HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-08, Page 8Th* Store with the Stock EW PRIN6 '`'ODS NS A1tRiVING Let us show you our New Peter Pan 'rand Amana Prints, New Ginghams in finest patterns in English and Canad- ian made, new Cretons, Chintz, shirt- ings, cottonades, denims. RBDPATII'S SUGAR We will sell 125 Bags of Redpath's Granulated Sugar at $6.40 per cwt. Get your supply at this price Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement J. GASCHO & SONS Produt, Wanted .Phone 59 IP ANNOUNCEMENT We have been. appointed Agents direct for ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THF FOLLOWING LINES OF 'TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF. te+ WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF .THE LOW PRI - WHIPPET A' OTRA CED FIELD. SEE IT;, DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITHII AND PROVEN PRODUCT OFQUAL(TRIED W�� c S , THE LOWEST PR10El + ON HIPPET Y THE 'MARKET. A : ..�t WITH A T SOUND REPUTATION TWO MODELS, I VI' i Ilys Knight TAE FAMOUR PSLEEVE VALIVE TH MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. .A SATISFACTORY DEAL + ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" H. Mousseau Zurich :1Pre A -:" «:-:. f+ fi•++or �...;..1.;.:; ._ i ,� #•k +++++++++++++++++++++++ •sir••••••••••••••••••••••••QMe ee••410••••••O••••••• • • TT2.thhing Why pay fancy Iprices for your young Chicks when with a few • minutes of spare time each day'';:. you can hatch and raise your own Season � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS AT A BIG SAVING t1N MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN I • • ALL ABOUT OUR.. I Buckeye Incubators and. Brooders WE }JAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. 1 • UiIGH HERALD Thuradayr lltaxefa #t71> :is2>s IVierner's New Spring GOODS All the new patterns are shown in all lines. Again we say it is all Clean Fresh New Stock And ask you to come and have a look. Don't forget this that the Prices are Tow YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST HENSAL' SEED SHOW. The annual Seed Pair ;of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, Hen - sail, on February 24th with a good entry of grain. - The exhib- its numbering a few more than last y ear, and the amount of prize money paid but was larger;than in any previous year Prof. W. J. Squirrel, of the Guelph', O. A. C. acted as judge and as in other years ,gave an address after , the judging. He had a crowded hall for his audience, and as he is. a fluent speaker with a wealthof knowledge along agricultural lines his address was not only interest ing but highly instructive as well, and the appreciation of hit$ & ad- dress was fittingly expressed in a vote of thanks moved by Owen Geiger and seconded by Miiliam Contitt. 'w The President, Mr. W. D. Sanders of Exeter, acted ar chairman.. The following is a list of the successful exhibitors; Spring Wheat-JohnRobertson C. Truemner. • •No. 72 or 144 Oats -Roy McDon- ald, Oscar Klopp, Wm. Pepper. White Oats -W. R. Dougall, J. A. Manson, J. Robertson, C. True- mner. Barley, 6 -rowed -W. R. Dougall, Wm, Pepper, J. A. Manson,. a Truemner. Field Peals -C. Truemner, Alex Buchanan. . Feld Beans -C. Truemner, W.R. Dougall, J. A. Manson. Timothy Seed -C. Truemner, A. Buchanan, Red Clover Seed -Ed. Munn, C. Trueminere. Alfalfa Seed -Thos. Sherritt. Alrike Seed -C. Truemner. Potatoes, general crop -W. It. Dougall, C. Truemner. Buckwheat - Oscar Klopp, John Manson. EXETER tut MARKETS Live Hogs cwt....,... Butter, lb. ....... .-...-.._ .-... 40c Eggs ...-.. .... 4... 25-33-37 Dried apples lb. - _ 9 Oats, bushel ...... 60 Wheat per bush - _ .; 1.25 Barley - _... .- ___75 Buckwheat _.- -. -._ 75 Fleur _..._ .3.50-4.50 Shorts per ton ,_� - ,—._ 35.00 Bran per ton ._ -3.4.00 eCorrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. - OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31, 1927, X22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds X150,579,83 G. Holtzman --- Zurich Aden!, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring �NILLIMERY 5 5 5 .+1+++++•;`+i,++,+++++++++++++++.:.+++++++++++++$++++++++ • • city 4. 4. ar ra. are I4. We carry a full Line of the Celeb- • rated Royal Purple Stock Foods.• • HAVE YOUR STOCK WINTER WELL, AND LOOK GOOD, ASLO YOUR HENS PRODUCING EGGS WHILE THE PRIC:. t • 4* ES ARE HZ'GH 4 4. ZENOLEiJM: THE BEST DISENFECTANT ON THE MARKET FOR LICE, ETC. t 4. BARGAINS IN HARDWARE• * WE HAVE A NUMBER OF REAL BARGAINS TO OFFER IN a~ t THE HARDWARE LINE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. ,>f 4. .