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Zurich Herald, 1928-02-02, Page 5
' f1 i!p7El CD$ 1)17DLET E. If °Isms aISTEa„ SOLICITOR, Niki- , IARY pumice, • ETO. . OFFICiIy--Haltsilton Street, Jttat oft FOR SALE begs &Mare,. GODERICH, Ontario; Desirable building Ltit In Zur- •!',:pedal attention to Counsel and .,;ch, being w -et. of 49 and e-hf of . Court Work. Lot 53, Mary. Street; for quick elle Hlmas array be consulted at it will be sold for $75.04. ' Apply Podertieli by Phone, and Phone to W. H. I?file;. Henleall,. . charges reversed. . YOUrt Wants, For Sale; lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ade - lee Tuts COL1itIN . Dr. IL IL. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D. B. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ . RLOCK—ZURICR Very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HAETLEIWS BLOCK, DASH.WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FOR SALE , Heating Stoir't ' ' ''Fur i eette,' used only a month. Will :cell for ,$10.00 less than coat of new: CieeriPeKoehler. FOR SALE Top Buggy in good condition. also a good 13-spring..tooth culti- vator. Milne Rader, 14th con. LOST In Zurich on Jan. 13th .a five MUTUAL dollar bill. Finder please return �l V 1 V AL LIF •j'•,' to Walter Miller, 13th con. FOUND COMPLSre PROTECTION A men's watch, in Zurich. Owner can ..have same by proving prop - LIBERAL DIVIDENDS erty and paying for this adv. eo FRS$ Local Agent John Gellman, Jr. The Imperial -Life TIRES TIRES CHEAP SALE on all tires while Assurance Co. of Canada the car roads are closed we would advise all motorists to put in their HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO supply, and get ready when we -will again enjoy better Road;a. E. E. Wuerth—Agent I'New 80x3;¢ tires for $7.00, while tires Phone 11-81 1 they last. Act quick. L. A. !Prang, Firestone and Dunlop De - Guarantee and Accident .Insurance.) ales,, Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCARLOPP FOUND _ 'A Ladies Muff, between Zurich and the Bronson Line: Owner can have same at the Herald. Of Graduate Carey. M. Jolie Nat- fide by calling :and paying c :for nin School of Auctioneering. Try this adv' use .for Registered Live Stock, all Breed's). Terms in` keeping • erith prevailing pricer.; C1eice Farina for sale. Will ee1l anything .Anywhere. • Phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX , & _POSITION .T,O CON-_ :-duct any auction,"' Vie•, regard s` err .t9 !size or article . to well.. ; I trolieit your busyness, and if not satisfied will make iib `charges ter Services. • Arthur Weber - Da'shWeed. ; IP/sone 1.3-57 1110411611141•404111100414114104611140414114141111011 Zurich' Meat MARKET, • 1 Fresh and Salt Meats I Bologna Sausages, etc • tiighst Cash Price for Wont CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungblut & • Deichert • N•fpMNfaNffleiSSSS$S L I VE :P O U. LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3se'eloCkeene. lOo not toed Fowl isarn& morning when breugdit in: Highest Cash Prices -.CASH FOR - Cream and Eggs 1 , W. O'Brien phone 91 1 Zurich Headquarters FOR orpjlEs tES *ANTED' MAID WANTED for Family of two. Good wages paid. Ref- erence; .required. , , Addiyss Bos 393 Goderic,h, Ont. FOR SALE`. Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound 'Wags •ate 4ec. per pound. Peed a handful a day, ,Keep thee Yet.. away,.•; Freda • C Jalbfleisch, Zurich , NOTICE. My accounts are now ready for such parties who - owe nee, •and would 'appreciate a call. very, r..uch. .V V. Siebert. NOTICE. We carry a complete line of Poultry supplies ► Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, Bone Meal,, Laying; Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Phone 4T J, Exeter, Ont. COAL 1928 WE' ARE SOLE AGENTS VOR GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft , Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND' TELEPHONE , YOUR ORDERS EARLY NO Y 'Case & Son PHONE 35 -+ HENSALL BORN ?5. Weber --At Bronson Line, Ray Tp. ea January 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weber, a daughter An Zurich, Z ch Angel -At i , on January 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Angel a Son . Munn -At 2nd Con. Hay Township, on