HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-01, Page 5#t'fifty, M�4 r r 113 ;. 'films. •$US*t4 SS CAREd DuurxeyE.flormE8 l;A•imvuRa SOLIOITO fi, NOT wAl r liar L12 ' BT. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square GODERICH, Ontario. FOR SALE. Special attention to Councel ,and 3 Cultivators. e s Court Work, 1 Binder. • :[r. Holmes may be cousul,ted at I 2, .11 -disc drilla, 000101'101 by Phone, and Phone All these ilaachines are ire good charges reversed, i work,eee. omen r • Wants, For • Sale, LoOt Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN 001 417141 Dr. II. I. CO EN L. D. S. P. D. fENT):411 zfE Et)N L. A. Prangg, Zurich. l'' CARD OF TI -YANKS The bereft family of the late Tqk., B,, Battler wish to convey their most 'ain '����'. than s to the - . ! neighbors and friend's for ane `assistance, kindness and syWt- ;fit, BLITZ I Z BLOOK—ZURICU pathy shown during the illneae and Myery Thursday, Friday, Saturday departure of the deseased: ,.. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCt. 'AUCTION SALE DABUWOOD Of 64 ACRE FARM, LUMBER AND Every Monday, Tuesday and WOOD - a, Wednesday A Pulbic Sale will be held at the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1928, Commencing at 2. o'clock When the following will be offered for Sale— • REAL ]ESTATE — Consisting of NIA Lot number 14, L.R.E. Con. Hay Township ;containing 64 acres, more or less. On premises is a frame dwelling partly completed, other small buildings and a small orchard;, Farm is well fenced and land is of good quality. Township holds a tax deed for this property LUMBER AND WOOD—Quantity of plank, joists, siding, etc. Also small outbuilding. About 75 cords short wood. TERMS—Real Estate, Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Lumber, cash. Wood, $10 and under cash, over that amount 8 months' credit given. 4 per cent. off for cash, Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. A. F. Hess, Township Clerk, E. F. Klopp, Reeve.-� _._BABY CHICK HATCHING MUTUAL LSE OF NEW YORK CO11tPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS le, HESS — Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. VV'0eet3--Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 :juarantee and Accident Insurance, Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada 1 i 3 w h "$ HERALD LOCAL NEWS s•ei•1•., •+e••`,r••••••• •, ,►•4+ 1t•e•11► 1►.s' ♦.... ► • Autos and Auto Supplies Mr. Harty Price of Waterloo, Mr,. W. II. ?file of J3ensall cal- : Ivan ixl 'i1xe,. village on Tuesday. led on Wends here on Tuesday, �' CARIrY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACC'E$SORZES, Mr. Ervin gchilbe from thevil* 1VIr. Ed. Kollar of Dashwood{. ♦ AND SUPJ?T,IIi9, AND CAN SAVE YOU' MONEY ON THESE age purchased a good used Ford purchased a used Fozd co ape o ! VARIOUS LINE oupe fronx•C. Fritz & Soxx, I"iat3 Son 1 ord .de Arson CORD TIRES + ; " Dealert. s. Messrs. Alvin McBr'' , q30xSy AT ONLY .. $8,60 We specialiseon Repairring? Koller; Bruce Rowe and Ward ,Fritz TUBES 30x3 AT. ONLY ,...... . , $140 Guns and Rifles, Sewing Maeh-, were to Windsor, last' weel., , .each •, GOOD• RU,313ER CASE BATTERIES AT $��s o nes, Phonographs, Umbrellas, Etc, returning with a used Ford. $ 1 SECOND RAND 1;2 H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP, prompt Service, 'W.G. ,Hess &Son.: The weatherman the past we- 2 FORD TOURING CARS Mr. Len. Sarax:as and Vincent, cls has favored u;z with some real 1 FORD ROADSTER Ce�K+ cold and snappy weather, in fact 1 QOJ? � AI&+EIt, effrey of the Blue Water High- Mr. 