HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-08, Page 4We thigbotse Batteryles§ Radio • 1 • HERALD D A quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Clark 'on Wednesday ,Iastl, when their eldest daughter, Sarah was united in marriage to Gordon; Wred of Ribbert, The ceremony ,was perforated by Rev, T. W. Jones, rector of St. Paul's Angl- ican Church, 1Flensall, Word has been received .of the death of Mrs. Isabelle Brigham, of 'Toronto in her • 88th year, follow- ing an accident a few weeks ago, in which her arms and leg. " were dfractured Shewas born in they Huron Road near Clinton, ,and was twice married. Two children di- ed in infancy, Mrs. Bringhainwas well known in .iIlensall, being • . an, aunt of the late Mrs. Thos. Far• qty- har. Mrs. Brigham lived iin Olen- sall for a number of ,years, be- fore going to . Toronto wherelsh,e resided until her death. :t AUCTION SA LE TERMS -4U! . rand . ,via**, each: "'• Over that 'amount 9' montl>e's: credit will be given on fu nishina appree ved joint notes. 4%, off for cash; on credit amounts. Flay, poultry and seed grain Cash. Oscar 1 Topp, !Auctioneer, V4 m„ S.., Johnston, Clerk. , Milford. Schiibe, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farms Stock ,Implements, 1 and Household Effects, On N;, Lot 19, L. R. B. tanley Tp.. iy_, mile north, of Drysdale, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th, 1928i "Commencing at 1.00 o'clock Sharp LIVE 'STOOK— Horses -1 bay horse rising 10 .yrs; 1 aged neare;. 1 aged mare. Cattle—Roan cow due in July; Roan cow due in xl,ugwst; White heifer bred on Jan, 11th; Grey heifer rising 2 yrs ; heifer rising 1 yr; steer rising 1 yr., fall calf; year old Collie; dog, Bogs—Brood sow with litter at foot; 4 stocker pigs weighing a- bout 125 lbs. each. About -. 100 hens mostly all pullets. IMPLEMENTS — M. -H. binder 6 ft. cut, M. -H. mower 5 -ft. cut, 1VI-H.. spring tooth cultivator, new 10 -ft, steel rake, 3 -section har- row, walking plow, gang plow, wagon, wagon box, 16 -ft. hay rack, bob sleighs, Clinton fanning mill, 2,000-1b., scale, 30 -ft. ladder, buggy Pai'tlind cutter, light wagon, cut - ring box, root pu'per, wheelbarrow grindstone, apple peeler, ladder, .a quantity of grain bags, horse sc- alier, 3 pitch forks, 6p rung fork scoop shovel, shovels, hoes, log - Of COWS, FARM'Ii1IPLEMIENTS' LUMBER, AUTOMOBILE, ETC: At HENSA'+Lle 'On SATURDAY, MARCH 10th. At. 1 o'clock, Studebaker Car in good,ruen'n; condition. ' Cows—Pure bred JJer~ev cow rising 9 due March 20; pare bred Jersey cow rising 3 due Mar'. 22 IMP. LEM ANTS - Deering, glower seed dri1, 1`1 -hoe; disc harrow,' 3 section diamded h:rrow's. we'k"'n7 plow, new scuffled;good lumber wagon, set 'bob 'Weighs, wagon box, gravel 'box, steel tire top' buggy, open 'buggy, root pulper, land float, cutting box, fanning ging chains, brass mounted harn- 1'ni11, grindistone, saw sharpening' I less new, double heavy . pickle har- stand set double :harnes3, .3horse ness, single harness, set bridles; IF' YOTJ HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECENT- collars, sweat; pads, 20 -ft, ladder, DeLaval cream separator, galy. ER AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL cross cut 'saws, 2 pitch forks, Isco- ,apple drier, . Daisy churn, lean SET op shovel, r barley fork, set: kettle, 3 berry crates, big 30-doz. whiffletrees, 2 neck yokes, 2 log- egg , crate, kettle stand, quantity ging chains- 2 crowbars, spade,' f ,of lumt