HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-01, Page 3BABY Tl V, IUITM TABLETS bT T TQ. Exnens ve.l~looriil s Prove
o All Mothers Having Young
Children in the Home.
No other medieine,is of ouch aid to
Mothers of young children as is Baby's
Own Tablets, The Tablets are the
Very best medicine a mother can give
her little ones during the dreaded
teething time because they regulate 1
the stomach and bowels and thus drive'
out eoustipation and indigestion; pre- I
vent colic and diarrhoea and break up i
colds and simple fevers.
Concerning Baby's Own Tablets,
Mrs, John. A. Patterson, Scotch Vil- ,
lege, N.S., says:—"I have six children,
and all the medicine they ever get is
Baby's Own Tablets. I would use
nothing else for them and can strongly
recommend the Tablets to all other
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Fair Compromise.
The clerk had sought out the coun-
try merchant in whose employ he had
been for some time and preferred a re.
quest for a small increase in pay.
"I don't nee my way clear to doing
that," said the old man, "but I can do
the same thing for you in another way.
You know that time is money?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, hereafter you can Work until
six, instead of leaving at five."
Man is the only animal that can be
skinned more than once.
Nowhere .does the fact that It Is
really more economical to buy the
best of materials when .building your
Dohs impose its warning than in re-.
la.tien to the probleni of selactlug Ani
ished Ho'of's for the new home. The
labor involved in the installation of
good materials and in finishing (as lu
the case of wood floors) is not ranch
greater than where cheaper installa-
tions are made. There is no question
that aside from aesthetic values, the
mesa important factor in selecting
flooring is to make certain that in its
finished condition it will last for a
long period of. -time without deprecia-
tion in appearance and without the
constant necessity of refinishing at an
expense which soon .mounts far be-
yond the investment for an original
good installation.
Practically all types of wood floor-
ings are available in several grades—
a point which the architect or dealer
can explain. Of course, these grades
vary in prioe and the owner will be
wise to select the best ie each case
because the difference is only a few
dollars per thousand feet, and the
major costs of laying and finishing are
the same.
Pimples come from blood that's not just right.
If you want to get rid of facial blemishes try
Seigel's :trip. ytny drug Store.
The Long and Short of it.
"Frederick," observed the wife, "you
were talking in your sleep last night,
and you frequently spoke in terms of
endearment of a certain Eu'phemia.
Who is Euphemia?"
"Why, my dear, that is my sister's
"Frederick! Your sister's name is
"Yes, dear, but we always called her
Euphemia for short."
(ren per cent. of the people who
bought motor cars in the U.S. on the
hire-purchase system during 1926
have had to return their cars because
they could not keep up the instal-
No obligation to
buy, but if you
do, easiest terms
are arranged.
Guaranteed for
ten years.
Write now for
Agents wanted where we
arc not represented. - 30
Swedish Separator Company,
26n Notre Dame St. rest
Sid IS
1 end bunions forever with ray new Pododyne
Solvent treatment. Pain limp ealmost lnstant-
iy. Actual reduction of the enlarged growth
start: so fast that your next pair of ehooe can
be a ei:e smeller -often two chaos etneA r.
PROVE IT FREE—Just send your name
and addroao, no money, end the full trestmsnl
guaranteed to brio complete results myt Ito
YOILO to try. No oblgattons—Addre5
KAY LABORAromes, ere. Anne
(10 Front St.. W. Soronto.Cntr,
Head Go
d Magazines
We will mail you, Prepaid, the foliowing
At the prices indicated.
Mack an's
The Canadian Magazine
Satprday Evening Post
Ladles' Home Journal
Country Gentleman
Good Housekeeping
Harper's Bazaar
Smart Set
True Story
1 year $2.00
3 years $5.00
2 years $5.00
3 years $3.00
1 year $2.00
1 year $1.00
3 years $1.00
1 year $3.50
1 year $3.50
1 year $5.00
1 year $3.50
1 year $3.50
Check Fiore
Just check the Magazines wanted. Fill in your name and addresa,
enclosing cheque or money order.
Send to
Room 425, 73 Adelaide Street West
Toronto 2
"Should beim every home"
Says Mme:Villemaire
Three years of stomach and kidney disorders wrecked
her health. Now fully recovered and feeling
splendid, she thanks Tan•lac
Mme Eliza Villemaire lives at 432
St. Patrick Street, Ottawa. She is
ruddy and robust, showing no signs of
the distressing ordeal she went through
for Throe years. "bio Words can pee
press what I,. suffered,',' she said re-.
eently, "At times I thou g•ht:My back
must break, and I could' not even
stoop over to set tho table.
