HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-02-02, Page 3Revolutionary. •Plots and- Wars Kindled in Cafe Imperial Political Conspirators s I�ende�voExil I. of Eastern am �s as pe Gather at ' Inter- national Barometer for Balkan Conditions TROUBLE'S HOME By H. A., Diezt Office whoa they heard of the impend- Vienna. ----A week ago ri certain Pros- Ing journey of the :heir to the throne, hev, native .of Macedonia, was` sen- Archduke' Francis, Ferdinand, -to Bso- tenced to three years and a half in ilia, The warning was not Heeded, Jail by a Vienne ee court because he and the assassination of the arehducal fired pistol 'shots at another Mace- couple in Sarajevo gave the signal for' donian, seriously. wounding the lat- the most sanguinary war in the his- ter's housekeeper. About a year ago tory of the world. The trouble with a young woman, Mee.cia Carnictu, also the Imperial is that one •cannot rely of Macedonian extraction, • shot - and on its stories. Many a plot or revolu- lcilled the Macedonian leader, Tudor tion predicted as an unavoidable cer- Panizza, in a ' box of the 'Burg- tainty did not come off. In a certain theatre during a performance --of 1?ercentage of cases there may have 'Peet' Gyrit" because, she said, Panlz- been a hitch in the last moment, but za was a traitor to the .national cause others have been freely invented. of the Bulgarians in Macedonia. Sone • Emigrants and• political refugees al - while ago a Bulgarian emissary shot, ways dream of unexpected turns like - down a former • Bulgarian minister in jay to improve their situation. Prague for. similar reasons, and in , Called "Omniscient" Cafe the Balkans there, hardly passes a Half jokingly and half in earnest, week without political murder. • people eall . the Imperial the "omnis- Trains are blown up, bombing, plots tient cafe." None of the other politi- revealed and the world is told that cal cafes has gained the same univer this or that Macedonian committee or sal reputation.. But the funniest story political faction is waging war against -of post-war politics in Viennese •cafes another faction or against the Serbs is told of the Casa' Piccola, in the or Greeks. The intricacies of this Mariahilferstrasse, and although it guerrilla warfare are not easy to un- sounds queer it is vouched for as true. derstand, nor would they much mat- When the Sovigts seized the Ukraine ter to the outside world, if it were not the governments of West Ukraine and an established fact that shots in the . East Ukraine removed to Vienna and Balkans sometimes kiriclle wars. I settled down in the respective lega- In the Macedonian districts of the tions. Balkan peninsula• live 1,000,000 Buba- a They took over some funds and rians under Greek and Serbian rule 'made an additional income by the sale -and foreign rule in these regions is of passports and visas. Everybody tantamount to the worst forms of sup- who could not obtain t regular pass - pression. Just at present the revolu- port or visa used to travel with tionary Macedonian committee dis- Ukrainian documents. Another source plays a lively bombing and band ac- of income was the printing -of stamps, tion in Jugoslavia and. Greece because whcih were bought by stamp dealers it regards the peaceful rapprochement and collectors. But when after a of Jugoslavia and Bulgaria as a dan- !while the .Ukrainian passports . lost get to the national aspirations of the .their validity and nobody cared any unredeemed Bulgarians in Macedonia. longer for the stamps the funds of the By disturbing this pacification move ! exiled governments melted a "ay and meat the Macedonians or, rather, one they ha dto give up their offices and party of the Macedonians, `.ltepe to• .:gain a respite until the time is rape • for their liberation. Long a Balkan' Rendezvous. For decades Vienna has. been: au im- . portant rendezvous for Iiaikattites, mostly emigrants, whom the mael- 'or vice versa to raise small loans. Or there would be lengthy debates of both governments over urgent probe lems, how to get now fund for the treasuries and the Cabinet. members. This sort of thing went on until the prime ministers could no lohger come, because -they had accepted jobs as office clerks, and the Minister of Fin- ance failed to, turn -up because he had opened a candy store, while the Trade "Minister had found