HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-02, Page 4E fi. EANA BANK OP MONTRAL bb !f OKN 4. of le*t7)‘. FOUNDED beforeCanada had any currency of its own, the Bank of Montreal early obtained authorization from the Government to is- sue copper tokens for small change. 7+><jRICII HARALD • .,.. ..—ing-.�.+-.. .. ` •'� � � ^T� 1!$t Reproduced herewith are the two sides of the "Bouquet" token, one of the earliest coins issued by the Bank. The inter- mingling of the rose, shamrock and thistle indicates the three branches of the British people—the English, Scotch and Irish --while the use of English on one side of the coin and French on the - other is significant of the mingling of the two races in this country. "Trade and Agriculture" indicates the early connection of the Bank with both urban and prat Iife in Canada. Throughout its long history the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving the financial needs of all the people. BANK OF MONTREAL Established i$1? Total Assets in excess of $830,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. tai Westinghouse Batteryless Radio .'' ' VDU HAVE NOT HEARD TI31S NEW (LOW PITCH) RECEIV- 41, AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL Ulf/ 1 i 1 1 ' ( IE AND MAR IT AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SCHOOL REPORT - No, 4, Hay forJanuary, prtweiit 124, Verlytt :1rsl tot. Er. IV-NapstrIe m Geroln,ettc 199 00.6114 178, i I 1 . s 1. Sr. III—Olevia Masse 201,, Mitten McAdaia;s 177. Jr. III—Emmerson Erb 213, Del i Smith:, 163, Laura Masao 137, Nor - naafi Il•erornette 134 Sr. II`—Allee Ei b. iso, Dorothy 1f, C�ortriiae Thiel 142. Jrt4°. • I� Nentiis AT;��sey 1� e,,w �l'7t.e�'. rip i6, -..r 7been.h;,stzsitin ,I ate Seaforth,�.:3041,4i ;ltcr 1 T, k, r2., WypT� ht Ja "'1 .($ r .�•.,;.�`tey�i, rets S' Astmeez' - erald fi ay a •15,t,. tlrned to °her. 40n Wesley wheret; titre netts Masse 1111, intends spending• a feu week . Jr. Primer--Claft e• ta}eiget: , . 1.56, fdoyd Davis of Toronto, vl�ii.ted *Grace Qetweli 25, • : with his mother Mrs: Davis and Average attendance -1 ;7 sisters, Mrs, Hetnphill. Teacher Lylyaia' .Martin,• The many friends of John Berry are pleased to see him out tgain after his recent illness. The Hensall Mfg, Co,, are'mav- ingr down to the first 'floor betwe- en the butcher shop and Wren's shop, and are ready to ,take on more help. ' The Horticultural Society met in the hall Friday afternoon last,, to elect new officers for the year as follows—Hon. Pres, N, Peck; Press. Miss. C, A; MacDonnell; i t Vise, PPres,, Di.., •Moir;; 2nd, Vice, .F. Hess; Sec. Treas., • Mrs. John Elder; Assist See. Treas, Mists M. Johnson. Mrs. S, Merner and Mrs J. Elder were appointed delegates to attend the annual convention i in Toronto on Feb. 9th: The death occured in Toronto, on. Jan. 12, of Mrs. Mary b1,acAlph Alphipe; formerly Mary MacEwen, who was born in Lanark (co on Aug. 5, 1840, being. a ,daughter of of Duncan McEwen, who came to Canada from Scotland. • In 1857 Mrs. MacAlphin moved with her `parents to the Township of Hay her Lather having purchased a block of land containing 600 ,acres, immediately south of Hense li, Later 'she lived with her mother in Exeter, her husband died in 1904. The Annual Meeting of the S. 'Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial Hotel on Friday afternoon last, and the fol- lowing is the result ofe the elect- ion ;—Pres. W.. D. Sanders, of Ex- eter; 1st -vice, Dr. Campbell, 2nd. vice,M. Clark, It was decided 'that the seed show would ,be held on Feb. 28th and the, spring show on April 10th. The prize .list will be increased this year and mulch better prizes given. DA WO D, Mr. Samuel Birk of ,,North Da•, iuiairtg it{ F1 :brothel', Mr, Adana and other, relatives Messrs. Geo. Monier and .T,'Ziler. spent Friday )n London . = ,Mr. and Mrs... George Becker en- tertained a number of their !rt. - ends on Thursday evening, Mr. and Mips. Fly."Rad#r, i41r:. Eerb. Wein and Me. Louis'' Rad- er motored to Detroit on Monday, owing to the serious condition o;' Mr. Allen Bills, who was injured. in ' anautomobile accident Mr. G. Hy. Pfzle is. visiting fri- ends at Zurich: i LATE LOUIS SMITH. The death took place on.' Tues- day, January 31st of. ' Louisa Smith • at the age of 50 years, 6..m:onthts and 11 days The •'deceaaed has been ailing several months, :Offer- ing from. dropsy. He pavea tea mourn his loss, 2 sisters and one brother, the funeral was held on Thursday afternoon to the; •Lith- eran Ceinetery, Rev. W. Nessa Of- ficiating. DRYSDALE. Mr. Henry ..Rau who has;>been. on the sick list IS reported 'as do- ino nicely, Miss Gibbons, who has been con- fined to her home•for sone weeks, has returned to resume herNpasit- ion