HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-23, Page 5' l"tanaec4 %4"` 4, .m, D%3DLEY'E. HoLMEs liARRIS'1'ER, SOLICITOR,, NOT IARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE_ -Hamilton Street, Just off tlu, Square, GODERICH', Ontario. Special attention to Conned and Court Work lea Holmes may be eonsulted at 'oderich by Phone, and Phone chargee reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L.D.S. D.D.B. UT' YOI 'a flts;, For *Sade, 1.n F"�rc Notice,' Etc' Ads IN muss COLUMN FARM FOR SALE On Laudon Road, Stanley Town- ship 97 acres; four acres good hardwood bush rent all under cul- tivation, Barn 72 1uy 40 on cern- mit stabling, steel drive shed, frame poultry house, brick dwelling, feec- ing and drainage good'; . five miles from Clinton, one mile from Bruce- field, •Apply to Frank Lane, Clinton. Or c -o • W. Brydone, Clinton. DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BLOCK ZUBSC1 Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK,. DASHWOOD 'livery Monday, Tuesday ani Wednesday MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL, DIVIDENDS A. P. HESS -- Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada . BEAD OFFICE — TORONTO • E. E. Wuertlt—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strout Co. in Canada A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOP? Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auct:oneerin g. Try .e for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX Alf IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless an to size -or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services. :Arthur Weber — Dashwood. Phone 13-57 IllllelAtseeseceea6laomel melee a a a _MAR�p2ET 0 l~re8h and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc e° Highest Cash Price for Wool GASH FOR SKINS & HIDES S Zurich Moe Traigb3 .t &( I Doic lert l illliMNlll4IMllllNMslii LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken, every day till 3 o'ctock,pexe iki not feed Fowl same morning when brought ins. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR- 1Cr- ann and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94 -- Zurich Headquarters FOR TIRES TOES AND Sfitage Batteries ()Asa wioo2) MOTOtt SI,;.ItVI 'illi TENDERS WANTED Tenders -will be deceived by the Police Trusteea of the Village of Zurich for hauling 100 loads of good lake gravel. Tenders to state price per one and 'one-quar- ter yards delivered to Zurich and° to be in the hands of the Under- signed by 11 o'eloek, a. m. Match 1st, 1928. A. Mousseaor, Chairman, A. F. Hess, Secretary. WANTED Experienced Married Man, hon- est and willing wants work on farm Apply Willie Muller, R. R.2, Zurich FARM FOR SALE Pasture Farm for Sale, 75 acres on Lot 16, . Con. 7, Hay. Well fen- ced, never failing water in ditch. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. NOTICE Beginning on Monday, February 20th, we have decided to raise the price of milk to 12 cents a quart until May 20th, when it will again be sold at 10 cents. C. Schrag and Sons ,MOUSE FOR SALE The fine property of the late Mrs. A. G. Ehnen. The house has six nice, large rooms, and has many conveniences, and is situated on two large lots. Apply to O. H Ehnes, 2811, E. Grand Boulevard, Detroiit, Mich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE • R. BLACK - WELL, late of the Township of Hay in the County of ,Huron, farm- er deceased, who died on of about the 31st of December 1927, are required to • forward their claims duly proven to the ande ned administrator on or beforthe 3rd of . March, 1928. AND NOTILL IS FURTHER GI.V- EN that after this said date the Administrator will preoeed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated at Zurich this 14th day of February, 1928. Wm. J. Blackwell, Administrator. R. R. 2, Hensall, Ont. • FOR SALE Desirable building Lot in Zur- ich,, being w-hf_ of 49 and e-hf of Lot 53, Mary Street; for quick sale it will be sold for .$75:00, Apply to H. Pfile, Hensall, FOR SALE Heating Stove, Furnacette, used only a month. Will sell for $1000 less than coat of -new. Oscar Koehler. FOR SALE Top Buggy in good condition. also a good 13 -spring -tooth culti- vator. Milne Rader, 14th con. LOST In Zurich on Jan. 13th `a five dollar bill. Finder please return to Walter Miller, 14th eon. FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bage at 43 c. per pound. Peed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbflelech, Zurich COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR 'GENUINE ... Scranton. Ooal ALSO CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR,s .7,yJ1: Jy�.l�yl~� Case & Son Pligkao, NS Air, Albert flay was a week- end visitor to London. Mr. Jacob