Zurich Herald, 1928-03-08, Page 51 1 Z' C$ aE'A'LD 1110611403$ CARO$ DLIT-it-Ey FE.1Ic1T.M os ;B1},RRISTER„ SOLICITOR, T IARY PUBLIC, ETC, , `OFPICE—Uamilt0fl Street, Just. off the Square, GODERICR, Ontario. Special attention . to Councel and Court Work,. Holmes may a be consulted at' usenet be Settled by that date;., Wants, For ' Sales .lost , Found Noxice, Etc.•Ad$ N TIM coon# NOTICE `My accounts are now readyr. as well as due!, and as I am leav- ing on March 21st ,all accounts ¢3,oderich by phone, and Trhoue J. Kipper, FOR SALE l 400 Barred Rock --Pullets, ;'good laying strain, at $L25 each; also after March 20, 140 2 -yr: -old —hens and 20 roosters. Good reason for selling—O.. perersen, Dashwood. icOR SALE REAL ESTATE Frame . house 18x24 with kitchen 12x15, 6 ,rooms in: house, nicely decorated, good roof and dry cellar, barn 1.8136, good hard water, ideal location: At present occupied by Mr. F. Kochems. For particulars apply to Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. BORN, Haberer—At Zurich,' on February 2&th, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Haberer, a daughter. FOR SALE - charges reversed. Dr. HIl.` COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON, At, DEM BLOCK—ZURI011 Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIWS BLOCH, DAS&fi'iOOD, Every 1Ionday, Tuesday and Wednesday TJTIT.AL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL. DIVIDENDS Local Agent iy g, HESS The imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E.. Wuerth—;gent ZURICH phone 11-81 ntee and Accident Insurance. 3 Cultivators. 1 Pinder. -. 2, 11 -disc drilla. All these machines are in working order. L. A. Prang, Zurich. good 71fi»a ..A,lm,a LltUey'aa a t the Exeter,ie- ek-end with ,frieuds t Mr. and Mr* F. W. Tress of. Hensall, were Friday visitoris in the village. Rev. O. D. Snider from; Elu'•ira occupied the `pulpit of the Men- nonite ehureti on Sunday' 'last. Mrs. Herman Bender is ;having an auction sale of Household ef- BABY CHICK HATCHING 1600 Eggs per week. Eggs pur- chased from Standard Flocks and Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for Leghorns and $8.00 for Rocks. Hatch Guaranteed. Orders may be left at Stade & Weide, Zurich, Oldest and Strongest Co;inCanada Or apply to J. Elgin McKinleY/ OSCAR KLOPF Graduate Caieg M. Jones Nat - final School of Auct:oLeeer n .STry Ina for . Registered keeping ock, 4&,11 Breeds). Terms in Choice. prevailing prices. Pennssaes pfor sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write. • Licensed Auctioneer OR HII11.0N & • 312/DDL'ESEK A3I IN A POSITION TO CON - +duct,: any auctima Sale, rebardieS3 so :to Size or article: to ;ea.. 1 isoliicit your business, 'and if no t leatisfied will make no charges for BerNicea. wood. Arthur Weber — Dash. Phone 13-57 �l1�MO��sA���Nrl�OM: Zurich That MARKET • • Q Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc i Highest cash Price For Wool . �. CASH FOR SKINS h HIDES R. R. 1, Zurich. fects otss Mardi 17th on Saturday, - Miss Alice prints spent the ,past 'Week with , !Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Armstrong, Stanley, IPP: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston of Vancouver ;spent Monday With Miss Miura Johnston, Mise Mime Johnston ;spent tbe week -end at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dinsmore, 'Town Line, The result of the auction sale of land for taxes in ;Zurich on Sat- urday resulted in Mr. Wm. S. John- ston purchasing the 66 -acre farm on the. Blue 'Water (Highway. "' 'Mr- Sam. Gascho was at God- erich this week, where file 'is inter- ested in the purchase of a retail business. Mr, Harry Datara, of New Ilamr burg, who spent • several weeks at the home of Mis son, Mr. Garnet Deters, Hay Tp. • Prof. Neudorfer, who conduct- ed services"in St. peter's Lutheran church' on Sunday, visited the hems of Mr. 