HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-09, Page 5ee, February 9th, 1A. ,RV9Y111EESS '"'ARDS. ' woo DUDLEY - tUDLEY E. Holz1Es Il;t,RRISTBR, • SOLICITOR, NOT IAII.Y PUBLIC, ETC. '9FFICE-I1arrilltgrr Streets just off the Square; GODERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Couneel and Court Work', 35ir., Holmes may be consulted at poderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. IL II. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH EyeryThursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DA.SHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MUJTUAL* LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS , A. E. HESS — Local Agent .oma® The I Aerial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try xne for Regiistered Live Stock, B Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice "Farms for sale. Will 'sell anything Anywhere. - .t1tone 18-93 or write. Zurich_, Licensed Auctioneer ',FOR HURON Sr MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - elect any auction Sale, regardless, ars :to (size or article to 'sell. I Aso i it your business, and if not asatiisfied will make no charges. for Services. Arthur Weber — Dashwood. $hone 13-57 ; aleesaeem s•eseeseeeeese es•• •e • 1 Zurich Meet MARKET PUT Yoga Wants, For kale, Dost, 'Foufd, No ice Etc. Ads IN TE139 COMMIS WANTED Experienced Married Mans hon- est and winces e ::eats work on farm Apply Willie Muller, R. 11.2, Zurich FARM FOR SALE„ Pasture ?arm for Sale, 75 acres on Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Well fen- ced, never failing water in ditch. C, Pearce, Exeter. , HOUSE FOR SALE The fine property of the late Mrs. A. G. Ehnen. The house has six nice -large rooms, and has many conveniences, and is situated on two large lots. Apply to O. II Ehnes, 2811, E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. CARD OF THANKS "The.. husband and bereft fam- ily •of the late Mrs. Leno Kipper,. wish to greatly thank the neigh- bors and friends for the kindness, assistance and sympathy shown during the recent illness and death of the departed. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear mother, E'izabeth Weber,, who died February 5th, 1928, two years a- go. Ti'l we meet again dear mother up- on that wonderous 'shore, When partings are forgotten and sorrows are no more. Those willing hands, that tender heart at rest from toil land fain sleep on dear mother in Heavenly peace until we meet again. Ever remembered by the daughters and Grandchildren. FOR SALE Desirable building Lot in Zur- ich, being w-hf. of 49 and e-hf of Lot 5), Mary Street; for quick sale it will be sold for $75.09. Apply to W. H. I'file, Ffensall,. FOR SALE Heating Stove, Furnacette, used only a month. Will sell for $10.00 leas than cost of new. Oscar Koehler. FOR SALE Top Buggy in good condition. also a good 13 -spring -tooth culti- vator. Milne Rader, 14th con, LOST In: Zurich on Jan. 13th .a five dollar bill.. Finder please return to Walter Miller, 14th con. 1'IBiES_ TIRES CHEAP SALE on all tires while the car roads are closed we would advise all motorists to put in their supply, and get ready when we will again enjoy better Roads. New 30x3y1 tires for $7.00, ,while they last. Act quick. L. A. Prang, Firestone and Danlop De- aler, • FOUND A Ladies Miff, between Zurich and the Bronson Line. Owner can have sande at the Herald Of- fice by calling and paying for DASH FOR SKINS & HIDES • J this adv. Fresh and Salt Meat, S Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool e • jTgb1t & Reichert • *••••••••••••••Mrs.•,•••• LIVE • P O U LT RY WANTED Ireken.every day till 3,o'clock,p.m. 3[ka not feed Fowl, !same morning when brought in.. highest Cash Prices --CASH' FOR— Cream and Eggs . W O'Brien_ slow nese Si Zurich Headquarters Snrli TIRES TUBES AN�ar�. Batteries S. W EIN. ., .• Prop tuRvicii asawom FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4;e. per pound. - Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred_ C. Kalbfleiach, Zurich NOTICE. My accounts are now ready for such parties who owe i:te, and would appreciate a call 'very much, V V. Siebert. . ----- NOTICE. We. carry a complete line of Poultry supplies;; �Ood Liver Oil, Oyster Shells,. Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Pewee* 41 J,,. Exeter, Ont. r, COAL 1928 Whe e,RI SOLE .AGENTS FOR GENUINE / Scranton Coai ALSO, CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal:. GOOD SUPPLV O1 HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS Case Son goo c ENB L L Mrs, Thee. Meyers had a quilt- ing bee on Wednesday last. . Mrs. J. Kuntz of Dashwood, called in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger bridal couple of London, are vis- iting in Zurich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roth of St. Ag- atha are visiting with Mr. and Mr's Ed, Gingerich, Bronson Line. Mrs. P. Koehler has purchased' from Mr. E. Desch a fine new Roister Batteryless radio. Mr. Wm. Brown spent a few days at London this week. Mr. Jamas. Rennie of the Babylon Lino is confined to his bed with illness. ` Mrs. Dan Oswald •of' the :Bron- son Line, in visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Levy, Clinton. Messrs. John England, Milton Deitz, L. Schilbe and Ed. Kraft motored to London, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fee, bridal couple of Henson, seeited the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. H. Lippharclt on Friday last. Mr. Oesch, barber and radio dee aler, wishes to advise the public that he is' in a_ position to issue radio licenses Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Glanville of Usborne were visiting at the hothe of the latter's brother, Mr. H. H. Neeb, over the past week- end. The