HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-23, Page 4• xIALD "MAKE THE GARDEN PAY" is the title of a new 8o -page booklet which the Bank of Montreal hasissued and is now distrib- uting free to ail who ask for a copy. This booklet is one of a series distributed by the Bank for the benefit of the farm- ing interests of Canada. It contains practical, scientific and experience -tested advice and suggestions on how to make a vegetable garden pay. It is dedicated to the idea of "An acre garden on every farm in Canada." A free copy of this valuable booklet is waiting for you at our nearest Branch. Ask for it by mail, telephone, or in person. BANK OF MONTREAL Establisheel-1817 Total Assets in excess of x$830,000,000 Westinghouse Batteryless Radio . YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECEIV- :ER AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL -.I L SET SEE AND HEAR IT AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC 1.0 gbters, and Mr9, G. "Hawai' l of E's.eter, visited with r.elative'- er the week -end, Wxnnrfred' Cudtuore of Toronto, visited with her parents here, her father has been confined to his room with illness for a few we~, else, The funeral of the date John Caldwell, who died in his:80th year on Friday, was held on Sunday afternoon, from his residence to McTaggart's Cemetery. He . was an old resident of .Henaall, a sta- unch Conservative and a member Carmel Presbyterian Church, Mrs, T. C, Joynt (left for Detroit where she will spend a few we- eks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hess, pleas- antly entertained the other even- ing and a very enjoyable time was was spent.. The Zurich Lodge of Masons held a banquet and concert in the. Town Hall ,Wednesday evening last. The entertainers for the ev- ening were Miss Pearl Newton,el- ocutionist and Mrs. Edith Gran- ger contralta and The Avondale orchestra of Lucan. After The program refreshments were ser- ved and this was followed with dancing. Judgment was given •on Tiles" - day last by His Honor Judge Lewis at Goderich in the case of Owen Geiger against Reeve Rob- ert Higgins at Hensel, where Owen Geiger endeavored to unseat Reeve Higgins, on the ground that ' he was a county auditor at, :the tithe of his nomination. The Judge dir- ected that the seat be ;yacant,and each party to pay their own costs Clerk A. Murdock immediately to- ok steps to call another election. Nomination to be held on Mon- day evening, Feb. 20th, • and , the election on Monday, Feb. 27. SCHOOL REPORT Report of U. S. S, 9, Hay and anleys The results are taken i>;r,>rvana test exams. held during the month of January. "Sr, IV. Total Marks 900 — efikwendoline Clarke 708, Ervin Gingerich 650, Anna Gingerich 583, sslean Hey 563, Edmiund Schwartzen amber 495, Claude Gelinas 210 ibsent; Allen Schrag absent. ,Jr. IV—Total 925—Gertie Bech- •Zer 748, Rase Footer 507 absent. Sr. III—Total 800,—Gordon Erb '71, Mary Clarke 542, Lee Oesch tun, David. IVlyers 445, Lloyd Jef- llfrey 395. .J'r. III—Total Marks 800— Gus. iC:larke 567, Ephrianr Gingerich 536 -aat'bsent; Susie Oesch 534, Willie Be- lichter 468, Clarence Geseho 282, Her- -sold Thiel 327, Grace Gelinas 30 4. absent. Br. II—Total 100 —Beatrice Man - Snots 416, Mildred Hey 405, Mabel Miichwartzentruber 400, LoniseHart- un 330,, Wallace Gingerictl 27.9 Jr. II --Total 700 — Bernice Thiel' Vl21, Leonard Bechler 290, Al:en Sch. tWITtzentsveser ch- 'f'hiva:rtzent.~u',er 234, Louie Sayre„ ` 22" tnby Schrag 217, Pubon Gingerich 1Tis Clenxenco Jeffrey 212 4$r, x Total 250 Francis Fo.a- ,er .193r lith;:; .t (sese.,W se ais.eset. Jr. I—wTotal 350 —Viotel Oesch 282, Anthony Hartmen 130. P.im,er, To':al 250—Kathleen Hey 236, Reta Foster 231, Austin Hart- man 1192, Yline Jeffrey 167, Joan Gelinas absent, Lee Erb absent. Teacher, G. Baderd. HfENSALL Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Ed. Shef- fer. Our Spring Seed Show will be held here on Friday, February 24, in the town hall and promises to be one of the best yet. Win. Consitt visited Fred Berry at Clinton hospital. Mrs. S. Merrier and Mrs. J. El- der were in Toronto the past week attending a horticultural meeting Wm. Doig., barrister of Pori Huron ,has been. 