that it was better to -.Work as a chauffeur •than• to sit in council not knowing who would pay for the black coffee. So this romantic chapter ended and the Casa Piccola. ceased to be a factor in international politics. ,settled. down .in the Casa Piccola at two big tables. There they presided from •2 to -6 every,:afternoon, and the Foreign Min- ister of ene -government• would .Gall on the Minister or . Finance of the other strom of politics hurled into exile. And the true home of the Easterner, living room, office and debating club all intone, is the cafe. Many a cafe in Vienna could reveal dramatic stories if the mute walls would speak.. Among these political gathering places in which plots and years are discussed is the Cafe Imperial, on the Kaerntnerring, in the palatial building of the hotel of the sante name. Here meet since time immemorial the cor- respondents of foreign p�tpers, exiled politicians from Bulgaria and other Balkan states and, since the World . War, emigrants from Hungary and Czechoslovakia who dare not return home. Bolshevist Russians and others that are against. the Soviet regime, a motley crowd congregating on neutral ground. Fantastic stories 'circulate in the Cafe Imperial, but if one learns to dis- criminate one can also get valuable information now, and then, for hidden threads lead from here to official chan- celleries and conspiring circles alike. When last spring Marty people be - lived that au Albanian war was near at hand the war odds in the Imperial. stood at zero, a sure sign against en- tanglements. The complement oC the Imperial would not be complete with- out Albanians, and they knew better. R is a good oinen for the maintenance of peace in Southeastern Europe that the barometer of the Imperial has pointed at peace for many months, but. at the sa•.ne time this makes the place less interesting for the moment, for the great days of the cafe are those when something is happening. It need not necessarily be a war; scan - 'dais like the bogus francs swindle in .Hungary also are discounted at a high. :rate and throw big waves. Cafe Sensitive to Politics. The ups and downs of the Imperial depend entirely on the political weath- er. When something is on, let us say government overturned or an impor- tant Balkan leader assassinated, the event is sure to be reflected n the :guests. Either there turns up a new Mau, who has just been sentenced to death and sips his black coffee placid- : ly, for in the Imperial he is safe, or there comes somebody who is chased by ntaflia somewhere, and his appear- ance le less reassuring, for much more. dangerous than governmental death sentences aro the unoftlbial ones of 'secret committees, whose execution ers may turn up when the victim' least • expects them. Since the World War the Cafe Int• peria.l has extended its sphere of Ac- tivities, but prior to 1914 its domain was the Balkans. Theheadwaiter; still recounts a ghastly experience ho had in 1903. He used to serve some ..Sinbiau guests who looked very peace- l'ttl.:and were most obliging. When ;,cone day they told hint smilingly that k there would be bloodshed en the �"ltonaltrst;lof :Belgrade, ' as the royal pestle o°'1!"�`,tJio Sorbian capital is called, 11e took as a bad joke. But he al- rnowla fainted when, looking into the spooling papers two flays later,, he found the report of . the ,assassination seof; Icing Alexander Obrenovitclt and ivyQueen. Drage, The Balkan war in r'1912 was no surprise for the habitues Faster and Faster What is the safe speed at which to drive an automobile? - The answer is the same as the answer to most ques- plan t etre ..,. ,.-, • ,,.,,«, !.m ...e .n.,.w«a..te Youth in. Gamble With Death, To Win Career on Mrricaan Coast Quinine is Price of Life "foil White Colonists Who Work ori Beach; Where One Succeds Many Others Face Years of Broken Health in Homeland HELL'S ,PLAYGROUND Accra Beach lePa sight for all devo, With equally good luck he mai bo tees of tropical romance and African adventure, Working there, month af; ter month, •under the burning sun, in able to rest for an hour. But when; the cocoa season is on, when there' are many ships in the bay, he may not the hot monsoon wind, is a different get to the mese at all, A sandwich in; matter. . theshed, which hag by now become! In West Africa white m'en and wo- intolerably hot, will