HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-16, Page 7FOUND A MTII
',A, Nova Scotia Lady Was in an
Anaemic Condition.
' Men and women who do not sleep
Well and are not refreshed and
etrengtbened by .a night's rest, are
generally suffering fropa thin, watery
blood, The !nerve,'; fail to get the
nouriehment they demand and head -
dachas and a worn-out feeling ie the
result. Building up, the blood is the
one sure step to renewed health and
strength, and for this purpose nothing
else can equal Dr: Williams' Pink
Pills. From first dose to last they en;
rich and purify the blood, and in this
way promote better appetite, better
rest at night, and renewed strength.
Mrs. Mary E. Uhlman, "Williams-
town, N.S., writes:—"I have received
so- much benefit from Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, that I would feel myself
ungrateful if I did not let yeti know.
"I was fu a very bad state of health
and reached the stage where I had to
remain in bed. .r 1. doctor was called
in and he told me I had no organic
trouble, but was simply run down
from overwoork. 1 had been left with
a family to support, which I did by
dressmakiug. The doctor said my
• blood had almost turned to water, and
'advised a rest cure. I did not see how
'Hewes possible -for me to take a very
long rest, so I decided to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. . Soon I found my
strength returning and before very
long I was able to go about my duties
as usual again. This was a few years
ego, •and my health remained good
until about a year ago, when I broke
out with humor of the blood. Again
I consulted, the doctor, who said my
blood had become so thin that it had
really poisoned itself. I told him I
had bought several boxes of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and he told me tq
• go on taking them aa he thought they
were just what I needed. I took eight
boxes and again was in good health.
I can therefore recommend these pills
to all in a- weak or run-down condi-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists or will be sent by mail,
post paid, on receipt of price, 50
cents a box. Try them to•day..
A sergeant -major, relating his ex-
periences in the Great War, told the
company in the mess-raom that on
several nights the temperature was
down to zero. "That nothing!" re-
marked a sergeant. "What's noth-
hig?" said the sergeant -major, evi-
dently angered. "Zero!" was the ser
geant's quiet answer.
The Toronto Hospital for Incurables,
in affiliation with Bellevue and Allied
Hospitals, New York City, offers a
three years' Course of Training to
young women. having the required
education, and desirous of becoming
nurses. This Hospital has adopted the
eight-hour system. The pupils receive
uniforms' of the School, a, monthly
allowance and :raveling expenses to
arid from New York.. I or further
Information write the Superintendent.
during the spring rush when time
is at a premium. Because D W
Fertilizer is double strength, you
sane in bags, freight, teaming, and
Because one
Ton D W
8-16.8 = two
e* Tons 4.8-4.
200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont.
snrsary stock and sell
directto you—no sales-
men, no agents, no costly
commissions that; you hasp
Lonny for. Our sales plan sauce money—Son can
btty your plantings direct from us snd save up to
tQ%. Nothing but blab grade No. 1 stock of
itionunAlt standard
true-to-none. Canadian to
Grow Y' our Own Fruit
Plant fruit trace and berries this Spring before
you known they will be producing delicious
crops for table use and canning.
Beauttffy Tour Hume
Trees and ! hrobs add value nod improve at.
pearan o yet cost but little. Get details of
our 'aperitif low price collect—to, write for
catalog today—It'd MEG,
UNION NUURSERIES,gox 8 Fonthiil,Ontsrio
Little Boy (on the beach) ---"Mum-
my, I want to go deep into the sea.
Mother—"My dear, you cannot."
Little Boy—"But, Mummy, daddy
Mother—"yes, but you see kris life
is insured."
Marshall (on phone)—"Yes, this is
the fire department. Do you want to
report a fire?"
New Bride—"Oh, no, I just want to
order coal for the winter."
Seven Stages of Matrimony.
Out o' money
A friend of mine was discussi7 g his
roommate the other day. He said:
"Fred is one of those fellows who
would bold the tamp while his mother
clopped the wood."
Nothing can take the place of com-
mon sense.