"My Stomach was just as ball, for
food would lit there like a lump of
lead:. I used to bloat terribly, and at
times could hardly catch my breath.
Nervousness kept me awake half the
night. I tried many remedies and
treatments but though I spent a small
fortune on them, nothing seemed to
help me.
"I only wish I had taken Tarlac
When my trouble fast stetted for it
certainly would have saved me a lot of
suffering, The way my troubles dis-
appeared sifter taking it was shoat
magical. It built me up and made me
n new woman. 14 OW niy kidneys
never bother me, I an free from all
pale and my digestion iseslilendid. If
I had my way rd pub Tadao in every
home in Canada. That's how much
I think about' it."
Don't neglect lrature'e warning;(.
At the first sign of trouble, take Tall -
lac, nature's own tonic, made frora
roots, herbs and barks. Your drug-
gist has it; get a bottle today, Ox4e
52 minion bottles sold
toe With Laughter)
Educate youIeelf to be something—
not only to get something.
It's a changing world, all right. Only
a few short years ago the (lector would
tell fond parents that he'd vaocinate4
the child whero it would'n't show.
Tommy's Sister—'Tommy, what is a
Tommy—"A synonym is a word you
use when you can't spell the other
A Dismal Outlook.
Of legs they say the human race
Soon will not have a single trace;
If we do not our cars abandon
We shan't have left a leg to stand on.
A good time to go after business is
when competitors are fast asleep.
In the line of definitions, there's
nothing much better than this: ' ".A.
pessimist is a fellow who has had too
many transactions with an optimist."
Most flappers do their "setting -up
exercises" on some sheik's lap.
"My wife gave me a two -tube set for
my birthday."
"Naw. Shaving and tooth."
But we wonder, after all these years
of discussion, just what is going to be
clone about the weather?
Not Worth Fighting About.
"Tho right of way is mine,"
Said Ji'ison, driving fast.
He saved 1 minute, so he did,
But '!was his last!
Large hopes from small foundations
The woman with a case of nerves is
not so much to be pitied as those who
have to associate with her.
Man's chief aim in life is to make a
Few nails are driven home with ons
blow of the hammer. Likewise, few
sales are made with only one piece of
How It All Began.
"Your skirt, my dear madam," said
"Is far too dis'graoefully short;"
"I do not care, Adam," said madam,
"This model is what they call sport."
Mistress (to new maid)—"Nora, you
don't seem to lcnow about finger bowls.
Didn't they have them where you
worked last?"
Nora—"No. maul; they mostly wash-
ed themselves afore they turn to the
Education Brought Us
From crooked stick to machine plow.
From sickle to reaper.
From oxen cart to automobile.
From. pony messenger to air mail.
From rowboat driven by slaves to
Froin runner to telegraph.
From smoke signal to wireless.
From exam tables to libraries,
From candle -stick to electric light.
From log cabin to s•kyseraper,
honesty is the best policy. So is a
twenty ,payment life.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the stable.
Fresh -water eels travel a distance
equal to a quarter of the earth's cir-
cumference—about 0,000 miles—yin
their lives.
The original inventor of the reap-
ing machine was the Rev. Patrick
Bell, a former minister of Carmyllie,
in. Forfarshire.
Instantly! "Pape's Diapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
'Cho moment you eat a tablet of
"Pape's Dia.pepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress from a sour,
aetd, upset. `stomach, No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion tor
a tow cents. Each package guaranteed
fly druggist to (Overcome Stomach trots-
ISSUE No. 10—'27.
An Old Man Leaves .a
All th1 tell you noWstair,
All that
at my white s .know,
I learned on a tall hill's brow,
T tonna out from the snow.
' All that the years have tried,
All I an euro Is true,
I heard at a rive'r's side
Or followedthe river to.
And .cell that I hold byeitillo
In a time of solitude,'
On a day without a name,
At the heatr of an ancient wood•!
For unsuspected friends
Are met by a man alone,
The wind from the wor'ld's ends,
The sky no wind has known;
And they taught me, long ago,
To ponder 'earth and all,
From a hill, on days of snow,
In a wood when the soft rains fall.
—T. Morris Longstreth.
Can Find Relief Through Build-
ing Up the,Blood.
Pain is the symptom of rheumatism
that every victim recognizes, and he
generally attributes the trouble to
cold, damp or changeable weather.
But doctors know that thin blood is a
marked characteristic of the trouble.
Trying to cure rheumatism while the
blood remains thin and poor, is an im-
possible task because there is nothing
to build on. A tonic like Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills that enriches the blood and
frees it from poisonous impurities soon
banishes rheumatism from the system.
