HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-23, Page 1Vol. XXVI I I NG 32 ZURICH, THURSDAY "MIORNING, FEBRUARY23, 1928, ateliter )ef, Smith, Paiditil SU6 w Yoor to Aa. sun IN aanaaaS, $A KAY BaenaBMW Build up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town Our motto is "full in radio and service. Our stock off Kolster radio and our complete line of radio accessexies relate -j scents the "most -for -your" money's in, town- Como in and have a Kolster demonstration. &u oldie; gation. Kolster R.tio EL1 E.R OBSCW Coming Again Prof. E. Katz The Eye Specialist TO RELIEVE EYE STRAIN AND BANISH HEADACHE On THURSDAY AFTERNOON ANP FRIDAY FORENOON March id and 2nd AT • Dominion Hotel ZURICH, ONT. Why not end that Fagged and nervous feeling and The Defect- ive Vision by Securing of Our Famous Meniacua Lenses; and by Sr. II -Lorne Rader 64, Ern Becker 61, Jr. II -Elgin Rade- 72, 'Herbert': Miller 69, Harold Schwartzentrli + ber 64, Hildegard 63, Verno.n? Schwartzentruber 63, Vernon Be- cker 52. Sr. 1 -Donald Oestreicher 75,E°g Glen Walper 72, Freida Becker 68, Deleon Schwartzentraber 65. Primer -Eunice Oestreicher, Carl Oestreicher ,Elmore Rader. H. W. Brokenshire, Teacher.' STANLEY TOWNSHIP $14.00 • BUYS - A REGINA Mr. Earl E. Weido motored to Goderich, on Wednesday. M.r, John Brenner visited with DEATH OF J. T. KEYS :friends at Kitchener over the week On Wednesday of last week, death removed one of Stanley's prominent residents in the person o? Mr. J. T. Keys. Mr. Keys was end. Dr. John Ester, of Saskatchewan, and a former resident of the Goshen Line, Stanley, is t=i+sitiug born on Babylon Line nearly 68 with Par; Wm.. Lamont, as well years ago•, he was the eldest sort..as other relative] in the commun- of, the late 1VXr. and. Mrs. Andrew; AY. Keys and all his life has been 5p Next Sunday evening, Feb- ent on Babylon Liae. He took an ruary 26th, Rev. H. Rembe, L.B. active interest in public affairs and S., tvi l preach his farewell sermon for a number of years was a to his congregation. Everybody member of the Stanley Council. 'welcome. Come early of yot our great Skill and Method, We Ile also took a deep interest in the,want a +seat. can help when others fail. , work of the church and Sabbath' Mr. E. E. Wuerth motored to school ,and held an official pea- Kitchener over the week -end, and ition in the former Methodist ch- on Saturday he attended a con- -arch anal later in the United churchvention of the Imperial Lie As - for about 50 year's: ,He also was surance Co. at •Guelph, returning a bible student of rare ability and home on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. taught the Bible Class int he Gos- Wueith, who has been for a few hen S, S. fer a great many years., weeks at Kitchener returned with Not only was he active in pub lie., lit life and church work, ibut ho Ir. Herb. Mous,eau; made a made a success of farming, and. business trip to Toronto the lat- by industry built up for himself ter, part of the past week, and an 1 family a fine borne on Babylon .while there he signed an agreement SCHOOL REPORT S. S. Na. 8, Hay. The 'follow- ing report shows the' relative st- anding of the various pupih for the mid -winter exams. Honours 7n„ pass 60. Sr. IV -Norman Walper 67 Jr. IV-Emelia Rader 67, Pearl d 61. W'iegan Sr. III-OttaBecker 72, Melton line. The late Mr. Keys was un- • Wolper 6.1. to handle the products of the ited in marriage about 10 years a Willy Overland Co., autos, and :VTJr. III - Edward Gagstetter 83, go to Miss Elizabeth Peck, who, on returning Mr. Mous'seau bro- Dorothy Rader 72, Jean Weber 71, with a family o{ two daughters ught glen] a nets Whippet -four Harold Rader 67, Elmore Gagstet- and one son •survi's'e him.The ihrch comes kn a very nice and • ter 61. family are; Mrs. Austin Sturdy of, attractive light color. Mr. 1VIous- Goderich, Tpa Mrs. ; Wm. J. Clara., °sego gigs already sold this car, and of Stanley and 'Clifford of ofi „ 1-1,;f: his pro3pects for good , and lBabylon Line '"':He is also •survived more of this tried and proven line e".. tweet* WOOtlI!