Minister of Highway's at Toronto, advises the public that all motorists are advised to have at once the innotor licenses renewed as the 1927 auto markers are out of date and have served their time. The rather snappy,cold wea- ther the past week, was brought to a close on Tuesday, when the rain started to pelt down, and the whole town is practically a mass of ice. It is indeed very unsafe to venture out walking, and peo- ple 'should sprinkle a little Saw- dust or ashes on the walks which might prevent someone from fall- ing which might prove serious. A very pretty matrimonial ev- ent took place at London, on February 6th, when . Miss Evelyn Louise Berney, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Barney of Woodstock, was united in rharr;age to Mr. -Claude Frederick Meidinger son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Me- idinger of Zurich. The happy co- uple will reside at London, where the groom has a good position in London Lithographers. Their m sny Zurich friends extend : con - gratulation. . At the February meeting of the Police Trustees -a resolution was passed instructing the -secret- ary to advertise for tenders for 100 loads of first class lake gra- vel to be delivered in the iliage for use on thestreets during the year, Another resolution passed also provides that the repair work in connection with the local hydro system and connection of 'services be given to Mr. Harry G. Hess. The Po'ice Trustees are also mak- ing efforts to have the Goshen Line running through Zurich taken ov- er by the township as part of the Township Road system. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met in the Chamber Room on Monday evening, when about thirty ladies were present. The business was transacted by the president, Mrs. C. L, Smith, of which one item was that the Soc- iety donate $25.00 towards the reni,odde:ing of the town hall. A paper was read by Mrs. C. Fritz on "Elements in Ideal Home Life" A very humorous quartette was sung "When 'You and I Were Yo- ung, Maggie", the singers \vear- ing the costumes of grandmothers and acted their part well. Miss E. Rennie then took charge of the vocal instructions, which was very instructive and beneficial. Last Saturday evening, Rev. Rembe and family were pleasant- ly surprised -by Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Wagner and Mrs. Amelia Mc- Linchey;, A beautifully made cQniforter was presented to thein to which was pinned the followiug address: Dear Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Rembe-We aresorry thatyouare soon to depart from our midst, We are giving you thus slight token as ae act of appreciation for what you have meant to ups. It is our utmost desire that you may be successful in your new field of labor. Very Truly Yours; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner, Mrs. Am- elia McLinchey. We are inreceipt of the fol- lowing report, from Miss Lydia E, Faust, Librarian, of the Zurich Lifirary .Association ;— For the Year 1927. Total books in the .Library 720. Books borrowed for home read- ing during the year 804. Books bought during the year; Fiction 29, Juvenile '20, Donated 19, total' 68. Membership 94J: last year 81, in- crease of i3, A public Library in a town, village and rural district serves those Who wish to extend (their ed- tteation. A. public library is worth While e5tabliehing; it is worth main' taining, and it is worth 'using. Ail who waist the public library cause are• making , a, real contribution to the welfare of the country. Sup- port the Library, we could ntalte nee of ebolat five hundred more raria�i bookL. -Mitre i4dta, Faults Lib - cOLLEGEposo ;ph* ATHLETIC hYAgriculturalColhgeStudents Need Physical Culture, • "awe and Brain Work Weil 'ogether• --:, Students Help to Di - Feet In Sports—Building Up the Body for Later Usefulners, (Contributed by On'tart° Department rat A5i'lcul to re, Toronto, TIILI2TICS at our College are being revolutionized and placed on a more stable basis than in the past. Progressive colleges are coming to realize the supreme importance of bringing physical , training to the front In educational work. College authorities are realizing that they are responsible for the ignorance among the alumni of the colleges, regarding the care of the body, as it lea, well known fact that eighty per cent of graduates die from ten to thirty years before the age -at which they should. They are also realizing that under the old method less than fifty per cent. of the students are engaged in any form of systematic or organized exercise. This is due to the fact that our colleges were, and son are as yet, fostering two classes — one class attends for social and at letie advantages, and the oth attends larger- for intellectual oppo tunities. The first class is incline to neglect mental work and carr athletics to excess, while the secon class is inclined to neglect physic training and carry mental efforts t excess. Neither class lives strictl hygienic lives. Now our colleges are adopting ne methods to eliminate such condition and are awakening td the fact the physical education has a legitimat place in the college curriculum, Some of these methods are as fol Iowg: (1) Intra -collegiate sport an recreation in addition to our inte collegiate sports, with the constan purpose in view of usefulness in afte life. This draws in the spectators o the side lines and promotes interes by friendly rivalry. (2) Or•ganizatio of activities on the basis of athleti sports, rather than on gymnati basis, giving games to the student i normal physically; if not, remedia gymnatics until fit. It is necessar to have a wide range of sports games, and physical activities, and plan to encourage more general par- ticipation in