So long as the blood is maintained in
a healthy condition the trouble will
not return, This is not theory. It has
been proved in hundreds of cases;
here is one:—Mr. J. W. Rose, R.R. 2,
Albany, P.E.I., says:—"For some years
I was 0 great sufferer from rheuma-
tism and although I tried a great many
remedies, i dM not get any permanent
relief until after I took Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. The trouble was located
mostly in my shoulders, and at times
was so bad that my right arm was al-
most useless. Of course I suffered
much pain and great inconvenience.
My attention was directed to Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills through an adver-
tisement in our newspaper, and I. de-
cided to try them. I took the pills ac -
'cording to directions with the result
that the rheumatism has left me, and
I have never had a twinge of it since.
If this meets the eye of any rheumatic
sufferer my advice is try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills at once."
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
4 Brockville, Qnt.
University ofToronto Will
Erect a Carillon of Bells.
The Alumni Federation of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, in accordance with
the original plans prepared at the
close of the War, whereby a Carillon
of bells would be erected in the Sol-
diers' Memorial Tower, will complete
their installation this year. It had
originally been intended to instal
these bells in the Tower when it was
built, but funds have not yet been
provided for this purpose. The Alumni
Federation have now undertaken to
raise the money for the installation
of these bells in time for the Centen-
ary celebrations of the University in
October next.
The Carillon will consist of twenty-
three„hells ranging in weight from
140 lbs. for bell No. 1, to 7,728 lbs. for
bell No. 28, making a total for the
twenty-three bells of nearly 19 tons,
and will cost complete, with the clock,
which it is also proposed to instal, in
the neighborhood of $40,000. The con-
tract for the clock and bells bas been
awarded to Messrs. Gillett and John-
ston of Croydon, England, who have
promised delivery. and installation in
time , for dedicatory services during
the Centenary Celebration. Messrs.
Gillett and Johnston have manufac-
tured and installed many of th•e fore-
most carillons in the world, including
those in the Metropolitan Church,
Termite; the Suucoe, Ontario, Tower,
and.thcso in the Park Avenue Baptist
Church, New York. At the present
time this firm is casting the Carillon
for the Dominion Parliament Build-
ings, Ottawa, which, when completed,
will be the largest in the world.
It is desirable that the fund for
these bells, being the gift of the
graduates at large, be subscribed for
by every graduate and ex -student of
the University. A minimum sub-
scription has accordingly been set at
,five dollars, and it 'is.ltoped that the
graduate ,and o: -student body at large
. will contribute the whole amount so
that the gift May be as representative
las possible. A. committee, under the
leadership of Mr, Hugh Scully of the
Class • of 1906 in University College,
1 has been formed, and through their
agency individual appeals will go out
to all ox -students and graduates in a.
!sllort time.
Tetlth Century Chess Figures.
1 Chess figures, earved front bones 1s
big ao a man's fist and said to date
back to the tenth century, am now en
t show its the British Musollnr.
Twins alike in every detail, even
to blood pressure and finger -prints,
VII.. 0, Ellis find Mr. L Ellis, Were
horn in India twenty-six years ago.
They ale both students of patent law.
Its fine qualities preserved in the
modern Aluminum package.
"is good tech'
ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good
Joseph. Wedgewood in the London
Review: Egyptian
statesmen tell me that they prefer )3ri-
tish to Italian protection. This may
of course be merely the natural polite-
ness of the Orient; or it m,ay-fle-"t1iat
the security given by tile Britisrn fleet
is felt to be of better quality; or there
may be other reasons. One Pasha
told me that the protection of Great
Britain was pledged to them by Mr.
Lloyd George; that, whether we liked
it or not, we were bound in honor' tb
Continueto protect them from Euro- - NT1(ODU('TOTLY OFFER ONLY, SEND 300 (NO
pean nations. I think he exaggerated. stamps please) and receive poet free a Package
or la blooming size Oladlohis-Bulbs in assorted colors.
Victoria Bulb and Floral Company. R. Df, D. 4.
Victoria, B.C.
poultry houses, Lot beds: speeds growth, doesn't
burn plant+. Delivered 1.1e dinar, yard. Peerless
Classified Advertisements.
Custom Tanning
Inc IPolt ioOics ?DICE LIST. You w1tX
be surprised at our low prices. Our workman-
& 1 n Is backed by 00 years of eu erloueo, An work
guaranteed. Our methods of tanning Bides for robe,
harness, sole, lace leathers, etc„ cannot be surpassed.
