HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-12-08, Page 4guitivn REEALD Your '1Coupons For the Big 4!::,ocking Fierce lieginning Dec. 1, Ending Dec. 24 at 10.. p.m. We will give away free a beautiful big Rock- ing Horse. Save your Coupons, See window display for full particulars. Make this Store your headquarters for Xmas. shopping. Only a few suggestions below: FRESH *awl. FOR THE XMAS. CAKE SEEDED RAISINS 'WHITE RAISINS SEEDLESS RAISIN'S CURRANTS s , LEMON PEEL FRUITS ORANGE PEEL CITRON'S PEEL - PINE APPLE tPEEL j GLACED CHERRIES SHELLED ALMONDS "-- SHELLED WALNUTS Z.,3ELLO 3 FOR 25c. 'CUP ;OR S,A,UCER FREE. 4VOYFEE-21bs. CHOICE BLENDED COFFEE $1.60. • ER VALUE $1,00 FREE. CUP AND A COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY DECORATED CHINA IN BON -BONS, SUGAR AND CREAM. SUGAR BASKET, CUPS ANDSAUC- -"EAS, SALT AND PEPPERS, EGGSETS,MAYONAISE SETS, HONKY. •:TARS, .TELLY TRAYS, COMPORTS, SALAD TRAYS, BERRYSETS', AND MANY OTHER NICE LINES FOR XMAS. PRESENTS, 4.11G ASSORTMENT OF FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS IN ALL PRICES. -PAN-CY PAPETERIES, WONDERFUL VALUES 25c 50c • 75c 81.00 $1.25, $1..50. • oeJ For the Ladies :LADIES SCARFS 'SILK. HOSE 'WOOL HOSE MIK 'AND WOOL HOSE- _ BILK VEST SILK -BLOOMERS DLOVES, ETC. For the Gentlemen NECK TIES BRACES SCARFS . . HANDKERCHIEFS SWEATERS , SOCKS, ETC. ETC. •eo4.43IG DISPLAY OF TOYS, OF. ALL KINDS. SEE OUR DISPLAY BIG.ASSORTMENT OP CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES BOTTOM PRICES. WINDOW AT ROCK 1' 1L. 117 General General Merchant 7.7ZOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED -T- PHONE 140 WiWaWANWYAAMIWWWWWW14 Zurich Drug Store I AllmimMa• • ab 41. For rigritC Dr. A1 z J. Mac innon, Zurich viAmmfwmtvvRAWMA' 'WW1 WAN are visiting with Xr. and Mrs,Fred Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, few days U London, la'st Tho Evangelical Sunday Sahoei School is liolding its annuei Chr- istmas ,entertainnient on Friday December 23rd. Mr. R,' Goetz is attending Co- unty• 'Council in Goderich thie Week . Mr. and Mils. Herb, Weil] gave a. birthday dinner last Thursday evening, in boiror of 11/Irs. Henry Rader. In the, presence of the childrenand twenty-one grand. children there passed a series of events /that made for a "pleasant ening. An address by'fir.Lonlo Rader was well received: followed by an assembly reading given,by Mr, 'Aivin aeMo'her and Grandmother, we, your chil- dren and grandchildren have ga- thered here this evening for the purpose of (offering a token in remembrance and to express our very belt ,wishes• in honor of your birthday. We canna' ttell yoou how delighted we aret o be the r:.eans of •conveying to you' this medium of ,our united affection. In this you' 4'111 find a synebel of tor.veying to you this mediurn of our sentiment that portrays the 'attachment each ione of us cherish It would (seem that every one of needs mast the advise and com- forting admonitions th.i.t your ye- ars of ;experience in the ;walk of life can ;give to us. On this ooc- casion .our .appreciation wells •up and weeisubretitt o you tthis simple indication of our affection. We hope to share with you good he- alth and many happy returns of this lyour birthday. Signed on behalf of your chil- dren and grandchildren. With the presentation of a sil- ver knives and forks tea set, Mrs. Rader made a suita,ble reply, ex pressing a happy surprise andher desire ta colitiante to be of paren- tal servige to, all her Kin. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dashwood miss 13. Anderson visited in ?4,tlisa ,Craig on $nalciasr. Lorne ?file of Doi -,,114 'spent •)44day, 'With his( xyaLeni.e,,, Mr, and Mrs, Stadeihawr of Lon. abn, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. 