HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-08, Page 1Vol. XXV I I No34. ZURICH. THURSDAY MQ Build up your, own Community b! FACTS4. 4. From4. the 53rd Anunal Report of the London Life Insurance Co. For the year 4- 1927 1, NEW INSURANCE ISSUED $845$1,196. , Ina.. in force 295,905,713 � t Rata poi interest ZSaimerl-6.-5ii Surplus, doov. Bases $64490,133.00 *rat MPABAT1VE STATEMENT Showing Growth. 'I' * Year N w Business Irn-arance Income Total ,4; .Te4 bailed in ForceFor Year Assets 4. I907 $%;191m316 $11,140,203 • 593,237 2,366,929 •t• 4. 1�9II; . 16,283,593 50,787,365 5,097 M5�0,2 9 �• 192?, 8 ,581,11'96'r • 295,9)5,753 - p 12092,249 44,068,929 + Oesch Agent Zurich 4. 4. -4. ,,.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••i•••••••••m•i'tiller lii 2 s • BARGAINS BARGAINS Received a shipment of ' waterproof Robes which I• am retailing far be - 4 low Catalogue prices, get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size -4 4' 4 • %••®..tv 4+4il4r4,40040......<0.46••M••••••••••••:•••••±i1Ba •essi essessals• ¢le Bares soses•sse•„ ;, iimisessee • CieanUpt S L OF SHOES ING, MARCH 8, 1928. Cheater 11 $with, Pub OM II You ta Ailvoggit X1.51 iN ARR•LARS,:$2 MAY Be MAIO= buying Goods in the home town St. Patrick's Supper . •• On Saturday, March 17th, the Women's Mission and Aid Society of the Evangelical Church, ,are, giving. a St. Patrick'e Supper in the Council's Chamber of the Town I3a11, Zurich. Supper will be ,ser< ved beginning at 'Three o'clock, and whosoever will may come Come • inaind enjoy the toothsome refreshmentsand spend an hour of pleasant fellowship. Adults 35c. Children 12 and under $14.00 BUYS A REGINA Mr. Ed. Merner was a Thurs- `day visitor in town. Miss Anna Deters has returned 20c, home after spending some time ,at London and Kitchener. Mr. Ward Fritz is away to Windsor, where he expects to Rev. Jas, Penrose of Varnaj,at- get a new Ford for demonstrat- tended, the Prohibition Conven ion, tion at Totonto, last week, . Mr. Fred. C. Kalbfleisch + has Mrs. J. T. Keys, who has been exchanged his last year's Pontiac in poor health ;since the death- of car for a new model, and Mr. Wm her husband a short time ago; O'Brein has :purchased the car was taken to Clinton Hospital om ,formerly owned 'by Mr. Kalbfleisch Sunday where she expected nt I, and Mrs. tennis O'. have an operation,•we hope that Brein+ she may be restored to her usual have moved into part of the STANLEY TOWNSHIP. health. home owned by Mr. Albert ,Gies, and Mr. and Mrs. T Meyers of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston the Goshen line south, have mor- ed into the house vacated who expect to• sail frons, New by M. YYork on March 17th for Bolivial O'Brein. South America to engage in 1VIis Last Thursday morning the signory work there, are sperdmg `family of Rev, Rembe left ,Zurich a few days with the fortuer's par for Hamilton ,from whence they ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 4Johnston , will go• to Winnipeg, where Mr. of the Town Line. On •Sunday ,-enlbe will take charge of a they addressed the congregations,. very large congregation. On Wed at Goshen, Blake and Varna, tell lxesday thein effects were shipped ing of their conversion, call to the for the West. work, and the needs of the people in the field to which they are goH A very painful accident t be- ing. Their message was wellre- fell to Mr, Allan Schrag, ;one of carved •,and though, told in sisTiple aur popular milk delivery boys o,n language it reaehed the heart of Sunday morning' when he was •in the people, •who realized {that. the act of hurridely going from this young couple were givtc,n t rvisitnplen nt shed to the barman their lives ,so freely iii, consecaau ? i'Y" farm, soiitelight snow, had ion and service; in answer toGod's covered the ice, and Allan slip- • call to this far-off field. Mr. •ped with the result that his arni • Johnston is well known in this 'sustained a fracture, !