HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-16, Page 4EINEMMENED) Westinghouse Batteryless Radio Iv YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECEIV-. ER AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL SET • ' j SEE AND HEAR IT AT HESS - RADIO ELECTRIC tIERALD Tou can tell a good driver by the mileage he gets from his tires D OME fellows are sure rough on tires -slam on the brake and slide a yard or two in stopping - drop in the clutch and spin the rear wheels in starting -speed round corners and skid. It may save a few minutes running time --it may even look a little "showy" to the man on the side - W -but the real driver knows that it means miles off the running life of the tires. Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if you treat them right. Drive sanely. Come in and let us pat the gauge on the valves once a week -under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for embedded flints and nails. This service will save dollars on your year's car expense. H. MOUSSEAU TENDERS WANTED Mrs. Joe Ferguson and child- . ren, of near Chisellrerst, spent a few days at the home pf her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Parsons Tenders will be, .received by the :tolice Trustees of the Village of Enrich for hauling 100 loads of good lake gravel. Tenders to -taste price per one and one-quar- ter yards delivered to Zurich and le be in the hand e of the under- -atigned by 11 o'clock, a. in, Meech let, 1928. 1Siousseau, Chairman. ilL P. Hess, Secretary. HILLSGREEN. Valentine social was held in he basement of the church on bEridety evening last and was :well itattende d. Mr, and Mrs. G, Love and fam- ley %pent a few days et the home 4of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ,Lave, of VIonkton. Mrs. Lorne Eller and\.children, Indio have been spending' the past two months with her parents, ,Mr und Mrs, J. Cochrane, have retu- etted to Toronto. o Edna Cochrane ot London Hos- vital spent a few holidays e at leer home here ' r Wm. jarrott attended the ;04t- lejerlei Thveslaer's Association the ast week. • DASHWOOJD Rev. F. B, Meyer attended the funeral of his sister-in-law in Corrie last week. Miss Nelda Fassold visited in London, the pat week, Mies AAlice Willed of Burning - ham ,spent the weak -end With her parents,. ' • Mrs. Sinclair •of Bru•sefield 8p- bnt the week -era with her dearth - ter, Mrs. IVIoffat, Mr, mid Mrs. Chas, Hooey of Toronto, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Meyer over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, V. Heywood of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mre P. Kraft on Sunday. Mr, Thee. Klatep has purclescel the env mill and property from the •Goetz estate and is busy get- ting things in elm° for spring. Miss Clark 'Kraft is visiting hO,' siter near Mr, Ilampson of Hamilton is here conducting the big Sale now on for. J. o ,hoitt a co. VI/ 4.1PA1.4.F uet be in the hands of the ••Superinterident of the 'Pp' 'Clerk, forty-eight hours before' a meeting of the council, and all ;other 'accounts against the Tp. or Telephone System must be in the hands of the Tp. Clerk 48 hours be- fore a meeting of the Council, H. 11,, Neeb, Road Superintend- ent, evil attend the annual conven- tion on road construction for Co - ;linty and Township Road Superin- tendents at Toronto. Zurich and Dashwood switchboard operat- ors will be paid the sum of $25 per annum additional, to give Con- ti/MOUS service over the Hay Mun- icipal Telephone System. By -Law: No, 4, 1928, covering estimates of expenditures of $15,030,00 on town-, ship roads for the year 1928, was read three times and finally pas- sed. The following accounts were passed; - E. Deters pay lists, $9.05; E. Gabel, pay list, snow roads 15.90; R. Geiger, pay list, snow rioads .50; J. Oesch, pay list, snow rads 6.60; N. Foster, pay list, snow roads, 13.40; Bank of Montreal, tax Col- lections, $25.00; Bank of Montreal Hensall, tax collections 7.30; JJ. Gescho, labor, hal', 1.00;' Vera Haberer auditor 10.00; J. A, Smith, auditor 10.00; Municipal World :subscriptions 8.00.; D. A: Cantelon coal, indigent 5.00e County Treas- urer, re tax 'deed 3.18; J. Gascho eS.; Sons account $1.54 Northern' glee- trie,,•Co., supplies 3.26;.. •Stromberge Carlson 'Tel, Mfg,. Co., •supplies, 4,83; A. 'F. Hess, interest ,on . note 27.50; Fera • Haberer, •anclitor J.A, Smith, auditor., 2 00.; exchange. on cheques 5.70; Bel.Teephone .Co. tolls. 39.24; M. G, Deitz, salary and car 90.00; L. Albrecht salary '60.00;. The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, March 5th, at .L30 p.m. A. F. Hess, Clerk, ••••-•-••••....* EXETER • Dr. 3. Ward has installed a • new quartz Lamp for Ultra -Violet treatment 5. Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. F. Beavers were 'at Toronto the past week, where- he attended the -Provincial liorticUltural eonventioe. The Exeter Council have dec- ided to ring the town bell at seven, twelve, one and six o'clock It was discontinued last inar,Ipt the citizens messed it so much. C. E. Tuckey while cutting wood the past week was njured when a etick flew up and struck 'in in the throat, and since elks with great difficulty. A meeting or those interested in tobacco growing will be dield on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 21. The Thames Rd. Farmers'Club together with their wives enjoyed a, Pleasant evening at the Exeter. Opera House. recently. A very sumptuous oyster supper- and ban. quet was served, about 150 be- ing present. The other day a programpwae• broadcast from London, Eng- land and was picked, up at the home of J. Senior, since' then it has been picked up several times: Our time is 5 hours earlier than London, Eng. Boys from the Trail Rangere• in Exeter have been engaged in a bond selling campaign to rate' funds for boy's work throughout the province. The bonds seal for $1.00 each and the boys were sun= ceseful in disposing of quite a - number of them. AUCTION SALE Ogim.NoM/4 Of HOUSELOLD FURNITURE' AT ZURICH On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1923 At 1.00 p.m., the following. The undersigned .Auctioneer has been instructed to sell the fol- lowing high class furniture; Piano, good as new; parlour suite sittine room suite, 2 beds. .-1.""4.101011"eeielreellsteieleeeelo.444e4,444, the voiced:lye' eat' el/cleaver' to make arrangement* Whereby Ile zany have a Vacation. 'Clarence''Armstronge Youngest aoza cif M. and Alm Nelson Arm - avow,. of Goclerithe met with an accident at the harbor- the other Clay-. The ruing lad was attempt tag to =ORS fiona a boat to the Flew in front of the Western Can- ada Flour Mils plant, when be accidently missed bids footingand fell into the harbor. He was at meeer rescued and neeuts nolle the worse from Itia cold' Thuraday, Pebrileary 16 1928 The' annual meeting or the lt.lo*. hunt& & Eibbert Fire Insuranceeck, Was held in Farquhar Hall the •tet- her day with- a good attendance, Mel the annual report was preoent- ented, with heavier loeees the past year than usual. The asses... ment the peat year. was reducedby, one Mira, the amount at Tisk ie. nearly ten Minion dollars, and the. each balance =amounts to $50,000.00,. vitiate the balance of premium notes on band were $235,153.20, The. losses during the year amountedll to $17,735.00. seesioseeeeese••••••••••cospooce•*esseseesseil•••••••• OUR ACCO TS • • • • e ; Are now ready for all parties who have accounts on our books. All Accounts not called for by Feb. 1st will be sent through the mail Continental SI Salt 1 For Your HORSES, CATTIJE, HOG -S, SHEEP and POULTRY Louis Schilbe gi Zurich 0111411111,1111141146011111410001MESNINIK96 eleaSeetiellefeeettlie01100418004111101e. with springs and mattress, dres- sers, washstand's, dressing table, toilet sets, piCtures; 'chiffonier; el- ectric. lainp shades, couch, tables, clock; kitchen cabinet, "Kitehee table and Chairs', flower plants,' wringer, dustless ash 'sifter, burner oil stove, oil heater, 2ptate, electric stove, rugs, crib, baby buggy, bassinet, child's bath tub, high chair and table combined, child's sleigh and wagon, veran- dah swing, garden toOls, wheelbar row, lawn mower, saw& axe decoy 'clucks, croquet set, step ladder, lanipe overcoat, fru't jars, pails HENSALL. carpet sweeper, crockery, potat- • lees, hand picked apples, quantity boal and numerous other articles. Alex. Sparks -who ht been vis- lFurniture as good as Dew.- No iting for some time with his sons in Detroit, has returned home, Lulu McDonald, who has been visiting for the past two weeks with relatives in London, has returned home. Gladys Gardiner visited with friends in White Church . The basement of the United Ch- urch is being redecorated by Mr. Kay of Clinton and when finished will present a very attractive ap- pearance. At a special meeting of the Orange Lodge Order the other ev- ening it was decided to celebrate the 12th of July in Renee% which no. doubt will be a big event. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Henry are pleased to learn that she is much improved in health. Maste. Ray Patterson underwent an operation at his home here for removal of his tonsils and is im- proving nicely. Mr and Mrs. Adam Reickard received the news of the death of their grandaughter, Mrs. Sam St- evens of Toronto who passed a- way at Toronto Hospital after being ill for four days with pn- eumonia at the early age of 23 years. • . Wm, Consitt was in Clinton . and Goderich on business thepast week. Mrs, jas. Barnett, who has been visiting relatives in Hensall, has returned to Toronto. Tho h'ockey match held Eere here the other evening with Zur- ich resulted in favor of Hensel', sews 4-2. . George Hudson ha.sereeelved the Contract for caretaking of the school, his tender being the low - et. . A four-aet play entitled "Wan- ted a Wife", was given in the Town Hall Friday evening last,the hall being filled to capacity. Pleased to report that Fred Berry who is at Clinton Hospital for a few weeks following ,the amputation of his leg, is recover.. ering and soon expected to return to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wee Consitt, Ed. Taylor and Rosie pepper.; Vbo- :have been Visiting in Len- nox, Mich., have returned, The suit of Owen Geiger, iii which he is exideae ming to un- seat Reeve Robt. :Hoggine of Hensall, was up before JudgeLe- Vis, at Goderich, on TuesdaYlest. The evidence was taken and the ease was then argued before the Judge on Saturday morning let week. iflud el,Y Rol m es, Jr.. of ! croderich anted on behalf of Mr, RUC it:o.s c5z Hays, of ate krow'elge W ti -e vr,rfqtri pha- Goderich for , Mr. eleiger.