'Edw. Deters Mrs. Ed., Haberer has "returned home after ;spending "'some time with relatives and friends at St. Thomas and London. A joint auction sale will be. held in Zurich, in the deaf future. Parties having any kindly they would like to dispose Jof, dor notify the auctioneer, G ICIopP. • Mr. Dari. Oswald has purchased a two -door isiedan . Mr. Norman Gasclio a touring and Mr. Alvin. Kellerman, Dashwood, a coupe, FARM FOR SALE On London Road, Stanley Town- ship 97 acres; four acres good hardwood bush rest all under cul- tivation. Barn 72 by 40 on cem- ent stabling, Steel drive 'shed, frama poultry house, brick dwelling, fenc- ing and drainage good; five miles from Clinton, one mile from Bruce - field. Apply Ito Frank Lane, Clinton. Or•; c -o W. Brydone, Clinton. Tungblut &' sesessosessessoofairegessiosee LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED ltezu esery day till 3•'clock,Pon . Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices ,. ..J ASIS NOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone el Zurich eadquarters FOR IMES TIMES AND ;w FOR SALE " :Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 434c. per pound Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich SUES INSURANCE COMPANY, -Gwen Geiger, former reeve of Henson, is the plaintiff in ,a Sup- rennfo Court writ issued theother day "against the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance 41 parry, of. Hay Township, He- ron County. Plaintiff's claim for a loss ureter a policy of fire in- sriranee carried on a barn and con tents; • The writ was filed by Gl- adnran & Stanbury acting ;for Geiger, and the dispute is over a 4uaptity of flax in said barn, at the time of fire. JOIN TOBACCO POOL It is estimated that •ahout fifty per cent of .the tobacco growers have e;:igne-i up with the Ontario Tobacco Growers' Pool, An en- thnsiastic meeting of the gro•cscers Was ;held in the Town Hall, Exeter reeently when Mr. Brooks Catton, of Sask., who has had considerable to ado with the wheat pool of that prvyincewas the print pal speak- r-; Ho outlined the working of then, wheat pool in the western provinces and advised the tobacco growers that the only way to reap the benefit from; the crbps they grew was to control the oatpu;t, James Robson, president of the IVliddlesex Tobacco Growers' As- eh:dation, was the other speaker fee the day. He outlined the aims and purposes of the tobacco pool. The system for the toba- cco pool will be much the same as the system, far the wheat pool. Messrs. Oscal Koehler and. Jac- ob Brown left on R' e eesday fox, Toronto, where the former -will bring backa new car, while the latter will visit hia sister, Mrs. Hoffman fora week or' so. from C. Fritz & Son. Last Thursday Mr. Harry. G. Hers moved their effects into the Mrs and Mrs. ROSS Johnston upper story of the businessblock he recently purchased from) his fa - kis, Fullartan and Mitchell. thea. �Yhi'.e Mr. W. J. Mernerhas Mica Jemima Johnston of Zur- 1 nLoved his .effects into the .Rhues ich, spent the week -end at the e property vacated, "hy Mr, 1f3 - xne of • Mr. a'nd • Mrs. Thos. Dins- + I'.he ho xse that' Mr. Merner,• state i more. is' now being occupied by Mr The Misses Mary and ,Edna Gin- ¢ Wm.• Lamont, who has purchased gerich entertained a number of k the same from Mr. A. A. Weber, their friends to a St. Patrick's par- 1 �x Y night.( + t BLAKE Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Johnston who are on their way to South America as missionaries, spent the past week with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston west of Blake. They took ch- arge of the service in the Blake church on Sunday which was very Much enjoyed by those present. Quite a number came from a dis- tance to do honor to Mr. Johnston and his bride. They also took the services at Goshen and Varna Mr. and Mrs. Earl ,Weido of Zurich called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Mary Sehwartzen;trnber is visiting friends at St. Agatha. Mrs. R. N. Douglas returnedi home after a pleasant visit with • • • • • • • e 4 • • ► • a •• • • ► • • • .