Loather en hand for immediate repairs or a nice
robe Is indispensable, necessary. Th, Foley Tanning
Co.. Coiilnlrwoo<l, .Ont.
all records, 48 selections, automatic. value
995.02 for 91100 guaranteed. Poisson. 140 mount
Royal Bast, trontreal.
r 11'1 ELl'bl DIFFERENT :DA1(LIAs. 51.78.
Twelve different (Rladioli, $1.00. Postpaid.
Fernollffo Ptttrsory, Iiatzlc. British Columbia.
Another told me that, rather than ac-
cept Itallau protection., they would
fight. Ho probably exaggerated also.
I could not have imagined frolu
my slight knowledge of Egypt how
much—comparative—popularity we en- Poultry, Nllnira., ont.
joy in that country. I understand that
we are becoming popular also at An- S days fr DOUSE, Hos
NT. Br.ostay IN 00
days Prom seed. .•lion will not stay in roots
gore. I suppose that, if Ireland had whero grown. Packet seed '23c. Agents canted. N.
Vernon, B.C.
been part of the Roman, Empire, we Johnson, Boa 4e0,
should be p•opulor in Ireland too. U(Nit4. MOS
Minard's Liniment for rheumatism.
Private Crubbs had been the most
bashful and retiring little man in the
army. When women visited the camp
he had always fled for shelter and
stayed there until after they had left.
So it came as a surprise when one of
his former •companious cane across
him in civilian garb and was intro-
duced to a large, husky girl as ?,Yrs.
S crubbs.
When he was able to get Scrubbs
aside, he asked him how he had met
his wife.
"Well,” returned the little man
meekly, "it was this way. 2 never did
exactly meet her. She just kinder
overtook me."
The Braille Bible fills thirty-eight
volumes .and weighs 1% cwt,
To -night ! Clean your bowels
and stop headache, colds,
soler stomach
Get a 10 -cent box now.
Turn the rascals out --tile headache,
biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour
stomach and lead colds --turn them out
to -night and keep them out with Cas -
Millions of men and women take a
Ca,scaret now and then and never
know the misery caused by a lazy liver,
clogged bowels, or an upset stomach.
Don't put in another day of distress.
Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; 1
remove the, sour, i'ernleuting food;
take the excess bile front your liver
and carry out all the constipated waste
matter and poison in the howe•]s. Then
yon wfegat.
A Caseildaretel to-renight straightens you
out by morning. They work while you
sleep. A 10 -cent box from any drug
store means a cleric head, sweet stom-
ach and clean, healthy liver and bowl
action for months. Children love Coe -
carets because they never grape or
Connaught Laboratuties, University of
ID by Trench's nootedy,. Simple home treatment,
s.3 yours success. thousands of testimonials. Write
at once for free book. Trench's Remedies. Limited.
Dent. w.. 70 Adelaide East, Toronto, Canada. (Cut
this out).
We la :13(1.7, 10.000 11OIRS112 A TEAR TO
satisfied customers. Send for our harness
Catalogue; It will save you money. The Repository,
1) Nelson. Street. Toronto.
Dred -to -lay. Legholms, ]cocks. Minoring, wyan-
dottes. Thais, 11c and un. Froe circular. William
1'let:mit, Stratford ltd. ant.
for Confectioners. The very latest in
Chocolate Mould.
Ono confcotlenor bought sig on sight. Dog,
Sunny. Chickens, all on ono chopce�tate bar.,�
all mail. D one opeTan. 6sa�@d7
Act now. Don't delay. Sent
by mail (:repaid for 51.00.
Clear Your Skin 4-11
Soap do Cleanse
Ointment in Heal
Atinniutely Nothing Bettor
Colla Relieved
ons Mosey Back
Everywhere men, women and children
are finding instant relief from Coughs
and Colds of all kinds by taking Buck-
ley's Mixture. Everywhere druggists aro
selling "Buckley's" under positive guar-
antee. The first dose proves how dif
fei'ent it is—and there are 40 doses in m
70 -cent bottle! Never bo 'without this
yroven conqueror of colds.
W. E. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto S
Md)(TI:ri E
Acts like a flash—
a single sip proves It a'
disappears when you use
Minard's. The household Lini-
inent: for generations.
Proved sate by millions and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds " Headache
Pahl Neuralgia
Neuritis Lumbago
Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only, !Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
'Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Asiiirin 11t (114 fade mark (registered In C'anaila) of Eagctrlianntadtrlre-tut' hltiuoacetia•
seltleeter oi;"Saiicylicetetlt (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A. 2, 1.' ). \Philo It to well Miami
that Aspirin mean 'buyer manufacture, to 'assist the innate against Itaitatiens, the OTahietet•;1.
tri (toyer Copious Wilt cwt etc e(1etl cults! their general tattle took, the 'Door dross tic(.,