Zurich Herald, 1928-01-12, Page 5!S litf radey, January 12th, 1123, aUSIN..5 'C+D' TJDLEX E. LIOL S sal IST">d1H, SOLICITOR, NOT- ART PUBT4IC,I' SWIM Hamilton Street. Jii t oft IISIO 8 are (1ODERICS Ont. STRAYED. 1 Square, !PUT YO>ti1t Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COL1T* ' ' Spacial attention to Coretmr+lel and Unto the feral of Mr. Z. ,pea - Court Work. Iardzme, Hay Townt'3hip,., a two- year-old heifer. Owner • can ; ,': mimes olnmemay, r ons�ntted at have can. a by proving. property 3 ib t 'phone ae end phone and paying all expeusee. Apply, to chair* xeve7� -- Dr.- H. H. C O E N iii. T),tiVie ®, T1, 13 - DENTAL SURGEON 'At DE1TZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- 9 T9xurtaday, Friday and flatus- lam itus-+BMain. Offiee , aBTLEIB'e BLOCK, DASHWOOD MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS Local Agent topon =ion greduste Carey M. Jones Nei- Schooi of keep Auctions g. Tryate r for Registered LI' 1 D 'Breeds), Terms inteepin ;'h prevailing primo. woo for sale. Will sell ming) NItTolamrlierea e 11i-93 or Veit" -licensed ?uctililieer IIOB HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - Stet any auction Sale, regardless fis to ,size or articles to yell.. i gallica your business,, anti it not 'mangled will niiike 3330 Charges for , Veep,c� Dashwood. Weber, • 11'"41 • • .Zarich neat $ • Fresh and Salt bleats i ala S ausages,. etc s $o�og' a Ifigheat Cash Pak, fiatW OASE • FOB SKINS & lii.1DES Dei chh t 1 1/0•000.0 seassassosesaeseae* ZURICH LIVERY ezeele a taut in a poeation to &CtomO- 't all requirensesnte iaethe Livery thiablesa, bave Asko for hies. Any Mins done to the teaming line. GEORGE Z. THIEL Itione •ZurieleOnt tI VE POU LT WANTED Wan , every clay till 3 O'clock,1 'not lied tntiirl ragele morning Nara broughtt in. itlighqst Caslt Prices .-( FOR— Cream and Eggs W. 094 rien FOR rt Zur`aeh Thos Meyers, Zurich. . NOTICE My accounts are now such parties who owe would appreciate a call much,. .V V. Siebert. ready for roe, and very FARM . HELP FOR 1028 • Order exPerit need, German Isp• eating farm) help, all pay their own' fare. Order men, girls or faMiiies. Mer to get $18 to $20; girls frond $35 to $18 per month. This Is by new arrangercente with Authorities. • Apply Rev. S. Oretzenger, Port Elgin, Ontario, LOST A small Collie Dog. Finder pl- ease notify Mr. Ted. Mi.ttlehooltz, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE S have fall nunater ,of choice; milk cows that I am: !offering for sale: Good Value. Sol. Ginger- ich, Goshen South, Hay Tp. FOR SALE Pedigreed Yorkshire hog, bed by Brethours & NNephews, Bur- ford, ° Ont. Apply to W. Alex- ander, Han'sall, Phone 6--i8,21 FOR SALE Good box stove with pipe's for +sale„ good .value, apply at Her- ald Office. LOST A. fox hound on Dec. 2nd,• in swamp; dear Bert Peck's, has bre own head and ears. white stripe down ,forehead,b lack and tan. patch on back, balance white. Any one knows about .his wheareabouts kindly notify J. A. Meyers, Zur- ich, or phone 6-83. FOR SALE A good 8-ineb flat plate grind er, very cheap --L Prang LOCAL NEWS Mr. Joseph Kipper .ani ;deafer Mrla, Robt, I''ulton, from Biggat , Sash., are visiting at the ,home of Mr, and Mrs, Lena Kipper. Mr. and IYIrst, Lloyd O' •,l3xein are viniting for a few daysan ,St. Thomas. Messrs, Hy. Angel and 'JOS. Druar were at 'Godeiie11 on Tu- esday on business, • Mrs, Mary M.erner, who; oxpere fenced a fall one day last week, is'still confined to her bed (with an injured hip. Mrs. J, Guenther, of Mitchell is assisting in attending her mother, Mrs. S.. Rennie, who :is progressing quite favorable from, her recent fall Mrs. •Lend Kipper is ,on the 'sick list we hope for all early recov- ery. The public dance held in i,the Town Hall, on Tuesday ecening was in every Way a !success, as there was a good attendance. The auction !Sale oof farm; stock and Implements of Mr. Oscar Koehler :takes place on Friday of this week, after