► ► • • ► ► • 4 • • • • • e !*► 1 • /,�1 *4••,�iF• ••••M•►,A.••••••+*.*AAAw�/*i1►*114!br1Mi4•01P*. . Autos and. Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE VARIOUS BINES CORD TIRES 30x3'f AT ONLY $8.50 TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY 81.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $15.419 1 SECOND HAN.O 1;% H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. " g FORD TOURING CARS - 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER.. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, WE DO EXPERT BAT."I'ERY• WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BA'T'TERIES. IFARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMIINTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND. OF MACHINERY THAT WILL G11;13 YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE FOR YOUR MONEY AND 41 • • • • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND Tires, Tubes, FITTINGS, ALSO • INSTALL OUR t'UMPSI. Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Prang - - Zurich s44••••••••••••�9.4•ise4*•®s•as►a,•••ma�ee�,a►e•ee®euro®a,®,►ar•,ao., TIC' I. Auto Tops, Buggy Teps Wagon Repairing Painting Eto' Second HandedI3uggie.s HESS - ZURICH i friends in Hensall. 4+++++++4++++++++++++++4.4•+44 .- .•S�•I++++.+440 3stielefe"i'f1 Miss Marybel Carnie of Hen- if sail spent t(he week -end at her 4. home north of the Burg. 4 s + have returned after visiting friends . t last Thursday The Zurich Branch of .the Wom' • . Mr. John Gerber and son FIoyd en's Institute will meet in ' $1�e of Indiana are visiting friends in Chamber Room of the Town Hall this • vici,nityle afternoon, March 12th,; Master Grant Turner of ‘Drys- th is on Monday A good. program dale spent the week. with G j`�J at 2.30 'o'clock. d by p O I friends in the village. J E Gasch is being prepareo and Surerus and Mrs• J. , . come ,and Miss Pearl Wurtz. see what these Aladies o do nothave in forget store for us. by the music Instrt:ctions given and Miss E. Rennie. All ladies • girls welcome. Cgrne ani nd th Monday afternoon, 12 with the W. 1. Evange'istic Services, healna at 7.30 each evening havei been in progress at the EvangelicalL- urch, Zurich, since Monday 7 The attendance and spirit and in- terest of the meetings have e�imbeen good from the very o g. Decisions have been made for Christ. The congregation enjoying a rich jubilee of espirt-i nal feasting. The choir iter end- ering special musin. You are in- vited to attend. The m,eetigns are continuing thrououtt he week. .and, gospel is •'preached in power owned of GodoodCome and we will do thee g BLAKE W. M. 5, The regular monthly meeting of the Blake W. M. S, was held at the home of Mrs, John Manson on Feb. 22nd With 19 present. This being the Day of Prayer, -we op- ened our meeting by singing hymn 282 after which thepr eident, s. Finlay led in prayer, rye re- peated the Lord's Prayer in unison. The scripture reading was then taken by Mrs. Sane Hey, Psa1m103; Beta McBride Psalm 67; Mrs John Manson Luke 4; 16-31. Then had roll call which was responded to by a verse of scripture. Anent few prayers were; held for a minutes for the different branches of the Society by Mrs. Penrose, WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE, - - Scranton - Coad ALSO CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PHONE 35 — HENSALL Dashwood Miss Hazel Snell of Detroitkiis Visiting lier: parents here. Miss Florence Guenther left for Windsor where she has recured a position. Mrs.. Hy. Becker is visiting in Kitchener. Miss Nelda left on .Monday,for London, where she will attend business college. The Sewing- Club held a bot social at the home of iMr. and Mrs E. Gainer last Wednesday evening and all report a very pleasant time, ' The annual Band Concert will be given on Thursday March 15, in Weie's Hall. Dont forget the date. • Reid & Co:, are ,staging two More, days of fast selling this weeks namely Friday and Satur- HERE AND THERE—1 Smoking compartments are to hi provided in the new wooden winged monoplanes for use on the London - Amsterdam -Berlin air route. 