HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-12-01, Page 4ZURICH HERALD .ave 'Y�a�. toupons For ther ' Rocking Hone Beginning ., Ending; Dec. 24 at 10. p.m. •���� Dec-.ec-. �.� l; We will give away freea beautiful big Rocii i. ing Horses Save your Coupons. See window isplay for full particulars. Make. this S :ore your headquarters for Xmas. shopping. Only alt few suggestions below: FRESH FRUITS ORANGE. PEEL . l c ITRONI PEEL PINE APPLE PEEL GLACE:D CHERRIES SHELLED ALMONDS } SHELLED WALNUTS FOR TUE' XMAS. CAKE -SEEDED RAISINS • WHITE R ,IS1NS SEEDLESS RAISINS :CD'RRAN TS LEMON PEEL -JELLO '3 FOR 25c. CUP ,OR SAUCER FREE. •'tOE EE-2fbs. 'CH'OICE BLENDED COFFEE $1.60.' CUP AND SAV- ER ER VALUE $1.00 FREE. A COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY DECORATED CHINA IN BON :'BONS, SUGAR AND CREAM, SUGAR BASKET, CUPS AND SAUC itS, SALT AND PEPPERS, EGA SETS, MAYONAI3E SITS, HONEY :JARS, JELLY TRAYS, COMPORTS, SALAD TRAYS, BERRY. SEFS, -AND MANY 'OTHER' NICE LINES FOR XMAS. ,PRESENTS. _.. BIG ASSORTMENT .OF FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS IN. 'ALL PRICES. 'ANQY PAPETERIES, WONDERI'UL VALUES 25c 50c 75e $1.00 $1.25, $1.;•50. For the Ladies it ADIES SCARFS .S1LK HOSE li.00L HOSE .SILIK. AND WOOL HOSE' SILK VEST t.. 'ILK BLOOMERS LOVES, ETC. For the Gentlemen NECK TIES , BRACES SCARFS HANDKERCHIEFS SWEATERS SOCKS, • ETC. ETC. tak OM DISPLAY OF TOYS, OI+' ALL KINDS, SEE OUR DISPLA% " - •i $IG ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES BOTTOM PRICES. WIND O W AT . ROCK a. T. L. Wurrn General erchant iMUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED . PHONE 140 goal- - Country Home Duro Water System irajiacities are greater --Prices are lower. Duro gives you more mater ata lower price. Long -life, care -free serviceb' qua rant. sed Akitchen sink with running water under strong pressure—a mod- ern bathroom—an up-to-date (aunt- dry—plenty of faucets in convenient places — all available with a Duro Water System. Think what this means in comfort and convenience &n your suburban or farm home. Duro systems can be used with. :sleep wells, shallow wells, cisterns or springs, They may be driven from high dine current, farm -light plant or gasoline' engine. Installation cluick and tleasy. Duro-ize your country home. Let 'us recommend the right water sys- . tens .of the proper capacity for your requirements. No pbligation. The Empire Bass Mfg. Co. Ltd, Loudon Toronto. Vancouver, Dor Sale B-5 Johnston & Kalbfleisch Stade & Weido Pressure Water *Systems Thursdayy DecenLtler, 1st, 19 . CARD OP THANKS Y.fr. 1 U and Mrs. S B c �. i. o e� ;F, Ikl a, p tine Bronson Line, wish through this xuedauirt 1,0g ' reatlee ea:presrx their appreciation and thanks for all; the ltiirdniess and, .fiivors down by the netlibor'a and e friends dur- ing 'the recent illness of Mrs. Beebler. Mr. Miller of Wisconsiia.gavo a v o y interesting a�di11eies on the ;Am lariean Indians on Wednesday eve oiling In the Lutheran church ltua 'der tha auspices of the Lutheir '1'iralther League.. Mr. ,Ear.( Gaisee attended the funeral of a relative in afiehigan last week. Mae. A Tienn,an as spending <a 'few weeks in Detroit. . Mr. Milford Koch and Sister Alma of Detroit, spent the week end:.with their parents, Mr. and MIS, Fred Pieeter and Mr., and Mrs. Hy, Hoffar.;an rnot ored to Kitchener on Sunday: Mrs •I+'.. B, Meyer is on the 'sick list, we hope for a •sp:eedy . ' re eO r cry ..