have to satisfy, I Hien can live only within the armor of him. Leisurely "chop" during the day' their daily quinine. Eery one wears is a rare experience for the "first! ;:F.. ,. a„ > ., Y , „• the strained look that is the price of timer" in West Africa. rr• ...r��. �:`F -�•':::<. life in the tropics I talked to an. Eng- Work goes on unceasingly uzitil< 9 lash public school boy checking cargo. in the •evening --often later. The alpngside the surfboats on Accra beach -master's head aches, his eyes' Beach. There was no, pink bloom on ate tired and• dazzled in the blinding, his cheeks. His face was sallow, and gun glare. No tennis at sundown for; lined with illness and worry. • him. Just time for a hasty shower, "People in England think that we before dinner. Sunday is eters the' live easily on the coast—that the doe- most feverishly busy day -of the week t tors have wiped out all disease," he So much vital work has.to be done' told me 'wearily, pushing back his that the conscientious man dare not heavy helmet. "That idea hurts us even go down with malaria until• the out here—it's all wrong. We certain fever forces him. ly are riot overpaid, and our home Salaries Paid for }lard Work. leave every few years is not a luxury - I return for this unpleasant life the —it i.e, death to stay much longer. young man learning to be a West Some men don't stick it for a year." Coast trader may expect a salary of He told me the facts for the benefit $125 a month, possibly a little more. of those who feel the lure of this At the end of two years he will red coast that a novelist once called ceive four months' .leave on half pay) "Hull's Playground." If he is invalided home before his coni "Beachmaster" Is First Job. tract has expired he is almost certain The newcomer to a trading firm any- to lose his job. If ho works hard for where in West Africa usually finds two years he may be lucky enough to himself at work as a "beachmaster." secure an eighteen months' contract He goes down to the beach at six for the next spell of duty, and a high - o'clock in the morning, and his boy er salary. A well educated young follows him soon afterward with man, ambitious and with the essential breakfast. Cold eggs and bacon in a physical endurance, will be making very hot shed. His main duty is to more at the end of five years than he check cargo as the surfboats come in would receive after twenty years in, from the freighters in the roadstead. England. Or he may still be sellingt He must have a quick eye for break- cotton print to hot and odorous ages and shortages —for the ingenuity humanity behind the counter in the is of the thief is more Oriental than Afri- store. New York is puttng th•e finishing touches. It will be placed either in New can. A career in West Africa is a gamble. York or in Detroit next spring. Dozens of natives arrive during the You back your character and your day with, palm kernels. Some of them body against the most insidious c1i- Will Rogers Praises Chicago's Where Stray carry petrol tins and calabashes of mate in the wend. The agents and Overc�►ats Go Handling of Crooks "Hank" Dudley, social secretary for palm oil. The "beachmaster" must supervisors, with their $5,000 -a -year see everything weighed out and mete salaries and their trips to England To the Editor of the New York •the Omaha Post of .the American Le- sured. He must supervise the labor- every , nice or twelve moittlts,. are the ers •.bagging• kernels and pourjag oil risen wlto have: won. Tho .losers., some into casks. ' Always he roust Have -an of them, are dragging themselve1 eye in the back of his head for the in- along slum , ,pavements .in English coming surfboats, towns. I doubt whether any land in At noon, if he is fortunate, he may the world 'breaks men more surely stagger up to the mess for lunch. and completely than "the Coast." "LOSTPIONEERS OF AVIATION" the title of this mass work to be cast in bronze, upon which Victor Frisch of Garrett, Ind.—Just passed throTimes: ugh gion, said to a gathering bonsisting Chico go to -day. Wanted to go up of Mr. Isaacson and myself: "It's .won - and see my old friend Mayor Thomp- son, but had had English breakfast tea for -luncheon and was afraid he would smell it on my breath. You can kid about Chicago and its crooks, but they have the smartest way of handling their crooks of any city. They get the rival gangs to kill off each other and all the police have to do 1s just referee and count up the bodies. They won't have a crook in Chicago unless he will agree to shoot at another crook. So viva C41,1cagol Yours unhit, / WILL ROGERS. derful what the, railroads have done for this country." 