which Mr.. A. Melick, from Elkton, Mich.. ,will take possession of this fine farm, NO. BIG BILLS! But ,for real Bargains on Men's and Boys' Furn- ishings look over the prices at L. W. Hoffman's Mrs. Rose. K. Loveridge, :of'De- troit who has been spending a few =weeps with relatives here' left for the west, from whence she Will go to. Palm Beach, Florida. Rev. H. Bembe, whor is leaving for his new field of labor ere long is putting on sale most•of his'house hold elfests and furniture. Auction Sale wi.l be announced later. Cit- izens wishing to• purchase privat- ely may eaa any time rafter ,Wed- nesday, Jan. .11th, A goodly number of the gen- eral merchants of Zurich and com- munity are giving the public cheap ixterchandise . and saving, them a great deal of• money. Thele pri- ces are real and quality considered are even lower than the big mail Order houses are offering, and be- sides you first see the ,article be - foie you are buying. ,The one-man Herald staff was doing considerable overtime the beginning of the week by being called upon to get out two large mercanti e posters, one set for T. L: Wurni and another set of •bi:ls for J. Gasc.ho ee Sons, but we es - pact to have the inane on its way to the various 'destination on time on -Thursday morning. At the annual "congregational meeting of the members, of St. ` Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, held after the services on Sunday 1forenoon last, Me:srs. H. Yungblut and H. Eielcmcier were elected.as Trustees. The resign at'OS of Rev. H. Rembe, who has been 'pastor of the church for twelve years, was accepted and it le exp ct. d That he will eat -le in the spring'. THE WISE FRIEND Once upon a time --and not very long ago—there w.t- a bro- ther and :sister who had a f riend A very .special friend he was,who told them stories about men who, flew through the skies sneer far flung spaces of the earth; of boys an dgitis who had thrilling and mysterious adventures; of others who 1iad most mausuai sit.,ations, ,confront :them, yet managed of come through their tests with st- eadfast and courageous hearts; of wild animals in sleep jungles,liow they lived, hunted and elle.!. Such a host of things did their (gond friends tellt hemof, and !how in tensely ho told them. Came the time when their friend moved a- way to another town. Brother and Lister . were saddened by his going foe they ,knew they would n:is; his Sherr,- smiie and the won- derful stories and amusing anec- dotes he -vas so tonal pf telling then. Then one • day the post- man brought tem a letter ,from their friend., in wheh he told them he was sending them The Youth's Companion so that they would not forget, hjro,,nd that in i tthey would find just the sort of et- ories they had so much enjoyed Bearing hint tell. And sure en- ough, a day or two later the-mag- azine henisiazine ;arrived, and brother and .sister found that it truly did have just such wonderful 'stories of ad- venture and sport and ryste'y,and Just •such Jokes as they loved so well. And every time that a new number of the Youth's Coinpanio;i arrived, they wrote to their fri- end and told him how much ple- asure the Magazine gave them,Yon too may have that same )pleasure, to give that nleastire, by ,weans Of 11�i�ie�"ij uii; ,�u ie /oto. �•a C Mpanion. Subscribers Will r(e- ceive ; 1. The Youth's Companion -12 big monthly issues in 1928, and 2. Two extra nutaobers to new sub seribers ordering withn 80 dans, Ail for only $ti, • 3, The :Conlpafion's new book of laun�ax 441001 One Minute Stones TEACHER WANTED Protestant .Teacher wanted for, S. S. No, 3, Hay Township. Dut- ies to commence beginning of. 1»2Ii All applicants nu st apply in person to Garnet Jacobe, , Secy. Parr Line, Bay. Address, R. R., Zurich. NIAGARA LIME We have been +appointed Ag- ents for The New ii proved Cal- cite Brand Limestone over 99% pure If in need oil Litre or fertilizer for spring 1928, Get .nr prices before buying e,eawheio, 'Your order sol- icited. BUY TriE BEST - 'USE LESS 1 ADER & JOHNSTON • NOTICE. We carry to complete line of Poultry' supplies, Cod Liver 'Oil, Oyster Shells, Bee! Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Chink hatchery, Phone 47 3, Exeter, 'Ont. The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada. HEAD . OPY]ICE -- TORONTO E. E. Wtiterth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Olde+at aiad Stkors,t Co, in Canada COAL 1928 WS'. RE SOLS AGENTS FOR TIP' t E k.,1171L1 r3 t$oranto (ins 1st N.rioht, itLSl Ciititi1 Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal OOOD SOPPLY ON BAND 'BL I1 2E0 .. 1O'GIlyf,I ORDERS EARLY r C. ' Son ® fa'• • P.. AND afteries. 'rage W EI r, a�.y 4 , 'WNW Prop 4 ovu COLLEGE ATHLETICS Why *grioultursWoliegeStuuleuts Need Physical Guttur* graxvn end Brain Work Well Together ee Students klelp to 1I1- rest In Saporta.eAtollding Up the Body for Later Usefulness. (Contributed by 04t.ar10 pepertment cot Agrtcniture, Toronto.) THLSJTIes at .our College are being revolutionized and placed one more stable basis than in the past, Progressive colleges are coming to realize the supreme importance of bringing .physical • training to .the front in educational work, College authorities are realizing that they are responsible for• the ignorance among the alumni of the colleges, regarding the care of the body, as it is a well known fact that eighty per cent of graduates die from ten to thirty years before the age at which they should. They are also realizing that under the old Method less than fifty per cent. of the students are engaged in any form of systematic or organized exercise. This is due to the fact that our eclleges were, and some are as yet, fostering two classes— one class attends for social and ath- letic advantages, and the other attends largely for intellectual. oppor- tunities. The first class is inclined to neglect mental work and carry athletics to excess, while the second class is inclined to neglect 'physical training and carry mental efforts to excess. Neither class lives strictly. hygienic lives. Now our colleges are adopting new methods to eliminate such conditions and are awakening to the fact that physical education has a legitimate place in the college curriculum, Some of these methods are as fol- lows: (1) Intra -collegiate sport and recreation in addition to our inter- coIlegiate sports, with the constant purpose in view of usefulness in after life. This draws in the spectators on the side lines and promotes interest by friendly rivalry. (2) Organization. of activities on the basis of athletic. sports, rather than on gymnatic basis, giving games to the student if :orraal physically; if not, remedial :;y nnaties until lit. It is necessary 'o • have a wide range of sports, games, and physical activties, and a plan to encourage more general par- ticipation in them. (3) Exorcise tak- en systematically and at re,;,uia in- tervals. (4) A subject with required attendance. (5) Strength test upon entering and at the end of each y ear, so a student may realize the benefit of systematic training. (6) Encour- agement of the type of physical exercise that n student is likely to us:, in after life. (7) The teaching o: fundamental principals of hygienic living. (8) Increase of facilities for outdoor sports in winter and summer. In the east years athletics at the 0. A. C. have been carried on without these advantages and, in spite of great difficulties, we have been handi- capped primarily in not having an athletic field, and necessary funds for equipment which is essential for exe- puting an effective program; this is our greatest need and will be a hinderance to our progressive pro- gram for this year. It is our great desire that it will not be long before we benefit by both. The whole student body had a meeting before final examinations on the thirtieth of last March for the purpose of discussing and voting on the new