HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-12-01, Page 80* re.- ` " ,-ffek 'I ,r} 1 t i Only afeT Ladies Winter Coats left and we are :going to clear them out in the next .r w days. These are all stock in newst cloths and styles 1 ONLY BEG, 19.50 FOR . . $1.4.00 1 ONLY'REG. 29.00 FOR _.$21.50 1 ONLY REG. 50.00 FOR __- _-- $23 00 1 ONLY REG. 35.00 FOR _ $26.00 1 ONLY REG. 35.00 FOR . $25.00 2 ONLY REG. 35,50 FOR _.- ... $27.50 SPECIAL A LOT OF LADIESI' LANNET: DRESSES, WELL MADE OF GOOD. QUALITY FLANN.r:LS AT $4.98 EAC.H nder ea , Sweaters CUR STOCK OF UNDERWEAR FCR MEN, 'WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS IS NOW COhIPLETB, ALSO SWEATER COATS, IN A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES AND PRICES. • EE OUR BARGAIN TABLE: OF 'UNDERWEAR, .SHIRTS . A N D DRAWERS AT 19c TO 75c. EACH, CELERY We have a u';crates mmis•ci d. This is ready packed for winter use. No. 1 quality grown i our own gardens Jo Prod L w. Via 'u LILL le. s, Oils, Creases P113 :ire 59 a s e Tires, Th s, Repairs. GENUiNi FRE ARTS VUST RECEIVED A. SHIP NT OF DOMINION TIRES A d) TUBES E ARE AGAIN HANDLLl;ia THE FAMOUS BATT al' IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PA "RONAOE. WE GUARANTEE OUR Phi :'ES TO EXCELL THOSE OF V. EATON c0,, AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WB GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAItE SATISFAOTOR ' 'ALLOWANCE ON YOUR ;fD BATT-, ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND 'BATTERY CHARGING, EK}- R!2 AUTO eREPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC- IizTYraENF �VT;LIl7NG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE illoriiiiaau Znriah This is the last week of the Sale Did you get your under- wear, Sweater Coat, Hosiery, -Etc We still have have a few Blankets left at $1.89. We will also, have. ` the Grey at the same price for Saturday. Mew Bargainscoring in every day YELLOW FRONT STORE • isixo ir's0 804';Zt010814t,4 +iifaaRSCOVIe400601101110erig P:00 1 1 4I tlI W. ITEMS OF LOCALINTEREST LOCAL ARS Egg's .-a -»-- -- 30-37-42 J: Walton, McKibbon, was on Butter,lb. ..a ._. 3S' Monday elected by acclamation for hi:: third terix, as :Reeve of Wing- ham.- Dried apples Ib. -* .. --- 9 Young chicks ----_ ,..12=19 vid Hens __, __.6-14 Miss V. Siebert, rr_,illiner,. is at Ducks ._._-. ___pmt- • ,_,____ 12-10 present giv ung 'v onderful zeduct • •i I a.t per buxwhel _., ._, _... _ 1.22 iona in miili-rery, and it will save ' Earley _ ..__ ..._.. ..._- . 75 Buckwheat 75 _.3.50-4.50 Shor ns per ton-- -M.. ._34.00 i3r,:n per ton,.. , . 32,00 Live Hagg :M 8.50 Eto last week. • `yrrecteci every. Wtr[irxesday) L iiia' J. L, b err of ilia Brws- yo•u many real dollars to rake your prchuase,s here. Public Sch000i Inspector' J. B. Tom, of Go:iericii, paid 'an offic- ial visit lir Zur ich pubic ,school, one day sells Plat has tee very t.n:ortun- tr, in being laid tip for ,two mon- — the P ,th static. • Tree t.. Ho•.of Refuge Committee ',' lectern Far . prs9 a� of IIt coon .aunty Council have. deer 1-d to •,,s all an upto date "N """ ur° 'radiohr the .:ounty Home at Olin- tu'u° ton and nr asking for tenders. OF WOODSTOCK. The engagement is announced at . - Mee E. 1v naien Adams, youngest' tr1 LARGEST BUSINESS OP ;daughter of r.he late Mr. and Mrt'.:- q CANADIAN' ddblPaldY DO - Wm,. Whalen ,of Pbnetanguisheno. to William ..ol n Manson, son