'spending a Few weeks on his farm in Tuckers pith near here. G eo. Thompeon=oriintends hlls, , ss it au^,tion sale on Sat. ;25th, o his house, lot tins effects, efts ''.11', Well h' he lntends to stove 1 i e sesta i.i.iu 1`.:elele ',rlth. his. d.:u AUCTION SALE Of 64 ACRE FARM, LUMBER AND WOOD A Pulbic Sale will be held at the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1928, Commencing at 2. o'clock When the following wal be offered for Sale— REAL pSTA'1•E — Consisting of Nis; Lot number 14, L.R.E. Con. Hay Township ;containing 64 acres, more or less. On premises is a frame dwelling partly completed, other small buildings and a small orchard. Farm is well fenced and land is of good quality. Township holds a tax deed for this property LUMBER AND WOOD—Quantity of plank, joists, siding, etc. Also small outbuilding. About 75 cords short wood. TERMS—Real 'Estate, Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Lumber, cash. Wood, $10 and under cash, over that amount 8 months' credit given. 4 per cent. off for cash. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. A. F. Hess, Township Clerk, E. F. Klopp, Reeve. AUCTION SALE XIOUSE'FI,D EEh'E(�TS'. stave, 'baeebUrinee.+heatex, Detrain vapor, 2 heaters, extension table, sideboard, bureau, cupboard,coach, dining room .chair's, kitchen chairs, rocking chairs, hanging lamp, clock, parlor suite, 3 small lamps, 2 lanterns, 4 bedsteads, writing desk, 'dewing machine, cream sep- arator, dresser, snsall tables and stands, kitchen table, tub, crocks, sealers, some „d.ishes, syrup pan, pots, pails, ` washing machine and wringer, and numerous other art- icles, ); TERMS—Real Estate — 20%, on clay bf Sale, balance in 30 days without interest. Other articles— $10. and ander cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes. 4% straight Off for cash on credit. amounts. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Wm. J. Blackwell, Administrator. yy. AUCTION SALE ;Of ,FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS,. AND FURNITURE. .cin Lot 26, Con. 11; Hay Township 1% mile north of Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1928 Commencing at 1. o'clock. HORSES — 1 black mare ris- ing 8 yrs., 1500 -lbs; 1 bay mare rising 7, 1400 lbs, by Commodore. ;; Chestnut horse rising 7, 1500 lbs; 1 aged mare. CATTLE -1 Stock Bull, White Marquis -186503- born Oct. 15th„ 1926; Red Rose -189664-, born Jan_ 5, 1922, bred Jan, ,2 to White Mar- quis; Snow Drop Rose -20614- born Dec. 28, 1923, bred to White Mar- quis Dec. 7; Rosalie ,Snowdrop 150616- born. Dec. ,1 1914, bred to Huron Lavender Sept.. 10; Snow- drift -176990- born Apr. 9, 1921, bred Oct,, 6 to Huron 'Lavender; grade cow rising 6 due at tim•eof Sale; cow rising 5 due at timeof Sale; heifer rising 3, due at time of sale; Cow 9 yrs. old Due June 18; cow 8 -yrs. old bred Jan. 8; 2 heifers rising 2, bred Jan. 1 and 3rd; 2 heifers rising 2, not bred, eligible for registration; 5 steers rising 2, 6 steers rising 1 yr old; 1" heifer rising ,1 eligible for reg- istration. HOGS -9 stockers 170 lbs. each, 1 sow due March 15. ,` POULTRY- — 3 dozen pulletts, 4 dozen year old hens, 2 pair Af- rican geese. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. — 1VI, - H. 7 -ft. binder, 6 -ft. M. -H. mower,14 plate M. -H. disc; M. -H. manure sp- reader, M. -H. fertilizes drill 11dise, seed drill' 13 disc; M. -H, side del- ivery rake and tedder combined, M. -H. hay 'rake 12 ft, Oliver riding plow, M. -H. cultivator, steel rol- leri N;a. '8 .dohble scuffler, hand. seg,ffier, 4 section diamond har- row, 2 walking plows, Verity and Percival; Hess wagon 2% in. tire, steel wheel truck, 4 -in. tire, top buggy, bob sleigh, saw -log bunks, cutter, Clinton fanning mill with bagger, almost new; 2000 ib •scale Gurneys ; bag