HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-15, Page 1Vol. XXVUL No 3 ZURICH. THURSDAYM9RNIIrNQ. MARCH 15,1928. Metter 11 SLnitle; POM jt Tett ALE141141 •L51INiARB1:M S *2 MAY BZ eiBiusellat Build up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town d 14. +4.4444.44 • ••F 4• • -4 -:A 4 -4 FACTS - From the S3rd Anunal Report of the London Life Insurance G.Q. For the year 1927 STEW INSURANCE ISSUED $95,5$1,136. In in force 295,905,7h3 Rate of Interest Earned 6.562, Surplus, Gov. Basis $6,480,733,00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Showing,. Growth. Total Year blew B' nese Insurance ' Income i , Issued in Force For Year Assets 1907. 113,191,710$11,140,203 5997,23;7 2,366,929 191% - 50,787,365 _.0 ° 2,585,097 8,050,269 1.927. 35,E1,198 295,935,753 191,749 44,068.,929 E Oesch Agent Zurich 4444•••4••••••••4••••wN• •••N•••••i••••Z••••iNs•WIllir BARGAINS BARGAINS 4. -1. .1. +b 4 Received a shipment of waterproof • • Robe which I am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices, get your's at •� Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL. . -ZURICH. ♦..... +c.+1Q49y+t?m':....44,4b oe**4'd*♦•e••••••••'d0k4M4.044. 301*. s•0••t etle 41 4400 4 •341111••••••ete• • • ilt betwe.en 65 and 7,.0 ,years ago-. Thomas TurnebuIl, the fine 1p8- In the early days large congreg- acre £artu, being Lot 22, Ji., E, • o=se.aion to be ations ticorchiped in it. blanY p given next fail • !families have since moved a�vny, At the recent meeting of the 'wind a great niony more. who Ivor- Zurich I-olice Trustee Board, cIetii. • assed • • shipe:l unuei its roof have p T ming other important business v e A , over the Great Majority,. �t is notieL that lir. O. Klopp was 'aw- 4 F SHOES • with a feeling of sadness that we ardei the contract of hauling ].00 L see the littlP country churches one fouls of lake gravel to the village • after aaaotl,ei be'n; closed up. Sur - Mr. $]SE i t far the 100 loads. • ely they have been a very great Brllgs you values thatc no ! e o factor in of ou'd'ng the moral and Fitt C'1,rist.. Hey, of the Babylon '.�spiritutil life o£ our rnralconznaau- Line, who 'during the past year duplicated. anywhere. . i seat suffered catarract on his eyes, J 1kLr, Jas. McCl.inchey has said which dur;ng the last few months � �• fy all competition tom Notes the 50 -acre farm, N-hf. Lot 1.9,Con. afflicted him to• the extent that • lA, which he has owned for five he became totally blind. But their record dashing Prices • years to Mr Herb. Smith �r23� O.On Patrick's Sup ,r On Saturday, March I7t11; ;the Vlromen's Mission -and Aid• -Society of the Evangelical Church, `. are giving a St, Patrick's Supper hi the Council's Chamber of theTown Hall, Zurich; Supper will be (ser- ved beginning at Three o'clock;, and whosoever will• may •come Come in and enjoy the toothsome refreshments and spend an :hour of pleasant fellowship. Adults '35c. Children 12 and, under 20c. Public Meeting Will be held in the ti TOWN HALL, ZURICH On WEDNESDAY MARCH 21st 1928. At 2.30 o'clock, p.m., JeC •rte='= ..,;„ pz4c,-;,..:4 , .. .., kv Mr. and Mrs, ' Peter Haberer were Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr. Fred C. Kalbfleisch' is at present Visiting 'his brothers in Detroit. Mr, Edwin Regier purchased a goorl used 1920 Ford Coupe from C+ Fritz & Son.' • Mr. David Tough of Brucefie.d visited his Zurich friends here on on Tuesday( Miss Gertrude Weber, who- sp- eant a pleasant week visiting with friends at London, has returned to her home here. Mesn•rs. Eddie and Arnold Kel- ler of Dashwood and Mr. Clarence Thiel of town, motored to Galt en •Sur day. For the Purpo9e of Discussing . Rev. Schorten, of Regina The fetter Watch Special Prices 15 Jewel 16 size ,Niekel Case, An Ideal watch for a working man Price �....., . +.. .»+.. '$13.00 15 Jewel. 16 size, Fancy Gold Plated Case. Price .