Zurich Herald, 1927-12-22, Page 7RUN DOWN IN HEALTH
Why Many Men and Woven. Are
Badly Handicapped..
When you are so run down in health
that it impairs the efficiency of your.
work as well of your power to enjoy
your leisure hours, or obtain rest, It
is time you looked to the cause. If
you do not, a serious breakdown is
Klimek sure to result. In nearly 'all
cases this condition, which doctors
usually describe as general debility,
is duo to poor blood—blood that Is
deficient in red corpuscles. When the
(blood is thin and weak your -whole
;system puffers, You lose appetite,
" have no energy, your nerves trouble
you and you feel restless.
t What you need is help to build up
your blood and you should begin at
puce to make your blood rich and red
!by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
(You *ill soon notice the difference in
oar health by a better appetite and
creased vigor. The reason is that
Ole new blood created by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills stimulates all the
'organs of the body to healthy activity
'and so the system gains nourishment•
and strength. If youare weak or not
'and strength, re you are weak or out
of sorts, begin gaining new strength
to -day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. "I was in a badly run down con-
dition," says Mrs. J. Potter, of Winni-
' Fred, . Alta., "when...l-;,began using Wil-
Hams' Pink Pills and they fully re-
stored niy health. I strongly recon-
'mend this medicine to all weak peo-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicipe Co., Brockville, Ont.
*a- --
Out Philadelphia Woman's
Two Boston Terriers Had
Already Routed Her
Philadelphia.—The barks of two pet
Boston terriers carried over an open
telephone wire brought neighobrs to
the rescue ,of Mrs. Mabel 'Henry, 35
years old, who was being beaten by a
masked man in her West Philadelphia
73efore help arrived, however, the
dogs, biting at the intruder's hands
and chewing his clothes, had routed
him. Ono terrier was licking the
bruises inflicted by the mistress's as-
sailant and the other was- pawing
frantically at the kitchen door when
Mrs. Catherine Lehman and her hus-
band, with other neighbors, reached
the house.. Mrs. Heru'y was. =con-
. .scions on the kitchen floor.
While her husband was away for a
Wa.ort time Mrs. Henry was talking
over the telephone with Mrs. Lehman.
The receiver, which she had put down
to answer the intruder's raps, was
knocked to the floor during the ensu -
!ng struggle; and the dogs' barks were
`carried to the ear of Mrs. Lehman.
Ford Advertising
Cost $1,700,000
Five -Day "---EveryCampaign
U.S. and Canadian Daily
New York.—The new Forel has been
heralded into the world with one of
the most remarkable advertising cam-
paigns ever known.
The campaign, which ended Wed
nesday, for the present, cost $1,300,-
000 for five days. Full page adver-
tisements were carried in about 2,•000
daily papers or virtually every daily
in the United States and Canada.
Individual 'Zlealers, through addi-
tional advertising, brought the figure
to $1,700,000. No such advertising
appropriation, it was said, has ever
been made for so short a campaign.
It was confined entirely"to daily news-
About 12r cent. of the national
pe ona
total spent by the company was for
advertising in Jewish newspapers. No
other foreign language medium was
Nature Lover
Mr. Billerton, the .butcher, was a
jovial soul. As he was cutting up an
order of lanib chops for a lady cus-
tomer, she asked curiously: "Mr. 3i1-
lerton, what led you to choose your
present occupation?"
"Well, really, I don't know, ma'am,"
explained Mr. Billerton. "Maybe it
was because I have always' been fond
of animals.—New 'Outlook.
Flying Flats and Sharps t
Burnsworth was owner of the piano
and a passenger hi it. The machine.
went into a fiat spin.—San Francisco
t'A N r
Engineering, Au o �' +
Mechanics, Electri-
cal Ignitllin, 14att•
or or \4 oldInts
I.:sT>orts house
Wiring, 13ri •klayina
,nnd I'lnrtering, rlso
13,irbotring and Ladles' Mir-
k! taming.
Ears $S to $i0 Per Davy
ew weeks required to learn.
uspert Instructors, Practical
Training. 331r »elnr ad, Start
NOW for bitytor test and a
bright future. Write or call for
25ecial'Ottter and Free Books.
