HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-16, Page 5+rtratay, February; I.B, 1.92 BUSING CARDS f DUDLEY E. HoLMES 3BBARR1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT" IARY' PUBLIC, ETC. '"OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off The Square, Gt-mititrat, Ontario. Special attention to CCuncel and Court Warta. . •,'i11Lr Holmes may be -consulted' at SG4oderieh by Phone, mad Phone charges reversed. Dr. tl... II, COWEN L. D, S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCH ZURICH Fiery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASEiWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday' MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE (PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS A P. HESS -- Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada $EAD OFFICE-- TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 'Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR - .._]MOPP -Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ►rta1 School of Auctioneering. Try nee .for,. Registered Live ' Stock, 1:11 .Breads). Tern in keeping •vita{ prevatti.ng prices: '—Choice Farms for sale. 9Siill sell anything Anywhere. - - Phone 18-93 ox' write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX M IN A POSITION TO CON dilet • any • auction .Sale, regardless rs .to isize or • article to sell. I tsofieit your businees, and if not ;satisfied will make ins charges for 13ervices. Arthur Weber _ Dashwood. Phone 13-57 llEtOtiFlla.'J tegre2"&tie d^sasegaao Zlighth Meet ARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc 2 ii Highest Crah Price for Weed CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES zurrblut - De chert E9 0062E•02. IBeD004.0*,066 0.0 04 LI 9'E POU L, l R Y WANTED 'Maine,every day till 3o'cloek,pan. the. not feed Fowl isante morning when brought in. lihest Cad. 'Prices —CASH FOR -- ream and Eggs W. O'Brien' P*izoue r— Zurich Headquarters FOR TIRES TUBES AND %rags PUT YOI1,8 Wdl�tls, For Sale, Lost, Fouad, Notice, Etc. Ads IN T uis corium; WANTED Experienced Married Man,h est and willing wants work on fa Apply Willie Muller, R. R.2, Z FARM FOR' SALE Pasture Farm for Sale, 75 ac Ion Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Well fe sed, never failing water in di W. C. Pearce, Exeter. on- tenon - r urieh red teh. NOTICE • Beginning ,on Monday, Pebruary `10th, we have decided to raise th price of milk to 12 cents a quer 'until May 20th, when it will agai be .sold at 10 cents. C. Schrag and Sona e t n HOUSE FOR SALE The fine :property of the late Mrs. A. G. Ehnen. The house has six nice large rooms, and has many conveniences, and is situated on two large lots. Apply to 0. H Ehnes, 2811, E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE H. BLACK - WELL, late of the Township of Hay in the County of ,Huron, farm- er deceased, who died on of about the 31st of December 1927, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned adrainistrator on or before the 3rd of •March, 1929. • AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- 1EN that after this said' date the Administrator will premed to dis- tribute the• estate, having regard only to claims of which he whall then have notice. Dated at Zurich this 14th day of February, 1929- • • Wm. J. MaekSvell, Administrator, - R. 11. 2, Hensel!, Ont. FOR SALE Desirable building . Lot in Zur- ich, being • w-hf. of 49 and e-hf of Lot 51, Mary Street; .for quick sale it will be sold for $75.00. Apply to W. BE, Pfile, I<Iensell,. FOR SALE Heating Stove, Furnacette, used only a month. Will sell for $10.O0. less than coat of new. Oscar Koehler. FOR SALE, - Top Buggy in' good nendition. also a good 13 -spring -tooth culti- vator. Milne Ratlera' 14th con. LOST In Zurich on Jan. 13th a five dollar bill. Finder please return to Walter Miller, 14th con. TIRES TIRES• CHEAP SALE `on all tires while the car roads are closed we would advise all motorists to put in their supply, and get ready when we will again enjoy better Roads. New 00;33i tires for $7.00, while they last. Act quid:. L. A,' Prang, Firestone and Dunlop De- aler, FOUN`r A Ladies Muff, between Zurich and the Bronson Line. Owner canhave same at the Herald , Of- rice by calling and paying 4 for this adv. FOR SALE ,Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4;ac. per pound_ Feed a handful a day, Keep. the Vet. away. Fed„ C. Kalbfleislch, Zurich NOTICE. 