'But the. reason I like them bestest," he added, "is because they give us the unclaimed overcoats that are left on the trains. See, here are forty of them, and they are going to keep a lot of poor fellows—at least forty poor fellows—warm." This is the end of the story—except thee 1f you have an unclaimed over- coat that you wish to leave anywhere ani; cad£'t bring it to the legion .office, leave it on the trains running into Omaha.—Omaha World -Herald. Tura Now Have Pork Provided By the State The New Government of Angora Thus Sets Aside Another Old Law of Islam .pan ions:It depends. Having got rid of the dervishes and and drink liquor manufactured and :The present •expedrttoa will probably a cinematographer, and assistant, legislated her citizens ou Mr. Paul S. Hoffman, vice-president t of many sold by the Government. At present ""?nils time we aregoing to study result' in a more advanced work. of the Studebaker Corporation, pre - Moslem practices, republican Turkey, these pork products are.imperted from animals to try anti find out what they"It is my ambition to establish a diets that within a few years all speed whose Constitution declares that Is the Balkan States. But Adana and era thinking about anti how they talk , large station in the African hush," limit laws and ordinances will have 1 the St t religion,has gone into other places in Anatolia have herds to each other" said M. Hubbard. I said 14T.r. Iiubbard; "soma Place to disappears Michigan ' 11 i ttific ar o In t is badly needed Man to Study What Wild Beasts Think About and How They Talk Investigator to Go "Trapping" With Phonograph and Catch Jungle "Remarks" on Records --Seeks to Found Study Center in Bush Cape Town W. D. Hubbard, Amari -.young elephants and found that chic. can author and natural scientist, 1 dren could ride on them and play formerly •connected with the zoos of , with them. New York and Boston, has returned 1 Seeks Comparing of Nctes to the African buses•• with the object! Mr. Hubbard belongs to many learn - of ex lading more fallacies about wild ed societies, including the Zoological animals. With him are his wife, 1 Societe Or London. After his last their sou, and their baby girl. The : visit to Africa he publishe;l a book ae"" party also includes Miss Elizabeth entitled "Wild Animals," dealing with York, a secretary, and his research work In a popular way. d Mi h an has no speed am is e a e , lt' law and punishes- only what is called the Poll. industry, and 'reckless driving." There is much to be said for this course, but how are we ever going to' establish standards of "recklessness" when it is already impossible for aanotorcycle cop and a car -driving citizen to agree on a mat- ter of simple arithmetic? Mr. Hoffmann goes a little too fast for us when he says that day after to- morrow automobiles will be "expect- ed" to go at a rate of sixty-five utiles an hour. "We are living in a rapid age," he adds, "and must keep going more rapidly all the time." , Why? In spite of the increase of automobile speeds, people still miss trains, are late for lunch, Ile in bed after the alarm clock has gone off and tell long stories during business hours. The rapid age has given us mole time to loaf and rest from the weariness of trying to be rapid. And `that's about all. . the Government of wild pigs which ruin the farmers his outfit he has a gramophone ; w los' a se set p having previously taken over the grain crops. These pigs have, as inpreserving compare notes recording machine for Presert I At present if I wish to •compare re - !sults monopoly from a Polish syndi- India and other Oriental countries animal noises. !sults with other research workers, Cate. where pork is taboo, steadily increase Going to Take Beasts Alive and Study ed through the centuries. • Hence a "So many myths about African ane• ;have to write to them and send a few Both pork and liquor were pro- g pickled specimens, There ought to be scribed by Mohammed when he found- park factory is to be started at Adana mals have recently