HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-01, Page 8ZURICH GERALD The Store with the Stock i Merner's New Spring S j GOODS ING Let us show you our New Peter Pan and Amana Prints, New Ginghams in finest patterns in English and Canad- ian made, new Cretons, Chintz, shirt- ings, cottonades, denims. RBDPATII'S SUGAR We will sell 125 B ags of Redpath's Granulated Sugar at 6.40 per cwt. Get your supply at this price. Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement P oduL Wanted ON Phone 59 NNOUNGEMENT All the new patterns are shown -in all lines. Again we say it is • all Clean Fresh New Stock. And ask you to come and have a look. Don't forget this that the Prices are low YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 * We have been appointed Agents direct for ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF ,g• TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF. et WiLLYS OVERLAND LTD. i ARISTOCRAT OP THE LOW PRI- 4+- HIPIJ T u le CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; *.. ,. COMPARE IT WITH ANYTITING AT THE PRICE. A (TRIED 4. v. AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALIX'Y . v. S THE LOWEST PRICED- ON 1• .1, •NAT �I 'I'E' ' 1 THE MARKET. A es WITH A SOUND REPUTATION ,s; J.- �- TWO MODELS,PROVIDED WITH 'F' d0 IL1'�h ; THE FAMOUSLEEVE VALVE •+e• MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US + BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. :A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: 4.4. "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" IL Niousseaiu Zurich qj q. .q..e.. + ;..l..i, i+.,`•y+ye.•§.!•B: +•:•.; •;.r; .s.+a,+yia+.i+.g+.i++F+.l•+ ++l.+II++g+3vTr++g++II..g++d++i+•i..'r.'r?r ,"+• •€+ 4, 4. 4' J. W. °; E •ix ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST We are in receipt from, a cone- munication from the Office of the Agricultural Representative at Clinton, stating that The Huron County Breeders' Association has considered it unadvisable to hold the Annual Sale of Pure Bred Cat- tle which has taken place in Win - ghee,. during the past years. TOURIST HOMES WANTED Parties willing to rent rooming accoanodation to motorists eeason 1928 in Zurich or at intermediate points on or near Highway can earn from $300 to $2500 in their own home, serving of meals op- tional. For particulars writenow to Tourist Service, 24 Wyatt St. London, Ont. ate�,v it s g 3 Why pay fancy, prices for your young Chicks when with a few riuuter of spare _ } time each day aso Thetas .sy^:„ e'en get 1928 3:44,14444÷;.4++++++++•44+4.+44++...++4.++.44+++ •÷+4,44.14.* •II'L • 4.;, ,abrdware . We carry a full Line of the Celeb 4. rated Royal Purple Stock foods. COAL MARKETS Live Hags cwt. ... __ •._......._8.50 Butter, ib. -..... 40c Eggs _. . _ ..; Baa l- 25-33-37 Dried apples Ib -- 9 Oats, bushel 60 Wheat per bush '_..+..i = .-. . 1.25 Barley.-.•.. _:.� «�: _. -_. --.75 Buckwheat „e, 75 Flow Shorts per ton ...._ 35.00 Bran per ton (,Corrected every Wednesday) COUNT' NEWS Stratford is planning to erect. a 6 -story hotel building, at an es- timated cost of $250,000. Death has removed James Ste- vens, well-known Ciinton resident, who passed away suddenly in his 91st year, from, heart failure. He had been i11 about two weeks pre- viously, • John McLean, his wife;and ten- year -old son Bruce, were burned death, in a fire which destroyed their hoarse near Underwood, Bruce Co., the other morning. Neigh- bors awoke to find the house in ruins and a search revealed the bodies While assisting in getting out ice the other day at Clinton, A. E. Durnin stepped onto some thin ice, which gave way under him, and falling into the coldwa- ter ,but s trampled out and helped to put on two more tload's •before he retired from duty. The contract for eight Telles of concrete pavement between Se a- s) forth and Clinton on the • Provin- cial highway, has been awarded al by the Dept: to W. King, The paving of this piece of road will ie 49 complete the permanent road- way from. Goderich to Toronto. Thompson. After the affairs are The :Kirkton Hunt Club which wound up she will take her Father 9iseld the3ir final drive for c' -Y George . 'Thompson, with her to w ; rabbits the other day have c ag- Toronto to reside. en ' gecl over 1100 rabbits this eeason. rs, W. fi, Pfile, ,yixi,ted in Cl- . The club was organized early in futon recently, and was accom,pa 1- iii the winter and during the season iecl home with her, Ir.. other, Mrs. Iel have, hell twelve dri. es. The cap- Dinah who will vent for- . some 6 tains were chosen, On a ,recent time. tis0 °E' HAVE YOUR STOCK WINTER WELL, AND LOOK . GOOD, , ` , ASLO YOUR HENS PRODUCING EGOS WHILE 'imp PRIC- • ES ARE HIGH. 4' 4' ' 1. + VTR BEST DISENFECTANT ON 4.FILA MARKET FOR LLOB,, ETC„ Z. I BARGAINS IN I4ARJJ WAR 4.WE LAVE A NUMBER OF REAL BARGAINS TO OFFER IN THE HARDWARE LINE .PRIOR TO'STOCK TAKING.etk Before Taking Stock We offer many .1. Bargains in Furniture .. 1 Come and See for Yourself yy If T •L BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. WE e. 4. PAY NTG'f EST MARKET PRICES. -I- .t. + I FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE 4. ee Johnston dc Kathfieiseh i 1 Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 yy . strel-t-s1..3••F•aFfi++4-4-1-1•�'•+444-4-14++++.11i-`r#••€••3�+ +4-1.4-14++++++++++.11.k. