HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-09, Page 1Vol,XXVIII No30 ZURICH, THURSDAY MOR Build up your own Community Our motto is "full ialice'.3 In radio and service; Our stock of Kolster radio and oar complete fine of radia accessories repre-c seats the '"most for your - money" in town. Come In and have a Moister demonstration. No ohne; gation. OIs t re Radio ELME OESCH • NOTICE A COMEDY PLAY Consisting of three Acta ,.entitled "SAFETY FIRST" Will be given by the Young people • tof St. Peter's Lutheran Church, in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH on (FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 10th'; - At 8 o'clock, cpm;. Procure your Ticket's, early. Last gear the Hall was all sold out. prierReserved (Seats 35 cents, the Three Act Comedy Play en- at T. L. Wnrms Store. Don't n:iSa this interesting and laughable Comedy. ages' and notes,' When this Branch was first op- ened in 1908 by the former Molsons Bank it was located on Victoria, Street in the premises. now used by Chas. Fritz as a garage. TWO; years later, in its desire to improve its location; and render to the pub li, better service, the•Bank moved into the Merner Block and con- tinued to do business there until, 1924, when the building was de- stroyed by fire. . On the night of February 28th. During the fol- lowing (summer, the present sub- stantial, notedbrick building was erected, We, think 'a short history of the Bank of Montreal would be of in- terest to their many patrons. O.n 23rd, June 1817, nine merchants of the City of Montreal) formed an ft INC, FEBRUARY 9 I9 28 Cheater Eli emttti, P* • :Yoar to oiler: ✓p1.60 IN ARREARS, 42 MAX AN USAREINM buying Goods in the home town $14.00 BUYS A REGINA Mr. Herb. Mouseeau was on a business trip to London on Mon- day, Mr. and Mrs. R, F Stade and -gni Harold, were Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr. W. H Pfile (of Hensall was a Monday visitor at the house of Mrs. P. Pfile, Hay Council met on Monday af- association, known then as the ternoon for the February meeting. Montreal Bank" From this small `The Council, minutes will appear beginning, .:one hundred and Ten th next week's Herald, years ago, has developed one of, Montreal largest and strongest institute" Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Heist of Bank of Montreal dons in the British Empire. It Crediton were Thursday visitors at also €,tablished the beginning of; the home of Mr. and. Mrs. R. G. In reviewing our records, we the Canadian Banking System. Hess notice that 'the Local Branch of the To realize the condition which- Mr. Samuel Birk, who has been Bank of Montreal, will complete prevailed when the Bank fust, rikit�ng with relatives here for a the twentieth year in Zurich on brought organieerl financing; bathe' fen weeks, left for his home in February 14th. We should indeed relief of that early generation of North Dakota. be proud of having such ,a large Canadian.busuess men, it is nee- o ; restitution doing business in our essary to< delve: deeply into' the: Ex -Mayor, Chas. Greb of };it community and furthermore should-"cf the country. chener is in town a few day's this The only organized portign of•i weer., attending the funeral of his what what is now the Doininion of Can -'departed mother. ada were the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada and the Mar -The many friends of Mrs, (Rev.) (time Provinces. The whole-popu- L E B. Meyer of Dashwood, will be that •she her illness. n3talleri Safety Deposit Boxes iness centre,,.less than 20;000. The' Last'; Thursday evening a fare - far the -see of tie customers, so dev.elopenient 'of trade and agree well supper wasgiven to , Re v. they na longer need worry over uiture was hampered by lack of Rembe and family by church eo- the safety of heir Bonds, mor't r facilities for exchange. The uncilman Mr.Loais and 1 M. Weber o a c - co.untry, was too poor to.4alfo '. foal