been. exploded ; ed his religion in the seventh century which will crus the wild pigs, shot by that wo think there will be a rich a laboratory in the bean t of the phunters,into ham and bacon for domHeid for this kind of research. Rhodesian big game country whore A.D., based, as it was upon what henatural sclontists could work to knew of Judaism and Christianity, estic use and' export. The farmers'„During our last stay in Northern 1 thus d rt as well as gether Tor the benefit or Lropfcal pro• took f 1 too much to •..,e� ties cauId • ;of the Imperial. , " In Jutte, 1914, friends from the Ian, Aerial warned the .Austrian T"ot�eign A quiet evening at is the one when the away being charged. home nowadays radio battery is The taboo against pork Mohammed pest will. t us provr •e sport loin. While the raisin of pigs as Rhodesia, for instance, we yoked but”- gress.' from the Jews. But^how many P' g (aloes to a wagon and drove them a commercial is ess Hubbards headquarters for the of Turkey's great Sultans were wine about. 1 believe that every wild - bibbers? Pork, however, is a post- be expected at present by Anatdhian ural in Africa is "L•armtess unless first " which he considers to be one of tee t'bl en Ttukish bonds o newly emancipated from the bonds of their religion, yet if is not f unlikely in the future, when the wild herds of pigs are reduced. As ' yet the Anatolian retains a strong orthodox strain in his remote provoked by man• i am going to guest spots in Africa for his work. catch young ikons, buffaloes o•es and republican comes i e tables. As for the State religion being that of Islam, _ the President, Mustapha Kemal, whose title of Ghazi or Gon- querer to -day spells "Father of the Country" to Turkish school children, has declared that Islam will not be allowed to interfere in any way .with the development of Turkey along ad- vanced - Western lines. Moreover, the deserted mosques in large cities may possibly be turned' into school build- ings, of which there is a shortage. To -day Turks eat ham and bacon sectors. Ile has been reluetiintly trained to work ltko the Indian eke- car proceeding by inches in the dense caught tip into the breathless whorl- plaint The Belgians have recently ;traffic• Finally they came within sight ante- lope, specimens of every possible type, and watch thein grow up." 1 Sweet Marital Interchange It has always been ntalutainod • 1 A young man with his wife were on that the African elephant cannot bei their way to a football game in their wind .of • progress legislated from An- gora. While Turks in Constantinople restaurants eat their ham and bacon and -,pork •with relish, and wash it downwith beer and iitwines, a done in Northern to light the not be Rhodesia, t a, established an elephant training 'or the field just as the game was start- seeool at Api, in the Congo, wait frig. "I wish," the wife said smiling - goad results. Mr. Hubbard is going ly. "that I had our piano here." "And , to see whether the satisel titlug can- why," asked the husband roguishly, ""do you wish you had our piano Anatolian is content to being up the During his last visit he captured here?" "Because," giggled the wife, rearguard of progress in Turkey. our tickets to the game on top 1 off it."—R•. H, lt.'s "Line -Book"), Airplane manufacttuors, hope to gel no oicar uiazlseis Tuttei•ested in than Industry that they may impart to it some of the stimulus they injected into the automotive business when bringing it up to where it is to -day. No doubt they hope thus. to bring sky high prices down to earth. ,'s movement has been started to provide a t *servation for gorillas to \Vest Africa. Late dispatches inch- • •,- cath that United States marines are at' onipting,71.c do something like that. for guerillas itt Nicaragua. _- H. R. Highness Loves His Canadian Hcros • ":Cite rainbling, comfortable buildings of the "bl.P.' Ranch, At the 'right rho old chinked log cabin that was the original rants heuser carefully preserved. - My dear, remarked Bra'ggs, who had just finished reading a book on "'That Wonders of Nature," 1± -Is is a re• markable work. Naitire is marvel Ions; Stupendous! When I read a book like this it a ikes ire think bots x, puerile, how insigniileartt Is rnan', Huh: s•ald his wife, A ventan doesn't', have to wade through five huttdretl" pages to discover that, --7 .