• 4., t Before Taking Stock 4. 4. 4. We offer many• Bargains in Furniture I a 4. 4. 1. 4. 4. 4. BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. WE t PAY HIGHRST MARKET PRICES4.. • 4. FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURS .' f Johnston & Kalbheisch 1 Come and See for Yourself Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I ..++++++++++.1.++++++++444-1÷8+÷...+++........4 Auto Insurance The -tremendous increase in the number of Automobiles=in Canada IN RECENT YEARS HAS BEEN ACCOMPANIED BY'. :, 'GREAT INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS. FOR DAMAGE TO AUTOMOBILES, OR CAUSED BY AUTOMOB- ILES, WHICH 'BAS INCREASED TRP. DEMAND FOR PRO-. TECTION AGAINST MESE RISKS, .SOME GF WHICH ARE DETAILED IN SUBSEQUENT PAGES; Experience has shown that the only way to enjoy the full- est allest protection, with a niinimrual of. trouble, is to carry Automobile Insurance in a company which is licensed top cower the whole range of automobile Insurance. Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, • - Zurich MY MOTTO; -,811H r!CH A.N1) RA-11"WEY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 You're not so Dumb To suffer front 'Sore Throw More weeks and Bronchitis, Cough, ISronehial As- thma, Catarrh, Head C ld Ad - oids and Tonsil troubles, when Easter ; will be �fe..a GOOD results are guaranteed by W. A. Patrick, teller ,of the Can. Bank of Commerce, has )3e4 i transferred to 'the Crediton branch NEVER NAS SPRING, BRO- an1 Mr .J'. L. Hanihiy of Midland 'TT(RT FORTH SUCH A BEAUTI takes iPatrick's place here. e s, en Mrs, W. J. Bissett was notifie of the death of her brother, Vag, J+ Welsh, which took place at Kansas City, Mo., on Feb. 122nd. Deacesed was about 72 years of age. A quiet wedding took place at James St. church on Feb. 29th, at, noon when Ruth Vivan Jory, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jory, , of Stephen, was united in marriage to Keith Simpson McLaren of Crom-mper- formed arety, the ceremony being per - for m;ed by Rev. D. McTavish, The death took place suddenly in Tillsonburg el P. H. McEwen„ son -in -taw of D. Mack, of town, and for several. years a 'resident, Exeter.. I•I_e was taken ill in the morning and p ed away in, the evening with he^tt .I ure, was born in Parkhill about 4) years age and ten years ago was married to Mary Mick. ' C. C. Pilots, who recently dis- posed of 'hie garage in Exeter, has If In need of new furniture ■ w • secured an excellent position with , do,'j [the ChryslerMotor Co., having fy� �7c! [,� „ . • been appointed distributor for orget• 111f a have it! • IChry'aler cars throughout Western i • Ontario, with territory extending front north of London to , Owen Sound. As distributor, Mr. Pilon !placed many Chrysler cars in Tlar ' ron County last year,, and he will noW-- Lind drt'Ate to .set ttp .a better sales organization throughout We larger districts.; .• Win. Treble, widely, Itno n ant1 STADE 4!!IE100.1 014-1060.11166.4110.111.116414.14.4.41404/66.011400.010.01000i10 ZURICH-- ONT. FULL LINE OF SMART HATS 1A'; WE ,HAVE AWONDERFUL LINE OP. LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR.. OUR LI.NE OP EXTRA. SMALL HEADSIZE L IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- ,QUIRING SMALL S1ZES SHO- ULD CALL AT nig HAT SHOPPE" EARLY AND GET FIRST C'HOICE We haven't forgotten the babies and small children. Our line in Silk Bonnets in pink and white an,d Bonnet Hats in Silk aid Straw. Nev er was better: GIVE US A CALL V. V. SIE ERT' the oldest person born in the Tp. of Usborne, passed away,' in his 88th year, He was never siek' a day in his life until his last ill ness, and was confinedto his bed for only a, week, was born on the London Rd, south of Exeter, and lived all his life In the eom- inanity When a ,young man' he helped to clear .inanye a .farmsnc1 Was - later a tramper and mover Att building*. ., itis. Try it. -At AT WAGNER'S STORE JOHN WARD Drugless Practiott-. ser and Optician MAIC a ICE Exeter Phone 70 • $ TAILOR MADE H BY THOSE WO KNOW f NOT>T� .BTTT T4 -GR T I BY TUOSR WHO KNOW ROW Our Suitings t NIGHT UP TO TDB MINUTE 1 IONI ' PATTB,itN,.eTYLE AND QUA OUR GOODS G" S.RANTEED "••A1LL DONT be i nieeled W buying cheaper from, inferior (OnI►� �+ ao those you know Will Ireaatdabed everything they BVI/. H.• HOFFMAN fsIRRC*ANT ' ut.. , W. H, HOFP'MAN H IB. ; SAND FUNERAL DIlk!!c'?ORS, Day said N *Ma. Koh ' ;1111 •