them. (3) Exercise tak- en•systematically and at regular in- tervals. (4) A subject with required attendance. (5) Strength test upon entering and at the end of each year, so a student may realize the benefit of systematic training. (6) Encour- agement of the type of physical exercise that a student is likely to use in after life. (7) The teaching of fundamental principals of hygienic living. (8) Increase of facilities for outdoor sports in winter and summer. In the past years athletics at the O. A. C. have been carried on without hese advantages and, in spite of cat difficulties, we have been Nandi- pped primarily in not having an athletic field, and necessary funds for equipment which is essential for exe- cuting an effective program; this is our greatest need and will be a Linderance to our progressive pro- gram for this year. It is our great desire that it will not be long before we benefit by both. The whole student body had a meeting before final examinations on the thirtieth of last " March for the purpose of discussing and voting on the new program for the coming year which was outlined by our athletic executive. Professors Blackwood, Toole, and Crowe, and Dr. Creelman poi i -d out to the students and fac- ulty the great need of such a program and their duty in regard to athletics and themselves. After a discussion, each cause of this program was voted onand passed unanimously by the whole student body. The following is a brief outline of the Athletic Program for the coming year:— (1) Students who have had pre- vious training -to act as leaders in the different branches of sports—to coach M boxing, wrestling, aquatics, and track and instruct in athletic games. (2) Promote a fuller program of i^_ter-year athletics by having sche- dules in more branches of sports. Inter -year competitions in the follow- ing sports: . Rugby, soccer, play '' •^,'round ball, push ball, volley ball, outdoor basket ball, boxing and m wrest] ing, track, ass athletic •meets, cross country ruirs,..tng of war, ten • iris and aquatics.. •. (3) For those students who do not take part in thcsa sports, two com- pulsory periods a week will be given in which they Will be instructed in athletic games, lfleld and indoor events, swimming, boxing and wrestling. In order to promote this program, we had to enlarge on .our Athletic Council which Ras composed of the sports managers, picked from the faculty, and the Athletic Executive. To this we added a Leaders Corp and Managers of:inter-year sports picked tronathe students. The Leaders Corp is made' up of directors of sports (one tor each . sport) and their leaders. The inter -year managers (one for each sport) have charge of the coaching and managing Of their teams and are responsible to thein year repteeeee0tve who is a member of the eiteeutiee. ' By such an orgenizatiee Re reel confident of tselaig 1i 8uf' piegeten sucoessiull'', which' means every •stu- dent will take art is come branch of athletic.. Those students, who Come under clauses /3) of our .pre,, grans, will be given special instrec- dee by our Leaders Corp rni( will501 greatly benefit themselv,s `and the College. In this WAY °�.e'` ,ill be able. to reach the stud le on the side linen. Stiggostlons •u"ega)•cling athletics in ural eeeennueity centres will be pre-, ; d 1 a Inture ;testicle:--,ic. e h- r - d y d al a y w 8 t e a r t r n t n c c f 1 y a t�f0»t*N�11� s 11••••H►►•••••• •••�•w•�r••• ••••••••.....+►s♦ �► Autos and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, • •AND SUPPLIES, ANI) CATV ;SAVE YOLJ MONEY ON THESN • f:,;rr,,. VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES • `i AT ONLY .. ,,: $8,50 TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY . : GOOD RUBBER CASE BAT'T'ERIES ��A I` •. ... $1.40 • 1 SECOND HAND 1 H. P. GAS ENGINES15.Op • VERY CHEAP 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. t ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. • • i • WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING • RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. •• 1 WE ARE ftEADQUARTI]RS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND • CARRY JUST THE KIND O8 MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE : ▪ YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE FOR YOUR MONEY • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND PITTIPZGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR o PUMPS, i , r o Tires, Tt ,es, Cas, Oils slid Creases IFARM IMPLEMENTS AND • • 1 -71 P117 • ,�.,,. Zurich • L. A.gang - • •••••1••aeo•••+a4+•.oeo• 1 s® 4400♦ 400004•0A4440•44•••••• 4 • • • • • • • 1 Auto Tops, BuggyTops Wagon Repairing Painting Eto' Seccnd Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH geese tsstoRR lit'+++++++++++++++F3•+33+++.34 ,; ++++++4444447444 ++++++41 ..j++41 N W• Is a good time to have that inside Work Done + • 4' NEW FLOORS, BUILT IN I'IXTURES"OR OTHER AIITEEAT- + IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU MANY 4' PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE + ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVE ENTOR NEW BUILD- ;moi INGS. + WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF GYPROC, AND ROOTING ON HAND ; i ; •- , F. C. PHONE (9 FLEW - ZURICH • •t•:1iei+• t++++•++444.444+4,+•+ •••++ •+++4•444+•+ ��V`�+1iWWk1Y�yYYtY�:h"d'.��idih'�h'6'k'h�'VWVLLMd6`tiVY� Zurich Drug Store Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing" ' tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence . Cards, Greeting Cards and Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Cream, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. rise, SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAK'S.' AND FILIMS • r nno n- Zttrichr. A, J. 1V�aci O