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company " doing Business in Ontario- Ainount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81, 1927, 522,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 G. Holtzman — Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning, Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance es fENSALL. Mrs. Haggarth o Norwich is visiting or a few weeks ,with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Thos. ,lalur- dock. Mrs. H. Little who has been; visiting her mother in Auburn, has returned hornie. Allen McDanell of London, is vis iting hiis. parent ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell. Mrs, Jas, Barnett of Toronto, arrived. here to dispose of the ef- fects of her mother, the late Mrd. e 1, p • you can hatch and raise your own. STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS M AT A BIG SAVING' LIN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN • ALL ABORT OUR.. 1 C Buckeye Incubators and Brooders E IWE gavial EV:GR+I'T;I�ING IST. HARDWARD1 • IIf in need of new furniture, don't - forget; we have it! WE-IDO ADE & ZUFIlell ONT. hunt 28 hunters bagged 143 ra bits, Milton Gower getting the, most during the drive, 12 rabbit. .+ Albert Jardine, aged 32, was arrested the other day an a charge of indecent assault on a .school- girl at a country schoolhouse on. the Union road, a Ishort'distauce4 Wm._ Consittthe other day and from: Goderich. He appeared be- is mina,. nicely lore Magi strate Reid and wars sxe., A number of the young ladies mantled far a week. He denied from the village rivet at the home the charge. of Mise Margaret Johnston on Sat - Elgin Topsy Public school- urday eve last it being the form spectar for. West Huron, :called a public meeting on >k'rutay at Bay- of a miscaliuneous shower for' field;, to settla the matter of tschool•Dorothy �Ve�sh, zvhorie marriage to trustees and to' h.zs e three lap'poin E• Laird Mickle t00% place last ted, as at new goers there were' week Miss Weleth received many six appointed and on'y three are beautiful gifts, required.. Wm. Doig of Port Huron, vis-• An old resident of jl oderich pas-,! sled a fete days with 'relatives and away on Feb. 16th • in the friends in and around �flen�sali. s ted person ot Michael. Schwanz, who1 Jean Chapmatn of Z'arme tcin, + 'visiting he grandmother, Mrs.Geo vas in his 82 year. t fie was born f Sc The many friend in Baden, Germany' and Caine isle s of R. Cudntore his parents, to Canada When o are sorry to learn that he is Can ming. He farmed in Colborne L .ed to his roam. Mira. Reid, who has ,been visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Maw Ed, Sheffer, returned to Toronto. Fred Berry, who had his, leg taken off in Clinton hospital a few weeks ago; was brought to his home here with Mr. and Mrs. Results for 1927 ortga Total Assets $42,013,000. Reserve Fund $7,500.009. Debs. issued in Canada Savings Deposits $9,850,000 Corporation Increase Increase $?1,776,000. $2,455,000. $150,000 Increase $1884 000. Increase $1,200,000 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. Total Assets $20,575,207. Reserve Fund $800,000 Debentures and deposits Increase $973,000. Increase $50,000 ' $64..47000. Increase $89,3000_ Estate funds now under Administration $12,276,000. Total Assets of both Companies now aver Sixty-two Mil- lion Dollars. Before- you Invest—INVESTIGATE Andrew F. ess, Zurich MY MOTTO;—SR;t lt'Ii ND t4A$1 TY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? You're riot so Dumb TO suffer from Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Cough', Bronchial As- thma, Catarrh, Head Colds, Aden- oids and Tonsil troubles, when GOOD results are guaranteed by using Kra, Sy,•billa Spahrs Tonsil- itia. Try lit. --At Y 0 • township for about. eix.ty years eta Re -opening services gig ago and i to Goderich eighte . Carmel Presbyterian te C ch rch 1 gen !wit e and 'e d b his urviv and a s y n day last. two daughters and fora' sons, one I + being Mrs. Chris, T%aist,nicely re -decorated and presents a ofCrtei, handsome appeararicd,. A large of Crediton. n Si The funeral tools crowd ryas. present for the open - cemetery, ry Sunday last to ,Colborne in services. the pastor .spoke no Ceai;etary, Rev. ix, C. parr conduct- ' g ices were held in N6 I 0M11l lltli ing the s�ervie . �i�iM�f•' • "4,The 67rgerit Need of the Church' AT WAGNER'S STORE T JOHN AD Drugless Praet 0 eer and Opticia'; MAIN OFFICE ICE Exeter Phone 7 F"sr-�--^°+--+a'^--w�•^-�+--:fig•-�--' " BY THOSE WHO KNOW IsTOT TO, -Grant TO-GETSiftWIlS BY THOSE WISQ KNOW: HOW :. .. . Our Suitings 1 TARO BIGHT tIP, TO TIM MINUTB 1 l®N TP Nra R N SWIM AND QUALITYr .ALL OUR GOODS '0,-ABANT , ED DONT be misled sy taaaiyifeg cheaper and inferior g. nes BUS' int those you know will stand Ischinst everything they sell. VUH. HOFF:MAN 1 . AgitelfA NT 'WWII. W. H.SOFFNEAS m &aro OrittAISMM AND $11141411&14 tAtttRefraittiG 7ihm, imd Nitta Moto 1ila, '