al . :l BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. John A. 11anon and the, iate Mrs. Menson of 2,urich. The marriage '° D AND BONDS ON RAND to take pla.ee the latter part of: November. - Our mailing List has 'been cor- rected up to Nov. 23th. Look at your label and see if it is right.Holtzinlan — Zurich If you ha- e renewed and your1abe1 AC,•L�NT ALSO DEALER IN UGH - does not shote it, kindly let ut ,r. ING"RODS r AND ALL KINDS know at once, Iso we can adjust the ''_.atter, we often- need your OP FIEE INSURAN(;E. co-operation. in this matter. And then again we have a 'few who are a few years in arrears - with thele sib., :'o such we wonid ask then to be good enough and remit. At the end of each month we mt.si: me?t ,our Bank Drafts; and if we do not our uppyl will be cut off. So "have a Heart" and pay ,up. The youxrg p :ople of the Luth- eran church who took part in the play "Getting Acquainted with: 'Z; 29,454e,14. 'Being an increased it raurance of $5,365,485 over 1925, - 'Madge" held a bengtiet in the ���0 Dominion House last Wednesday everin g Alter the banquet the ON twenty well. fed and happy pea- s i pie r .' paired to the parsonage wh 9 ere they were- entertained to sev '3 eral piano and violin ,se1ection0, arrain,,. Your `Moms Is You:Ncx-Prooiem But i••fyou. b lug your 'problem to us" we will chef fully overcome it -for for you by dRdTil1 you free advise e just what kind .d size of Furnace or S c e you require. BRING US THE PLAIN OF YOUR HOME, OR BETTER STILL, PHONE US TO COME OCT AND SEE, AND WE WILL 'FELL YOU JUST WHAT Y U REQUIRE. - A FULL LINE OF AND HEAVY SIARDWA.RE A.L- W'AYS 0N HAND. AMIIIIPOIIMOVISVMMIM If in need of new furniture, 1 e, n b 1 it! oris Are in the maiket for good Clover Clover Seed is i* iiwoom Beast •• e don't 1 6 _ imiliesoo sTADE WEID Z +A . I C H��yyo �,y O NTyy w�,y����,j,,i.,440 followed •by a nun2ber of mysti fyin gtricks and parlor 0 'armed by k.ev. --11 Renibe.' At the clow of the jolly •evening, Mrs. Rembe served a buffet lunch. i1?YSDAL Mr' and Mrs Hector Laporte, o a130 M . •ar , 14Iis. Trirfly Laporte and Mrs. Len GGaormette,' of De - trait, visited with their parents,Mr: 0 and Mrs. C.,!.ts. Laporte, si 'liars. Smith, of Detroit, who sp- ent • a f-. w weeks with her sister 0 Miss 13. ,anc1 brother Mr. Ed. "•,tons• "scan, bas returned to her honile ti; 44 Detroit. , 9 Miss B. Mousseau Was a Sunday • "'v'isitor-.with MYr, and Mrs. Frank Motsseau, nearHcnsall. Mr. Philip L. Denonime had etc: q misfortune la having one- of his iegs ianjured with the belt, p1 the 0 chopper -while chopping at his barn one day lasbt week. o;DECEMBER ROD AND GUN ap - Featuring [ieser.a1 splendid st- ories of .outdoor 1lf•o as well ad w inuu er ous int resting 'articles on 'sporting subjects, the Decen[ber Iii of Rod and Gun end ,Caiiad- o ten Silver Fos Nows,• Canadian sp , o t n,; ns.iU a .instt L b, , lks jen pul•. alrshed. Among the well told st- s Icrr,cui of :hunting trills is air cep- ecially good on' of a trip ,in the A ;RockyItri r s afterz Jt horn s;eir and ly.oat by Geo II„ 'Charly. 