HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-12-15, Page 4ave or the g Rocking liorile Inning Dec. 1, Finding Dec. 24 ut 10. pan. mill give away free a beautiful big Rock - Horse. Save your Coupons. See window itsplay for full particular's. Make this Store your headquarters f r Xmas. shopping. Only a few suggestions below: FRESH • ROR THE .XMAS. CAKE SEEDED RAISINS rSiTE RAISINS "SEEDLESS RAISINS ;1 4RBA.NTS l• calm; PEEL FRUITS ORANGE PEEL c CITRON; PEEL ',FINE APPLE . PEEL GLACED CHERRIES, SHELLED ALMONDS SHELLED WALNUTS L?O 3 FOR 25c, CUPpit SAUCER tk'BEE. r.0'PEE-21bs, CHOICE BLENDED COFFEE $1.60. CUP AND S:iGC- ER VALr Ia $0.00 FREE. F. COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY DECORATED CHINA IN BON `moi NS, SUGAR AND CREAM. 'SUGAR BASKET, CUPS AND S Ai: C- QRS,, SALT AND PEPPERS, EGGSETS,MAYONAISE SETS, HONEY JELLY TRAYS, COMPORTS, SALAD TRAYS, BERRY SEES, '= 1 11+1ANY OTHER NICE LINES FOR XMAS. PRESENTS. "• tBIG ASSORTMENT OP FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS IN A L L PRICES. 41-'4147CY PAPETEIt.IES, WONTRF UL VALUES 25c 50c 75c $1.00 $1.25, $1..50. . For the Ladies =L A.DIES SCARFS 3K HOSE WOOL HOSE SILK 'AND WOOL HOSE SILK VEST ILK BLOOMERS • Z -LOVES, ETC. 1 For the Gentlemen NECK TIES BRACES SCARFS - HANDKERCHIEFS SWEATERS SOCKS, ETC. ETC. 4.4%.41310 DISPLAY OP TOYS, OF ALL KINDS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY DA.IG ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES,. NUTS: ORANGES AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. General •WurrnMerchant 'a, UR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED PHONE 1.40 igthout Your j.r Supp1. Duro Advisory Service is a+.o. Ask .Duro about your +mtautersupply before buying a •w.'urer system. Why take RE you hesitating to install a modern automatic water sys- tem because of some uncertainty, such as cost, size, capacity, 'etc. We will study your problem and make definite recommendations based on, your individual require- ments. We will guarantee you completely satisfactory water service on a money back basis -no matter where you live or what your source of .water supply. Duro makes an Automatic Water System for every possible Use -- deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns, • springs, -•••capacities ranging front 150 tp 1200 gallons per hour. Corse in and we'll demon- strate Duro features to you and quote prices. No obii- gation. Th E �ipirr 131 -ass Mfg.' Co. La. Lona, Toronto Vancouver at�lm s t, lei & Kaibfleisch Stade & Weida stye Watjot Sy etne hWoo. Don't xt .its your one 133>iti' Oplao;; t+ pity .rot purchasing yortr .Chaaiat•- rh as and Winter ppU % 'tit the rem i'kable and tanhea sok' ' . to prices at the popular General:Store o. B, '1`iemae & Sen ,11 i' time is going tat and the a ,pl,lyi'oF nal gains `ie many' 'lines ire..laiL3d so tact quack or yoia /will• •be •clis-- ;apointed and regret 'O'y° n r.eh that you was not there in time. Mr„, C•Lar Stc'inhtit.g.'n of the Can- adian Bank of Coirenereei • of Wo-• ottstock is ,'spending his •vaeatien with .hes parents, .Evan Lippert, who Ispppnt the paat year in Michigan, :has