Brown was a week- end visitor at Kitchener. Mr. Jacob Kennel of Kitchener, is visiting friends here. Messrs. Manson lillason and MieleGratton, of Grand Bend called in, the village on Saturday. Mr, Ward (Fritz went to Ford City, where he is indeavouri�ng to get a new Ford for ,demonstrat- ion purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver of the village, attended the funeral of the fornier's nephew at Exeter,on Sundayr, Mr. Louis Schumaker of the 14th con. is holding an auction •$ale of bis farm stock and Implements,on Tuesday March 13th. A few of the ladies of the vil- lage, are attending the Trousoett Social given by Misr Dorothy Welsh, Hensall, this Wednesday afternoon. A number of our villagers at- tended the Masonic entertainment -and Banquet at Hensel' last Wed- nesday evening, and had a moot enjoyable evening. In our last weeks issue we made mention of the property of Mr. Leno Kipper as sold at his auction sale for the gum of $2250. This ishould have been $2,525.00 The auction sale of the •effects of Rev. H. Rembe on Saturday, The death took place at Kip - pen on Monday last of an old resident of the community in the persen Of Henry Schafer, having been known in Y'eara gone by as One of Huroe's best hotelmen as far as the dining room was con - The loeal milkman beginning on Monday of this week, has yaised the price of milk Irons 10c. quart to • 12 cents a quart, this latter price has become popular inmost of the other surrounding towne, and the milkmen say they are com- pelled to make this raise, oa ac- count of nest the high prices of milch 'cows and the soaring prices of feed. /Miss Catherine Kerr, of eeaf- cieth was placed under arrest on ,Tuesday- _last by Prove Constable, A. Whitesides end appeared be- fore, 'Pollee Magistrate C. A, Reid. at Goderich on a charge of theft ote $11,000 from the Seaforth branch of the Dominion Bank. Miss Kerr; held the position 0,1 teller for about seven years and the amount was taken at differ- eiat times. The week -end ushered in aepell of real celd weather, with the mercury eonsiderable below the Zero point, and what made it all the more effective was the high wind which accompanied. We notice a considerable change in the length .of t he days,, as at 6 o'clock at present we have con- siderable daylight, and there Is al- On Wednesday evening, Feh-'• Clase of the Evangelical SnnclaY Schreal raet at the home of their Teacher, laiss L. Faust for the election o Offfiders. The differ- ent Committees gave their report, Following is the result of the election of officers —Peesideet, 0. Koehler, Secretary, Mrs. rtose; Treasurer, Miss 3, Johns Chairman of Soe'a.1 committee, C. ealmon; Prayer Meeting c nsittee, Mrs, Gabel; Miss'onary gathering ended up witle a fine social lunch. ANOTHER $2.00 WEEKLY. Last week the Exeter Tim Advocate announced that beg Autos and Aut ouplieCARRY A COPLETE LINE OF AUTO AACCESSORIES.AND SUPPLIESAND CAN SVE YOU MONEY ON TRESS VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3e AT ONLernrra3�,a�n..�.m„�.,.__ GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIE'S AT „ $15.00 4. 1 SECOND HAND 14” H. ,P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. 1. GOOD TRAILER Mrs. • A.BOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. # COITI°rne WE DO EXPERT 13ATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND ; PPY RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. ion /iate will be raised from $ to $2,00, they also state that th weekly is the milly one in Hui County 'that is charging $L50 Gailleeiela Clinton, Seaforth, Win ham, Blyth and Bruseels pan have ell long ago went up to $2 !FARM IIVIPLEMEITIS : WE ARE HEA.DQUARTERS FOR FARM IIVIPLEMENTS AND *di • CARRY Jusr THE KIND Ote M.A.CHINERY THAT WILL GIVE ail e YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICO FOR YOUR MONEY' : in, lbo' PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL ova I pumpa 1.50 e eir Tires, Tubes Gas Ods and Grcases g- ers ete re cal The Editor gives a very cozier explanation why farm papers a selline for less money than lo weeklies, PS—Parra papers are n ional papers with email subscri tion rate and high advertleingrat the advertisieg rates rue fro ten to twenty times highert h the rates of a weekly paper. The Editor of the Herald calm say 'anything else but what th Is utep in the right clirectie and we feel that every •sulescrib of the Timee-Advocate ie Teceivin good value for their money eve at $2.00 per year; and we ar also obliged to think very 'eeriou over the matter of putting a li tie ar.ore on the subscription rate o the Herald, as when we figure a the costa and wear and depree iation to the expensive machiner and equipment