as school teae'rer of the Stan ley Separate school Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Beck,. of St. Claire are spending some 'tr,nie with the lattter's mother, Mrs. Ed. Denon;me. Mr. _Willard Ducharrne 'and sits- ter, 1VIisa Anabel have retirned. from. Detroit, where they spent a few days with friends' and :relati- ves Jack .Frost has been''a real :Vis- itor and made things quite snappy. recently, . Mr. Clifford _Corriveau hes'; en- gaged with Mr. Severign Duch arme for the winter.y • A very'' enjoyable event taok place one afternoon, last week, when Mrs. Philip L. Denomme en- tertained a number of young lade' les at a birthday party in' honor of her daughter Leoiia, The':f ternoon wag spent in piaying;ga- mes while after tea the .,evening" was spent in music, and rsinging' as the • majority of the- young•^laid., les present • were musicians a ndi singers.. Miss Leona'. herself play?' ed'.many,obeautiful, seelet:ons oi5 the r The 'many•friends of -'Dr. A. B. piano, and :also wan the mecepient• .Gibson, are pleased to learn that of 'many beautiful birthday lires, he has been appointed to the Vet- ents, and 'Vi'ahes for ivaiiy returns erinary Staff of the Dominion Gov - of the day; ernment, Health of Animals Branch. HILSOREEN. Twenty - .six men were out on LS�Ga jack rabbit hunt the other day, and secured abaut eighty rabbi-ts . Russell , Love is spending a few' The annual meeting of the Ex - days in Lindon. eter Agricultural Society was held Mrs..S; Wail er'is taitrng With. the other afternoon, and the trees - her sister in Henaa11 urer's report was r eceived and Mrs. J. Hudson, Sr. and daugh showed a . deficit amounting tee- ter, Mrs. Logan and son are vis- ,bout $130.90. During the year sev- iting with Mr. and Mrs, B. W. eral improvements were made to the grounds including the build- ing of a new judge's stand which partly accounted for the deficit. A suggestion was made that the Ex- eter Horticultural Society take ever the floral exhibit at the fair and hold their annual exhibit , at the ,same time.. - The death occured at ,her resi- dence on Andrew St., on Jan, 19th., of Mra. Mercy Banes, widow of: the late .Jos. Banes, after a linger-• ing illness. She vas born ,in St- ephen, south of Crediton in 1857 and was a daughter of ,Michael St ev'en's; her father being a peal. preacher of the Bible Christians. Asa Rumford of town passed CRETITTON away sudden'y the other morning Wm. Fischer ani son: Emery,( from heart disease, he was born in visited with Mrs. .Wm. Fischer in the town of Bowmenviile, and in London Hospital '( 1R76'he tuoved with his parents to Mr: and Mrs. Aaron •Wein attd Thedford where:. he grew up. He son Wilmer 'were Sundaylast via spent several .years in Guelph., in itors with Or. and Mrs;';Wes Wein the hardware business and Plumb - near Dashwood. , • frig 'afterwards molting to Thediord Mrs. Wm. Fischer was rushed -O.': Where he opened up a, bdot .;and London Hospital on Thursday last 'Shoe business. and operated on for acute appen• - dicitis, and is getting along Well. Don't forget the eenni'vei'saaiy services, on Sunday, Feb..5thi. Dr, C. H. Stauffacher, of Cleveland will occupy the Evangelcal pu'pit and Monday evening following -the speaker wil deliver an interesting lecture. Special touches of'niiiec throughout Elie Sunday and -Mon- day evening !services. , *�PNrAT'- Pars. T. berry, who has ,been -via itina for some time, with relatives in Windsor,- has returned home.'' Mrs, Jas. Coxworth of• Strath- i'oy, is visiting with herdaughter Mrs•. A, Scruton, Mrs: D, Shirray, has returned from Toronto, where she has be- en spending a' few weeks with -het mother who is Anna. tiemlti of Dashwood ited With Mildred MeDonell.e t Fred Berry continttea. quite po- orly at the home of his broltlrer- }n�law; Wm. Consitt, and is 'stiff- eritng muoh pain from his knee. Mra. 'Frank Mau§,aeati visited With relatives in Clinton thepast week ilcr°3. Wire, Coleman There died in Hentsall on Fri- day morning last, one of Hensall'a oldest residents in the person of •Mrs. Geo. Thompson, in her 75th year. Her maiden name wasJon- nah Stoneman, and was born on the 2nd can. Tuckers/vitt'. She spent all her life in the vicinity, was married 55 years ago to her now bereaved :husband, together with ono son Wm. of .Chicago and one daughter Mrs. Bennett, of Tor .onto; also three brothers at Cal- gary' The funeral took .place to the Hensall Union Cemetery. The services being conducted by Rev. A. Sinclair. EXETER Carlile Jas. Hagan• called in to see his mother, Mrs. Hagan recently. • Emma Love is working .at the home of Mrs. J. Workman,; of KIP - pen„ Agnes Cochrane has returnecbto Clinton, after v:s:ting her s.stel's:o.n the Parr Line. Wm. Jarro;tt made a ,business trip to Kerwood recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido,eri tertained a number of their fri- ends the other evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love • of ,Hensall, visited for a few days with Mr. Gordon Love. •- COUNTY NEWS. The black birds and crows have made their appearance at Grand Bend, but there. is no thought of isprrino as yet. W. T. Fellow, who recentlytook over the Management of the Brit- ish Exchange, hotel, Goderieh, is having the 1*flding thoroughly ov- erhauled and re -decorated„ neve' gid furniture and fixtures are bein,s- added, and some $4,000.00 will be 44 spent ,on improvements. 