retr. ran' ea here. ,. c Mrs. A, .T er an,wh o sp 0t the past t'W'u rve,:Aks in De roti:, ,ieturia,-1 ed ho110 an Satuday,b or brother, 1Illford Merrier accompanied' her Land will spend a few clays with his parents. „ r Mrs, Jane Guentherr of l4litchell is visiting her son Earl, fora fewti Mays;, , •. • , n. Herb Pfile of. Dntreit, is visiting his parents th's Week, t'vir. Wn.0, Schroeder or Noth Dakota, (spent'.a .few days, visit- ing relatives. Mrs, C, Finkbeinlr is aga'n con- fined to her bed.through it ness,We hope for it spaedy recovery :,1Irs..P, Rumple of Sarnia, IS•sp- ending a, few days with her,Jx.o- titter who its quite ill. • I-LENSALL Nellie Boyle, nurse in 'training at Victoria Hospital, London,' vis- ited ,for a week .wth fixer =their here. • Mrs. John Coulter has been very poorly (for ,several weeks. • Edna Gill has taken a position in Passmore's hardware shop. The sportsmen of the village are soaking Lforward to the •`shoot to be 'held int he near future. David Be:swax, who is on ahun ter''s expedition in the northern parts of Ontario, was successful° in shooting a larget inber wolf, Alex. tSparks is visiting for ,r few.. weeks ,with relativ•es in De- troit. 1 . • Tho Sunbean�ii T e gave a illi- ber of concerts around- 'Tcrbnto and Oshawa,.; . Mr. 'and Mrs. John ,Reid ,and little ,child,- of London, visited for a few days with relatived •in the village. • . Mr. d an•Mrs. Wir>r. Consitt have been at Victoria Hospital, Lon- , don visiting Fred Berry. t _ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switzer ,and little daughter and Irma Higgins of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ,Biggins. Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Ho•ggarth an•• rsounce the engagenilent_ of their el- dest daughter, Mary Isabel,. to Stewart M. Barbour, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. S. Barbour,Toronto, the marriage lib take place . qu- ietly uietly ,this month, Thos. Palmer, Sr., who has been Making (his home with his data • ghter Mrs, Miners 61 London, had the m s1ortune to' fall on the '!side- walla and fracture his hip. • Fred Berry, who is undergoing ,rertrrt'nts at I.,anG O t Po p t 1, L•tas had a minor operation perform- ed. and is doing as well as .can be expected and it is 'now hoped that ,amputation will not be nee lessary,.• 1.,, 1 A quiet but pretty `xeddingwas solemnized at the : Presbyterian Thurs ay, pecet7Cber.` 15, 1927 ;yyyy ; m�:,., :y `Collip+" '" im0ezi„wit`,r•: .'.iZ'somTii3�,•* iv:0 4-4. :r . 5J ���W''^�W"-�crr �"�,kx'••�W:•oia�"'!f�'*�'.��.ati.:`�rd:-'� a Phone 53 .TIEMAN & SON dela,"I,, ri,k,I ,Olt 1; FW.ih;7a on Your next Side or vercoat \� ... I w� S Men's or Young Men's in new, /[snappy Blr.�e's kind. ,Faaacy pat- �'. terns at $13,95 $17.95'. BLUE SERGE, REGULAR $30.00 $19.95 • 1::OVTE .COA.TS ..Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue and heather mixture; the xiew;est Styles. T12.95 12.95 18.95 22.95 Regular Values. 