er, lumber for pig rack, fish- . shovel, post hole spoon; band ing netts. saw, some fence wire, 'No. 9bree; HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 22 wire, eanthook, pulleys, hooks, lot glass• cupboards, cook stove, he of carpenter tools,cook stove, he- at3r, 2 meat bzrrels, quantity cif Ater, quantity olf hay, wheat straw hail - gal sealers, lard can, wash st 65 3 in. tile; hand sleigh, beet.forlk; and, dollies' azrse,flour can, 2 tical good work bench and vice, flat barrels, quantity of half -gal i.eal- rack bottom'; 2100 -ft. 1 inch •umber horse, flour can, pails, 2 small hemlock and basswood; 1500ff horse, lour can, palls, 2 .small v. -'n, rock 'elm and maple, quantity: iron' kettles, 2 bedsteads, hanging of 2x4 'and 3x4 scantling,',.4 white lamp, small lamp, house scales,bt:t- ash wagon tngues, - tee' bowl, x -cut saw' and pumeroire articles. with surplus security of !, TERMS—$10 and under Lash. HESS SEE AND HEAR IT AT RADIO ELECTRIC weeks• ago. a As Jardine had a- gainst hint several previous con- victions on 'similar charges, the magistrate took a serious view of the case and sentenced lain to pen itentiary fors even years on one charge and for three years on the other, the sentences Ito' run con- .inches thick (12 -ft. long for ;manure •currently. • sleigh, 2 pine joist, 20 (ft, longe - quantity of 'dressed pine for .doors; timber for axe handles and whif- t 1 fletreee, quantity of elm plank . , $7,500,000 The Presbytery of Heron. of the PresbyterianPresbyterianChurch held its re - Over that amount 7 months' credit 3 will be given •on furnishing appro Executors and trustees are - c ed joint notes. 4`/, of for cash gular meeting in Clinton on Feb- inch, 14 feet long; quantity iofinex. on ire t amounts. authorized by law to invest .21st, Rev JJ. Mcllroy of.Hensall,red lumber; 'barrels and boxes and Arthur Sieber, Auctioneer` in Huron & Erie Debentures Th was elected Moderator. The re numerous ot} er 'articles. Earl;Weida'Clerk. signation of Rev. Dr. Larkin of Sea TERMS—$10 and under casd'1, ,o . p b Applications are accepted by forth, with his application , to re- over that amount nine ir.ort Turner, Proprietor. onth' ler- given x r tire from i,te active pastorate, edit will be biven by ,furnishing ieiGrENT having been .:president, and 'Stated approved joint :notes,—,ox. ` a. , leseeel, 1 reason as having been lin the bbun t f list ministry for 'forty .years, twenty- allowed for cash. on credit amounts o 4 jeer ee ,per annum. -11 seven of which having. been de- voted to his present pastorate in Seafarthh, t' c The second bridge and euchre of the Huron Old Boys' Assobiat- ion of Toronto will be held in ,Hygeia Hall, Elm st. in that city, ou the 'eve. of March,23rd, a sp- lendid musical 'program is prom- ised, and very valuable prizes will be awarded to the successful com- petitors. There will be entertain- ment for everybody, and especial M s, Join NICO l st r Propr e;e e'ss IN MEMORIAM. -*Teeter-In lovingmemory of dear Mother ,Flora Preeter, 'Olio passed away one year ago to -day, March 7th, 1927. Nothing but memories as we jour- •ney on, t /:hanging for a smile from r'a ed e gone, Stone knows the depth of our deep regret, n 1Se we remember when oth .rs t forgeteinvitation is extended to all Flur ' Sadly missed by Son and ,Dau- onites in the city. The annual pic- hters. nic of the Huron Old Boy's will be COUNTY NEVI'S. held in Area No.4, Exhibition Gr - :firs. Wm. Crittenden of Huilett