January 24th, to 'Mr, and Mrs, how cher stills od(11 as there .1S i" Why tl Co Robert Munn, ,a 6dll, sw'plue on hand of $,345,119 in the Thumping, cough, unthriftiness Rawcliffe -At Ned Con. Ray and dins ter a disturbances in pigs PP* Bonds; $309.90 of unpaid steles- trona bins torstx weeks old are usual - "Est Id Mr and gee e 'r a d 1930•00000 t d Mr. and ;Mrs H, `;r:1.. Heap WOr Sundae' visitors at creditoitr Mr, Harty' Angel made •a build; ines�& trip ,to Sarnia :04,, Tuesday: 14Ir, Kenneth •Routledge of Dee troit is visiting at his. Wine here, Mrs, ,T. L. Willieniis wen': a vis- «tor with friends at Ilensall dor a few days last week, Mr. Fred,-Yungbint of McGaw near •93lyth, is visiting' with. hie nephew, Mr. 'Harry Yungblut. Mr. Emanuel, Koehler, who hes been .visiting et the home. of ,Mr. and Mrs. Well. Johnston for serine: time, left for Detroit. illeelfre E. F. Klopp, was , at Goderieh the past week where he attended the January meeting .of the Huron County Council. Mr. George Yungbiut of Auburn visited the past week, with • his brother,' Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yung- blut of town. Mr; Albert Smith, of Crosswelt, Mich., was a week -end visitorat 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. U'i3rein Miss Ida Brill, who has been visiting with relatives and friends et Kitchener, Waterloo and New Hamburg, for several weeks, has returned to her home here 'Mr. T. L. Wurrn, General Mar- chant wishes to •advise thepublie that he has decided to continue on for a: time, his Great Stock Red- uction Sale. Wille the parties who loaned our wire \and fence stretchers; kindly. return them at once, as the- season for these art:c'es, will soon be.here again and we like to have them -Johnston 'Sr Kalbflei ich. Mr. John Weido was a visitor to Exeter last'Friday, where he !visited with 'his son-in-law, •Mrd. George Smith, who is i11, and al- so called on Mr. Jos, Meidingee of that 'place Mrs. C. Fritz and son Wail returned on. Monday from a week's trip. to S4 indsoi, Detroit, Toledo, and Bad " Axe, :Mich., they returned by motor; Ward having purchased a Ford Two -door in Windsor. 'Mr. Henry 'Eliber, of terediton Manager of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was in the village on Monday and took charge Uf the annual 'meeting. The .Zncicb Jubilee Band 'are putting on another public dance; on {Friday=eeenirig of this week; and are assuring the lovers -atelier kind 'Of amusement' a : real even ing's entertainment.. During thel first :part 'tali ;the program, , the Band will entertain those present with. 'an hour .of choice . Bands, Music,. Ytau are invited. A rather vivid and exciting game of hockey. was staged on the local rink on "Tuesday even- ing, when the fast Iensall ag- gregation was out and crossed sti_ks w:t,1. our bo3;ls, Ed. Gascho for Zurich gave a good account of himself and was the !star player of the evening. The home team cane out on top .of thsi scoring. The past week the weatherman has settled down to considerable more seasonable weather, On Monday morning we witnessed a real cold snap with the mercury down to about fifteen below zero. This 'is rather unusually cold for this part of Ontario, and - was just a little the nippiest for this winter so .far. The -sleighs, are going nicely, and there are ;also a few 'autos seen out. Mr. and Mrs. George Becker of Dashwood"mast• royally enter- tained last Wednesday evening, the: officials of the Zurich Agric- ultural Society, to a fowl supper, and the evening was spent to their host heart's delight in various ways of, aniu�senient. The boys all report a most `splendid time. Mr. Geo. Hy. Pfile of Dashwood is visiting a few days at the home of Mrs.Lydia Pfile. 'The 'annual meeting of the Hay Township Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was. hold in the )Town Hall, Ziiri.cl, on Monday afternoon,„,with a :large number of pelicyhdltllers present,. which goes to Slow -that they are taking an interest in' the welfare of the Company. ' . The treasurer's financial report shows that the losses fdr the past year wero the heaviest ever experien- ced, the total losses being $19,713.51 'of which $11,417. was paid for losses of unknown origin. The year closed with 2042 pilicies ,in force insuring property to the a- mount of $7,742,0.15.00, and the 'fiti- ancial standing of the Company 1t 4 ' * 1 Ltfl i ON T$il FARM $!WS lUgg'eNteii Itelnedies,sad"Hint• . to the needling of liege -Why ' learigs Ciseghe CCs trfbuted,by entire) DApprtment of A • Autos and Auto Supplies. . WE C.