truck, wagon box, 16 - ft. hay rack, stock rect., gravel box : feed boxes; Conner gasoline en- gine, 4-h., p.; cutting box, 25 -ft. 6 -in. tubber belt, Conner buzz saw, iO feet line shafting ".j -in; dozen anchor posts ,fence posts, wheel - harrow, 2 logging chains, binding chain, extension ladder, 90 sap pails and spites, sap pan, sugar kettle, 6 apple barrels new, 2 grindstones emery stone, 2 scythes, 5 hoes, good work bench with 2 screws, x -cut saw, axe, copper kettle, -3 sett double harness, oak tan dou- ble harness ,sett single harness, pr. Scotch collars, 6 collars, horsehide robe nearly new, good skin robe, horse blankets, wool blanket,string bells, pr. heavy bells, 3 doubletrees 3 and 4 horse eveners, ,forks,scoop shovel ,spades, 3 neckyokes, scal- ding trough, pr. trusels, gas drum wagon jack. GRAIN - 150 bushels mixed grain; 300 bushels Banner seed oats; quantity of hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 2 beds with 'springs and mattresses, child's bed, cradle, cupboar,.d, 2 tables, rocking chair, kitchen stove flour chest, Peninsular. range, 2 doz. half -gal. sealers, canned pickles and beans, quantity of .seed potatoes, early and late; about 25 bush pot- atoes for table use; 1000 No. I slop brick, milk pails, onion seed- er, 2 benches, crocks, wine kegs, pork barrel, cider barrel, Iard cans, lamps, hanging lamp,wash- ing machine, wringer, DeLaval separator ,churn lanterns and num- erous other articles. Everything must be sold as the farm is sold. Cattle are of high class Shorthorns; Iixxplements all in good shape, some nearly new. TERMS—Hay, grain, potatoes and. all sums of $10 and under cash. Over that amount 9 months credit on approved joint notes. 4%per annum off for cash on credit am- ounts. J. P.. Rau, Proprietor. 4Vni. S. Johnston, Clerk. Oscar Klopp, Arthur Weber, Auctioneers,. Of FARM, 1 ARM STOCK„ IMPL- EMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. s On Lot 18, Con. 6, Township of Hay, 21,e, miles east and half mile south of Zurich on TtJESDAY, MARCH Oth, 1928 Commencing at 12.30 o'clock, a.m. the following REAL ESTATE—Farms consist- ing of 100 acres more or less, frame house 18x24, with kitchen attached 16x,22, woodshed, bank barn L shape, barn in 75x36 it; !straw shed 32x40, driving shed 20x40, orchard, 15 acres of hardwood bush, weal drained, 9 acres of fall wheat,fall 'lowing done, rest in hay and pasture.. Grass Farm—Being w94 of lot 15 on the 7th Con., a quant- ity of timber on it. 75 acres snore or less. LIVE STOCK—Horses-1 bay ;•elding "6 yrs. old; 1 bay mare 1 yrs. old; 1 bay filly 4 yrs, old; 140.y mare 11 yrs. Mold; 1 baymare 13 'yrs. old; Cattle-3eteers 2 yrs. old, 8 yearling 'steers, 7 year- ling heifers. Hens -1:00 white Leg- horn hens; 90 mixed hens. IMPLEME NT.'S, ETC—Frost & oocl 6 -ft. binder, Frost & Wood springtooth cultivator, Front & Wood mo wer, 5-1t. cut; stiff -tooth L -H, cultivator, Cockshutt 1ertil- 'zer drill, Noxon hoe drill, M. -H. bean cultivator with puffer at- tachment, 1 -horse scuffler, 5 sec- tion diamond harrows, 16 ft. hay :,a:k, wagon, gravel box, fanning will, set bob sleighs, 2000-1b. scale with stock rack attached, M. -H, nanure spreader, light wagon, 2 ':op buggies, wheelbarrow, extols - ;ion ladder, block and tackle;piano hese, cutter, light buggy, Ford tour ing cars" set sling ropes, McCor rick -Deering 10-20 tractor, 2-fu.r- eow tractor plow, double tractor disc, grinder, saw 'and frame; izZard cutting box with pipes la f interest; 3 -furrow plow, 2 n:row plow, pea harvester, grind .tone; 3 -drum steel roller, wooden o"ler, M, -H. 10 -.ft, steel rake, Flu- r r walking plow, Oliver riding slow, Frost & Wood 3 -horse disc, ',onion fence machine, set heavy harness, plow harness, single har- ness, hoes, f .lr rreke segs.p is 3 a - lea, collars, 100 sap buckets and ;sires, sap pan, salt barrels, a raw rolls of roofing, gond ' axe axle, . k'el *dry S«3i' a<8' ; .. • •F''ho.>•.;T Ott 'til Stat ie r ," "p. ','+ 3t i $iibit9 xrq ''pr e: condition. 