Flsi pbill ,,Trade Schools
163 Xing street west, Toronto
Mountain Named For Premier Baldwin
1, the jagged peak of Mount Stanley
Baldwin. 2, Mount. Sir Macknezie
Bowel!, a pleasant -faced peak of the
Premier Group. 3, Mount Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, 11,750 feet 4, Mount Sir
John Abbot, unconquered peak of the
Premier Group in the Canadian
Rockies, 11,250 feet high. 5, Mount
Sir John Thompson with its zagged
ice sentinels.—Photographed by D.
Fitting monuments to, four former
Prime Ministers of Canada , and a
nlementq of the visit of the present
British Premier, Rt. Hon. Stanley
Baldwin, have been set aside in the
!Rocky Mountains of Canada where a
series of peaks have been offlcially
named the Premier Group, and five of
them have been named respectively,
Mount Statilley Baldwin; Mt. Sir Wil-
frid Laurier; Mt. Sir Mackenzie
Bowel!; Mt. Sir John Thompson and
Mt. Sir John Abbott. The naming of
a mountain after Premier Baldwin in
honor of his visit to Canada during
the Diamond Jubilee year of Con-
federation was considered a fitting
mark of the Dominion's esteem for
'- ev
a W L
eon Witic Laughter)
In astonishment the judge turned to
the witness and asked: "Do you mean
the court to understand that you
stood by and saw this man strike
down the poor woman again and
"Yes, your honor. I saw it all."
"And you made no effort to inter-
"I couldn't, your honor."
"Wiiy not?" thundered the judge.
"I was filling my pipe."
One of the chief rewards of busi-
ness is its accumulated friendships,
built upon mutual understanding and
esteem. At this season, when senti-
ments of friendship, appreciation and
'good cheer find universal expression,
we are happy to have this opportunity
of greeting the increasing number of
friends, new and old/- who have by
their good will added pleasure to the
tasks of our daily life.. We wish them
an 'overflowing measure of happiness
and prosperity and hope we may have,
for many years, the continued inspira-
tion of their friendship.
A poultry trust has been formed
and thus the fowl business goes on.
When it comes to driving one crazy,
an amateur saxophoneist has nothing
on the boy who has recently learned
anew way to whistle.
Short Boy—"Do you go to college?"
Longfellow—"No, it's my brother's
hat; it got caught in a mangling ma-
Every day except tb-morrowis a
good clay to start saving.
The only chance some men take is
at the church bazaar.,
Ford's paid advertising is intermit-
tent, but his free advertising gods on
Mrs. Nuwife.• Why Tom! And
Y New Phase of War— this Is the first $5,.00 extra I've
Put the hammock in the attic
askedy ou, fres. What if It wets
Its too cord for it outside $100?
Italian Auto R. oar Escapes Death
As Car Som rsauits at 150 Miles An Hour
London.—While flashing over the
Pendine sands 'recently at 150 miles
an hour in an attempt to break the
world's speed record, the Italian rac-
ing driver, Forest', turned a double
somersault with his car and nearly
shared the fate of Parry Thomas, the
English motorist killed- under the
same circumstances on the 'same
Signora Foresti saw her husband's
baby Demononton oar skid, strike a
flag, swin garound, overturn, roll over
and finally come to rest a complete
wreck in a dense column of smoke.
In a state of almost collapse she was
hurried to the spot in an automobile,
only to learn that her husband was
alive and almost unhurt.
Foresti, a blackened figure, climbed
from the wreckage, lifted his arms
above his head in a gesture of despair
and then sank into the arms of a by-
stander. Blood was streaming from a
cut over his eye, but aside from
bruises and a. strained shoulder this
was his only injury.
Foresti had made one effort to beat
the existing mile record, but failed by
three seconds. In a second effort he
was near the end of the mile when
he struck a pole. The rear of his car
rose in the air, almost flinging the
driver from the cockpit. The car
turned twice on its side and the figure
of Forerti was visible being dragged.
along on his back, Then with the
engine still running, the car, with a
series of final crashes, turned twice
over him.
This was Foresti's second escape.
On the Pendine course last August his
car skidded at 130 miles an hour and
his leg was scorched by backfire.
Parry Thomas was killed there last
Summer when one of the driving
chains on a back wheel broke, decapi-
tating him after the car had somer-
Court Order is Read in Berlin
Drama Instead of Wil -
helm's Lines
Berlin.—Leo Lania, author of "Ras-
putin," a Communistic play running
on the Piscattor stage here, appeared
in his famous "three kings" scene in
person, instead of a figure dressed and.
masked as ex -Kaiser Wilhelm, and
read a court order preventing Wil-
hlem being represented instead of the
lines written for that role.
