HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-03-01, Page 1Vol. XXVttC No 33 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCii 1 1928, mer fiI Smith, lI� i4 5 if 114410 Lli6 �li$ve *1.50 IN AS':EABS, $2 MAY BE OSdY$ • Build up your own Community by baying GooN/‘ ds in the hams down a nunvber of young people. i ,farmers Little tnGinius Mr. Wm Reid and sister of Bay field visited with Mr. and . Mrs, Next regulate negating of tTlnicf,.ue J. C. Reid on Friday, fblub NO. 65e Will bee held in. School meg. Hy.. Rader who pent a House, No. 14 ou'Priday evening few weeks in: Detroit, has returned .March 2nd,, at 8? pili•' Everybody Welcome. A. good turnout re- ;eetEested., 'i. t ' Vac= Klopp, Seeet ' lJ t 'oseph ?tiler,,. President. home. Mrs. 3-. W. Gragbeisl its on the sick list.. We liope for a speedy recovery.;. Mrs. N. Stirs continues quite d ill. : Miss Beatrice Graybel 'of Toronto is 'visiting her parents. The many friends of Mr. Chat. Stephan /Who 'has been suffering fromblood-poisonin'are pleased'to rearn that he has improved and town is able to take a walk up these nice day's. Mr. E. G. Krafft and Czar Kel- lerman moraterl to Toronto last week„ l •- t I DASHWOOD A Concert under the anspiees eel the Dashwood Rand will be given Ion Thursday„ BEarch 15th in Wein's !Hail, to. which the whale community is invited. A pl titled Mr. Bob, will be given by BARGArnS BARGAINS r I Received a shipment waterpr. o of Robes which 1 ant retailing far be- d oar 's at low Catalogue prices, gety I Special Price $12.50 largesize :FRED rilE. ZUR OH ,fo*so*4ra••Wa,e.4o-+c+-e oe000ssesolvsottoosooseeso aces lee ess sooeoosoossoosiso • ' aS A L E i e 1 AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE WESTERN HORSES Will be held at DICK'S HOTEL STABLES, SEAFORTH, On WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH 7th. $14.00 BTJYS A REGINA At 1 &'clock, pan.Mr. John Beichert is away to :Kitchener on 'n business trip• Consisting pf a carload of . ,goo Western horses, ranging in age from 3 to 5 years, some are good matched. teams. Robert Douglas, Proprietor. IN MEMORIAM 1 Mrs. John Albrecht was a Tues- day visitor in Dashwood. Rev. P. B. Meyer, sof Dashwood called on friends in the lvillage on Friday. Judge Lewis of Goderich, pre - In loving •memory • of my Dem sided at the local Division •Court Husband, John J. Smith, :who ori Tuesday afternoon. passed away, 3 years ago, March. Mrs. E. E, Weida,,DMr.. and Mee. 4th, 1925. ' !Rosa Johnston of Blake, were Sun - Deep in my heart lies a picture,; day visitors with friends at of a loved me* ''nllarton. Conte to rest, in memory frame, I r will keepit Rev. and Mrs. C, Schrag,.Miss ' Because he was one of the best, Ruth and Gordon Schrag, and Mies My lips cannot speak, lNancy Gingerich ."motored to Lon - How I miss him, my heart cannot don on Monday. tell, what to'sa e I Mr. Milford Schilbe, of the 14th God only knows, how I miss hima Lon. Hay, wishes to announce that as I go. along Life way} he is holding an auction sale of Sadly missed by wife and chile-) farm stock and implements on dren. . March 15th, Mr, Rudy Schwartzentruber of. the Bronson Line has exchangedhis touring 'car for a good used Ford eoach footn C. Fritz & Son. An auction sale will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday aft- ernoon, when' a variety of old lum.- bet, and also a farm will beeold to the highest bidder. • • 0 5 ...F SHOES tBrings youvalues that cannot be S digo picate .anywhere. Note • • f We defy all competition i $ thleirrecord mashing Prices lar �i4.5U Sales at ,_ _�f�•45 : 2 Men's Luffibermea Ru�bbere, Regi $2 O 5 : Boys' Lumbe.r exr Rubbers, Reg. $3.50, at Sale ---4• -+------.