1y.• amounts are now ready for •suck parties who owe nee, and Would +appreciate a call :very Teach. cif: V. Siebert. COAL 192 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS 'Fait GENUINE / r' Scranton Coal ALSO LARRY Coke ,:Poeahantas LOCAL news ZURICH' HERALD Anss. Ida ROuitledge slept ;1 on - day at Jondoti, . 4 Mr axtd Mrs Risking G« R'0e9 motored; to 'London' 'on, ,Saturday. .Tohn, Peeker,:.. Jr,, `;was a business visnttoi tae: :Toronto•; the past week. Mr. R, F. Seade is attending the Ontario. Retail Hardware 'As- aociati:on at Toronto this week:* Mr. Wm. Lamont made a. brzs,-' ince trip to Crediton one day last. week. Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. Smith and ,daughter Alae,. and Mary Merner and Mr. D. 'Smith, were Sunday v aitors at .- Dashwood A number, of our citizens •"took in the nice, scenery at the lake at St. Joseph, •by viewing the large ieebanks which have been formed early in the winter. Mr, and Mrs: Lloyd Hey of Crediton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. We have a number of school reports, as well 'as a : few other interesting -items that We are , a- gain obliged tohold over / till next week. MrHarry G Tress, has a nutria ber of men',•enga: ed znklie rebuild- ing and remoddeling of the listeritgz.' of his bttsiness' block, and When completed' 'will have very corn - odious -living quarters: We have experienced ,some real March weather again this past week, and we had to look the second time at the calendar to be convinced that we are Estill in February, and although it hasa day more than usual this year, we realise that the big half of the rnionth is gone. The auction sale of hottseholid effects and property on- Saturday brought out a large number of people and the sale was well pat- ronized:- -Mr: John P. Rau •pu'r chased the :dwelling property•..for $2250.00, which ..we tfhink is • very good .value for the money, as it is a lino du=elling, apd we eare pleased' no again have Mr. and`Mrs Rau as resi•lenta of Zurich, We congratulate Mr. ' - Sync, Sparks, of the Bronson Line, St- anley Township, for the fine suc- cess he is develop;ng as .a bre- eder of the famous Holstein cattle. Mr. Sparks has an exceptionally line herd and during the ,last per-, iod of time has made ,the fo.low,re g gales;—Cow to Hugh Hill, Reeve of Colborne Tp.; Cow to Peter Gingerieh, Stanley Tp; 13 months old bull to Tty. Stec?:le, land 10 months old heifer to Menne "tackle Jr.; Bull calf" each to David Dewar and Arelale Armstrorg; heirercalf to Harvey and Clarence Rohner. All the above animals are elig- ible to be registered, LOOAL NEWS .ou Air. Ward Fritz was to London Fridayl+ 'r .Samuel Merner of Henaall, yiaitecj the. pact week, wttil his :Imo -then B' frs...Mary,^111erner who has been • q,ujt- ill. D'en't forget the daahe in the flown hall, :Turrell, „on Friday ev- ening of this•.weelctinder ,the aus- pices of the Zurich .Jubilee Band A tine band concert will • take place before the dancing to which everybody is: inyited, Mr. Robert' Turner has sold his .70 -acre -acre ferry being part Lot 19, •Sonceseloia; Staeley, north of Drysdale,' to Mr, Melvin Over- holt, for $4,800,00, Mr, Overholt gets .possession April 2nd. Mr, Turner and rani y will likely move toG.oderieb to reside. By all appearance there will be no ice fishing for herring and trout on the lake this winter, as the kind of ice that exists at present will not allow the .fishermen to -set their nets. The St Joseph Fish- ery are also finding much diffic- ulty in raiding suitable ice to store away ,for