$15.00 15 Jewel, 16 size,. fancy Gold Filled Case, Price ........... :.,... ...419,00 Over 300,000 Regina's, in Can- ada, . a ' • 1�atarlo8 Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & H'UDSO and D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY SOFT ,r COAL MILLER'S CREEK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD IS LAND GRADE A, WHLTIi "POT- ATOM., POT ATOES. _ HENSALL ONT. Phones -Office law. Room VW what arrangement can be made Seminary will hold services in the with the Fire, �Departm nibs. of Lutheran church, Zurich on Sunday Bensall,, Zurich. and Dashwood for at both morning and evening. protection against, fiire in; the F A meeting of the Officials of rural sections of -the •TownshZP Of the Flay Township .Farmers' Mutual ;,gay, `Fire Insurance Co. will be held in Zurich on Saturdays A. F. Hess, Clerk. • Members and friends are pord- ially invited to attend the Luther E. F. Kropp, Reeve, Y League on Friday -night and take !in the very •interesting debate. • IOn Saturday, March 17th allot STANLEY TOWNSHIP i fit. Patrick's Supper will be ser - Line, ,in the 'Council Chambers of Line, is being removed The the Town Hall,•Zurich, by the lad - church known as St.Luke's Au -,res of the Evangelical church_. glican ch re'h,: had been sr„ ' we."Mr I;o3' Mefiride and 'is being tak+an Mr. 'Albers Hendrick, of the away. This church . has stood Blue «Tater Highway, has Fur - since the pioneer days, being 1.u- chis,;.] from his neighbor, Mr. iF possession given f of thanks to the modern medical • • • this science, as he was taken to Lon- Men's Luntrher>orem Rubbers, Regular $4.50 Sale at -= --424 : •spring. This fifty acres joinsMr don Hospital and operated on Robbers, Reg. $3,50, at--;•,�,- Sae -�x;95 • `Smith's own farm, 'in fact is the and said cataracts .removed, and Bays Lumbermen• other hzlf of the lot o.f his farm', Mr. Hey -is back hone again 'able Child's Heavy Reibbers, Regular 1200, Sale at.__ •-`'` and so will be very convenient to Ito. see and is doing as well as can Men's Calf Black Goodyear Welt, Reg. $5.00, Sale at ».-4$3.65 •. h and make him a fine fern. be expected,. (X, Boy's Solid Leather, School Shoes, Reg.. $3.50 Sale at --$245 Woinen'is Felt mad: E Id E®udour Slippers, Seg. 1-.4h, Sate -95e ••s Children's Showa, from 3•9e. to ---$1.19 i Men's :Rubbers, all eines, SPECIAL at - .___:.-. Ivo. 1 I Com 1EN AND SEE PPT4iE BARGAIN TABLES r I l eel�e REPAIRING• • Brow` s p NEATLY DONE• 1, ooesop000esoosoosos000000s000sooseoeseesooefooseeeeo• •***r4r**** **0404,041,044.40 wsbO*Z0•404 4.(fr: r:,+s *404440* A@f ]4)40,4 4, I REAL 41. EARGAINS! 1 OVERCOATS SUITS : 4 MACKINAWS , NDE•- ARI 3SWEATERSVERALLS 4. 4► ag In fact everytha1,,� an the " Store at <, . • ti • 0 MONS *7 ETC. • 0 - Greatly Reduce Prices Get our primo before you. bay elsewhere aidgc11011 AMMO "wtvw.ie..dt!�etE+MarAtwr,; 4�aMrin44a.b� e1� Mr. Willie McCli,nchey was a- The Zurich Branch of the CVom- way on a 'business trip to Luff- ens'• Institute met in the Chamber alo for a few days. Room in the Town Hall on Monday Mr. Ed. Snell of ,Zurich, visited afternoon. The meeting was in with friends on the Bayfield Rd, charge of Miss Pearl Wurtz. Mrs. 0.Surerus and Mrs. J. Gascho. A for a few days. Mr. Nelson 'Ricky of Detroit, is `gaiting his cousin, Miss Franeie paper was given by Miss Wurtz Sharpe, of 'Babylon Line. on Institute Ode, which was eery profitable. An Instrumental by 'Miss Mildred Geiger, a paper by .Mrs. J. Gascho on How to Make the Work Easier, this was also ve y Evan le1lcai Church .Notes j benefietal. Mrs. O. Surerus gavel a contest on St. Patrick's Day,this ZURICH -- ONT. !was also very good. Business was GOD'S IDEAL CHURCII taken by president, Mrs. C. L. Sn., bliss E. Rennie, then in- •my ]:incl of a church would �strueithted the ladies in music which my church be if every member was