$195 Sale at - ------ Child's. Heavy* Rubber.; RegLtlar $2.00, Sale Sale at ___-_�3.6b � Men's Calf Biaek,. Goodyear Welt, Reg. 0 3.5U Sale at ___._ $2.45 e Boy's Solid .Leathci; School. Shoes, Reg. � e ers Reg. 1.75, Sae, __ 95.c t� Women's Felt. and Kid Bo.udaur Slippers, g• ChilYrens. Shoe franv39c- to, ___-_.___ �--1 _•- ._-��$1:19 3 �1.U1 Men's Rubbers,: all sixes, SPECIAL, at _._- ..- -- ---- ... 3 r COME IN' AND SEE Tug ,BARGAIN TABLES � yh(,//�,77ppy��y�,�� [ j set hyppyQ�� NEATLY �!c'.8 �■ V!' ik 1i ,rt,,i. ge NJr7ti,l.'ALY DONE TY.. 111[[[ 0 4n'5014 i. omi.s#zipeMet; lSt tll i&feteleteb6k r}F e40.iliin1 aeReleihb016 4•44.o40,:po* Ct-4H141k 41-004+4ii-01 v,;,r,..34.4,41).+3401'ir•It •wc,44.41p0.i+wa•,t,+ r h :le 49, le E OVERCOATS MACKINAWS SWEATERS • E•TC. v SUIT S UNDERWEAR �. OVER ALLS ETC. s, 4 In he Ste .... r everything n t Greatly Reduce. Prices Get our prices before you •bay • elsewhere 0A9Citcrift eta MOTs • .**••lif'il4b•44.�► auggiiS 4 4 f. Our motto is "full value" in radio and service. Our stock of Kolster radio and our complete line of radio accessories repre- sents the "most -for -your - money" in town. Come in and have a Kolster demonstration. No obli-, gation. ELMER OESCH Evangeiicai Church Notes ZURICH -- ONT. 16 Size, 15 Jewel, Beautifully, Cased. Let us show you this Watch for REAL VALUE. A Gu- arrantee accompanies every- Re - Hess, The Jeweller uy the Besi COAL DELAWARE & Hurtsco.;' and D. L. & W. SCRANTON C,0 KE SEMET SOLVAY SOFT , COAL MILLER'S CREPE ( i Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD 113 - LAND GRADE A, WHITS POT- ATOES. OTATOES. arateiont., I"lENBALL ONT Phones-Office 10w. Rouse Its Mr. Roy Merner 'of the 14th con. has •treated his family to a fine ilrawy, Durant sedan which he ..pur `, err sed from Mi. Milts..Deitz,,;local' :,agent'. The Zurich Branch of the Won- ens' Lrstitrite will hold their mon- thly meeting in the Chamber Room on Monday afternoon, March 12th, at 2.30 o'clock, instead of Monday March 5th. Please note the ch- ange of date and time. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Bess, were to Goderich on Sunday last, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Hess' grandfather, thelate Mr, Michael Schwalm hir. Hess acting as pallbearer. Mr. and ]'Mrs. Thos. Trcvethick of Brinsley were weed: -end visit- itors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hess. \Vlitle here Mr. Trevethick purch- ased a new Whippet Six sedan, from Ivlr. H. Mousseaa, local dealer in Wiily,s-Overland autos. Rev. Prof, Iveu.lorffer of the Waterloo Seminary, will have charge of the services in the Luth- eran church o a Su lid iy. In the morning his discourse gill be in the Ge ro'n Ian' urge, whi e in the evening be will peach in the En- glish. Prof Nen?orfl'u.• is one of the outst.n.iug returnod m!ssion- aries from In•:lia, and in his boy- hood days lie spent part Of his time in ' Zurich, while the family lived here IIe come highly r:'.- MODEE,N BEATITUrDES cornrrended as a very able 'sp- eaker and it will be a treat to cv Blessed is the christlan who will ery one (present to hear 'him. not straw at a drizzle On San-, day and swailow a cloudburst POPtJLAIt IIENSALL COUPLE, trrr Monday;. 1. WFDs;. Blessed is the church member who The marriage of Dorothy, dau can endure an boar and a quarter at iV oaship, as wed as two hours alter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. We'.slr, and a half in a place o1 amuse-:Hensali to Ernest Laird Micklet merit. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Tickle Blessed ars: ye if the organ prelude of- hinge own, was qu'etly solemn - finds you in your pew, in a de- lime' on Saturday, Feb. 25th at eotional mood, on the holy Sal'- tbeee, &cloc}c, at the home of the bath. bride's 'parents„ Rev. A. Sinclair Twice blessed is he If he ,goes to officiating. Roses and pink and ehuc.ch: when visitors would pie- white carnations made a pretty am vent him. Verrify thy 'pastor setting for the wedding. -1'h.. shall rise tip and call theeblessed bride, who Was given in marriage in the presence of all the people, by her father, looked charming in a periwinkle frock with sleeveless Evant;'e i':t:c Services beginning bowee and a drape falling from at, the Dside Little Lo.rettalell 7 30 p m are in progress at the , eft ..,, a},iq.a� f.s,, .§•d- F•'s••€••F•.s.>..x.-0+•F�i••'rfi••P•rA"i~•1••;• �'s••'s••r��••§••'r•a"•i••:.•g•.z:•i••g.•a.•i" �••i'��r'ri� r-� arm. ; FORDS! FORDS! Ione 4_ Caps x or S 7 if E INVITE. YO*..r� To inspect our New and . Used Cars before you purchase We have a nice variety of used Cars in A 1 condition: ,. and will take your car in exchange and give Terms No extra charges for financing. This saves between $35. and 350. on a car Evanee is al church this week and and Mary Clarke, cousins of the 1„�,• next and you simply can 'teffor to miss a service. Sunday SerVice,$) 10.00 0,01, AVotaship Sub' ect-•The ch]istian that ifs irresistible power. • 11 a.ln._Bible School, Jw E. Gauicho, Superintend 1.30 p.ra,-Wor`'ship' ',Subject --.And another' Book OP al ed. Rot'. W. Y. Dreier, Pastor bride, were Winsome ring re, and flower girl. Miss Eleanor Fisher played the Lohengrin mech. axed M',ss Florence Welsh s:s!'er of the bride sang "Until", The an gift from. the groom to each of the little cousins were pearl need: laces and bracelets to match, to the pianist, a carved metal brace- let, set with green onyx, ;and to the soloist a Mendelian purse. Fol- lowing a buffet luncheon, iVrr. ani was Mrs. Mtckle left on a trio to De - trek and Toledo, On their return th y '�Y 111 reside in Tlensall. M, ent. 11 you FORD TUDOR 1927, mileage 4,000. This car is like new;. Extra spare tire, gas guage, Speedometor, new License..., FORD TUDOR 1925 in good condition; equipment, spare automatic wiper, slip covers, heater and license, at a any one can afford to pay, tire, price FORD TUDOR, 1926, Upholstering and paint like new. Speed- ometer, Clock, Heater, spare Tire and License. FORD COUPE, 1925. Saloon tires, Shocks, and in FORD COUPE, 1926, Loaded with extras. nice shape. FORD TUDOR, 1922, in nice shape, new tires and license at the price of a Tourign Car THREE FORD COUPES, Al; 1923 Models, sortie just like new inside, Motors A. 1. Tires like new. Any of these atthe price of touring cars. O. SON. FORD DEALERS Tires 30x3'. $5, to SG. Batteries $9 4 SECOND ,HAND FORD PARTS A.T HALF PRICE eb'a•.Y. y,..,4,i ti Ot'J»": :• :...�..�....�».R. ti• . . w . i . . . .. , c . ^a: r :.�_ ........_ a _ ....,.-..._ ,,.. w. .-, m. no - Bargains B In order to reduce our Stock w are putting on a two 'weeks sale of all lines of Dry Goods such as: FLANNELETTES, FLANNELS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MACK- INAW FLANNEL, SERGES, SILKS AND COTTONS, MEN'S t AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, TOP SHIRTS AN fl WINDBREAKERS, LADIES, GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S tkTy - DERWEAR, SWEATERS, STOCKINGS, MITTS, GLOVES, El(' Shoes and Rubbers, Dishes, Hardware, Harness Repairs, every.- thing v rthing will go at Greatly Reduced Priem. Sale Commences yea JANUARY 14th, and ENDS '(3N JANUARY 28th. COME AND SECURE SOME ?3 a'i.RGA;CNS WHILE THEY le&S`i~: e ,r DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE N r 11 - 97 E3LAKC