rve�l ay p�asr g raea, a,con '' liz_Yuary . &r a metallic circulation •cert, medium, and not only American, r ®•0•q•0:•L••oW'00006 6••000•011060•0•A•6•4►•60®•N • British and French but also Port -1 Don't neglect attending the sho•\V our appreciation by patron- izing it to• the fullest extent. It. is hereto take care of your money and allow interest at the highest current rate., During the past week it has lotion was less than 400,0002 and ('indeed: -please to I that of Montreal : the clue; bus- is recovering frons 1 S Semi - Annual • ugue se and Spanish coins 'wereI_Concert, "Safety First" put on by • legal tender and the ratios of ex-' the Young People of the Lutheran g change.into colonial money - • of i Church, this Friday evening in the • account were •subject to frequent ! town Hall. If you want a good • varations. As a consequence, I laugh, come. e ;domestic trade way. cr 'i'ied on The funeral of the late Mrs.• .principally by, batter and �ex- ®O h change and international tradewas Mary Greb, is being held this • on a very uncertain basis. Wednesday afternoon to the ILuth- • Su^were the conditions when eran- cemetery, Zurich. She pas - •1 1 • ess on November 17th, 1817, in evening, aged fs9 years, 2 months o • a very ! and 14 days. the I- ant of Montreal began busin- sed away a1 Kitchener or.. un c ay 19 Size, 15 Jewel, Beautifully: Cased. Let us show you this Watch for REAL VALUE. A Gu- arrantee •accompanies every • Re - Hess, The Jeweller gay the Best COAII & HUDSON' D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY,, . SOFT COALy MILLER'S CRFI:H Arriving. A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD IS- LAND GRADE A, WHITE '- ATOES. e- ., ._ C"°✓ ara.teio HENSAl•.1.. O Te Phones—Office lOw. House • t•o•••••••••••.a••ti0•s•a•fl F04*m a 044.41 400•rOA;i•4•il 4,fii } `' • • • • • 9 9 • • • • • 9_ v 0 • • • 4 •• • • BPpGAINS BARG-AINS a shipment of waterproof Robes which I am retailingfar be- low Catalogue prices, get yours at Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL z U to O•040i+1•o.P•Oo.C1•D8+i4eee �e*•eee<►e eeef ***004Vei �e ,C Friday • modest renter p,ermmes. In . ,O : short time this institution became, • the fatal point of the business of . We havebeen advised that Z Fa -' Giving the colony(. It proved a mFd- Masers. Clayton anclClarence )lot-; or I6 Days of Value 0 sum of exchange, such as have finale who are staying at the Y. <q or -�along' M, - C. A. Gait, are hating a r cry W a .r }1 der wandered .in the •."Y,''`vho -r'..$.tu' .t V been lacking, a, u,.�.. •- ® the early enterprises of the coli pleasant -week's vacation, as . re A THIS IS BY FAR 'AWE: GREATEST , PRICE -l! DUCII;ON- • ii • •' entry; and straightened out the 3' g had an infection of smallpox, hence SALE EVER PUT ON. 'EVERY BOOT INCUR. STOCK WILL ® all the other boarders are quaran- R ITA, BE SOLD AT BARGAIN PRICES. • • = u t b be tined for ten days. n • • .difficulties of interprovincial and ii eenational trading. Everywhere as conditions- camesu,taleethe Bank has opencel branches, to facilitate the - ag'rir- utaral deve;opeinent of the coun- tryto see his shadow, and if he does and its. general commerce.a weeks • . Il ''•h � .it nicely this year, hundred brandies distributed thr- + onghout Canada and Newfound and whether he sees it cor not,we lana; while its paid up capital and would advice him to go back for reserve represents a total in ex-, that time anyway. cess of ,60,N'0,000. And.. its _assets The Ladies Aid os the Lutheran amount to over ' $'180,000,000. Thi, church bad a successful quilting is the, security it offers and the bee on Tuesday last at which three facilities it has furnished its pat- rons. The Branches of the sBanlc quilts were almost soirpleted. A of Montreal are distributed h lovely lunch was also served in cit: es, towns, villages and mining the afternoon consisting of Sand - tamps. ` Eeeryrvliere in Canada it; cliches, cakes, pop