'vies real Z+eeru'zry weather and ay were week -end vis tord at the :the utez'ctlry dropped Several times ABOVE CAR ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, oxue of Paul Ducharme, at Mt, boloev the zero marls, but this wee c WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND Carmel; we are gilding into yreshe1z, elle RE -BUILDING BA'T`TERIES, A -U -C: -T -I -0 -N -E -E -R 6i o moa per week. Eggs pur- chased chased from Standard Flocks and &5SCAR Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for 'Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ' Try Leghorns and $8.00 for Rocl.3. Mousseau has already disposed of 'e Ri. oizine is made this month in ional School of Auctioneering. (latch Guaranteed. Orders may five new cars besides the e..i-ondl r?;o publication of a Frei;,ch aup- g for Registered Live Stool:; be left at Stade Sc We do, Zurich, hand ones, plen�;ent to the Canadian Silver Fox s Terms in keeping Or •.apply to J. Elgizt i11ie$inleyl 3 section. It is annoui;cca ur.� 4 46 4 4 b A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held in the T4"Yvn Stall, Mi, rlicl Mrs John La orte of m__....7 ..rtom,r.sn. whari a few p , the B11ue Water ;Highway, who ispent the past few months visit- ing relatives and friend's in and aroun:l Windsor and Detroit, have returned to their home and report having had a fine outing. eve seem to feel• Sere sun a>;uchwar- niei' already,WE ARE HEADQTJARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS ANDCARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVEnteresting cases vvere up for con - YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICle FOR YOUR MONEYisleration, but none of the cases; ' PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALLudgment was given.Mr. and IVIrs. Ed. Gingerich ofthe Bronson Line, are tine week Tires, Tulles, Gas, Oils and Greasesmoving their effects to St. Ag- atha, Waterloo county, wheretheyintend to reside in future.. 0 i s 7 A fire alarm. bell has been installed in our local public echooh by the trustees recently. This is the a good step towards making school safer for the children. Fire drills will be practiced occasion- ally so that when emergency de- mands it they can clear the room's in a very short time. The "I Serve" Ladies Bible Class of the Evangelical church, held their annual election of of f i- cers on Sunday which resulted as follows; Prea. Miss Mildred Hof- fman ; Vice -Pres., Miss Lillian Mar- tin ; `Secretary, Mrs. - Fred Miller Asst. -Secy, Miss Pearl Gabel; Tre- astrrer,, 1yIi.3e Pearl Z?U urtz, 1Vfa. lferb. Mousseau, accomp anied by two friends were at_ Toronto last week, and returning home they brought with them three new Whippet cars, wh°ch Mr. Mousaeau found ready sale for. While the season seems to have hardly opened as yet, but Mr. Mr• John Decker, Jr., on the Goshen Line, south, our noted bre- eder of Standard Bred horses, has recentry sold his well krown entire }iorse, "The Great Widower" to Mr. James Burnett, of Napink, Man., who Will use- this splendid sire for the improvement of his stock. Mr. Decker received a very ad- mirable figure for this horse, and owing to the many young colts coming up from this horde j,t nee- cissitated Mr. Decker of disposing of the same. MARCIH ROD AND GUN A most instructive article on the' factors contributing t o the tre- imendous loss of trout fry their be- �r ing planted from, the hatcheries ins one of the outstanding featured of the contents of Rod and Gun an d Canadian Silver 11?ox. News for March. The author, Prof. A, P. Knight, a well-known authority, gives a 'splendid review of the experimental work which has sho- wn how small a percentage of fry survives and the reasons why_ many other. splendid outdoor art= icles and stories also appear in thi; i �yue, . notable addition to WFARM IMPLEMENTS L. A. Prang - Zurich di 4• •w •• • 0 • • OU TI: • w6s•666s66e6oea94.64O+D®4d 44.94.0 >6009 06660444#4A0A4'S 4-i a 0 A'll Reed ). Choice New 1 scittt Prevailing . price R. R. 1: Z.::.g• that this added feature will bet raxnys •for sale. Will 'cell anythurg a sent each month to the Quebec I Anywhere, ywhereti Zurich. Ston Ira n , members of the. Canadian Silver ViGYie 1.8-93 6r write Fox Breeder's Association. —Rod ' have Cl' and Gun and Canad.an Siives Fox. News .. is published monthly by I Rev, itiicl Mrs. No' nan �76.nec1?iv!