The Court attended a performance,
and since Franz Joseph is depleted as
a complete idiot p diet and Czar Nicholas as
a bigot and fool, it concluded that the
ex -Kaiser's character would be mis-
The theatre has appealed the case
and means to have the court order
read every night until a final decision
is renderd.
And its mission is completed --
Lucy Ann is now a bride,
---Denver News.
Lay aside the tennis racket,
Now that she has got a !nasi,
Mops malls better exercises
Fora s Lucy
—Boston "Tra]Iscrint.
Minard's Liniment for Colds.
Hubby: That's what I'm
tieing for new
Braving the Brickbats
Curious Pedestrian—"On what floor
of this tenement does Mrs, Shanahan
live, My little man ?"
Guide (aged four)—"The third
fight up.'' California Pelican.
Nothing makes a mother more grate-
ful than a benefit conferred upon her
child. Mothers everywhere who have
used Baby's Own Tablets for their
children speak in enthusiastic terms
of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin
Lavoie, Three Rivers,, Que., writes:—
"Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful
medicine for little ones. They never
fail to regulate the baby's stomach
and bowels, and make him plump and
well. I always keep a box of the Tab-
lets in the house and would advise all
mothers to do likewise." Most of the
ordinary ailments of childhood arise
in the stomach and bowels, and can
be quickly banished by Baby's Own
Tablets. These Tablets relieve con-
stipation and indigestion, break up
colds and simple fevers, expel worms,
allay teething pains and promote
healthful sheep. They are guaranteed
to be free from injurious drugs and
are safe even for the youngest and
most delicate child, The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25o. a box from The Dr; Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Countess Torby Bequeathed
Historic Jewels to Her
London. — Countess Torby, the.
daughter of Prince Nicholas of Nas-
sau and his inorganic wife, and grand-
daughter of Pushkin, the .Russian
brooch and
a ruby
pendant, originally chosen for the
Empress Alexandra of Russia, to
Queen Mary.
The Countess, who died last Sep-
t nbor and left English property
valued at $35,000, directed that the
pearl necklace she was in the habit of
wearing dailyshould be sold to pay
the death duties .on the estate. 1
Another vanishing Aineriean iu
stitution—the Ford joke.
Keep Milliard's Liniment In the hottse.
Tli?a ONLY TI2il:D.T1,IST.I+7D DATTBR'S''r Elia A.C. RADIO
Say it
�xx+H,w�r •, •.� �-;?�',���F ;ik--'_. �F.�..'u�E�'?i�a+rw'$ �•�;'{ u�'r"s f�
The Gift That M „ny Wise Men
Will select for their Family.
Let your choice be the Rogers Batteryless which has
three years of Proven Performance as proof of satis-
faction and success.
Don't Take Any Chances—Buy A Rogers,
and Be Sure!
Prices frena $215 upward. Convenient Terms.
Ask your Rogers dealer for Free Demonstration or
write to the
(I.R.S. Music Co. Canada Ltd., Tortni:D
. Exclusive Diatribi:tars, Eastern Canada.
Flog Him With a Feather
Pe r.1 R a . c Bare 1
�� I Bies i'ofioweti the patrolman to the
s,dowaik, where they say Johnson
Red Hand in China'whipped out.his pencil, beat Rtes over
Documents From Russian Em-
bassy Show Moscow
Bribed Nationalist
Intended To Betray Them
Peking.—Backing of first one Chin-
ese faction or general and then an-
other, at the same time taking care
that each faction's army was honey-
combed with Communism—that, in
brief, has been the official policy of
the Russian Government as shown by
revelations of same of the papers
seized last April when Marshal Chang
Tso-lip's troops raided the Soviet Mili-
tary Attache's office adjoining the
Russian Embassy in Peking.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Marshal Feng Yu-
hsiang, General Chiang Kai-shek and
General Tang Sheng-shi have earl suf-
fered from the perfidy of their sup-
posed Russian allies, the new docu-
ments reveal. Orders from the Rus-
sian Government, transmitted to Mi-
chael Borodin through the embassy
here, contain, definite instructions in
the cases of these Chinese leaders first
to "create an efficient military force,"
and, second, "at the same time to sow
the seeds of decay in the army in
order to insure that it cannot turn
against us in the future."