3rraft on Sunday, Itiageo Aliee and Ladle. NVIIIeri 1:41144, .pf STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Miss Margaret MCKinley ' has returned home after ;spending a week with friends in McKillop and Clinton. , 'Mr. Frank 11IcClinchey is en- joying his holidays from his dut- ies at the Bank of ,Montreal, fat Zurich. Z Mrs. W. J. Dowson spent the past weak visiting with trendsiifl Seaforth. Mr. George E. Johnston has dis- posed of his fine 120 -acre farm on Phone 53 TbursilaYp Peceltiber,p 8t2# 19 TIEMAN No,. We are ready with a full New Stock of Christmas Gift Things.. Collected and picked from the best makers as some lines cannot be repeated, we advise an early look, and choose ,while the stockr are at: their best. Gift Towels Towels are ,A1Way$ an acceptable and practical gift. Splendid new N umbers in Bath Towels lar 49c to $1.25. Interwoven Socks For 'Men ,who want Style, Com- fort and 'wear. The very newest Patterns are here. 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 Men's Ties Again we lead. An exceptional Showing this year:- Boxed at , ,eacn 50c $1.00 and $1.50 Men's Shirts The Seaside is a nice patterned shirts for the dressy young man. It is a guaranteed last colorshirt which will ,give wonderful wear. Soft Collar to Match. , Each $2.85 Handkerchiefs A wonderful ?showing of pretty. Hankies at prices less 'han you, expect to pay-. 5c. e ach to $1. a box Special 10 Pieces all inlen hand toweling Brown _and White Stripe., 5 yards for 85 cents Groceries Mixed peel pel. lb....35c Thompson- Seedless Raisins 2-1b. 29c New Dates, 2 -lbs. for ......25c Large Prunes, 2 -lbs. for —25c New 'ir% 2 -lbs. for ...... 25e Maraschino cherries bottle 2'3e NueJell Jelly Powder 3 for t.....25c Fresh Ginger snaps 2 -lbs for 25c Fresh fig bars, lb,.........19c Corn, Peals land tomatoes, 2 cans lfor 2e New mixed Nuts, 4 -lbs. New Flowers FOR DRESSES AND COATI," i. • BIG CHANCE 50c, 75c and $1.00 mean Underwear, Sweaters Se a' Ow Bargain Table of ChB.. dren'ts Underwear and Sweater* UNDERWEAR EACH 29c and 49c. SWEATERS EACH 95c and $1.69 Men's Overcoats NAVY BLUE AND HEATHER ' MIXTUAEll 1300 19.00 23.0% REGULAR VALUES 19.00 2600 30.00, Suits MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS' AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES BRING US YOUR PRO- , DUCE.-HIGEfEST TRADE PRICES PAID E. Tiernan & Son Dashwood — Ontario ..a/MISICIFSSrMaNZailelOW. aacasamantasr.smacrecnisolme 41111111011 the nstoshe.nof sees Gon Line Mr. Percy- BEATTIES' FAIR,. SEAFORTEE JohName Poion to be given in the sprinig. The ;ladies of the Varna United church, held ,a very successful Bazaar in the Town Hall, • last Thursday. The proceedi amount- ed to, over $100.00. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was iadramistered int he Goshen, ]Blake and Varna- Churches last Sunday, 'and the Oit,c_al meet- irg will .beheld at Varna Chbirch on Wednesday of this week. Mr. John A. Manson, Reeveof Stanley is attenaing County Co- uncil at 9-aderich this week. • Mr. Loren Tyndall met with am accident on Saturday last from, which he ,rscaped. 'very fortunately, 'although he received to ve. al plin- tut bruises when his car •turned over into a ditch as he was driv- ing along ,the Bronson Line, -St- anley, pinning him under it. He was imprisoned until he was ex- tricated by Mr.. and Mrs. Carnie, near..whase homme the accident' :Clarence Munn, at Bay City, v'esi ed with his parerts, Mr., and MrIs. Alex. Munn. Flossie Pass, 01 Toronto, i svise iting her parents, Mr, and . Mrs; David Foss. ,Archie Sparks of Detroit, visit- ed with hiS father here. Lea Redden, Who, has spent the past month jaunting in the North, has returned to his home here. Win: Simpson, of Detroit, iled ‘,.„. with relatives in town. Thos. _Luker, of Tuxtord, is visiting his brother, Win Luker Alex. 