sumirler, use; A Most splendid concert , was put on by the young people of the Lutheran church Inst Friday evening ,the play,. being full of turner and the ;parties ,selected for he various characters were well 'Sated. In fact we think this play should be repeated, if lnot in Zurich, at some other places. Mr. Ed. Merrier,' of Baytfield, visited his mother here on Friday, and remaining here over night,and when he went to crank his car on Saturday morning, in some way it backfired and unfortwnatelyhit Mr. Merner on the arm, fracturing the large bone near the wrist. Dr. MacKinnon adjusted the fracture, and Mr.. Merrier is progressing as well as can be, expected. - He has returned to his home in Bayfield, Mr Henry- Keehteezr_of the lege advises us that while sittin rile boude the other day he disc canal a beautiful moth or„ butte which had left .its wanter son•.ctthea�e and etafiteel taut on neat .stitge of ]ifc', W„a dg know .tf :thjs is the liege signs Spring but we think- that i,t not so very far off. vil- g in ov- rfly coat its 1 not S of.1 ainumuseamszsammalimaegisimpailawattramiler is 1 a$4�'/'3+fi�+4t3�F+3��£r3�4F1•�F44.0+�F3�3��t+ . ;- ,, o44d++8+1F+1++f+4d+3,;letsh++d+4111 Here and. There it the,announced extent ofthat which cannew onlya be surmised, has been discovered seven zni:es from Glacier House, Glacier, The Yukon Territory is rapidly losing its inhabitants. In 1911 the ,population was 27,217, and in 1921 it had dwindled down to 4,157. In an ld adress tok,he RE.VariansBeati Montreal PRESENTATION president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, made a pointed statement to the effect that Canada needs more capital for its development and more men for the same purpose. Pa :. •e.s•••••••es++• •,,*R •♦. a..ae ,r• w. .............. Autos and: Auto Supp1ies .* WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 'OF AI -171Q ACCESSORIES •AND ,SUPPLIES, .AN'D C`AN SAVE YOU ATONE r. • XON TI�ES19; •• VARIOUS LINES • CORD TIRES 30x444 Al' • ONL-------TUBES 3ox3;y AT ONLY " ..' •It GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES ATs .• ;.. �•• • ., ,. 15.00' 1 SECOND HAND 13 'H. P. GAS ENGINE$15.OQ `' • 2 FORD TOURING CARS: VERY CAI? • 1 FORD ROADSTER 'CAR. • 1 GOOD • TRAILE.R, •• ABOVE CARS ARE ALL .IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, • • WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND • • RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. le • FARM IMPLEMENTS . Z WB ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARivi IMPLEMENTS AND ne • CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE ` 4703 YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVIC Li FOR YOUR MONEY r • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL Orli • PUMPS. , t • Tires,`" Tubes, , CasOils and Greases • e �,a • • • • x44•••••••••••••••••04.40 •••44••••••••••4.444•••4 -kt L. A. Prang Zurich 0nx. Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' + +m gr. .--. -.. -- • _ — ter-.. _ Second • Handed Bu i. g� es 12252212512321322111112113111111 HESS ZURICH Directly after the monthly me- eting of the Ladies' Aid. last Tues- day afternoon, Rev. Rembe de- livered his farewell address to theAn old-time stampede will be held members. His remarks ' were p - in Calgary, Alta., between July 5th ceeded by a lit°esentation ad(lrr ssi and July 14th, 1923. The programme read by Mrs. E. Klopp, during wh- will, as usual, include calf roping ich Rev. Rembe was tirade the i contests, broncho busting, and fancy recipient of a handsome cheque riding and roping, etc. and Mrs. Rembe of a ,fine quilt. Resumption -01 direct steamship The presentation was made by the service this spring between Mont - president of the -Aid, Mrs. C, real -arid,. the principal Norwegian Scliilbe. A dainty farewell ea- ports,`' with the object of furthering past followed consisting of assort- the expansion of trade between Can- ed sandwiches cake and coffee: .oda and Norway, is announced by The hymn "God Be With ,you