"0 mother, guess what! I just saw
a lady with great long .hair ;gathered
up in a bump on top of her bead and
held there with pieces of bent wire."
He kissed Helen,
Hell ensued.
He left II81en,
Helen sued.
"The cat was making an awful noise
last night."
"Yes, ever since she ate the canary
she thinks she can sing."
It is said a diamond will turn green
when exposed -to the rays of radium.
We have never tried the experiment,
for two reasons: One is that we have
no diamond, the other that we lack
the radium.
He—"I saw an attractive selection
of garters on the street to -day."
She—"Where on 'the street?"
"trust above the knee."
Man, who always used to like to
head the procession, now since the era
of short skirts seems to want to lag
Teacher "Robert, here is an ex-
ample In subtraction. Seven boys
went down to the creek to bathe, but
two of them had been told not to go
into the water. Now, can you inform
me how many went in?"
Robert—"Yes'm, seven."
If you are looking for revenge you'll
find it in forgiveness,
The only reason that most flappers
'don't look more foolish than they do
is because they can't grow sideburns.
Ede? -folding Saws
lost Cast!-Cuttini
uaranteed becausemadc
from our own steel
ONDS (A !ADA SAW CO, t'rD,MONTREAL.encouv , ET,JOI•N,N.tt.i
yve�UINea..- r•
`4 ip$HAGNes,
For Troules+
dote to Acid
When Food
, About two hours after eating many
llebple suffer front sour stomachs.
They call It indigestion. It means
that the stomach nerves have been
overeelintil.atod. ':'here is excess acid,
The wee' to correct it Is With an• ttlltal'i,
'Which rlietitratizee limey times its vol-
emo in acid.
The light way is Phillips' Milk of
liliagnesia---,lust A. tastelesti dose ht.
1tpMetr. It is pleasant, efficient and
. barinfess. It has remained Cho stand-
ard' with physicians in the 50 years
since its invention.
I It is the quick method. Results
come flinoist instantly. It is the Im-
proved method, You will never use
another when you know.
.lie sure to get the genuine Phillip,'
Milk of Magnesia 1 i'eecrfbed by iiily$l-
eialis for 60 years to correetf.ng excess •
acid.. ]4xt1i bottle cotltairlS Lull dime
tions ---any &nester°.
Encouragiuo home, tidos
One extraordinary result of the im-
mense tourist traffic to Canada, es-
Pecially in the eastern section, is the
revival of home industries which in
some cases have not been practised
to any great extent for many years.
So much so, that visitors to Quebec
Province have been afforded the
privilege of seeing rug -weaving, which
Is again flourishing after many years
of disuse.
Tourists naturally desire to take
home with them something of unique
design or individual charm which can-
not be obtained,at.-home. They also
look for something,.'ifhich• had..an at-
taohtnent to and, is representative of
the country they have toured. Rugs
especially are much appreciated, and
in scores of homes, nimble fingers are
executing the designs of fifty to a
-hundred years ago, while theotes
great rivalry in the creation of it:1w
and artistic patterns representative of
the country and atmosphere in which
the workers live.
The revival of an old induetry is
due in part to the festivals promoted
by th Canadian Pacific Railway, where
exhibitions of this art'..are shown and
greatly appreciated by interested
spectators. Another festival of this
kind will ge given soon in Quebec,
while others will be held in Banff and
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. leas
received the following letter from
Mrs. Griffith, of 21 Merchison Ave.,
East Hamilton, Ont., concerning her
experience with Baby's Own Tab' -ts:
Dear Sirs,—I wish to thank you for
the handy little booklet you sent me
on the Care of Children. My baby
boy was six weeks old when I first
used Baby's Own. Tablets, being new
to Canada, but since the first proof
of their many uses in bringing up a
family, I have never been without
them, for they are worth their weight
In gold. There Is no trouble in get-
ting the little ones to take them and
they often prevent an illness if taken
in time. My first baby is now, at the
age of four and a half years, a pic-
ture of health, and my nine -mouths -
old baby is also well and happy. They
are both a real good sample of what
Baby's Own Tablets can do, for I have
never yet needed a doctor for either
of them."