• part having lived here till he was , • 18 years of age, then going West est 1VIr. John Kipper of the vil- e , he engaged in farming till e the lage, one of our popular black- • 'war broke out, when he nelisted smiths has disposed of his dwell- • and spent nearly four years in ac- property and also his blacksmith tive service, returning at the close shop' and is having an auction sale • of the war to his homestead in of his effects on March 20th. Mr. • Peace River, where he continued Ted. Mittleholtz has purchased the dwelling while the hardware firm of Stade & Weido have purchased the shop. March came in last Thursday in a rather calm way, but since it has greeted us with real midwinter cold and considerable snow, on Sunday around twelve o'clock a heavy snow storm greeted tis, in fact the ,sky was so darkened for a short time, that pit was nec- cessary toi turn on the Lights in order to do any reading, and it put us very much in ,mind of the eclipse of the ,sun a dew years a- go'. • Among the recent real estate deals that were transacted the past week we notice ;-Mr. Lamont has purchased from Mr. J. P. Rau, the grass fartia known as pt. Lot 16, S. B. Stanley Town- ship. Mr, Louis Schumacher of ,the 15th con., Hay, has disposed of his fine 75 -acre farm, to his son- in-law', Mr. E. Daters, Mr. Schu- macher after his auction sale wili remove to• Dashwood where he ers_a1 ed, undergirds and befr'ends has purchased a dwelling. the wandering ones. The church is an inspiring, enriching and di- JOHN FlOWALD PISSES vinely triumphant force at it fol -1 laws its conquer;ng Lord. Do you The death took place tat his believe in it, bank on it, .support late residence, lot 6, con. 16 .IHay and attend its helpful ministries? Township, on ,Friday, February 24, 1innece_sary absence, votes against of John Ifowald, aged 77 years, 4 it, Boost the church. It boosts months and 10,days. The deceas- ,you, and year best interests and ed hadbeen ailing for t several yai>A.r community. Get into its tllr- days with 'pneumonia. Mr. How- obbing life and increase its power old was born .in Switzerland (and •'to• redeem the world. • „ at the age of four years came to WaOrlee county and later moved Evangelistic Services eash a i. liv' wire o ho was ,united in ening of this week beginning at r1., riage to Johanna Miller, who 7.30. Rev, E. S. HiScox, Crediton rite Tout dai:,gghters and three and Rev. F. B, Meyer, Dashwood, sons, are .left to mourn his loas,� are assisting: Decision Day next` They are Mrs. Jas. Randall, Mrs, r` undayi Annie Willard, of 'Tedford, Mrs.' A»gyle Campbell, of Sarnia, Mrs. H. Beie 71'ng, of Exeter; Wm. How - 10.11 a ,i,. +Vor !lily all of •Theclfotcl, Henry of ,Ste-' Subject --Are you prepared to phen and Arthur at homle. fie is meet your God.. alsosurvived by onebrother • to farm and carry on Sunday Sch Brings you values ls t t cannotbe o 'Sol work till he heard the call to duplicated anywhere. outh America, • Mrs. Johnston has • heen engaged in school teaching o for five years in Western Canada, Wedefy rcompetition Note s and met Mr. Johnston while they • i o were attending Bible College in their rtord.srnasfung Prices • • Vancouver. They were married . • 'last November and together they Men's Lumbermen Rubbers, Regular $4.50 Sale at _--- _$2:x5 •• offered themselves for the South Boys' Lumbermen Rnbh era, • Reg. $3.50, at Stale . -- - - 1125 • Child's Heavy hate, Regular $2,00, Sale at - .-:_$L40 • Men's Calf SIIaek Goodyear Welt, Reg. $5.40, Sale at -__:$3.65 Boy's Solid Leather, School Shoes, Reg, $3.50 Sale at --_ $2A5 Women's Felt and :wadndour Slippers, Reg. 1.75, Sale --- 95c • Children's. Shea Tann!, 39e. to ,- _ _ - _ .