HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-09, Page 8MOD • ZURICH HER LD Ziiti ,day, ! 'ehf am 9t1; i9i & 'he re with the Stock OUR. grinij aIe Will be continued to trabnth ���- ���k Feb.Fb Po not miss this opportunity to pro- cure No. 1 quality Winter Goods and also many lines of Spring Goods at at away below market prices SPECIALS f ( Ladies Coat, Size 44; . s Reg. $30.00 for • -- .. $19.50 Ladies Coat, Size 38, Reg. 29.00, for :..._ ......$17.50 Ladies Coat, Size 19 Special $10.00 Ibex Blankets, large size $2.15 S pieces Dress Goods, your choice at yd. H - k...38c 42 -in pillow Tubing at yd... 32e Men's work shirts at each ,.__ 79c See our line of Sweater Coats for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Our Stock is too large, we offer your choice of any coat at cast price Or less. GROCERIES Broonss, only 3 doe. left at .._35e Green tea, pound at ____. ....39c Mixed tea, at ib. 45c Macaroni, 3 lbs. for 19e Prunes, 3 lbs. for ... 29c Caustic Soda, 5 -lbs. for __ 70c PioduLt Wanted 0 ONS Phone 59 Zurieh's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs; Repairs GENUINE 'PORD PARTS g'F.7ST RECEIVED A SHIP'AfENT OF DOMINION, TIRES AND. !I.UBE9 bayE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS • W .IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO, AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. SVE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR; OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING . EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. H el,;;Ll. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE e ousseau • Zurich S. L. A ny •••••••••••••••••••••••••••604 •oseseeirososessee: ing Your ilome 1 • Is Your,Next Problem • • • • • • But if you bring your problem to us we will cheerfully overcome it for you by giving you free advise just what kind and size of Furnace or 'Stove you regti.ire • BRING US THE PLAN OF Yti9UxR HOME, OR BETTER STILL, 2 PRONE US TO COME Gel' IND SEE, AND WE WILL TELL • YOU JUST WHAT YOU F..eteeTIRE. • • A PULL LINT OF SHELi. AND HEAVY ,HARDWARE AL if in need of new furniture, don't s 1 WAYS ON HAND. forget; we have it! ha•ANIM•M••111B!•••iCillr • Are �.�. i �good Clover • the market for • Seed • STADE &WEIDOI_ ZURICH ONT. does On! Until everything we advertised in our Sale Bill is Sold. When we once mark down our Goods, it is never put back to original Price. Therefore you can depend• on getting a bargain here always • OUR NEW SPRING GOODS ARE COMING. IN AND THEY WILL AGAIN BE SOLD AT •OUR 'USUAL CLOSE PRICES. YELLOW FRONT STORE J. 1K.1VI: RNER ITEMS OF LOIAL INTEREST Messrs, C. Fritz and G. Koehler were on a business trip to Es eter on Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. Wellington John- ston and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalb Fleisch, motored to London on Tuesday,, Messrs. Ivan Oesch, MilfordSch-, ilbe and Harry Angel motored to London on Tuesday and took in a prominent hockey game. Mr. Jas:"Rennie of the Baby- lone line has purchased from C. Fritz & Son, a good used- Ford Sedan; Mr. Ward Fritz has recentliy sold to Mr. Theo. Leibold a 'Ford motor used as a power plant. This makes an exceptionally good en- gine for a fernier, and Ward says he has a few more just as good at a remarkable' low price. The Bank of Montreal,• Zurich', have recently installed a complete set of safety Deposit Boxes (muc+ as they have in the cities) for the convenience of their customnera.This is a wonderful opportunity for you to keep your deeds, mortgages and Bonds in a safe place. Come in and see them. Tuesday was. a rather busy