17 0I 19.00 26.00 30.00 Men's Gift Shirts These are Shirts of the better quality, 'splendidly tailored of broadcloth in plain colors and neat striped patterns seperate collar to match and are put up in Gift • Boxes. Special Va1m $2.50 ;en's Ties Smartest of Patterns bossed at 50c 1.00 1.50 New Flowers FOR ,DRESSES AND cos,'AA BIG CHOICE 50c 75c $1 Handkerchiefs-. A W.ander£aYI 4ehowing of pretty Hankies at Prices less thail You, expect to pay. 5c each to $1. a box Underwear, Sweaters See our Bargain Table of child- ren's Underwear • :nd Sweaters. 'UNDERWEAR EACH 29c and 49c . SWEATERS EACH 95c and 1.69 Ladies Silk &Wool STOCKINGS .. Pure ;Sill; and Wool Bose, made of the very best of • batany wool Yarns and purest of thread silk. For real comfort this is the Stock. Taps, rein - Colors, all and white, ing. Extra good Rib forced heels and toes. black, all 'sands, sand all sizes, par pair. 1,35 en's, Caps tk, SPECIAL. ^ ,. n New, Sin art, Creations, all '10 'PIECES OF ALL LINEN TOWEL Sizes, all shades 'Mc; -,.13ROW:N .. AND . • ,WHI'i'L� 75c to $2.50• 5::yards, for 85c »Bring Your Dressed ti'ow1 this :week. High- est Trade !prices paid Silk thndies for Christmas G. f is Charming Silk knitted under- wear of excellent qukality cloths well tailored to fit well and made to •wear well. Colors -- Pink, ' ;Peach, Orchid': Bloomers .... $1.501 Vests 0,1.25 Suit Complete ., .. 2.30 Girl's and Women's Caps These are heavy ribbed dou-- ble knit caps, with large pore;::. Splendid Value pure wool. col- ors -Camel [aid brown; Camel and white, Scarlet and white. Each 90c GROCERIES New 'shelled almonds lb , 60c- New 0cNew shelled +Walnuts,. Ib. ...60c Mixed ,peel, lb. ......35e Thompson seedless raisins. .2511, New Dates, 2 -lbs.. for 25c New figs, 2 -lbs. for •...25c Marschino cherries, bttI ... 281*• Nu -Jell j.11y powdr. 3 boas 25c 11E"resh ginger snaps, 2 -lb. 25e Corn, peas, and tomatoes, •2,cans foi 25c New loused mutts, 4-1b. for '7'9r• 'SPECIAL 4 -string sweep - ,stake brooms, each ...38^ E. Tiernan & Son Dashwood - Ontario LIVE' 'o WWL -•• • We ship every Tuesday and Fri- day before noon. •�-�m>•-ri �,�,.,��.:�+.. �.:::,_.�. a:;a"�..�-"-���.a."w�'�?:'�.��°�i:;s.�. is�:�� •4.ted OraliKIECCUMMITILEISZIEMISIOURSOWilellellerarrrealgeMareMO manse, on }5aturday December 2nd, :at. 2 par:.,'when Anna Mary, 'sec- and daughter faf Mr: and! Mrs: ter Moir, ,London Road, became the •brier:: of Oscar Wwight T ckey, 'soil of Mi'. and Mrs. .Chas. Ti::eke. of EFxcter. , Rev. 3. Ilr'oy • officiating. ' r Mrs. R, J. Patterson of the . vil- lage received wo'r,,l of the sudden- death' in 1,oosejaw of her father Nicholas Horton. Mr. aid Mrs. Hortoon went from here to. the W West a couple of years :ago to :visit mernbers of his family, he lis • in bid 75th year, and is survived_ a 0 W • • - • by his widow, three daughter0 and tie sons. SALE Swee iin Holiday Bargains GiveUs a Call -See Our Prices SPECIAL' PRICES ON . ALL LINES OF 'ENTIRIJ STOCK 0 SALE • e 'uctions Dm 15 to 3Is Striped :Flannelette- all wid. 1.1 to 20c Shirting, Flannelette ...22 to 25c Grey Flannel, Reg. 50e. now 37c Dress Flan, new shades The for59c i?lr a Byrd Crepe, reg. 35c now 20e Empire Flannel, reg. 33e now 29e Steel clad Galatea, reg, 35c for 2+c 'Lang, Qinghai%, new pat, 30c at 19c %11x. Denim, reg. 45c, at .... ... 