•eeeeea eeee•O•e•e •oeee•• • by one brother Nelson W. Keys of cars. He has also sold a Dur- • of Babylon Line. Much symp- ant sedan, used, to. Mr. heals Sch- • athy is felt for Mrs. Keys and ilbe of town. See his adv. on • ' family in • their loss of la kind and pale eight the wonderful range of • ' goyim' husband and father. The cars at his command to supply the CI gip .SAL OF SHOES • • • • • • • • • • • Brings you values that cannot be rt • • I We defy- all competition Dote 1 1 do licated anywhere. • • m ,2 their record smashing Prices • 0 • Men's Lumbermen Robbers,,Regular $4.50 Sale at -- -Vara Boys' Lumb•ermen Read, Beg. $3.50, at Sale -4. Child's, Heavy Robber*. Ressler $2.60, Sale at ._ . $i.40 • Calf alf BIacla.. Goodyear Welt, Reg. $5.G0 Sale at _.._.$3.65 •• Boy's Solid Leather, .Scheel Shoes. Reg. $3.50 Sale at — $2.45 e Women's Felt and Yid Bsamdonr Slippers, Reg. 1-75, Sale -.. 951e Chii_dren's Shoff from 3,9e. to _.-. _ _ . _- ____ $L19 Men's Rubbers', all diftesa Mol' A.T. at -_... _ 1r111� COATE aaa AND SEE ME ,BARGAIN TABLES . Broyles'Boo Shop R PAISINtI p NEATLY DONE 442.0420.411.0.0424 4004s4041e40404+ 1.4.0 044.424i442012400*41 4•+• REAR BARGAINS" oar . SUITS . MAC � A S 'UNDERWEAR SWEATERSOVERALLS ► T. 3 In fact in in the .Store• 410 :at • 3 l eta `4► oASC ea's OWOW Greatly iced Prices • Get our prices*before you buy elsewhere Lw• • 01101111t „e FS! rz funeral was -held on Saturday to public lwith. Bayfield cemetery and was larg- 1 Much sympathy is extended to ely attended. Rev. J. Penrose OE' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mass, of the 'Varna. conducted the service. The 14th con., in the lo -ss of their little floral tribute as well as the pas- 18 months old son, who the begin - I tor's address and the large crowd ning of last week, in ,abegin playful of sympathizing friends •spoke of mood pulled the plug out ,of the ,the high esteem in which taede- ,mood machine and part of ceased was held. The pall bear - tile boiling contents of boiling wat- ers being six nephews of the de -ler running on his leg. While the ceased ,scalding in itself seemed not 1so • Mr. Rufus Keys of Port Col - bad, yet the scare and pain drove borne attended the funeral of his the Tittle .fellow into convulsions, Icou:.in the late JwsT. Keys. and on Wednesday he passed ;a - Mrs J. McKinley of Clinton',os wsry place to the R. C. cemetery. , funeral which was a very spencling a few days at the home sad and heartrendering one took of her son Elgin McKinley in St- arrley. Mr. Lorne' Finlayson of Tucker - smith spent Sunday with his friend Frank McCiinchey. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH ONT. Tuesday eve., 7 p.m. -Jr. League Thursday 7.30 p.rn. Prayer and Praise' Friday 7.30 p.m. -Senior League Friday 8,30 p.m. -Choir Practice WILLIAM BARRET BATTLER - PASSES In ,the death of Mr. Willia,mi Barret Battler, last Thursday, Feb- ruary 16th, It his community has lost one of its most respected cit- izens. - He was one of the sturdy pioneers and honorab:e human 1 ind marks ofHay Township. Waa a fine type -oaf christen manhood, nn honorable member of the Evan -1 ge'.ieal Church for 54 years. A W good 'neighbor, a loving husband tO and a devoted fattier. -He was born January 15, 1851 in Wilmot Father -Well son, it's time for S. Town"ship, Waterloo County, wh- - School, betterhustlealong. dere he grew•up to'young manhood :son-Nah, I won't bother going, to- 'and was - i:urted in marriage to day. I want to read the tunny Danny Gardner in 1873. A son paper. • I and dau°'titer were given them, Father -Th& very idea! Church Itis wife and son predeceased him. worship and S. School are two In 1887 he married Martha Weller. of the best things in the world A eon and daughter