4' has . purchased , Atwater Keit of the coons were located but it- radiory Iranr . X Jf. 'Sleet, . wa -iga ?�Rsibxe .to catch thesis; ail Walter 11. )8arness has dispda- hve and they were shot. Tile cit. ed of Ins groeery business on h r tee are still at large. linin St., to Wags. Northcott, who The death, took place at her has already taken possession. residence, Elimville, on Feb. 14, of Dr. G. S Atkinson, who hashed 11iary E. Harney ,widow of the Tato a number of racoons penned up Robt. Herrin:taan, aged 78 years,The at his home, awoke the other malas deceased had been ailing for a few ing to find that during the night years. She waa born in Darling.. they got out of their pen and had ton Tp., near 'Bownianville, and wandered away. The Dr. has when a young girl canoe to Us - made a hobby of raising racocna I borne, with her parents, settling - and bad seven( o1 good size and] on the 5th con. •orlNNo�N�li�oioos�IHofM��/�NNiYftsD�*�wai•�0�41 OIJR ACCOUNTS .` i i 1 1 a a 1 a 1 i 0 Are now ready for aH parties who have accounts on our books. All Accounts not called for by Feb. 1st will be sent through the mail 1 Continental Steck Salt For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP' and POULTRY Louis Sohilbe . Zurich oaQoolsos110r000m190s:o4osssar se94oaco4.661ao6000000000sc¢at The New and Finer 4 2 Pontiac Six New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is bigvalue and leader- . ship in the field of low-priced Sixes.. Let us prove this by a demonstration PAIGE 2 .:T 3 WITSfib CHARMING „BODY TYPES AND' COLOR, COMBIN,- ATIONS — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS - GIVES YOU THE WIDEST RANGER OF INDIVIDUdAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND HIGHER' PRICED AEJTDJ, You matt see and drive there new Paige cars before yon you tan Indy realize the wonderful performance and the amazing :vain* they really, era Let Us demonstrate. 4 4 4 AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARA...E WORK A 4 SPECIALTY L ; 1 Y .,N GEL, Pron. Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories* I +++++.444414++++++++.44+444. 66++aka"r4444.4.+4.4,4.4.++ +444++ EXETER S. Hardy, who has ,been i11 for time, some t! , lies been tx quite low the past week Edo. Link, who 'has been visit - in^, in Detroit, is visiting ctrith Inc and Vire. t li gi1i1i f; lit ZURICH HERALD'S 1928 dlliibbirig L .. ii HERALD land Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD, and, Kitchener Daily Telegraph 1 $5,10 HERALD- and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire-_- __ $6.00 HERALD, land Toronto Saturday Mail and Empire ..:$3.25 HERALD and Toronto' Daily Star ; __._; ....... ,... $6,00 RRRALDD and, Toronto Weekly Star - -_.1... ........,$6,00 HERALD, and Toronto Daily News $6,00 HERALD and London Free Freels, Morning edition $6.00 HERALD and London Free Presrs, Evening Ed... ... $6.00 HERALD, and, London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6,00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening' Ed. ... ... $6.op bmatit D and London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 HERALD, and Farm and Dairy $2,75' HERALD and Farmers' Sun -_ $2.50 HERALD' and Family Herald and Weekly Star ......� ....$2.25 HERALD and. Canadian Countryman .. $2.25 . HERALD and Weekly Wilnees _ ,..., .... ... $3.15 HERALD and Farmers.. Magazine __---- ---- $2.570 HERALD and Youth's CoMpanion __.,._ .._ ." $3.25 HERALD,and Seaforth Huron Expositor ...... ... ... $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal ___ .. 42,75 HERALD- and Roti' and Gun an Canada -- --.$3,15 WE ARE AGENTS FOR. NEARLY EVERY MAGAZINE; IN CANADA AND U.S. SAVE MONEY SY ORDERING m �Ir VfL My I MI SaveMeney and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us far papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE Zurich iutrttpne0:4644 414'0 plati110 WI 7 sis �»M,rmplNliil�4tipt�ii'(gli�IIIIIi(Ii����������Illlil,illl�lllj�llllli�I�t����y�i��J RLINMYYi•J K.uw4 N.uua..0 uuL