1'ti add.la0n to the, full lint of otir:`r art•c ca; t'1.0 !eau •ar departmenttis on guns and ammunition by 0. S. Landis, diss, ,?fishing Noted, edited. by •. G, IS., 4Ia,don, Outdoor': Talk by W. -® Q al Slaughter AT THE liat Shoppe OR ALL OUR MILLINERY. EVERYTHING MUST GO OPP THE TABLES;-- S0 BE ON TIME AND'' REAP THE BENEFITS EARLY . Have also a new line of Novelty Stan4ped Goods, appropriate for Xrr.,an. Gifts, Etc. WE INVITE You - TO COME AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF GO- ODS AND BE CONVINCED OL' OUR BARGAINS iss Vo Siebert C. Motley,..Iennel Notes by C. G. Hopton and Dr. L. E L. ---Taylor and Along the Trap Line by M. U. Bates, all contain most useful. information with regard ti.), their. special fie.d. Canadian Silver Pox "News section also contains valu- ,able rr_,ateri,al with regard to the growing industry adn informative 1 rrtictes. Rod .acrd. Gun and Can- adian Silver .Fox. News is .publiabed monthly by W, J. Taylor: Ltd. 'at W oo c.'stock,, Ont. T$ iay. Iaece ntbgr )0'4 ;: Seasnab1e r w re Fail is here and we earn su: 1.... the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices HOOD BIIpP,LY OF BUILDING % ATERIALS INCLUDIN®i COUNCIIL STANDARD'ROOpI a N d1%>72 cEIIcai A NUMBER :OF GOOL SECOND HAND BaTovaa VERY• CHEAP, FENCING A CARLOAD OF LITNDYS LUCKY T ED INCIEIIDIN(I WOVEN � WIRE, 'MOT s$$�!Q.t' , 'COIL, BARB° BRACE' AND RTE POSTS, TIRE'S AND TUBES A PULL LINBI 0iF OUTTA. P ERCH`d Tial , brialfa 7Barna, PAINTS AND V.A.RNISI AND A FULL LINE OR CHI -N.& SENOR V.A.RN`ISEES, AUTQ ENAMELS. ALSO PULL LINE O,P MUR CE7r, Imo, •1. .FURNITURE Full Line of Farnitnze in: Living Room, Suitr>x Dining ROOni; ,Sniffs, Rod Room Suite, . Kitchen Cabmet[a[. lid Rockers[ and Chair , A NUMBER _OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED ,PRICES; GOOD SUPPLY- OF RAMOUS SIMMONS BHL SPRINGS AND MA.TTRES*- BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES l 1 ALL SIkIS IN WILTON'S AZ* MINISTER AND TA.PEStTR Y RUGS; jOhnSton. and are 17urniture. 'hon! 6-3 « nmea stmt rrnlBmoxjprytzmesm rasta2Rm,IIR®W..ar agrt-fl IJ!, Safe In.VOS briler RUGS RUGS tS A Oa 3fully Selected List of Safe Securities with: attractive Interest Returns -Security Victory , Bonds Victory ,Bonds Victory Bonds Saskatchewan Ontario Dov,1, 1934 iel ueri4.7 Oct. 15, 1943 _ , - -, .: e_.... 4 03 Oct. 15, 1944 -.. • __State 1, 1957 4.56. Boli Telephone Co. 1, 1942 _ __... ..... 4.75 Gatineau ,Power. Co. June 1, 1957 3, 1957 S;U7 - 5.07 Massey -Harris June • Oct. 15, _ 1947 -Huron & Erie Debentures •. .,. ..:.. 45..375Canada Trust Mart a e CerlificatCs, .guarantee -d-...,..51 ._4.75 INFORMATION ON ANY INVESTMENT GLADLY GIVEN 'Before you Invest.-- ThT ESTIGA'TE r Andrew F. Zurich MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND EA,�n'EPY Hava You M kDE YOUR W1 LL? ..1 amrm --•+,amstamrt,n sof n!m.ne c.smnawua°oowsi Amasinng . Results .Hundreds of operations Avoided treating Bronchitis, Sore throats; Head colds, Croup, Quinsy, Cough and Diseased Tonsils, by usingMrs Syhilla Slaahra Ton'silitia, success er. rc oney back. JOHN ARD Drugless Practio - eer a 1 d Optician. EXETER - P AT WALPEE :r O r.7sE, MAYON Every Tneeday, 1® a,tnl. to iµ Ada, TAIL rAD d • BY THOSE o 0 KNOW O TTOWN' O-THGETHEM BUT TO U THti lk BY THOSE WHO KNOW. HO The New Fall Saitiols ,ARB 1 . .. RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE ON i PATTERN, STYLE AND QUALITA oA,LL' OUR a OODS GUA,RANTfED . dl• DONT be minted by buiyiing i chealrer and inferior goodia BUY from', thoseyou know' will Land behind evei°ything, they nevi . H. HOFFM-A MERCHANT rtALLOIt. W. II.B.OPPMAN A' SOrnr, $ItiBAL TANI) FUNERAL DIRECTORS< Day and Night AMA Ito, M s