ound.s, on. June 2nd, when ' the islet, with an accident while !drive games aid sports will be lbetter Sing in Clinton the other day with than ever. be husband and daughter, when ✓Aa slog frightened lt�heiir horse which /Mated 'sharply. foot caught as she tried 'to get out 40 the cutter and her:hip was fra- 4ctoredl, Rabt, Winter reports that while "visiting the farm of G. Orr, 4th ;icon., Goderich Tp., the other morn ing eh saw a doe feeding with his HENSALL Milton Ortwein of London, vis- ited with his parents, Mr. andMrs J. W. Ortwein, Melvin Brown, of Toronto vis- ited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bra 'cattle behind the barn, As ' he Jas. Tapp of London Univer- tivatched the pretty little animal, sity visited at his home here. ij walked across a field 'and com- ing' to the "Fence leaped politely *mer it. The death occurred in Toronto ' iiestiital on Feb. 22nd, of a lady well known in Clinton, in the per: alfa of Mrs. I, Brigham, was ado,: ~righter of the late Wm. Cook of the Huron Rd, west of Clinton,a.nd Ilene, is (well and favorably known ' by many in the coenlmunitee Jn n e has s hon de d out ' stieew Raney judgment ie thedamage action of Louise I. McMichael and her hus- °band, Garfield 'McMichael, against the town of Goderieh and Wilfred T. McLean and Wesley M. McLean u theS 'which was tried iIn Supreme ',bona at Godoiich a fedi .weeks ago. Judgment is in favor ,ef pl- intiff's and against the McLeans scar $J500 and plaintiff's. costs;the "Akin to pay its own costs. Ac - end wife ,to re- 910t37Jet $5,000. damages for injuries riffered by wife as result of step- ,lung into an open area in side- walk. 'bili, and Mrs. Benjamin Taylor, testeemea residents of Blyth, cel- a'brated their fiftinth anniversary '*he nttte+, ...ley, when )early Irie.rtds gathered and coiigratulatiOn ries- r+- •k4ages from the local church Cso, S'itb'ties were gent, • The other duty, Albert Jardine, Ant ursderfrb •Meaded guilty be- fe e Moa;,trate Tte:•1 to charges of alto ntptea iape and alt 6., nptn d •:of'. 1 iS:> ')flit" r(',", ; r'n I; n, a few Thos. Hudson, of Marlette, Mich. is 'spending a few weeks here with relatives and friends. The n.any 'friends of Nathan Peck are pleased to learn that he health h lin is greatly improved .af- ter his recent illness. George Mickle of R:dgetown, is in town looking after the ,firm's business, run the absence of Laird Miekle. Geo. months in H s way The ho d the t en5all e 13 of Thompson. the Prange'. Barnett left and in The xtian ung w death Monday form or rc" a le l r. M pro . 'C gas r11r''1. Oscar Iiiopp ,Auctioneer. �9i ] AUCTION SALE,. Of (FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, and SEED )•RAIN On Lot 26, Con. 14, Hay Tp., 21! west and %mile north of giurich On THURSDAY, MARCH 15t , 1928. ' Commencing at 1.00 o'clock e • HORSES—Aged team weighing 1500 lbs; Grey to ern 9i and 10 years old; Carriage horse rising 7 yrs works single and double. CATTLE—Lavander Archie -17i372., bull, bo'n Ju'y 3119 4: Cow' 3 -yrs. old due Sept. 24; IRed cow 7 yrs. old due May>18th; Cow with calf at foot; Red cow •+fresh;bred Feb. 14; Cow with calf tat Foot; Fresh cow bred 5 yrs. fold; cow with calf at foot, 4 tyrs. old, bred Feb. 8; black cow 8 yrs. old .due April 25; Roan cow 8 yrs. old due April 25; roan cow 7 t rs. bred Dec. 8th; Red heifer tired, R+eb. 21, 2 yrs. old; 2 e.oan heifers ris, - ing 2; '1 baby 'beeve; (brood ,sow 2 yrs. old; 13 pigs 17 weeks old. SEED, GRAINN ;AND POULTRY —100..bushels Banner seed 'oats, ,50 esh O 4. C •+Nee. 21 barley, 4 Lush:'+red c:ot=er'seed, 8 icon tined hay, gu ntity potatoes; '6 (.16TA 1 -yr. old hens, 2 geese, 1 gander. IMPLE1YIENTS, ETC. —Dser hinder 6 -ft. cut; M.