1 According to advices. from, 'Ch- icago, Miss Melinda O'Carr of Sineoe will share with seven oth- ers cousins a foutune of six midliarn dollars, estate of the late Edwin B,. Jennings of Chicago. Musts O'Carr ins an aunt of W. It Coulter of Clinton. The annual meeting of the•.lCirk ton Agrloultutal Soceiety held re- cently showed the treasurer's re - cel o for the t p past year of 0944.00 and expenditures' $1639.00, leaving a balance of $304,60. The varieties of grain selected for the field crop Who hiarij,.c ,oir; co•nipetitiorr; were wheat and jM oatai. ;x!epor nmewtaa .inkletnt '111U 1>o ei,nplayed. this. yeitr. °),ir*• while}'s bloke o}tt,early. Sun- day morning last revisited is tire total destruction • of two stow in Lin, and, damage toi two, other places of business. The general, to be presented was not stare of lTi slrett Brea, and thele favorable one. The tigur::* . fancy goods store of E. rE1ttk,€n ahoy` a deficit of $11+7.69 on the op. 'son were' the places levelled by I orations of 1927. There was a the flames the total estimated lore prevfousi deficit of about $704.p11, is, ai+ourng $20,004, partly covered in haing interest, and the Society^ by insurance now Is belting to the, extent of - The annual meeting fled-, Snail, ' ,/ • r arrob-Agsteulttoat, aaeletlr Wa'ah'rtflctl at the tour,, halt on .Friday after►. rams. The atnoapheresurround,.. fug the rather small gathering 1vaie: not very cheerful, for it was gen.. wally known that the linancialiat� of e. if,, UR ACCOUNTS Are now ready for all 13arties who 1 have accounts on our books. All Accounts not called for by Feb. 1st will be sent through the mail/ 1 Continental Stock SSalt For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP and POULTRY Louis Schilbe - Zurich i. N*rM**ess****•••M011000* s+****elelsBerelebe>tetetuelet*se►srq o - y r*fit, +3rii*M*e.+44++++++++i++++++++ +.44 The New and Finer Pontiac Six 1 2 i New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see,:the new and finer Pontiac • H Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader - +ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. .i, p --- 2 t 4. Let us prove this by a demonstration PAI 1 •ry. WI'r8. !s S1HAR1N1Ni� BODY TYPE!$ AND COLOR COMEIN. ATIONS - IN SIRS AND. EIGHTS -- GIVES YOU - THE, WIDN T RANGB OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN . THE BET,. 2 TSB AND : HIGHE$ PRICED AUTO To •mtast we and drive theme sew -eats t Paige � before you db realise the wonderful ;ierformanee • and the ,a._ ams vs1 7 really, are. Let rile demonatrate. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL OARA..B WORE A ' SPECIALTY H. 74NGEL. Pron. Gas Oils Creases Tires Accessories ++++I t4I 1 ZURICH 4IERALD'S • . 1928 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto. Daily Globe ,.... ... $6.00' HERALD and /Kitchener Daily Telegraph ...i $5:10• HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire .-: $6.00 HERALD rand Toronto Saturday Mari and ;Empire .$3.25 HERALD and Toronto, Daily! Star __ _-, ' .. . $6,ou HERALD and Toronto Week33r Star HERALD and Toronto: Daily News ._.... __.-__-. $6.00 HERALD and London Free Prte>ils, Morning edition $6.00 HERALD and London Free Prests, Evening Ed. ..- $6.09 HERALD apd London • Advertiser, Morning Edition $6100 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening' Ed. ... $6:041 HERALD and London Farmer's Advocate HERALD and Farm and Dairy • $2,75 HERALD and Farmers' Sun • .. _.r $2.50 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ._ ...$2.2f• HERALD and Canadian Countryman . ,. • $2:2Jii HERALD and Weekly Witness $3.15 HERALD and Farmers, Magazine L .. $2:50 HERALD d 7tva tx3' 1 omnanioro .Yx $3: ;WALD and Seaiortli Iiuioxi pd04tt ; . :::" � ' "- TmUALD and Ontarjie JosOli i . .... • 4215: i$tati Lm antd Rod ::lad Gin in Canada .. .M15 W g, A iH' ACME -TS FOR NEARLY EVERY MAGA'LINE , IN CANADA AND , V.& SAYE MONEY BY ORDE,) UNG Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. ' See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE, Zurich nI Iii111lgtlllllor