corn and is a factor in the life .of the coin-' candy which was greatly apprec- munity. Today, notwithstanding sated by those who worked so hard • its inflnent,al connection, is is es- Misses Lill?an Rader incl Gertrude ASohilbe sang a nice drtette which srntsally a Bank of the people, a was enjoyed by all present and all Bank where; small accounts areal- ways of the ladies report in having had ways a. eleome, a Bank to which a 'good time. all classes, can co•nze' with confi dense in the security of deposits The Ladies Aid and W. M. S, erefacility1 the. Evangelical church, met at els'.ant •tiv'tt'1 soli icl btinlon,; Nu.l be the hoine of Mrs. , na• Hess on 7.huraay last for il5eti COME IN AND SEE TUE BARGAIN TABLES AND RACKS FULL OF BARGAINS • • Thursday last was Candlemasa the day when the bear conies out H H a I To clay the Bank has over saw hack he goes for st:. mere , SEEL OUR WINDOW DISPLAY . rye a sax r 'PA i-NG Brown's Boot Shop > > A ; "O W O loosoommeoot000kososoosocosoc00000ssoaceifeesoet00000000li 1141•41.444•414044440.4414.4>A000•••***V15 •4••• • - E BARG ON I OVERCOATS MACK. , SWEATERS < - ETC.. '. ETC.. �J.IT1S g�t1: • entrusted to its care and wrththe UE EA p assurance that every • regular t OAR L�.LLS e serviced to those who peel: its' monthly meeting. 'There was an. °� �ser'riceti�. gram was .,given by Convenors, Gascho and Mrs, S. Wit- mer, aft;r which the President, Mrs. W. Y, Dreier took the chair to conduct the business.. A light luncheon was then 'served by the executive and a coleect'on was taken up tor the Contingent fund. Sunday February 5th, the Amaral Day of Prayer for 'Miss- ions eves observedand a ,special. sersiee was conducted in the ev- ening with .a large number. (pres- ent pre sent " The W. M, S. bceupied thy: centro froot seats of the Church, nn-' assisted in the program in different ways. A self -Denial and • 4 ,These two, messages are dedicated DRY of Prayer offering was taken 1r to' the Vathe•is. Don't m•i'es one up • aiitoenting to','115.50, which ie r being given towards the work in „� Beta 91,i. 5t., Dreier, Pater040,0,0404f Attica, nttendan.ce of 40. A good pro- II In in the tore at In,� fact ��e�.y����.g •A ars 'I •1►, K t ASCNO'# alarm .i lReduced Prices l Get obuy our prices before ,'�`u• elsewhere! eOP1 10,00 a171. Worship ,Subject --That Father. l.i .in—Libre School;. •s :7f, E. Gaaclic>, Superintendent gi vangelical Church Noes ZURICH ONT; diuesday eve,, 7 pen -Jr. League Thursday 7,30 pain. Prayer anti. Praise - 7-.13,0 p.m.—Worship Tib ret --That Vather '.fit. II, re r'd`el. tri ee Five Good Used. Cars -for SALE 1927—Ford Coach, Baloon Tires and in perfect condition. 1926—Ford Coupe, Baloon Tires, lots of Extras, Speedometer, Automatic Wiper, Water pump, bumpers, heater, and spat Light, 1925—Ford Coach including two• bumpers, automatic wiper, Heater and Baloon Tires 1922 Ford Coupe leaded with extras, and in perfect condition New Tires. 1925 --Ford Coupe, baloon Tires, Heater and Shock absorber.. THESE CARS ARE IN PERFECT RUNNING CONDITION - ASIC FOR DEMONSTRATION. TERMS 0. FRITZ &•SON SHOE MERCHANTS THE SHOE STORE WITH THE STOCK. ,e "t tzf O AGENTS for the New Ford CAR And TRACTORS tee Bargains Bargai -is In order to reduce our Stock we are putting on a two weeks sale of all lines of Dry Goods snch as: NNEirETTES FLANNELS PRII�•TS FLA , , , GTNGIIAMS, MAg, -, 1NAW FLANNEL, SERGES, SILKS AND COTTONS, MEWS • AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, TOP SHIRTS la 1W D ed Is n. a WINDBREAKERS, LADIES, GILLS' AND CHILDREN'S .?',hi-• 'es DFRWEAR, SWEATERS, STOCKINGS, MITTS, GLOVES, OTC. .•ect. It Shoes and Rubbers, Dishes, Hardware,, Harness Repan(, exes's 1p; thing will go at Gre!attsr Retiuced Prices. Sale Oatutintintea ne the pre aid 'able JANUARY 14th, and ENDS -ON a'ANUA RY tb COME AND SECURE SOME. BARGAINS WHILE T°7IBT L je"HoNE ,1121E-N.a9R; argfiaeonAke • SLAKE • Ila.wti'pl.ry"'�4"".�mi� lllolu