The booklet to which Mrs. Griffith
refers is entitled "Care of the Baby,"
and treats with what a mother ought
to know for baby's sake. A copy of
the booklet will be sent free to any-
one requesting same from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
American Women Gives
Church 32 -Carat Diamond
York, England.—A 32 -carat diamond,
the gift of an American woman, now
studs a golden chalice of York Min-
ster, the cathedral which has cele-
brated the thirteen hundredth anni-
versary of its founding.
The donor is Mrs. Lily Forepaugh,
of Brewster, N.Y., a former Yorkshire
woman. Mrs. Forepaugh visited Eng-
land last summer and made arrange-
ments for the presentation of the
Canon C. C. Bell -showed Mrs, Fore.-
paugh the various ornaments of the
Minster, especially the chalices, but
Mrs. Forepaugh was unable to find
any which seemed suitable to en-
shrine the diamond. She then ar-
ranged to have a chalice and paten
made at her own expense, the chalice
to contain the diamond, Mrs. Fore-
paugh said the jewel had formed part
o fa brooch which had been given to
her as a wedding present by her hus-
"t trust that you're not at drink -
Int girt like se many of our youngll
er ,tet of today."
"Nesircei Net mei I'm outthi'
out the old demon for the Nev
*Minted's Lir.iment for tick *miniaid,
8 -Hour Day for Horses
Asked by French League
Paris—An eight-hour day and one
day off a week for horses is the start-
ing point of an animals' Magna
The French League for the Protec-
tion of Animals hopes eventually to
get the League of Nations to sanotion
these proposed rights of dumb ani-
Dr, E. G. See, head ot the protective
society, is actively seeking support
for his pian. His proposal is that' a
number of laws applicable to the labor
of man be applied by the government
to the four -footed beasts which are
protected host owly against extreme
physical abuse.
The eight-hour law, he says, and the
six-day week, are needed as badly by
horses es by man. The difference is
that the horse has no vote and he
doesn't go on strike for better work-
ing conditions and more pay. He
works for his board and sometimes
doesn't get it.
Woodsmen—Keep Minard's handy.
FromRab and His Friends
"Who made you?" was asked of a
small girt. She replied, "God made
me that length,",indicating with her
two hands the ordinary size of a new-
born infant; "and I growed the rest
—This story was current in Scotland
long before Topsy " Speets I
The Orange Pekoe, at a little
extra cost, is extra good ,1
in clean, bright Aluminum
Mistress—"Wby don't you light the
lire?" , Maid—"Because there's no
coal." Mistress—"Why didn't you let
me know before?" Maid—"Because
we had some before."
' Solicitor (at County Court)—"What
are your husband's assets?" Wife --
"All I. know of is an unpaid motor
Mining Investors
intrinsic values govern market
prices eventually. We shall be glad
to analyze your holdings from that
angle without obligation.
Stock Brokers, Mall Bldg., Toronto
Elgin 2136-7 Write, Wire or Phone
fop Cot 1:Snol ColdS
A lcwsai tagnstantRllii`
There is an 'effective way W /pleas -
all relieve that distressing Cough.
lauckley's 111ixture is delightful and
'friendly". Yet it mete like a' flash in
clearing the throat and -chest. One
dose a topaecougbing•-rand there aro 40
daces in a'.73-cent.bottle/ Aildcuggists
sell it under a money-backcguerantee.
W. E. Buckler, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
Acts like tti lash
Lymle, appeever I
Wor 68 years Dr. Guild's Green
],fountain Asthma Compound has suc-
cessfully and quickly relieved the
ditstreasing paroxysms of Asthma.
Two sixes 51.50 and 86o, also cigar-
ettes (box of 24, 600). at your drug-
Fgist or sent direct post paid for cash.
R1ii1 TRIAL box of 6 cigarettes
with treatise on pauses and treatment
of Asthma, etc., sent on request.
J. H. GUiLD CO.,
Dept. 22, Rupert Vt., U.S,A.