&ERY 'w COMPLETE LINE of A17To Act+'1 SSO2tZrea"i,, • AND .SUPPLIES AND C,AN..SAVE YOU MQN,SY ON T iESS • • • VARIQTTS LINTS Rrlcultura, Toronto.) •: CORD TIRES 30x3 AT QNLY .•._ PPPPPP.,. PPPPPP .. .... ...... $860 Accidents will happen on the farm i TUBES 30x1] A.T.ONLY $1,4e r.. r PPPPPP,.. . ...r.. ... and it is well to be prepared to give • GOOD RUBBER CASE BAT'T'ERIES AT ,$10.00 first aid to the victim of the .aceid.ent,• 1 SECOND HAND le H. P. GAS ENGINE VEIL Y CHH AP. While waiting to secure professional f1. FORD TOURING CARS help: Nail wenn • 1 FORD ROADSTER CAit. calks,, barb wire • 1 GOOD TRAILER. cuts, injuries from runaways; injuries from ceming in contact with tools and machines or any other Jury where the skin is broken sho receive treatment at one, that animal may not suffer. Some pe farm + ABOVE CARS 'ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, in= • WE DO EXPERT BATTERY Wr uld • WORK ON REPAIRING AND ♦ RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. . the • , epic . .[FARM IMPLEIVI.ENTS Still apply turpentine to wounds animals,.. doing more injury t good, since it weakens and devital the tissues and retards healing r er than promoting it. Others large volumes of antiseptic solut in Water to bath the wound, this also of ft WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARIVI IMPLEMENTS AND han • CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE 41 izes • YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICe FOR YOUR MONS Y nth a PUMPS; PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR use • Ion PUMPS.•• e • • • • • •• 3+4•••••••••••••we,o••••••• weakens the tissue and removes protective serum that nature Supp for the repair ,of the injury, should not be used other than d Ing the first cleansing should s be necessary. The application tincture of iodine to the wound of removing the dirt and loose tissue is the best practice. The application of tincture of iodine will destroy any of the common bacteria that may gain access to the wound, it stimu- lates healing and tends to stop minor hemorrhage. In nail and calk wounds there is no agent that will give better re- sults than iodine. Keep the injury clean. If there is hemorrhage, soak clean sterile absorbent cotton with iodine, apply over the wound and bandage. Early attention to wounds will save your horse much needless suffering, and make it easier for the veterinarian to complete the treat- ment. Don't be afraid to pour on the tincture of iodine. Keep your fingers off the wound, and see that everything that touches it is sterile. A supply of iodize and absorbent cot- ton should be.at hand on every farm where live stock is part of the farm equipment,—L. Stevenson, 0. A. C. Tires, Tees, Gas Oils and greases the , lies • . 80 ur- uch ••••••eeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeet eel of ter L. A. Frang Zurich Keep the' Pigs Cool.. The pig, that is comfortable all the thine, is a profit maker. The pig that is uncomfortable from any cause, particularly overheating will not do well. Gains in weight cannot be made while he is using up energy looking for comfort. Pigs kept in open lots with no shelter from the., hot sun other than' that afforded by the fence, cannot make the same gains as are made by pigs:that enjoy the .shelter of trees or a sunshade. A ,sunshade can be easily made by set- ting four fence posts in a square eight feet, apart on each side, to sup- port a roof frame of 2 x 4 or 2 x6, which ;s covered over with hay, .straw or boards. Hay or straw roof- ing is .cooler than boards. Deist can be kept down by the use of oil or stock dip. Give the pig comfort or .he will sweat, walk and squeal. There iia no profit in such actions, ' and yqu -won't get three cents out of every pound of grain that he eats if you let ?him do it. The sunshade will help. ---L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, 