HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-16, Page 1Vol. XXVIII No 31 Buil ZURICH, THURSDAY iVI'CRNING FEBRUARY 16, 1928. Chester le Smith; Pubilidlook d TOO d A.deierierig, *1.60 jNARREAR S, 82 MA BrOFIAN D up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town f _ Our motto is "ful;: rakie %• in radio and servicer •Our stock of Bolster radio and our complete line of radio accessories repre- cents the "most -for -your= money" in town. Come in and have at Kaister demonstration. _No obli gation. ELMER OESCII manassmassasamasamana Mass Meeting OP PARTIES INTERESTED dN TOBACCO IN THE TOWN HALL AT EXETER ,ON , TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21st. 1928. AT 2 p.m. E. G. Tellier, Ex. M. Pr P, , and others will address the Meetign, Everybody, interested in this in- dustry is cordially •invited. Growing and Pooling will be dis- cussed, .. Come along with' your question,. OSCAR KLOPP,, Secy. W. R. ELLIOTT, President. • Gingerich-At Hay Township on January 31st, to Mr. and . Mrs. Jacob Gingericb,, a son. Ducharme-At Hay Township, on February 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign Ducharme, a son. Steckle-At Bronson Line, Stanley on February 4th, to Mr. , and Mrs. Menno Steckle, Jr., a da- ughter. .cabin -At Hay Township, on- 1 February 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex.. Anbin,• a daughter.. • ALEI Clea p S A L • • •• • •• • firings you alues that cannot be • &plicated anywhere. •• 1 We defy, 1 competition N ote g • their rec rd smashing Prices• • . Men's Ltlmberinen Rubbers, Regular $1.50 Sale at _ - .... _$2.45 ,. Boys' Lumbermen Rubbers, Reg. $3.59, at Sale _,k --rt----$125 Child's Heavy Rubbers, Begnlar $100, Sale at -'--- ----$1-4° t Mien's Calf Black Goodyear Welt, Reg. $5.09 Sale at ,$3.65 • Boy's Solid Leather, Scheel Sheet% Reg. $3.50 Sale at -._ $2.45 Women's Felt and Kid Boadoear .Slippers, Reg- 1.75, Sale .- 95e Children's Shoes, from 39e. to _ ..._.-...--4-- .-- --- $1.19 •• Men's 7Bubber,s, all/ isms, S'PEOIAL et -- -.� - - - ;$1.111. COlvIE IN z .ND S:t TIT ,BARGAIN TABLES RBPAIRING Brown's Boot Shop NEATLY DON111•11.1040.00046“20026000242202d2040 22410,0202‘1022020200•6010 ;c• e KA*4..♦♦'4. V.e4141 .+8.0.444440 4d4♦♦44.4. �c a •er.Z49.4r..4).4) •• 04 4, el .♦ a • 4 4! 0 4 e OF SHOES � ( 1 REAL 13 ON TWENTY-SECOND Annual Report Of The Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co'y. ' Cash and Bonds .on hand $150,57.9.88 The Largest Reserve of any Can- adian Mutual Company doing bus- iness in Ontario.. Amount of Insurance at Risk , oil` Dec. 31, 1927, $24365,.735 i Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $154,57,9;.88 � Head Office - Woodstock, Ont, G, Holtzman, Agent, Zurich,, Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. wish. to thank all the neighbors and friends for their k n'dness and sym- pathy shown during the illness and death of Mrs. Brenner's „mother, the late Mrs. Greb, • DRYSDALE. $14.00 BUYS A REGINA • Mrs, A. Voi'son was a Sunday visitor at Goderich', Winne Mr., T. L. made a Busin- ess trip to London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. ,Fee are rsp- •ending a few clays at the home Mrs. H. Lipphardt. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. /Faust, Mitchell were Sunday visitors .the village. Mr, and Mrs, 1Vnx,, Beaver Hensall, renewed Zurich friends Saturday/. • The recent rains have carried away nearly all the snow and the autos are running quite freely. of in of on Messrs. Ward Fritz and Fred 'hie1 motored to kitchener on ..',Sundatix • , Miss Hazel Ducharme is, spend Ing a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Frank Chambers in Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard of St. Joseph, spent a few days in our burg last week. Miss Maleline Bedard entertain Mher m many friends to- a very e1+j'ti•yable birthday party one night recently. , Mr..;: and Mrs. Ed. Beck, of Sf; Claire is spending a few daysthe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Denamme. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Laporte, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand and Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Denomme were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, at Zurich. A very pleasant evening was held recently when a large nutue lber of friends and relatives gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Overholt . The e. ening was spent in dancing and card playing, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Bedard of 'the 14th con., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Papineau, Mr, Wm. Lamont and daughter, Mrs, L. Cti •. Hoffman, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni,. Consitt, Hensall. rite. Chas. Eilber of ,Crediton+, is 'spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Merrier who is Tuesday of this week was St. Valentine's Day, and was rememb ered by many with the approp- riate decorations.• . Mr, and Mrs, W. K. Finkbeieer weed daughter, Miss Hazel of 'Stratford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. C.. Fritz & Son advise us that on Thursday, February 16th they will demonstrate a coach of the New Ford autos in Zurich, and in- vite the public to see this very latest in the auto industry.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brein have moved their effects from the house recently purchased by Mr. Wm. Lamont from Mr. A. A. Weber on Victoria Street, to the house owned by Mrs. Ayotte, of Mich- igan, and situate on the same stye r t. This latter house has recently undergone a complete new re- decoration of the inteirior, and has also been wired for hydro. A very happy event was cel- ebrated at the home of Mrs. H. Lipphardt on Tuesday ever,ieg, when a number of lady /friends of Mr. Geo. Fee, nee ,Irene Lipp- hardt, gathered and presented Mr and Mrs. Pee with an electric toaster and electric iron and a few aluminum utensils. Mr. Fee thanked the ladies for their gifts in a very able manner, The ev- ening was spent very enjoyably, a dainty lunch was served by the; Evangelical Church 'Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tuesday eve., 7 p.m;, -Jr. League Thursday 7.30 p,m. Prayer and Praise Fi;iday 7,30 p.m -Senior League Friday 8,30 p.m. -Choir Practice , GOD AND I G•od and I, constitute a com- bine and partnership, greater than which thele is none. He is our eatest need and to e ifect the g' p ladies. Bale <ant -fl government of God in the ,earth, so as to make it a divined triumph, God needs man most of l all .and uses him groundly. God is not a luxury for happy days ,nor a convenience for distressing expeiden_es. He is the soul'seup- rem,e necessity; the daily bread without which life is a famished • 'failure; the home of the soul. fl is life's T) t.un and mainte.na.nee 4,1 If you trun uly live in God. r`Io will give it a dazzling diamond glory, How 'atrsfying. "Whom. have I ie. Heaven but Thee and on earth I desire • none- beside 'QPIa�' OVERCOATS' SUITS a • MACKINAWW UNDERWEAR ; SWEATER$ OVERALLS ETC® In fact everything in the Store a Greatly Reamed Prices :2 10, oo • _ .40,10.44:41,00,04.446,00."i_ 4 tr 10.00 tem,Worship S>ibjeet - The Stewardship of i poaseSsion's. t1 ,a.m.-Bible School, E. Gaecbo, Superintendent. 