HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-23, Page 8The Sto ith the Stook D ING 1Vferner's .New Spring S , GOODS Let us show you our New Peter Pan and Amana Prints, New Ginghams in finest patterns in English and Canad- ian made, new Cretons, Chintz, shirt- ings, cottonades, denims. NEW WALLPAPERS New all placed in stock; See Them iWE WILL CONTINUE THE ROGERS SILVERWARE COUPONS WITH EVERY CASH SALE. GET YOUR SUPPLY OF SILVER- WARE FREE BY PATRONIZING THIS STORE. Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement el. ISC PcoduL, Wanted SONS Phone 59 i°s ; S••,r*�,iM'o•:' :•.3•ocar'i• �,.i.•'o.�,•�.•14•$••&••g••$•o'+.¢•I¢:.lye..... , ..: 3•� •�•.i.•p••i••ic••i.•g.•s••+�•:. •.�.•F� LC 3 4.4 , Mousseau Zurich ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for 4. .g. 4. 4. 4. •II• 4. ��T T7TWO MODELS, i 1 ll.IT'S 1`� niht THE FAMOUR PROVIDED SLEEVE VALVE + 4, ZURICH AND tiICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OR, WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. ��r �, FOUR ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - WHIP �L� CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY WHIPPET S X THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON THE MARKET. A CAR WETS' A SOUND REPUTATION MOTOR. IP IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. .A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES; "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" 4, $e4 1 :..;...4••p..l••l•+ i•++ 1••1•,1x•.: q.: ,;«.;{+•1.d••E.•l•+E•:•++++•II••F••i••II••S•+dF•€••E ••F•++!F• 'l, (4000 a000B••6no•e et•eie 2 atehin Why pay fancy prices for your young Chicks when with a few • m.inuter of spare time each d a y you can hatch and „.r eason raise your own, STRONG, HEALTHY Y CHICKS AT A BIG SAVINGaN MONEY. COME IN AND. LEARN. ALL ABOUT OUR.,. I ( Buckeye I cubat rs and Brooders. _odea. WE EIAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! O N T• :. 7 ' ", J till „+C`tktlegG', _ittle son. Vale born in besot):: is nyitl w 'Many g. o 5snd• -had � god friends, All the new patterns are shown in all lines. Again we say it is all Clean Fresh New Stock. And ask you to come and 1 have a look. Don't forget this that the Prices are low YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 W. ITEMS OF LOCAL ifffERES1 The dance and band concertput on by the Band boys last Friday evening, brought out a goodly number of lovers of this eport,and a good time is reported. Mr. Robert Douglas of Saskat- chewan wishes to advise the pub- lic that he expects to be - in Sea - forth about Feb. 22nd with a car load of good Western horses rang- ing in age from; 3 to 5 years,sonie are good matched teams. Dashwood Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia Sp- ent a few days :with her moths , Mrs. Finkbiliner, who is still con:. fin:.* l to her bed. Mrs , L, Morenz is visiting in Siiticoe and Kitchener. LOCAL MARKETS- Live Hogs cwt....... Butter,: Ib. _ ...._ ......_ 40e Eggs ..._ ...... L_ 25-33-x37 Dried apples lb, __., ... 9 Oats, bushel _--- - _ ,... 60 Wheat per bush .__., �_.......„.; 1.25 Barley -« .._ ,• »_. � ....., -- �75 Buckwheat ---. "-_ .;-. ,..._ '75 Flour ...:. _. �...... ..._.3.50-4.50 Shorts per ton - , z -» 35.00 Bran per ton LCorrected every Wednesday; Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. O. Restemeyeren:- The Largest Business of any tertained a number of their !HT Canadian Company doing A Valentine social was held on Business in Ontario - Tuesday evening and was well attended. Amount of Insurance at Bink en Mrs. Sinclair who has been vies Dec- 31, 1927, $21,365,7135 { iting her daughter Mrs. Moffat,re- turned to her home in Brucefieid.. The Band intend giving ;a coD- cert in the near future ,and a num- tier of young people are • ,busy prectising a play which will be given, so watch for the date. Mr. Thos. Slump has purchased the planing mill from Mr. Geon. Kellerman and will be ready for business in a few weeks. Mr. J. C. Rid Co's big sale was a great success. The bargains were proven by the crowds that Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,57,9.83. G. Holtzman - Zurich Asst, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance On Feb. 14th Mr. and Mrs; J.V. Tippet marked their golden wed- ding .anniversayt 50 years ago took advantage of them. They they ware joined by Rev. J. A. are now offering a further list of Braley at the Methodist parsonage bargains for thus week. Bay,field. After the ceremony Mrs. Matilda Kraft has sold her they drove in a buggy to their house and lot to Mr. Lour Schoe- new home . at :Varna, where 'the maker, COUNTY NEWS. Clinton Spring fair will be held on Thursday, April 5th. Assignment papers have been filed in London for J. H. Smith & groom had established a harness making business.. For sixteen ye - axis they lived in Varna, where their children were born, then returned to Bayfield. It looks at present. as if God - Son ,Seaforth; Albert Pequeguat, erich would abondon its annualfall music dealer, Stratford; and Feral- lair, finances having become eo` inand Schrader, Stephen Townshiip.