that we reeuire,an selling the paper for $1.25 ,a year we cannot help but come to tb conclusion that we are only "work ing for our Health. BABY CHICK HATCHING 1600 Eggs per week. Beare pur- Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for Legliorns and $8.00 for- Rocks. + Hatch Guaranteed. Orders may * et- p - ea an ot is er 11 • • Zurich be left at Stade & Weida, Zurich. + Or ,apply tee J. Elgin McKinleyj SEED CLEANING TRAIN A seed -cleaning demonstration train' is being sent oat by the Oritarie Government this month and next which will visit at var- ious points in this district at the places and dates as follows—Thed- ford, Tues. Feb. 21st; Ailsa Craig Wed. Feb. 22; Mitchel', Sat, Feb. 251 Seaforth, Feb. 27th; Clinton, Tuesday Feb. 28; Exeter, Wed. Feb. 29; Hensall, Thursday, Mar. 1st; Blyth, Wed. Apr. 11; Goder- ich, Thurs. April 12. Seed cl- eanieg machines will be in oper- ation daily on these trains and the use of proper ecreens will be de- monetrated by qualified men, and a small portion of grain will be cleaned and graded at each of the ts designated. Lectures will be n at half past two each day seasee of different farm. crops, t pests, destruction of weeds Inforraation will be given ae urces of pure seed grain. Ev- farmer :should avail himself to poin e so a corresponding change in the 013 di and we will be into- March, the etc. to so month when we can look formore bainsier days. PRESENTATION Last Sunday evening after Re v. H. Rembe had spoke words of farewell to the Luther League,the Leaguers and friends presented Rev. and Mrs. Rembe with a tidy sum of money and the following address: The address wa's read by Miss Margaret Sehilbe and pres- entation made by Mies L. Rader, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Remba— We have assembled together to express to you our admiratioaand love we feel for you stnd your family. During the years that you- haVe laboted among us we found yeti Ito be a willing helper and casione we have come to you with trials and tribulations and always received comfort from your ad- vice and ministration's. We regret exceedingly your departure from our midst, but the best of friends must park -and our hope and prayer is ehat may rneet again some future time, Our heartiest good wishes follows you and yours to your neer field f May God's blessing,s al- ways be with you and keep you We ask you to accept this mon- tary gift as a slight token of ur love and esteem and We Ae- tna) you we will always have a arra spot in our heart foe yoaand ours, nd Leagued. BORN a Regier—In \ Stephen Township, Os February 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Regier a son. ery atten HOGARTH BABY CHICK BAT- CHERY, EXETER, ONT. I am now preparing to start my Harthery in a few days and iu order to have as many orders as possible booked before setting the machines I am giving a dis- count of 102; on all orders accorup- enied with a clepoeit of 25% of the order, received by Feb. 15th. I have now one of the largest hatcheries in Canada having in- stalled anothee Smell 47,000 egg machine which will enable me to Ahatcli out approximately 20,000 chickc per week. This should give me ample space to take care of all orders whether they are large or small. I am also prepared to continue custona hatching at per egg in tray lots of eleven dozen -eggs. have jUst received a shipment of Brooderd and poultry 'supplies to, the value of $1,000. and I eau give you anything you need in this line at eeasonable prices. I wish to take". this opportun- ity to thank. the many eustonaers that have helped make My bus- iness the Success that it is, and to welcome Many neW ones, You will feel alWays ready tohelp you with aily poultry problerayou may have and to assist you in i5oUltrY NA' profit. Rog - thing. TRY IT. Phone or 'write for price list at once and avail yourself of this big. eaving on „your chick% Hat- chery .open night and day, if more coevenient to call and talk beer your plans. 18th, to Mr. and -Mee, Norman L, V. IIOGARTH, owner and .0,vfigholt, daughter. 'Manager, Phone Bxeter, 181 W. Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' Second HandedBuggies HESS - ZURICH N W t Is a good time to have that inside Work Done 4, IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE Y017 MANY + PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE COSTS CLOaLY + ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT OR NEW BUILD- + • WE HAVE A LARGE STJPPLY OF GYPROC, AND ROOFING C. .KALBILEIS PHONE 69 INN 11211 ZURICH 1 Zurich Drug Store Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and Birthday Cards. ux4iWe also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich miwwwwwwwwwismAmmirmA