301,980,268 feet of lumber were produced 'from mills in the Ottawa Valley last season as against''238,- 116,764 feet in the 1921-1922 season. Last season's grain shipments through the port of Montreal ex- ceeded 153,000,000 bushels. Rev- enues reached $3,460,810 providing a surplus of $266,362. Forest rangers of the Quebec and - New Brunswick forestry depart- ments will co-operate to the extent of covering fires' on either side of the provincial border. Two thousand maples and one thousand green ash trees, natives of Saskatchewan, were shipped to the Cai adixn War Memorial Park at Poperinghe, Belgium, recently. Vancouver is to have direct con- sular trade relations with Spain. A vice -consulate has been estab- lished there which embraces the prairie provinces and is the only one west of Montreal. During the year 1922 boring eper- itions for the discovery of oil and gas in Alberta were continued to the extent of 230,000 feet, result- ing in the discovery and 'develop- menir of a 'field with an output of 180,000,000 feet per day. Despite reports of adverse con- ditions in the prairie provinces, Sas- katchewan officials estimate that after paying all expenses the farm - ere of that province Iast year had $100,000,000 in net proceeds to ap- da }LhV3 wed• e9E! 6iLArlp pray ,_s . were then given; For ply on debts. able bargains will make You China, ear& J, Nlansoti s fol Japalb stand in bewilderment realizing Gladys 1 ouglas; for India, Mrs that they are beyond all eompre- John McBride; for Africa, Mary hensiont• in fact they will makee Moslem world Johnston; for th you do snore than that, it will gemand for all other fields, Mr. Pear pall you to fall in line with . the ro'so. Then had an instrumental niCC1tftutes of hungry` buyers that on the piano by Meta McBride,af- -w ll invade that's store on . these ter which Mr. Penrose sang a • es pl;�..s `tido all • important day. sett h sole-. Mrs' T. Dinsmore read the lease far this feast of unequalled tonic, New paths for olcl PurNoses 'bargains, Let's all go and be The closing hymn Was sung, after its the front ranks while the ,sup which Mrs, Finlay rend ti prayer ply and choices are good.. i3rin I Ind eiose'l by repeating the ben - your !neighbors and friends and ectietion in unision. Mrs. IVlansott, /OS will Ma1tq thein exceedingly then served a dainty lunch which ivies enjoyed by ail 'present, WEIN, Prop, AB t iroQtu ikitOTOr. SERVICE In 1906, in row single head of oats • was selected as being a de- sirable variety. In thirteen years this single head had multiplied to the extent that 1,500,000 acres were gown to it and showed an increased production of 6,600,000 bushels. one of the largest trollies pales that the 'L`'bnadiatl pacific Railway has made in several months has just been made On Vancouver Island. A , I /� �j (�rhis., roup of Seattle luxril�ern�eni h}iVi ( .I,;AJcKin `' y i .. acres of timber land (. 3 er. At accented ,000 Fu. at IIoree Bill, The timber on this, �j �p� stand eltceeds 200;000,000 feet. ' -1M N1 11NSYi i- t 1 to hvethat NOW Is a good time inside Work Done NEW FLOORS, BUILT IN I•';IXTURES OR OTHER ALTERAT- IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU MANY PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE COSTS CLOSLY INGS. ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT OR NEW BUILD- • t WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF GYPROC, AND ROOFING ON HAND F. C. KAL PHONE 69 1 FLEW ZURICH t+++4++++4+4;4.+++++++44+4.+.44•F+++++++4»>r+++ +++ +14++++++4/4 i'WriY1iYYYYfmiNd6`Vk41rYWilMLao'Y1dm Zurich DrugStore Stati.o, -ery We. Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and. Birthday Cards, 82 X T. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams,, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES QF ALL KINDS' KODAKS AND FILMS s . i