1.0. A. College. Cutting Down Farm Expenses. The farmer must meet his own problems to .a masterful way. Fail- ing to do so, all efforts by the De- partment of Agriculture in his behalf will avail no progress. To keep up the desired standard of living on On- tario farms the labor income must be increased. . Should the farm be earn- ing all that it can, then the possibil- ity of increased income must come from saving effected on operating. Can feed bills be eliminated by grow- ing better feeds on the farm? Some Ontario farmers have done so. Can waste of labor, stable spade, and feeds be avoided by getting rid of poor pro- ducer cows? Many Ontario farriers have done so, and now use the ma- clrine wherever possible. They also plan their work so that they are al- ways busy themselves and everything Is done in its proper time. Every dollar saved in operations, is a dollar added teethe labor income. Minerals for Swine. 1 part common salt. they are to develop a bony fralne- work and snake the best use of the feeds given. Minerals are necessary at all times, winter and summer, in- tloore and but, on pasture or in the The following• °mixture has given good results, .ill ' ingredients by weight: le parts, wood. ashes 10 parts ground •limestone 10 parts acid phosphate 1 part common salt. Pigs should have access to such a mixture and also to rock salt. Tlie blood of a normal pig contains nearly one per cent. of salt, this supply must be kept Up and the man that carries the feed to the pig Is the one to do lt. the Pigs Cough'. ,:. „auaary Y0 ,,.., 01.111. a�.,..,«,.�,..<.�^_ : . lives 0 1.ri ly symptolni of the presence of lulls Oliver E 'cti'£ter•a 1 merit ulipeid and the resic3i4 1 .f. worms,. 'i'reatment of tate aP#ected premium notes amounts to $2021,- once is of.littie•value. Iff,he number 95,44 .. alzing� the fatal esuets to of escartde present in the lung is ,1...:-.. i.1.« <tca.....A....viii.. Ninon turn nn be $2`85,950,&3 rod iia liabititiea ". e y A - Three Motors' terns of office had his toed If the numbers are limiteyu ee Alred, namely J. A, .Manson, Win, the pig 'mat outgrow the malary- Cdonsitt, and Christian Stade; the pe clo aeIngstualttion coupled p with pad- two former ones wore re-elected per alesineitig of the sow prior to fare terrine •ilsetihely prevents elle and Mr., Win. Switzer of ,Shipka, thump, candido eiliseil by the a� elected in was Mr. Stade's • phase. At the executive meeting alter the minuet meeting, Mr. Wni. 1.k. ,Elliott -a•a elected president, and Mr, J. P, ' ;ttu, View -;pi esi dont, Canada hexes the prize for beat RB wheat thus year, 'after having held rr le f urtee*years out of eixteen.The D�j pile& .went ;to a Montana grower.; Y•4 � 5 Laet yeer's wietter was on hand with a fine sample, weighng a * >reu*rl more to the bushel than the 11. 1. intoProp win leg' Kemple; bat the jurYgine th ;', e; smaell asorme eneveceg euglyy���tty��y 'yth lighter grain WeeIilore, 44.t yearlg worms; in the Tung% kne broil - of the little sig. -L. St$Y ,L,9. sea', bept, l%`attersiosi, ©. gtlleg, i 22+� # in J to y •, 11.. ltitl 4e l 11 lo ._ - >� nets� f+.� i Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Eto' Seccnd Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 4. +++44444444++•+++•++++++++ • .. ;. -4,.+++,11411+10+0,414+++++.41 • Is aood time to -have g that inside Work Done + • NEW FLOORS, BUILT IN FIXTURES OR. OTHER ALTERAT- 4. IONS. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU:. MANY + PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS AND ESTIMATE COSTS- CLO'LY + ON ANY CONTEMPLATED IMPROVEMENT ORNEW BUILD)- INGS. + WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY OF GYPROC, AND R0XJIi'INCF 4.+ ON HAND NOW F. 'Cr.1P. PHONE 60 + ++''++++a.++++++++++++.++++ �\ 1.5 L FLEJSC mamrimmemiwmwammwu 1 Zurich Drug Store Stationery We 'Specialize in fine Stationery and have:writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor - f: resprndence • Cards, Greeting rtes tw- Cards and Birthday Cards. eR x Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams,. Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS We also have a large Stock of bulk. KODAI ,S AND FILIMS Dr. A, JMa�Kinnon, Zurich