•-.._ _ M•s.4Vne. Held and diughterEv- Jt 1geiine attended the funeral 'of a relative in .Detroit last week. JVIr. Louis Pusher returned on Saturday 'after .i spending the past few months in the west. Miss Edith Gaenther .is visiting friends in Farmington, mington, Mich: Miss L. Reid, Miss Forman and Me. Thompson of Goderieh spent Sunday at the home of: the ,form er's• parent., Mr. and IYIrs. •J, ••Mr. and Mrs. E. Mernov.of,Bay- field :visited with . friends on Sunday. a• RECEPTION • _ A very pleasant evening was spent at the Lutheran church on Thursday' evening, November 224th when' a reception was held. in honor of Rev. E. Bru i, and his bide who had just returned from their wedding trip. About ,serer o'clock all 'sac down to dainty :incl• ;n.edieal treatment and other e:i- decorated tables where all .did jus ens the magistrate adjourned tree to a fowl supper prepared. 'by 1' ' J the ladies of the congregation. Af- the court. ter supper a ,short program, - was given and .Revand Mrs. Bruer were pnesented with" a handsome dinner ;set and a wicker rocker. Rev. Brx. r responded thanking the friends heartily, after, which all re- turned to thea hoamea haveng ,sten: a very pleasant evening. his ni,cUlior .an 'sister' o1 Detroit, visited with relatives hoxe , Miss C Ie lo x, 3raecfie d , has taken a position as clerk cncl h000kl F,e per with A. Smith: of the iakePry, Mary ;and Emma Johnston of to'wn received i the sadnews that their aunt, ,Mrs. Robt, Hocholson, of. ,Brandon, Man., had passed a- way very 'suddenly. • Fred Hess and John Passmore motored to t1anatoulin where they enjoyed thenneives in hunting and shooting for ;a few .clays,' 'Mrs, Jay Weber, who has been engaged > for the past year as clerk at T. C.. Joynt's, k a.s discontinued. Mrs, T. " W. Palmer.. is confined. to her F oolu with.- illness. Donald Hogarth and Gerald Farquhar, who haves been for two months in the west, returned. Last Wednesday evening fire broke out 'i<n the barn of Earl Me- Ewen, 'who.4n• in'the"",west at pres- ent. The barn has been rented by Garnet Case and Nelson Reichert, for the storing of tobacco, ,thepro- duct of the 'farms they have rented. The _barn was filled with tobacco at the i;,ian:t^, which will be a com- plete loss'. The Helisall fire ,bri-. gale made- a quick run to the blaze as the farm., is only about a. half mile sot,rh, but they could do, nothing as it was a -whole new of Haines. The loss is partially covered by instranee. knocked down by an autom- obile on Dundas. st., Woodstock • at an Par13 .hour 1ast Tr25daymorn- ince .,Edward Hamilton ,suffe'ed i.e'- ious k.uta on his head find bruises to his legs and laodyL As a re - salt l.t of the accident, John E. Mc- Donald, of ' ZIensall, driver of the car, was arrested at Ingersoll, half an hour later and ,appeared in.po.i- ice court charged with driving: a car in. a reckless mmanner, driving Without lights .and doing bodily barium. McDonald .p;eaded ignor ance of the fact that his lights were out and after he had agreed •ta • pay the costts of Hamilton's EXETER.. Vistor Jeffrey and Amel Willard have returned hone froint hewest A. Dayn can, of Usborne, has taken over lt,he International ag- ency in ;town. • Mr. Winder, who has been the agents here is .return- ing to Windsor. ' • Rev. W. E, Donnelly .of Central c._u_c.:, Neat oo.d, :o IL r y of ,James St. church, Exeter, has received and ‘accepted a call tp the Brockville' Unitled church in the .Kingston Presbytery. He is •cni his third year at/ Stratford. The change will take place next, July, :Billie, the 6 -yr. old boy of John Walper, was 's]nott hrough the shoulder by `a bullet frons., .a 22 rifle in the hands •of Mervyn Sims aged 13. During the afternoon several ]ads had been tieing the gun and most oft he older boys had left and the gun was in the hands of \Sims when it accidently discharged, the bullet striking the little' lad in the back below the left shoulder 'and coming out in