Distr. for Can., Lyman's Ltd.,
849 St. Paul 8t. W., Montreal.
Sore Back
Drive away the pain by massage
with M(nerd's.
l� Leesons. L. 11, Guild & Sons, BO
T., Rookwood, Ont.
Shan BST&27EJ' W,111e•T.ED. 1 r
EELL --A/TrDanywhere in Canah7da. itit
Exchange Co., Box 84, Galt, Ont.
'Ijl�i�'' Aetna-- JOIN CANADIAN COR.-'
Box 1138, Calgary, Alberta.
fur $25 to $700 per day. Sena i"r large,
illustrated catalogue; also how to r;:celvte
Home Study Course free of .=,iara8t.t
Address: Reppert's Auction Sehr:o1 anti
Buainess College, Box 119, Iie,:atttil,''
A certain lecturer in Aberdeen told
a reporter who was present atone of
his meetings that he had a fpbj more
engagements in the city and not to
publish anything of the lecture, as It
might spoil the attendance at the
others. ; Next day he was horrified to
read in the papers: "Mr,— delivered
anexcellent lecture in the
Church Hall. He told very goof¢
-stories, but, unfortunately, they cane .
not be printed."
Mrs. Wilson -'s Experience a
Guide to Women Passing
through the Change of Lift,,,
Hamilton, Ontario.—Ihavetai
several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham '
Vegetable C o ass'
pound and 1 cane
not speak too
highly of it as I
was at the Changer,,
of Life and wain'
all run-down ant'
had no appetite:
I was very we:
and sick, and t
pains in Iny ba
were so bad
I got very sad at
times and thought I had not a friend
on earth. I did not care if I lived or
died. I was very nervous, too, and
did not go out very much. A frienca
advised me to try a bottle of Lydia PP 7
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, e,
I did. I am a farmer's wife, and eff-
ways worked hard until lately, and('
was in bed for two months. I began
to feel like a new woman after the
first bottle and I recommend it with
great success, also Lydia E. mak"
ham's Liver Pills. I am willing to.
answer letters from women asltin
about your medicines, as I cannot
speak too highly of them. "—Mrs.
EMMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street*
Hamilton, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. tt
Why do so many, many babies of to-
day escape all the little fretful spells
and infantile ailments that used to
worry mothers through the day, and
keep then: tlphalf the night?
1f you don't Iiziow the answer, you
haven't discovered pure, harmless
Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and
sweet in the :little stomach. And its
gentle influence seems felt all througb
the tiny system. Not even a distaste-
ful dose of castor oil does so much
Fletcher's Castorla is purely vege-
tablc, so you :nay give it freely, at
first sigh of colic; or -constipation; or
diarrhea. Or those many tinges when
yon just' don't allow what is the mat-
ter. For real sickness, call the doctor,
always. .At other times, a few drops
I'letcller's abteria.
i1 The doctor .os'ften tells you to do just
( that: and always says Fletclier's,
Other prepal ,tions may be just as
:lure, just as free from dangerous
druga, but -wily experiment? Bes dos,
tube book on care end feeding of
j bnhles ilial Volnes With Flet:cher's
Catt;tol•ia.1'-worth it' sight in gold!
ISSUE No. 0-•--219
The whole world .knows "Aspirin as an effective antidote for
pain. But it's just as important to /Motet that /hire is only on,
genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet. arl(l on the
box. If the rialne ]3wver appears, it's genuine.; and iR it doesn't,
it is not!. !Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and
the pain that goes with thein ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and t lie unla-
tisrz7 promptly relieved. Get Aspirin --at any dMgstare•--..with
proven directions.
Physicians prescribe .Aspfrmn
it does NOT affect the heart
.Aep!Yte is the trade 'mark, (re*raiietet1 to tyeeade) fod1tttiva Sayer Nineaf,vtute. W4lhe It
to w(lt known the: )i'ns'erts Means linger iuebnn,*era', to 5snore 11.e ii,Ybli,, nyal„ri1. honer,
clops, 'alis Tablets w11i LE sten* With their' "Boyer Vroer" credof,.1..