-2 mower 5-4t. cut, M. -.H hay loader, M, -H, ste- el 10 -ft. rake, M. -H, 11 -hoe Yrtil iter drill, F. & \rood ,bean scof- fer and putter, Noxon dies inthrow 5'.&W. 3 drum :steel roller, F',\W.• hand. scuffter, Noxon cultivator, 'Kemp manure spreader, bob sle- ighs,section ,everter, 3 section di- amond , harrows, top 'buggy, Port- land cutter, wagon, gravel box, ;wagon box and coal box combined stock rack, 16 ft. hay raee.., Fleury plow Ne. 21, Verity plow No. 21, gang plow, root pulpier, Clinton fanning. mill, 1000-1b, scales, post hole auger, x -cut' saw, pr. chimes, other bels, logging chain, coins chains, grindstone, teedcooker, gals. 'lined water trough, wheel- barrow, chicken coops, colony house, Pr; hay rack sills, Gray Dort, touring ear, work bench, Ems piro cream, separator, vinegar bbl,, ottb"e harness with b-ckhand, do- uble harness withbi+eech'ng, e'n, le, harness, 5 collets, pr. horse blan- kets, Wisconsin incubator 140 'size coal heater, nt;til box, feed boaea, r.. 'Calle dog, dotlb etiees, 7ieclryoltsq, 'eetse n"i as strainer pail, n'tn11c pails; power emery ('r'wlrr, ferlti4 cases Dr. Blatchford, who spent a r f• i- ' -e and r few 5 with relatives lends ensall and vicinity, left •a to;Clinton,Mich. t., Clin ton his hang, on hockey switch which was played. other ey,ening with th:; Seaforthearn, resulted in favor of of H , 4-1. Th sale of real restate and ho- usehold effects of the late Mrs. Geo.. pson on Saturday lass. when,real estate•was ,'sold to 7VI. Pi r for $1400, Mr, andMr:, t for their home in 'Tor- onto Wrn. Thompson for his home Chicago. Mrs: John f �•ie�tds of Many d to, hear of 'SiYo were shortie her c at her home in London last Mr. and Mrs.Young were ger welll;nown residents .ofI , having run the New 1Corro l hotel hers for some years MTS. Young sti:ferad fro'^n cancer. ' F. 'Cess h<r:s exchanged 'dee ellirig Perfres With .?t•r•i I," ning.a 11e lathe: .5 0,Pte•O 1 w ,l. :Til Chit') r en , otr "ti( 11t)1UU 144d. AUCTION SAI1E Of Farm Stock, .Implements, And Household Effects. On Lot 7, Con. 15, Flay Tp.; 114 west_ and 1% mile north of Dash- wood on TUESDAY MARCH 13th, 1928 Commencing at 1.00 o'clock. ,HORSES—Black Clyde marerising 5 yrs. old; Dark bay mare rising 7 ,yrs; light bay mare rising' 7 yrs. 'old; Bay driver quiet and re- liable 11 yrs. old. CATTLE—Red cow with calf at Cow A • ,got; Red cow-duein April; ie in Sept; Roan cow' due , on June .1st;' Red cowwith calf at foot.; 3 -yr, old heifer due in April fat heifer rising 2 yrs; steer ris- ing 1; 2 heifers rising 1 yr; fall calf ; 2 small calves. Cattle are all A. I. condition and quality. PIGS AND HENS—Sow due May 1st; 7 pigs 7 weeks old; 60 Rock hens m,ostty pullets. IMPLEMENTS — McCortirick- binder 6-1t.. in . good shape, De- ering 5 -ft, mower, Cockshutt 11 dise fertilizer drill new, Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator ne- arly new, •McCormick 10 -ft. steel rake nearly new, land roller, 3- section diamond harrows, M.