day in out print shop, as we installed a large job press which we re- cently purchased at Toronto.Thi's makes a fine addition to our plant and will be a great convenience in handling the larger jobs. We are also awaiting the arrival of an electric motor which will run the various machines we have. The first farewell party tend- ered to Rev. H. Remhe and family prior to the;r leaving for their new home in Winnipeg, Man., was given by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar lKlopp last Tuesday evening. A sumptuous fowl supper .graced the table, fol- lowed by games, music and pleas- ant recollections. A-quiet,,.•but interesting matri- monial event' was celebrated in the village 'last Wednesday evening, when Rev. W. Y, Dreier, at the Evangelical -parsonage united •in Holy• 'Wedlock, Miss Irene, young- est daughter of Mrs. H. Lipphardt and Mr. George Fee of Heneall.- After the ceremony a few invited guests repaired to a sumptuous wedding dinner at the •home of the bride's. Latee in the evening -.the, happy young couple left forHen 'sail in their fine home on Rich- mond street and where they will reside. The Herald • join's 'their many Zurich friends in extending congratulations. More enthusiasm and interest is being' ,manifested as the date of February 10th is drawing near, $for the Three Act Comedy' Plan en- titled "Safety Fir%st'. Last year we quite well remember when this same group of young people put on a similar play and it is still fresh in our memory the splendid. success it was, this year's play promises to even excel)" the past year's one.. Se be sure yoil do, not miss it. Plan of hall at T. L. Wurrn's Store. " STANLEY TOWNSHIP The Young Pei'n'e's League.of Varna United Church 'ire baying a Valentine Social in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Feb•+uary i4th. Mr. S. T, Keys of Babylon Line we are sorry to say, is not enjoy- ing very .good health at presOnt and is under the doctor's Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy of Goderich Tp., spent the week' -end with the Tatter's father, Mr. ,1, T. Keys. Mr. Will Dowson of !Parr Line, has s'eturne:l from a pleasant visit with' friends at Detroit and Flint. The Varna Beet ring held their annual social evening at thetown ha]l last Wednesday evening. LA AL MARKE'T'S Live Hogs cwt. ..:».ice .. ............8.50 Butter, lb = 40c Eggs ._ ... .._ • : A._ 25 -33 -737 - Dried apples lb._ _ _ ___ 9 Oats, bushel 60 Wheat per bush _.._ : 1.25 Barley --.75 Buckwheat .. _ 75 Flour ._.._ .:, . • ... ......3.50-4.50 Shorts per ton ._.--! ..... 35.00 Bran per ton , _. 34.00 far+•1•o° +€+�r-a��+-.•+II+++ +•i+ +••i++E••1++ +'�r•§� +r•,.,riF•ot•§• •- +�,h�v+?r4•-1-e+'ro+�r+k-i4 teorrected -every Wednesdays ': +2 *.H. +++k+ F++4.+. +��++i++•,�+++++++++ i. s�.,i..y�..rr ,.�i+,i,..g,.l ++i+ i� +++++++++ . . + 4. 4• 4. 4. 4• 4+ 4: 4• US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD- IRON. WB t • are We carry a full Line of the Celeb- rated Royal Purple Stock Foods. HAVE YOUR STOCK WINTER WELL, AND LOOK GOOD, ASLO YOUR HENS PRODUCING EGUS WHILE THE PRICr- 4 ES ARE HIGH ZENOLEIJM BARGAINS WE HAVE A NUMBER OF REAL BARGAINS TO OFFER IN THE HARDWARE LINE PRIOR TO 11* THE BEST DISENFECTANT ' ON THE MARKET FOR LICE, ETC., IN HARDWARE- T STOCK TAKING. .k am+mmANI 4. 4. Before ore .• Taking Stock We offer many far ai ns in Furniture Come and See for Yourself BRING 4. i i PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. +>w i FULL SUPPLY OF ICB AUSER :SMOKE CURE '.ten, Johnston & Kalbfleisch 1 .� 1 Hardware & F � ture.Phone 63 I. a • estern. Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Cash and Bonds on Hand $129,454.14 Being an increase of . Insurance of $5.365,485. over the past Year. G. Holtzman — Zurich Adept, Also Dealer is Lidhtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Fammovamemormen MR. SPECKLES' GREAT IDEA Santa Claus sat on a bench next the sunny side of his North Pole, bungalow. The old gentleman wore a worried and harassed look quite foreign to his usual joval ex- pression. Sam Speckles., a 1 ore - man in one of Santa's toy shops passed by and noticed the good old saint. `What's the jmatter Santer? he asked. "This job'sget- ting too biz for one anan. • an- swered - Santa. "The world's gett ,ing better and better all -the time and that means I have (that ,much more -Work to- do, and it's getting to be a mighty hard task,to make things enough to go • around, let alone distributing them." Mr.Sp- eckles scratched his head. "Well' he said, "here's an idea, and I 'think it's a mighty good one. • Re- member that' fine magazine full of stories and pictures arid nice things you -had the other:tay?" "Oh, you mean The Youth's Companion said Santa. "Yes, that's it", an- swered Sam. "We'd, it seems to me that it you'd tell a got of par- ents about that magazine and how fine and enjoyable it wag for boys and girls they'd ,give sub- scriptions to The Youth's Comp- anion asj a Christnias gift to lots of young, -folks, and that would help you a lot." "That'd a mighty good idem" said Santaj, "and, as a matter of ;fact, many, parents do just that already, but ,Santa •sighed, "1 wish that more of them realize what a fine gift The ,Youth's Companion makes,and would give it, too." Just send your order to -the adders below, and we will see to :itthat our Uncle Sam relieves Santa of the burden of delivering at least one gift. Subscribers will receyve; 1. The Youth's Companion -12 big .monthly -issues in. 1928, and 2. Two extra numbers to new sub- scribers ••ordering withn' 30 days, ~`Ali. fox( only $2. 3. The Companion's new book of humor "1001 One Minute Stories" also, Included PRIM. •: I' d ItI.rE. send+10ctts to cover postage ' and handling.) THE YOUTH'S COMPANION 9.N. Dept„ 'Boston Mass. Subscriptions received at UeUld Office. ii Results for 1927 HURON &ERIE Mortgage Corporation Total Assets - $42,013,000, Reserve Fund 37,500.000. Increase $150,00,0' Debs. issued in Canada $21,770,000.. Increase $18841190e Savings Deposits $9,250,000 increase 31,200,000 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. Total Assets $24,575,207. Increase $373,009 Reserve Fund $800,000 Inerease $50,000 - Debentures and deposits $8447000. Increase $893000. Estate funds new under Administration $12,270,009. Tretal Assets of both Companies now over Sixty-iww 1- libn D eliars. Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, , __ .Zurich MY MOTTO i—SORVICE AND 8APIITY 1- Rva, You i . 3 Y i Lice? Increase $2,455.00. WHAT DB. SAID Tonsils are diseased, MUST opre- ate, Kr% Sybilla . Spahra Ton-siz itis was applied, hnsgls healed.and the operation cancelled, Try it, good results or money back —At Wagner's Stara., 1101117 WARD Drugless Praetio. eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone YR TAILOR MADE BY THOSE WHO KNOW N+OT T TUR ' J - -l ET 'TO-�dE'�' BY THOSH WHO KNOW ROW Our Suitings Aagi main UP, TO; THO DONUTS i•iPATTERN, WT LI .. Yl4`J� AND�nAE�t ;ALL OUR CIOoDS U"'ARANTRRD. DONT her rmiided sy buying I cheaper and interior • ig..`atll BUY torero theme you la se Will Maud behirsd eveythi,dg they ;W. H. HOFFMAN 11sr CoA r TAD .O&, W. a, l 01 A. atia, -MBA/ .AND FUNK RAL bettitOTOREks Dade 4r4 *if .Phithoev Nay 14 •