In the case of Marshal Feng Yu-
hsiang, the specific instructions were
that "his army must be developed
into a strong force to be used for our
purpose, but must be so controlled that
when our goal is reached the machin-
ery can easily be spoiled."
These revelations have been made
by M. Mitarevesky, a "White" Rus-
sian who was retained by the Peking
Government to assist the official Chi-
nese Commission appointed to sift the
vast plass of incriminating papers
seized in last April's raid.
Both Moscow and the Chinese Na-
tio alit Government have always. de-
clared that Borodin was not sent to
Canton by Russia but that he went
there at the invitation of the late
Dr. Sun Yet -sen. and was paid his sal-
ary by the Canton regime. 'Yet the
documents seized here show that Boro-
din reached Canton on October 6,1924,
traveling on Russian money, made
regular weekly reports to the Soviet
Embassy' here and to Moscow, and
was reuglarly supplied with large
sums of Russian funds.
Instead of being a day of rest, Sun-
day has resolved itself into a day of
Hold 'their
edges longer hi
hard service.
Outwear other melees
end aro therefore
mush moreeoonomical
and better. Orders for either
style Shipped promptly.
' Montreal T
vaouer St 3ehs
kieSasioutaskisseeteshogeamesseaseremismareei ISSUE No.'�1-•-'
the head with it, knocked hint uncon-
scicitS to the sidewalk and %: ntinued
beating him -so brutal!? that. bys•tanti
ers protested: --New York Sun.
Classified Advertisements
U].TRArtiONIC tiitAM Jr'k1ONE. 38
selections $108.0a for $55.0. Guar-
anteed. Poisson, 240 Motnt-Royal East.
AMM ont real.
Ea,no:enx:: PIXTTrrrs
l� and save half the Price, Send for
ariecial catalogue. • Earle T ile'trle SUro.
plies, 1284 St. Clair Ave., Toronto.
4 L 1•; S M E N—STEAD 1, Pltul•^1T-
ABLE employment, weekly ray.
selling our universally l:r.r,s n, guaran-
teed duality, Trees and Plr,nts. Newest
and best varieties. There is an',o ninney
in it for you. I11ustt;.to,i nn -to -the -
minute rnniprnent. 12^a1 cn .c .n_nPerst-
tion. Write T,t'1 1 IIROTTiERS 'SUBS-
23RTrS, 110NTPEAT..
1111.Jt 1[ e Pay rls l,ir'>•n°tT m 'r'•'r't T+;•i�: es and
guarantee complete sails -Ca -lion with
each transaeton. C. A. Man:: & Cc:., Ik:ng
Londt.n, Ont.
CLOVER HON RI8; ' 1' 'Clz1,S'T1T 'r
@J and clover, mostly clo,.cr, 7.73 for
sxt1' . Pounds, Patisfact r.71 y' 17•'1,it"211,
Charles Ogg, Dublin Si t , t, Cluc pit, Ont.
The Great Pi' av'P il. ntiTc
for coughs and Cords. For grippe
heat and inhale Millard's. Also
rub it on throat ant; cI ;+, t.
^^vim ^+ M ,*...11•,«-.,:<
Two More Cases of Feminine I11.
meas Relieved by Lydia E. Pin
h'asp's Vegetable Compound
Barrington, N. S.—"I had terrible)
feelings, headaches, back and sid
aches and pains all over my body.
would have to go to bed every mon
and nothing would do me good.
husband and any father did my wor
for me as I have two children and.
we have quite a big place. I read in
the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and then got a
little book about it through the mail
and my husband sent to Eaton's and
got me a bottle, and then we get
more from the store. I am feeling
line now and do ail my wor': and alas
able to go out around more I tell me'
friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. ,
etable Coinp'nmd that makes me fess
so well. "--Mrs.%' 1CTOn RIC1IA1WSONy .)
Barrington, Nova Scotia.
Fa is in Back
St. Thomas. Ont. —"I, "I, tools four
bottles of Lydia E. Finkl]am s Vege-
table Compound and found great re-
lief from the dull, heavy pams in the
fmall of my back and the weakness
rom which 1 suffered for five years
after my boy was born. After taking
the Ver otablo Com otihd and using
Lydia 1±,. Pinkham's Sanative Wash
am feeling better than 1 have for the
ast seven years, : and advise my.
friends to take it."—Mrs,l+.J0IINs0 t,
49 Moore Street,, St, Thomas, Ont. o