'Sparks left for. Detroit, where he vil1 'spend a. Damper of eaks with ilia sons Neil and Ar chie who live there. Mr. and .mrs. A'vin Wurm, vetited f,v a, few days with relatives in Port Huron. Mrs. kWITIL Consitt Was in London fo- few days visiting herbro- tier, Fred Berry, who -has knee tro- uble. d, Ford, who has ben visit- ing for ,a few weeks with relatives hero, has returned to his home in the &atm. Mr, .and Mrs, Ashman, of St, Thames:, Mr. and Mrs. 3 Richard son sea MrYe: Cailir. of Iliesgreen My, and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brein and &tighter Dorothy of Zurich, were visitors on Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Al!. Smith, •,,At a ;special meeting ,of the council, a petition was presented asking for a cement sidewalk on S, lilichemond from Miss Swan's gatisway to the Sherritt property. The petition was ,signed, 4)'y 'the property owners. It was doeid- ed 61),` too grant Said petition, the property holders pay 00 ,per keent and tile, town 40 per, cent 'oof the Never Such Variety — Never Such Bargains, The Store that makes a speciality of Christmas— Come and See. LOST ' • A sirdall Collie Dog. Pinder pl- ease .notify Mr. Ted. IVii,ttlehooltz, Ziirich, Ont. • SCHOOL CONCERT. Babylon aJine School (S. S.No.0) Bay, .T p.will hold their Xramas. concert on December 22nd. One ,af the main items of the- program w,ill be pi play 4.1rititled. ."The Caiitain's Predicament." Keep the 'date tn Mind. iEverybody, • Weicoinia. BORN Xrteger—At 14th eon. Hay, Tp. on. 2 'December 1st, to Mr. and Mrs„ • 'HerbKruegera -daughter Desjardine—In 'Stephen T;ownshinr on December 15th, to Mr. and Mrs - , . Leesome Desjardine ,a daughter. • F011 SALE • a -have aS nuinter ,,of choice; • milk )..laWs that m I ascattering for •• sale. Good Good Valuta, ' Sol. 'Ginger- • ich, Goshen Souith, Hay Tp. • LIVE- FOWL — We ship. •every Ttiesday, and 'Prj. day before noon. 4111260$60/1000601141144)11000111100 0000000f0060440111110111610006•00 1 tinentA St ck Salt \I For Your - fo HORSES, CATTLE, HOG -S„, SHEEP and POULTRY COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal • ALSO CARRY Coke POcabantas and Soft Coal SOOD SUPPLY ON HAND-. ITLEPHONE YOUR GRDERS • EARLY TO Case & Son -IroNti sr. -URTS.M -17 r.a....real • NOTICE * TO:FARMERS—After Noveree ber 1st chopping and rolling will be done at our mill ion Tuesday Thursday and Saturday iof each Week, during ,the whole day. 'Millard% Bros., Zurieh. We carry complete line of Poultry leupplies, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Sheila, Beet Meal, tone Mgal, Laying Meat and all Royal Purple remedies. ttogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Phone 47 J Exeter), Ott TRY IT, NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET. - ALWAYS SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE. FLOUR FLOUR I TRY OUR VARIOUS BRANDS OF FLOUR VOR BAKING OP BREAD AND FINE PASTRY. FULL LINE OP MILL PEEDS AND SEEDS OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND I_ WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Louis Schilbe Zurich: 00611044609011.96001111)00.00410 0011406.0466008460111061960001111116\ 'tHi"H*441,M444,144,4114444 144+++++++ 444++++ ++++,04++* i•iTlie New and Finer - .. .1., !Pontiac Six ,. .., - New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices ., IThe moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Ili *,- Six, you will realize that it is big valUe and leader- - E ship- in the field of low-priced SW . • - • Let us prove this by a, demonstration - qt I . PAIGE WITH 20 CHARMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMI3INs' ..t. A.TIONS-- IN SIXES AND BIGHTS — GIVES YOU THE' ;WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL mown IN THE BET- " % TER AND HIGHER PRICED .AUTOS. ' • $ 'Too mutt bee and *I've these new Paige cars before, you W... ' 4, you earl fully TOM* the wonderful pierformance and the ansaaing :salves they really ara, Let Iva dettonstrate. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GAR...4,uE W011it A , SPECIALTY .1*.. 4 ,., to 4,- NCEL$ i?ro.„.„ .,„ • Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories 4 *44144 44,1 44$4,44444..144.444.+44.+ ,. •