39c Khaki Denim, Reg. doh. at 33c Col. Chintz,.Ileg. 25c, at .. ..19e C'i.rtain 1lIarctuis:ettc, ••15c, at ..2713, Men's, 'Ladies,- Children Hosiery, S:peciat Prices. Ladies Sill: and Wool- Un. wear Regular 65c :it • '89,,e All Children U -wear, Special Brice, Men's +Carhar r tts ' Overalls and 'smocks, at 14011's Unity Brand o ills at 199 Fingering yarn, per Ib. .., ......1,t5 Canadian yarn, per lb, 89c Men's grey and. khaki wl shirts 1.49 Mens as's't work shirts ... 89c Rib n000l Underwc ar rr.,'n's Reg, (1.50 for . 1.19 Rib 'wool, comlt. un ti ex, wear, Reg. 3,2.5 for 2.2') Men's Fleece.reg. S1 89e. Boy's Sweaters, re; 3:75 now 2.0 Boy's. Sweaters;,- Reg.` 3,25 now 2.75 And Many other Articles too num:- ' ull-' Crows fro mention. Gifts for,ltotber-=Coleir.ian irons or. Lamps. Seer our Prices. SPECIAL PRICES' ON ALL MEN'S ANI) BOY'S, It tJ ER . SHOES, LAD- IES PELT SHOES VERY SPECIAL. PRICES. BIG CLEARANCE O,F ALL SHOES. GROCERIEij+ t t + 3 -Ib, 'Blue Rib Rice 95e 4 -lbs. Rice for' 2+5t 3-llas, 'Jap Terve at ...... ..:1.13 3 -lbs. Teeing sugar... . . . 25c 3-bx. Rod Bird• matches at ... -95c -bas. 1Ia:lile Leaf matches at 15u. 3-•bas.s. corn starch, .,. 25c 1 -Ib. Rio Coffee: ..... .... ...41e 2 -lbs, Sodas • at 25c 14-Ibs, Grt,n. sugar for 2-015. ,Seeded Rais'ins at .. 255 Dates 0a Canned4peas, ,Corn, Pork and Beans .per .,can . .... ...tOe WE+l, TTAVP+, A FRESH STOCK OE LLL KINNDS ,OF PEELS, NUTS. CANDIES, TOYS ETC,' AT SP EC -IAL PRICES.- SANTA CLAUSE: SPECIAL, A S:1b CI1LPY. GIVE ITS A .CALL OUR . PRICES 'C.A.N N'O'r BE B'.F+:A.'x. WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A MEE,RYoHRISTi'MMA.>" ANjJt, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW' YEAR. nsph Jernas sdale easoso000 g00>p0►91••0•0•••. 00••"00.00603•00oo06l10it•09osis,_- Continentai Stock Salt For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP: and POULTRY- . BY IT, 'TONE BETTTR ON THE MARKET. ALWAYS SOLD WITH :A GUARANTEE. FLOUR FLOUR TRY OUR VARIOUS BRANDS OF FLOUR FOR BAKING BREAD AND FINE PASTRY. FULL LINE OI MILL .NEEDS AND SEEDS Oil' ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON • HAND ' • WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAtila LQUIS Sehilbe. pu • ZnriCh . •00.somes919100iwase.040,000400 9•9lp•l •94116BilNt •Idfl.0• 90.091*r • f, 11M*44' ..,+l'+.4144'A"p'!"y„i' f'> `'3'+' MM+++ + +++++++ 4++. ++ 44 44. . The New°•and Finer 4. 4. Pontiac Si.,.Y New Beauty, New Features, New Low Price The aoment you see the new and finer Pontiac 0 Six, you will maze that it is big value. and leader- 4. 4. ship hi the field of low-priced :Sixes. - 4. 4. rt . `Let us prove this by a demonstration 4.+ ' FY A' I G E} .• 4. +I+ .. WTI"! 1O CEAR1l.11NG BODY,TYPES AND COLO11 COli+1BIN ATIONS - IN SIZES AND EIGHTS 7 GIVES ZOt1 ' TM% WIDEST RANGE OP INDIVIDUAL. CHOICE 1N THE BET - AUTOS.' '�'E•c, • AND • 33lTG�lF1 PRICEY] A + Yon matt. 009' and Alive thse new Paige cars before your telly ally the wonderful •Iilerformanee and, the auras g. Ando* they- really ark Let no detnonstrate. AUTO 'REPAIRING AND ' c NERAL GAR .a , i, WOR] • ~1~,ECIALT" E.; csos Grease' • • Ares Accessories �. i;.