45, 0 Get o ,; r piss before y s -1.1sy • elsewhere GAscnos dhow A: ti 4♦ 7,30 p.m. -Worship • Subject - The christianizing Power of sanctified character. Our Services are growing ' 'number and .in Spiritual blessing and power. If you were pot ,lires- ent, I'm ?icily because God was pu,he1;,;oof of yo',ir lite,..to that extent,•' Next Sunday morning the require 1.51' Hien, women and child- , hildri ., , and m I am banking on .you, in making r llae pi-epiiesy th it y"nit tvlil not d seppoint. tis but will morethan 1 13 :1 it, Thanks 1 .Stet*. W, Y; Dreier, raster �+I X17'61 On Monday evening, February- 13 the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Jr., was the scene of avery joyous event. The Ladies Bible School Class of which Mr. (C. L. Smith is the popular teacher, gat- hered to formally organize this r, i*)Up of women :into an or a.n- ized body, To make the occasion complete the ladies very court- eously invtied their husbands to join them. and the men did not ob- ject in the least. Rev. W. Y. Dreier was in the chair and after leading out in a few numbers of timely and jolly- songs, congratu- lated the class upon their enter- pth'iug spirit. The election re- P.»e i legit, Mrs. John Troy, Jr,,; Vice -Pres., Mrs, J. E, 7, i rho, Secretary, firs. 'J. K. 1 acre, Assistant Secy., Mrs, C, L, Sirith; Treasurer,'Mrs. C. Eilber• The Class was named. "The .Beth- any Sisters," A much apprec- iated and, spirited programa, was c n lcred when Mr. Newel Geiger sang .a so'o ,Mr. J'. E Gaseho gave a reading, Mr. 'A. Melic]. also An, a happy number. Mrs.p ZA i nil r, Mrs, C."i.7• Smith and Mrs. J. Hey, Ji;, sang a /merry remin- iscent trio:, to the 'delight of 'all. itsinging onitrsts and. added reit, and ami,ost dainty and delicious St Valentines lunch was saved. That was one delightful, tt ho'esome 'evening of f''fe ehrist- Ian felloWsliip and egeiabil:ity. + • • 16• Size, 15 Jewel,Beautifully:• Cased. Let us show you this Watch for REAL VALUE. A Gu- arrantee accompanies every Re- ess, '1 ne Jeweller Buy the B�st GOAL' DELAWARE & HUDSON and D. L. & W. SCRANTON • ` COKE SEMET SOLVAY SOFT 4 COAL MILLER'S . CREEK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD ., '.AND GRADE A, WHITE POT- ( ATOM. �..�.. caxiteicam HENSALL ONT, Phones -Office 10w, House ler„, • • • • • • Received a. shipment of waterproof fet- • • • Robes which I am retailing far e • 2 •low »Catalogue prices, get your's at • • Special Pride $12.50 large size • Fl'ib THIEL • s4444444.44.•40••0•0•♦44.4444.44.444a444444ee-00a0 GAINS BARGAINS ZURICH SHOE REPAIRING m H OVERSHOES, Five Good Used Cars for SALE, 1927 -Ford Coach, Baloon Tires and in perfect condition_ 1926 -Ford Coupe, Baloon Tires, lots of Extras, Speedometer, Automatic Wiper, Water pump, bumpers, heater, and epi. Light. 1925 -Ford Coach including two bumpers, automatic wiser, Heater and Baloon Tires 1922 -Ford Coupe leaded with extras and in perfect condi€aznr New 'Tires. 1925 Ford Coupe, baloon Tires, Heater and Shock abserbea, THESE CARS ARE IN PERFECT RUNNING CONDITION_ ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION. O ■ FRITZ 41 4.:SO N SHOE MERCHANTS THE SHOE STORE WITII THE STOCK, AGENTS for the New Ford CAR And TRACTORS TERMS 44+++++++4444+++++++4‘44+4.4444+++++++++ dsit et tit to a tra tat tam 4 Bargains argairi In order to reduce our Stock we are putting on a two weeks sale of all lines of Dry Goods such as: FLANNELETTES, FLANNELS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS„ MACK- INAW FLANNEL, SERGES, SILKS AND COTTONS,iilli3'.iN S AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, TOP SHIRTS AID WINDBREAKERS, LADIES, GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S UN- DERWEAR, SWEATERS, STOCKINGS, MITTS, GLOVES, ETC. Shoes and Rubbers, Dishes, Hardware, flarness Repair*, every- thing will go, at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sale 0oeial.meueea rrn JANUARY 14th, and ENDS ON JANUARY 28t1t. COME AND SECURE SOME BARGAINS WHILE 'i'3; E },,,,4S ." IF '!e e a G{'.ix67""' , GENERA. itiaE ONAN r PHONE 11 - 97 E3LAA