• The ee of the work over whihe eh eas case ie creating considerable hi- presided, so long, it was licit that terest is this district ' jbli 'Services should he iletained,and * reserve as proprietor is going out to Winnipeg. In case of rough weather, Sale wilt be held in Luth- eran church sheds. TERMS -All amounts of $20.00 and under cash, over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. 4% straight off for cash Ion credit amountsRev.B. Rev. Rembe, Proprietor. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. 1 I •• r•OUNTY NEWS Only six out of the 33 members of the Bruce County Council ,are new men on the job. e The Township Council of ,Stan- ley met on Monday lasttett Varna when the auditors' report was presented, showing the township accounts to be in splendid ,cond- ition, when the Govvernment sub- sides are received there will be a balance on hand of about $3500.00. For the fourth time one block of the business section on ,Queen street at Ripley has been 'wiped out by fire. The first was forty years ,ago, the second on July- 1828 the third tire in 1906, and the dth time, January 17,1923. The announced retirementat '15 cif Robert Holmes, for several ye- ars Deputy Collector of Customs at Toronto will close a long car- eer of public service iri one cap- acity for anothe4 As editor of the Clinton. New Era Mr. Holmes was a keen public figure im Hu- ron. County, a position which led to 'membership in the House of Commons in the hey -day of the Laurier regime. . The death occured at 'the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thompson, on Saturday last, one of Clinton's oldest citizens in the person of Mr. ItuneS Steven's, who was within a few weeks of his 91st birthday. He had been in fairly good health up to less than a fortnight of his pas- sing, and he kept his mental facul- ties up to "t he end. Was born in Colborne Tp. ,and his father di- ed when he was about nine years of age At a meeting of the executive of the Children's Aid Society , on Tuesday last at Goderich, Mr. G. M. Elliott tendered his resignation as soperintendent. His health has not been very good of late, and he telt that the interest of the So- elety's work he should resign. The resignation was not accepted. In 'view of Mr. Elliott'e special fit- nees for the positiott and hie iettel- 4. 4 The New and Finer • o]ati re 4. 4. 4. 45 4. 4. 4, -a. 4- 4. 410) c • New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader- ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstration _PAIGE_ WITH 20 CHAIMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN-, ATIONS - IN SIXES AND EIGHTS - GIVES YOU THE WIDEST RANGE OP INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND HIGHFd• PRICED AUTOS,. You must see and drive these new Paige cars before you you can fully realize the wonderful pierformance and the amazing lapraele they really are. Let us demonstrate. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARAoE WORK A SPECIALTY Gas Oils Greases 9 Tires r ,1* 14444.1+1P444f46+.444t44,1010* Access:riesi eeeeeeeeleeeteeeleeeeteeeeseeeeeeleeeeeeielee oraor•ommoos* 044i4Iie( ) InillitaNIENTUElirii.sh, ZURICH HERALD'S , *4)8 eae. Axle Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe e6,00 HERALD and Kite.henetDaily Telegraiph HERALD and Talent() Daily Mail and Empire $6,00 HERALD and Toronto Satueday Mail and Empire ...$3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star . .4 • 1$6,00 HERALD and Toronto Daily News HERALD and London .Free Pres, Morning edition $6.00 HERALD* and London Free Pres, Evening Ed....... $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6,00 itERALD and London Advertiser, Evening Ed. $q.co HERALD and london Farmer's Advocate .. $2.25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy $2.75 lig.KALD and Varzners' San . . $2.50 HERALD and Family Herald, and Weekly Star -.$2.25 HERALD and Canadian Countryman. $2.25 HERALD and Weekly Wilnesia . $3.15 HERALD and Partner* Magazine HERALD and Tonnes Companion $3S5 HERALD and Seatorth Huron Expositor $3 - HERALD and Ontario Journal •-$2'.3.9 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada • $13.35 WE ARE AGENTS FOR ,NE.ARLY EVERY MAGAZINE CANADA AND U.S. SAVE MONEY BY ORDERING 4 dal IM Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above gee 07a• 'Am HERALD OFFICE, Zuric Wain; 194 een• reoeseee. • suelmo,, Crial22211511121210HERICZ