- H. hay; loader with fore -car as gond, as new, good wagon box, • stock tack,`' gravel box new, „horse veuffler, Clinton fanning mill 12-Ib.. seeles, Fleury walking plow new, Verity walking plow, double plow inthrow disc, top buggy nearly new,. cutter, set sling ropes, 16 -ft hay rack new, cutting box, L root pulper,. bob . sleigh, doubletrees, neckyoke, logging chain, quanitiitly grain, bags, scalding barrels, sho- vels, forks, hoes, set of heavy brit- chen harness new with collars; and tops, good heavy set plow har- ness, x -cut saw, gooson o, ness light harness and coUar„braes mounted britches harness andnum- Micde for the 'fire -ase Motorist Highest in quality—towi;n price. A genuine. Seiber- ling built tire,. 29 x 4.40,. for only $ 9.55 Tre' Lthe value -wise motorist can tell by one look at a Seib- erling , All -Tread that it offers more tire and greater value. More rubber, stron- ger cords, more material,rtore actual tire for every tire do -Mr you speed on Seiberlings. And added to this, a quality which comes from the knowledge and skill acquired in the building of over 50,000,000 tires. Call and see for yourself how those heavy ribs of tough rubber extending right over the side-wall protect against curb and rut chafing. Hear dieSEIBERLUNG SINGERS every Tuesday at 8 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, over'vl EAFand 26 other stations. SEI.� �"�.`:LI G ALLT H. S. WEIN Dashwood Ton will find Out Service Department prompt, courteous and modernly equipped eMeeeeeeee•••••••••••g e••e•eeee•NetNe•eNe*•1100 • f OUR ACCOUNTS Are now ready.for all parties who have accounts on our books. All Accounts not called for by Feb. Tst will be sent through the mail s Salt • Continental For Your I HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP' and POULTRY Louis Schilbe - Zurich OIMPOlesellooelpeelpirisearellealuto soiessioNtemposseeseevoirosee ' er articles. s other Bron. OUSIII IOL1) EFFECTS +? 600) -Ib capacity DeLaval cream septu- ator, lattern lamp, 5 -gal, coal oil can, pc. linoleum 4 yds. wideand 5 yds long, 4 dining ,room chairs; 2 bedsteads, springs parlor lamp, box stove, clothes horse, large water trough, sap pails, iron kettle, washing machine, Daisy 'deletewoolhorse b1anket : othen horse blankets, cradle, scythe. -Everything will be sold ,us :proprietor has )sold his farms- TERMS --$10 and under cash over that amount 8 inonths' credit will be given on furnishing ,ap- pi;oved joint notes. 4% oft f cash ori credit attt,otints. He: 44441.440.~.9.0447,4044+10+14944444+414.44++++++4.44140 4044 7n * I tf ++++4.++++++��',77' w 4. The New and Finer 4. SFrPontiac .l Six .g. + .� New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices .. 4 eand finer Pontiac : • The moment you see the new t t 'ze that it is i value and leader- fix,, au ®v�ll reals b g3� t ship in the field of. low-priced Sixes. • • .rration �' emon t prove this bya d s v Let us• L • , • ;ipJTH 2$ 9c it illING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN: • ' 2 ATIOWS 17 SIXES AND BIGIITS -�- GIVES YOU THE , iCHOICE I_. THE BEJ?. Z ,� �DIiS'i° 1f1Ri�0 OP INDIVIDUAL N , S TER AND HIGHER PRIG AUTO& iib; w ,a+ Yea nit ,me and 'tiler these new Paige . earn 't ef'orAnitsi �, ens Ice wonderful and rrnlize +xnd performance trur the. �* iCag an i g �:� tlto ae!alljr aiaali. Let lob deanonntrate. 3:. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL OARA.0 l WORK A SPECIALTY Z I or 4 a 74NGEL C C l Creatts Tires Ac,essort es Thaie s, hoes and numerous. otherAlt11-117 Weber, Aiietiortaer. `erk n,x4inr�5 �Fai`1tt 1:,. sari. "rr ,1 •, o, l ,1'1�1iC '�.'leyittrl, lv Louis rinbtlialaciVait t gid es. 8' f 3;';0 n .:pe tt a 44, re• 4r4+.i+44.4,4•49144!^ ,