were born to They bring out angelic char t tants union. The daughter cued. in 16 Size, 15 Jewel, Beautifully Cased. Let us show you this Watch for REAL VALUE. A Gu- arrantee accompanies every Re - Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & mums and D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY SOFT ; COAL MILLER'S CRERK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD fl.. LAND GRADE A, WHITS POT- ( ATOES. Carz.telo , HENSALL Phones -Office lOw. Ho IU,, BARGAINS BARGAINS _ F Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which I am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices, get your's at t` Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL. ZURIOK OW. 0000.0.•••. 0.0•0••••••A•0.00••A*00••••M•f_ aaaelea+•++++.0 $44+ ++i+. ++�*4'� SHOE REPAIRING H rn 0 atter in us. Run thong .now ;Sou -Then wliy don't you a.ndMa come along Pa? 3Vlothec-Say' D'ad your boy spoke for God. If Cliorch worship and S. School are good for everybody Why aren't we there? ' gather -Weil their- where's our stuff lets all go! 10.00 •a" nr► Worship Sahject--A call to M.:lesions. the years of her childhood. Tae late M1. Battler resided in Wilmot i 7'ownsaip for 8 years, after't h eh rime he came to Pluton Co. and lived on the present homestead for nearly half a century and became a •th arta f''mar, IIe is riurvived by bis -comp n'on, one b •cthe.• John Battler, Shakespeare, Ont., one. si•.:tn, M•.'s. Isobe le on the home- stead at present, one daughter, Mrs. John Bonder, Dashwood,Ont. eight grandchildren and many ot- her near friends and relatives.Tdta uneral services were held on Sunday afternoon Feb. l9th, mem- orial Service was held at theEv- angelical Church, Zurich. The church was filled to capacity by tl r `11,-c�rnr^aliip people who came from far and Subject 1Iieslon5, a man-sized near to pay their tribute of honor Job, and respect to the departed, Rev. Let all the Congregation come to the Hill of Zion -in a great and jti1 iilant Mi§sionary Rally on aSrfaltay niornan •' and a ve;iing.. • •• It aro-1iible Sc'hooir The Dorcas Sisters "Bible Class, Miss L. Faust Teaches, will be in charge of opening Devotional Exercise's. J. E. Gaucho, ,Superintendent f ev. ' l : Y. Dreirr>i Paator W. Y. Dreier was in charge of the ;solemnities. Burial was made at the ceatetery on the Babylon lin. 'rhe nheartfe t sympathy of their i* nth' tei'St e4 i,goes oat twtlae uto'' tn'nin ' Attti Alyn Five Good Used Cars for SALE 1927 -Ford Coach, Baloon Tires and in perfect condition. 1926 Ford Coupe, Baloon 'Tires, lots of Extras, Speedometer, 'Automatic Wiper, Water pump, bumpers, heater, and spot Light. 1925 -Ford Coach including two bumpers, automatic wiper, Heater and Baloon Tires 1922 -Ford Coupe leaded with extras and in perfect condition, New Tires, 1925 Ford Coupe, baloon Tires, Heater and Shock absorber& THESE CARS ARE 'IN PERFECT RUNNING CONDITION. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION. 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS THE SHOE STORE WITH THE STOCK. AGENTS for the New Ford CAR And TRACTORS TERMS 9g ligtigati X'44'H P +4.44€ 0 344+44+++++ F4 44'11'++t+++!04.5 4 iri��ril► „. _. Bargains B-argahus In order to reduce our Stock we are putting on a two weeks sale of all lines of Dry Goods such ;s FLANNELETTES, FLANNELS, PRIN9i'S, GINGHAMS, ; L&CE INAW FLANNEL, SERGE'S, SILKS AND COTTONS,,' S. AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, • •'1;OP SHIRTS Ala It WINDBREA'KERS, LADIES, GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S°r UN- DERWEAR, SWEATERS, `STOCKINGS, MITTS,. GLOVES,ETC. Shoes and Rubbers, Dishes, Hardware, Harness Repairs, eve+sy- thing will go at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sate Conlosaserrst >Y 28th. JANUARY 14th and ENDS ON JANUARY COME AND SECURE SOME BARGAINS WHILE tBEr ; sr.. R, N. DOUGLAS as-iIB'EitAI. IttERC HAAOT LF,HciNE r1 .. 97 DIA is