front, 'the bullet being foound in his tnderelothing. The bullet for tt.nately missed ]the lac!"s heart by about two Inches. Medical aid was at ronlce called and the lad is now as well. as ever. ' CREDI 1 ON Mr. ;and Mrs, . Ed, M,oriock and daughter Lulu, Mi and Mrs; Al- bert Morlock motored to White House, Ohio, , where they were gu- ests with 'rev. 0. Braun and fan- ily, They also, motored to Pan dors, Ohio, where they visited the aged no'ther. of Yates. Ed, Morlock:` they went •soteth 't °Cincinnati, 0. and Ft. ,Thomas, Kentucky, ' en ;laying a t:cry excellent trip. '1'rellia Hodgins . of, London, ep exit the week -end with her parents Mr. and .Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs.` Russel Clarke and Lester t� Mclsa acf �0 Detroit, itrpent a visit (with their parents. Crediton United Sunday School will hold their" Xmas. entertain- ment ntertain-n.ent on December 21ast, .A 'very beautiful cantata ,d's being pre- pased. There will also be a pro - gran' of drilite, readings, etc. Mrs, 'Chas. Schroeder has re- turned after (a two week's' visit with her dangl ter 'in Toronto. HENSALL COurme- NEWS The Village of Lunen is petit- ioning the Middlesex County Co- nnell to pave the Math Street of the village in 1.Y25. The matter will be dealt with at the Decenr.,- ber session of the council which opens on 'Dec. 5th. Mr. and .Mrs. John Jowett; of Rayfield, returned after a most delightful moor trip to Minnesota clic( 'other points in the west. +;= areas,.' Stinson, _Bayfield, took a load of, cattle to Toronto and al - iso, too]: in the great winter fair. Mrs. Waiter Staten and daugh- ter arrived kat their home, Grand Bend, from .the West, coming by train. Mr. Statton is returning by motor. The (annual euchre _and bridge of the Huron Old Boy's Associat- ion of Toronto will be held in the FIy'geia 'Hall, Elm street ,on Monday evening, December 5th. Valuable prizeswill he awarded to the successful eotrrpetitoors, and after the :cards dancing will be in- dulged In Vor the itAillance of the evening.. Donald Dawson a . well known farmer -of Usbora Tp. dropped dead the other n:,orning, -while put ting on the fire at. his. home. He was, unmarried and was 70 years of age, and is 'survived by one brother. and two 'sisters all at, home. . The , funeral was held to the. Kir]:'a) Un on C neetery. The funeral' Of the late Philip Doyle, aged 27 earn, 'son of the fate James Doyle.,. foriuer 'post - n master of Parkhill took 'place , on, Nbieneber 18th from the familyre- dadene4e .>ii'.I. 12 e'en. McGillivray to The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81; Guarantee and 'Accident Insurance, Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada NOTICE.' MEETING OF HURONt COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County`" of Huron ,will meet •Mr. McCarty of Toronto, is in the Council Chanvber, Goderieh, visiting a few weeks with. Mr. J. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of W. Peck and Sid. McArthur''s Tuesday, the 6th day" of ,Dec iiiiber Maas. A, Dougall and aclanghter, 1927. All ,accounts against the Cassie, left for Chicago, where they County ,n lust be in the hands of will spend the 'winter. the Clerk, not later than Monday Mr. and Mrs. Allen McDonnell, preceding the meeting .of Coun of Detroit, are visiting 'with 1'4r, cit ,At this meeting of County and Mrs,. Chas. McDonnell. Council thg appointnnent of a Mr. and Mrs, Cutttttiings of De- Cotizrty Treasurer. (Also an In- troit, visited with M. Ii. Little. Spector fort he Honse of Refuge and,},'� family. will be made. Applications for the Owen [Geiger and Ilarry S'ow- above panr)itipns to be sent or and vttended the stock show at delivered to the tndersigned Co. 