-- - - $1.19 Men's 'Rubbers! an mss, SPECIAL at "_- -:$L01 Browns Boot • • • e COME ii AND D THE BARGAIN ,�TABL. r + A PRE • Shop NEATL L'' DONE losesesestealoweeeesseoreeeeseamoseowoottamesessimmess • REAL BARGAINS I OVERCOATS MACKINAWS • SWEATERS T.. In factevery g. ii :in ti moi he Store --_ 2 re.at.y Reduced Prices + • Get our prices 'before�.�r' elsewhere_. 4' 4' i 'UNDERWEAR SUITS OVER ALL S Vr EOFPMAN 3' o s' o'a MOM +sq * +000.049.40049180,49.048400******* ** 10.411/0•sv*eh 4 4 AmericanON Mission Field. It is the earnest prayer of their many fri- ends that they may be used by God in being many souls lento Hint. and that His presence may -coenfort and sustain them through the many trials and difficulties �ylaich .they are sure to inveet, Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. The church which has the Liv - pg Christ enthroned in her .midst, leads the way„ to immeasurable joy indispensib:e blessing, imperishible values and it builds lordly anti illustrious lives. • It liberates the Sunday Services+ Jay.ob •Ilowaid, of Zu'4ch and one 1 t 41.i11,—Bibb Sehool> sister, Mts. John Betz;'of Meadow Decision bay. The Pastor will Grove, Neb.. The funeral was he in charge of Devotional Ser- he'd on Sunday afternoon last, ser- Nice 1, vice being held at the house fol - J, E, Gaacho, Superintendent, loded by a service at the Luth- - '1, ,,,.-- "tiiorshir " ; eran (,htl' ch, Dashwood, interment Sith`iect-Inescapable Salvation invice thebe:ltE ,geterconduct ctertatdn,rb.y RevTh . Mr, Rev. W. Y. Dreier, Pastor; biers. t .......r: - Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & 1HIID$ON and D. L. & W. SCRANTON - COKE SEMET SOLVAY. SOFT ,: COAL MILLER'S CREEK F fi Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD 7S-. w I LAND GRADE A, WHITE POT- / ATOES. , p..L�.- Carstelon. HENSALL QNT‘ Phones -Office 10w. Home i82, 16 Size, 15 Jewel, Beautifully, Cased. Let us show you this Watch for REAL VALUE. A Gu- arrantee accompanies every Re - Hess, The Jeweller • 3 4. .'13. q. Y L fi •4• 4' fi• .;. 4 , Tires =r ti + + ++44+ ++ + +4 ++ ++ ++++++e+++++++++++++++++.14.1.÷+-1.4144` FORDS! FORDS! Closed Cars For Sale WE INVITE YOU:--- - To inspect our New and Used Cars before ,;you purchase. . .We have a nice Varietyof used Cars s i n A 1 conditiaa. and will take your car in exchange and give Terms No extra charges for financing. This saves you between $35. and $50. on a car FORD COUPE 1926, extra front and rear bumpers, automatic wiper, heater, water pump and spot light. Car iri good eon- ditianl FORD SEDAN in O.K. condition, upholstering like new, €ires. A.1. and motor'lgood only $185,00 STAR TOURING, new tires car in good shape, atanap $125011' 2 FORD TOURINGS in running condition suitable for trailers and engine can be used for (power, only $20.00 eachk, 1 GOOD Rubber Tire Buggy, nearly good as new. STEEL TIRE BUGGY, very cheap. • FORD TUDOR 1925 in good condition; equipment, spare tire, automatic wiper, slip covers, heater and license, at at price any one can afford to pay, FORD COUPE, 1926, Loaded with extras. C. FRITZ & SON FORD DEALERS 30x3 z $5. to $6. SECOND ,HAND FORT) PARTS 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,- 4': 4 4 war. 4 4 w „ 4 Batteries $. 9 AT HALE PRICR 44+++++++4+++4+4+++4.44 7.1-:^4,441.4+++++++ ++ 44«X>+h- :- it 'I, Spring and Summer When you start out to do your spring and summer" buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTIVIE NT OF . U' cit GH>lilli, PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SPURTING., CCITT frN.-Ps'B FLANNELETTES, ]ITC, SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE .A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. ftAJ t`3•.h '5 REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R. N.DOUGLAS GENERAL AlEROHANT PHONE 11 'ea 97 ' ILA""