enjoyed by all. were just like mel . Would it • be strongeror weaker if I could be SAD ACCIDENT duplicated over and over again? A c.rys ac] fatalit oecured at The world needs a strong man's Y lift and a truly good man's touch; Dashwood on Sunday aftero ,on, are you giving it? God wants the when Edgar, tiie 11 -year-old and i church to be spiritually alive and youngest son o1 Tvlr. and Mrs. E. progressive, warmly Sympathetic Raler of the Town Line met a and cordial, pastor and people par- very -sudden death by being cru - j taking of and imparting. the abo= shed: between an automobile and ounding life of Jesus. Never i,c- a teelphone post. A number of timizing or repressing but serving young boys were playing around saving, blessing and glorifyingaround 'Mr. iZni�mer's car and mankind.Edgar and another boy crawled on and hung t1reiuselves on the rear Sunday Services'.end of the ear, and owing to the ice, Mr. Zimmer could not go ahead .so he backed up, not kno w - Subject -Captivity taken cap- Ing that the two- lads were on tine, -It would be next to a tthe rear end, and whi'e -he hit a grime if you' failed to hear this telephone post with the mentioned icaptavating message. result. 'inc'funeral was held to the. Dashwood Lutheran comet - 11 a.m.-. ;t,• :xehool, cry on Wednesday afternoon, in - J. E. Gascho, Superintendent. te^niient to the Dashwood Lutheran cenreteryge Reis survived by h,is "'.Sri p•,:';: tea 'It'' seirro`viing parents, two s;sterS and subject -The Prodigal •Son.Y tavp brothers, who have the sync drama of ,abondonment Orli ashy of a large circle of frieii is cin, and resloratiou th_rat aalvat- p as Edgar was such a cheerful and . pleasing tittle fellow, n• a 10.00 a,m, iVorship -_-i t4•1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-1.44.+4.4.51 4.13 ++'r++ +++3++1+4++Q++4-? +4++€++3++3-+II++l+r§++d++ •'4++1+++4•-1++ ++� i++0 %+3+++i++F++' +4-1.4 vs.+4. c+5a1 FORDS! EORDS!4 Closed Cars For Sale: I. WE INVITE YOU 4 To inspect our Newand- Used Cars 2 w before you purchase and will take your car in exchange and give Teriisa We have a nice variety of used Cars in A 1 condifdou. No extra charges for financing. This saves between $35. and $50. on a car 44 FORD COUPE 1926, extra front and rear bumpers, automatic wiper, heater, water pump and spot light. Car in good eon- ditionl FORD 4 -door Sedan 1926 model, in beautiful shape, Duey an& upholstering like new, extra equipment, aut, wiper, heap in front and back, and new licenses, 1923 Ford Coupe in real good condition. you a lot of cheap transportation. 1926 Ford Tudor in nice shape with new license, Four Wheel trailer, in good shape, a snap; and engine can be used for (power, only $20.00 1 GOOD Rubber Tire Buggy, nearly good as newt, e STEEL TIRE BUGGY, very cheap. FORD TUDOR 1925 in good condition; equipment, spare 5, 5 5, 4. 5, This ear wild glee 5, 5 3 5 4. 4. 4. 5 4. 4. 4. Batteries eiai a, automatic wiper, slip covers, any one can afford to pay. heater and license, at a tire, price.. C. FRITZ &. SON FORD DEALERS Tires 30x32 $5. to $6. SECOND ,HAND FORD PARTS AT H4TJF PRICE 4:. +++++++++++++++++++•fi '++.. ++4.4.++4-17++"1 i, }'++++i°'q°1`+":0:04+•S * b. Spring and Summer GOODS When you start out to do your spring and summer buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSOfTMB NT OP • ' f vINGB€ 6 'l S' PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SH1RTINGS, COTTIIN tt FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A PULL Assoti C ires'I" OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING BOUSRCLEANIII'T& ..1.1 11s REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS t N BAND. i Na• CiC�UI�LA. ,GENERAL . MERCHANT >1 11.BLAKE 1 1' t t l f 11 and wall b E ii.. •'Ketal. 1t!. i",, Dicier, Porton nix sed •set"natieh iii. the home, li 4,- 10.1 ......40.111104nraseng•MNIMillie&limmniMeNaSMIIIINMser