til! the Canadian Pacific traffic agents We Meet Again" was sung, for. the 'Norwegian -American Line. which Rev. and Mrs. Rembshotolr resent thanktn g "The Canadian Pacific steamship with all teamship p Metagama recently brought over them once more for their kindness to Canada 400 .men and women of and good wishes.. Fe lowing is the the Hebrides—tale first migration presentation address ' of the Aid, of young liebridcs farmers to Can_ read :`by Mrs, E. Klopp-. ads under •the Ontario immigration scheme. Zurich, Feb.17, ,1928 • ' " Dear Rev, Rembe and Mrs.Reinbe A bill has been introduced into the Chamber of Deputies, Paris, author- izirlg the Government to expend For (twelve years we 3,750,000 francs on the Canadian as members ot your: church , and travelling exhibition. At least thirty congregation have profited , by French toms trill be visited by the your ministrations, and within that train thio wsunlmeh.; period you have greatly endeared yourselves to us by your earnestAs guests of President Beatty of the Cahadin.± .the Railway, four devotion, and by the hearty Tri - boy membersg of .the young farmers teres{ you have manifested in out; :clubs of Great Britain will crows the welfare as a people. .Atlantic and tour the Eastern and In the pulpit you have faitIt- Western provinces of Canada. fully presented the preciepts tif' our r again beset eligion, you have warned us Canada's exports to the United st the evil's that continually Kh gdozrt in 3922 -were more than us, and have earnestly plead- S341000,000 higher in value than ex - ed with us to !seek our truest hap u) of CanxTan goods to the piness in the paths of rectitude Jdta%b. To, ood toith Kane. and peace. dOm quad* sold goods to the value In hours of pain and sorrow you Stat�es7 0i__4 15409d, '47. to tJzo 'United have spokeny tot ,362,247. p gentle and• �soothin8 words to our troubled hearts. Our IWO** the war India fronted 'ted children have profited by your 160A,Ooe,oGo worth of commodities inlstructioiii, a year,- of which Canada sent not d, as members of the Ladies' more then $30,008 worth. Last year her import.Ivo.. $8Oe�Op0,090, ,t. ave assembled here today not w ieh nada sent $1,128,000, sad or our regular meeting, but itis now expected that "there 'Rill be. o show our appreciation of a further increase id betwe Se work in our Aid, lye gash 000;000 and 55,000,000 f :- yeax + V. Re,utbe t d aeeept thin+ ,f,tn-. • --7—R-,---.- 1 -- "' and Mrs. Reibe this quilt I. a Canaelian Pacific Railway hay t GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND as a reiirembrance from the Te '1 i arranged with a number of Euro- ean countries for the emigration of farmers and otiieeties who. are +milt•; Ing to cants Canada tor employ«y tient on Canadian farms, 7'hs ilii•. migrants will be brought to Ct(itatia at the joint expense of t'�tlr home goverrunents and the railway cam.' Iii Aid h only f also t and Soft Coal f ynur you Ile cheque > y TELEPHONE .E Yate ORDERS les' C'Irtacii+ id ofer y't St, Peter's Luta Ian EARLY TO ' We vat and %aril God's Se EIN, * Pro richest iileot,rlrg in yoga new held Case ;labor; WOOD MOTOR. SERVICE. o o f ora H NE j Signed in . behalf of The Ladies - A DNS , Aac1,�- rs, R, mom). p .1 • N -0 W I Is a good time to have that inside I' Work Done + PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE ▪ N' 1V FLOORS, BUILT IN FIXTURES OR -OTHER- 4T- • OSTS CLOeLY • 4' IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU MANY ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT ORGNEW BUILD- + .INGS. + WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY. OF GYPROC, AND ROOFING 4 ON HAND PHONE g �! ra ZURICH 112 tivvvivadvimiwyeahmotwmahmiwidvag Zurich Drug Store Stat-sn We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, G-reeting Cards. and Birthday Cards. BR x4 We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams,,. Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL '<MPS .45 KODAKS AND FILIMS fir. J. MaolCinnon, Zufc rich 1i