program for the coming year which was outlined by our athletic executive. Professors Blackwood, Toole, and Crowe, and Dr. Creelntan pointed out to the students and fac- ulty the great need of such a program and their duty in regard to athletics and themselves. After a discussion, each cause of this program was voted on and passed unanimously by the whole student body. The following is a brief outline of the Athletic Program for the coming year:— ' (1) Students who have had pre- vious training to act as leaders in the different branches of sports—to coach in boxing, wrestling, aquatics, and track and instruct in athletic games. (2) Promote a fuller program of inter -year athletics by having sche- dlzles in more branches of sports. Inter -year competitions in the fol c'a- ing sports: • Rugby, soccer, play ground •ball, push- ball, volley hall, outdoor basket ball, boxing and wrestling, track, mass a:hlef ie meets, cross. country runs, tug of war, ten- nis and aquatics. (3) For those students who do etot take part in three sports, two com- pulsory periods a weak will be given in which they will be instructed in atltintic games, field and indoor events, swiuzining, boxing and. wrestling:., In ord'er to promote this program, we had to enlarge on our Athletic Council, which Vas composed of the sports manager`, pi(:ked from the faculty, and the Athletic Illxecut.ive. To this we added a Leaders Corp and Managers oe inter -year sports picked Trope the students. The Leaders Corp is naade up • of directors of sports ...One for each sport) and- their leaders. The inter -year managers (one for each sport) have charge of the coaching and managing of their te.4.t3 and are responsible to their year re ':e$.en,tat,ive who is a member of the executive; - 13 dut ii ail ` urge,nisirtio�,l e.11i01 oonfldont 01 swingzii our progr•a,)n: suebes$ull ,War pleanq every stu- den wall take part in some branch of athletics, Those students, who ening under clause (3) of our pro - Vara, will be 'given special instruc- tien lay our Leaders Corp and will P110' Autos and Auto Supplies • • WE CARRY„ A COMPLETE LINE Ole AUTO ACCESSORIJ:IS, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THE$ r• VAR1OUS LINES .CORD TIRES 30;3% AT ONLY . $8,60 • TUBES 3(ix3jAT ONLY .. ..,.. ,N ........ $1.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT' .. ,. MOO • `1','SECOND HAND 1',Fi. P. GAS ENGINEVERY CHEAP: 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAH, 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 4, • 5 4, • • • 6 0 WE- DO EXPERT BATTER'S' WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES, [FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND O'1+ MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Frang - Zurich' ,444•40•44.44•444.4.44,04-04O .•00.4540.•+.4.4044,44 4.4* ®O• 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 • 4. • + • • • 4. + 4. Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' Second Handed I3uggies HESS - ZTJRIOII .++++++++++++4.+4+4++++4+4.+ .-•-1-3-1-14+4444++++++++++.1 We extend to the public our Best ; Wishes, Health and Prosperity for the NEW YEAR Ca K LBFLETSCJ P• is 69 ZURICH oreefi ;ei eieMee seeeteeeet.+4-34,b l leeei leeeieleleH+fid i, l,.l.oa'i!'Kt riWAWAWAMFIVIAMMAWWWMAAMWWWWig Zurich Drug Store 1 -3161 a'. se educed FREE. (send 10ces, greatly+ benefit themselves and the to cover pestage and handling,)12011( e..tp. this way we will be able ...�°a TIM' YOUTH'S COMPANION 1 to atal the strident on tho side iineeir. s "tea . uggestions regal ding Di iie't ,,;g - s,tii. rapt„ l,o:iton Mese. r� ',weal anzn"l+tz7:;;e r^1ti,I eq y .ri bo pre» 70. Sn. •1,i.z'iptlons received it '5'4ALen:l .i:n, a, ir., .. J` a '4°1'44' "1C a Aro- >4 la totillik t 35f, 1�?� i the A.. , We extend to all, Our BEST WISHES for a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR i1MIC J. MoicKinnon,. Zuthhi �ui ice', 1, >al ,i"lG"ai-ir)STI-S, )'J'li°11 It )i e v'v v ►via ir