- low that it is getting too heavy. Goderich town is re -organizing The liability at present stands at its fire department, and will pur- $1,130.75 and assets at $4;61. The chase new motor fire fighLin,; liabilities include $777.05 unpaid c;u:psr:ent • • Besides this two. e -e:- prize money whish if not paid tric sirens ,smoke inaske, electric would bar the fair directors from lanterns, etc. will be purchased. 'receiving the government grant.. It has been learned from the The town council are offering a Minister of Highways that the,.grant of •$250.00 with the condition ,en -bridge between Lucan and Clande- that they reduces the present boys over the Sauble river will he' debtness to $500, this grant Ito be s built this year and that most of j applied' in ,this reduptiorl. - the bridges on the London Bondi.- At the annual meeting of the will be built in readiness for pav- Exeter Chamber of Commerce it • ing the road from. Clinton to Elg- was decided to approach the s infield. It is likely that Lucan will Dominion Government with the have its main street paved this 11• view of securing a new ( post • summer, !office in Exeter, the site of which l stimates have been tabled in Wats purchased previous to thewar • the House of Commons at Ottawa ! committee was -appointed to. 0 for $75,000 for Goderich harbor Inv-' go to Ottawa and interview . the provements. It is understood that postmaster 'General The com- a this amount is to cover additional: mittee to take along pictures of O dredging of the channel between the interior and exterior of :the i • the outside breakwaters and the present post office. % s piers The annual meeting of the Me- The partnc•t ll o ],usiness ' of . Killop 1Vtutnal Fire Insurance Co. J. C. Reid & Co, a' I) :"Ywood,with was held at Seaforth the other day the personelle or John We)n, John, with -a largo attendance: The. C, Reid, Pearl Kraft, Susan Kraft: auditor's statement showed the In • and Marie Kraft, as General Merch-' eolmpany 'to bo in a strong fin, 411. ants ,at Dashwood, has been dis- aneial position, although thelosses • solvetl a!s far as Mr. Wein is con -'during the year were- heavy 'total- cerned, the firm, will continue on ling $13,658.96. The total recei- • with the 'exception of Mr.Wein. !pts of the Co. amounted to $3.7,691. • with the same name and persons and the expenditures to$17,174.37. • The Beath occured on the Tha- The' nureber of policies issued due S tees Rd., Usborne, on Feb. 13th,of ing 1927 .was 772.; and the natmb.r.: Jennie M. -McCurdy wife of Neil in . force at the, end, of the year rivieGill, aged 33 years.She rs a 2,607 Covering an insurance of $7, { .. d hie f I an 'MVI slpl 1 Y.. i) r ti d fkia:l i s I"1�,�' ,,k-96005 ., .,fit , the Meetini g of the 1Nt scan v rhe ke cr; lvivetieslib ''l 't.D rectors txtt�r. •.Tarr.; Evens rats el husband She Is ani vi'ved by •ono eeted Prri.ideni-', a -- --. Thursday, February 23, 192T • 4,ti.. 4,44.+ 4+4. +4-4-44 ++.P. +4.4 + .;. .4.4.+++4 4.•i'++_ .2,4 44***, + 4. 4. + IE ard are . • ..: We carry a full Line of th4. 4.e Celeb- rated Royal Purple Stock Foods, I • ' RAVE YOUR' STOCK i VI.NTEER WELL, LLL, AND LOOK :GOOD, ASLO YOUR RENS PRODUCING 'EGOS WHILE THE P1110-' t ES ARE HIGH •. • t 4. 4. •i+ TUB BEST DSENFOTANT O +$ 0 9 : THE MARK Tr FOR ELICE, ETCH 4.BARGAINS IN HARDWARE WE HAVE A NUMBER GP REAL BARGAINS TO OFFER IN 4.T 4.THE HARDWARE LINE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. 1 .1-• Before Taking Stock z • argains In Furniture 1-.. Come and See for Yourself I B We offer many + BRING IIS YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON.. E •'�` „ .1. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. 4. - FlifLL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE t SII+ 4- Johnston c Kalbheisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +4-4+•E••2: 'kli4o°•F•++•II•+•i••II••:• •3••II•-i•l•• +•II+4-1': i$Z ...., _..... .... ... .. ...... .... ... -- a eros.. Results for 1927 MIR Mortgage ERIC Corporation Total Assets $42,013,000. Increase, 52,455,000. Reserve (Fund $7,500:090. Increase $150,000 Dohs. issued in. Canada $21,776,000. 'Increase $1884 000. Savings Deposits $9,850,000 L Increase $1,200,050 . THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. Total Assets $20,5:75,20.7. Increase $373,000. Reserve Fund 5805,000 Increase $50,000 t , Debentures and deposits $644.7000. Increase $89,3000, &tate fundal now under .Administration $12,276,C09. - Total Assets of both .Connanies now over Sixty-two MSI lion Dollars. Before you Invest ----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, • ' Zurich MY MOTTO; -Stili VICE AND SAFETY f -I wva You N11.3-3 Y-) LJ { WILL? Instimmessom Mean This Unless Mrs. SybilIa Spahrs Ton - U silitis is a success treating your Sore throats, Cough, Croup, Whoop ing cough, Head colds, Catarrh and Diseased Tonsils. Try its AT WAGNER'S STORE JOEN WARD Drugless Practice-. eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 7(1 TgILOR MADE BY THOSE WHO KNOW f NOT ;iiTingrm R.. Our Suitings BY THOSE Wi O KNOW ROW I ids 1 RIGHT UP, TO Tan MINUTE 'PATTERN, Obi PA � BmTY.ii7, AND QY7'ALtT'Y` $,ALL OUR GOODS i dRANTDED +t. Door be palsied ny -burg 1 cheaper and inferior g,, nls9 1. BUY from those you know will Inland behind everything they • -r l l T TAIL011..w. 11.. W., H. *OPP,il[AN Ik Son,. ,1ntaAL; ►11�R � 1NG1 OMOtt . 011 NigM P r Nei. B- T BSEWT