaLLLtIJsi' 4 r i ARIA IUGiHT IIP, TO TDB .I*INDTH ON 'PATTERN, STYLE AND QU&LIT TALL OIIIt GOODS G"A.RANTRED DONT bio misled y baying eMapet IinI interior g: odd BUY tramp thone, you know wili Intend behind everything they ./! B mitt ±W. H. HOFFMAN fMcaiN'r T'AZL OR, W. 111.110' L $OFFii[AN' Si Sony IAMB -4 !AND PUNKDAL onnt TORS, bay mid Virg! PLioos *o,