'rorc oto, • Clerk on or before Saturday, Dee- 'Mrs, Robt. Bonthron, 'ads() liar ember' 3rd, 1927. been vra:'tirag fora nut' ger of we- CPEO, W. HOLMAN', els, in Detro't, has returned .honed Coi.nty Clerk, . r, cat, ,., tax enee' l 7 ' tb,_ r ., y�.�In,v by Co 1 1':cll, ;"�m Lz' _y. .. "t . ,e t‘ eiez ,ietery ' :1Elr regueein, miss celrbxatedby the laatal,I n . C'r rc o c arn.. I3yle lad been in poor health for )several years and is survived by his another and three brothers. • In a judgment delivered rec- ently by judge Lewis of God °r-. ich, an 0.T.A. conviction against Bruce Bpssenberry; proprietor of. the In ik rial ,iElotel> Grand ]send, is quashed. Mr. Boseenberry was convict by convicted11I tr ta i� ante Reid g Goderieh on a charge of Keepinin - liquor for ,sale in his hotel, and. was fined 200 land costa amfountin to over $80, He was arrested•fo'7 .. lowing a ;raid on his 'hotel where small quantities of lizuoor "werei. found in' the pantry and the stain - way leading to the top portion.:o i' the hotel., At. the trial he d nied all knowledge o1 the press, once ):of the liquor: • a 45 9 a TRY IT, NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET. The President and , Directors of the Prir desire >t o give expression to their appreciation of the generous patronage which thepublic have extended the sixth "Royal"—a fitting , tribute to Canadian Agriculture in this Jubilee Year, and for the Fair an unparalleled success. 4M11$9290040066996 gA3,i8Qt1&V 000 esestI'fo®Id@'e'PB•::6)Q.0' r t I Stti , 1 For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP and POTJLTRY -ALWAYS SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE. PLOUR FLOUR flee TRY OUR. VARIOUS BRANDS OF PLOU.r FOR BAKING OW BREAD AND FINE PASTRY. FULL LINE OP MILL FEEDS AND SEEDS OF .ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND 1. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Louis Schilbe - Zurich7 is 1/i6A11141ti,6111. D600641OltNb111119 8SO000008 4410•0111111410 SWIM The New and Finer 4 4 4. 4. '3 4. 4. + + 4. 4 4. 4 Pontiac Six New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader -- ship in the field of law -priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstrations P A I G WITH SD 'CHARMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN:- ATIGNS — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS — GIVES YOU THE WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS. You ]fie Pre sed 'drive ' these new Paigecars before you . = you can Sully realize the wonderful plerformanee and the 4,:f. r as�lss e R vain* they. really are. Let tn�s demonstrate, � AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARAuE -WOE1 ' :A 4, SPECIALTY L r 111PiNGEL Pron' ; - r Gas Oils Greases `fires Accessories > 44444+4.4.444-1.4-1.4.4-t+++++++.4-1444++++4••t�++++oaf+4.+4+ :°�' ' 4 ++4 343-1.3.4+3.3 4+ +4li t-r+i-r++,e4.i.r4-r4+??4. k HERALD OFFICE Do You Know? TEAT WB ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR.SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WH CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS TEAIT, WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STAi`rIONERS, SUCH ! ,y, AS LEIITBRHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND it ,STATEMENTS THAT WB AAR AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAO'!! UHRRS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK BOO>it.8 • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVER- ODES IN ALL SIZEiI, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Oil." TRACING PAPER, 'SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST. ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO SIZES FOOLSCAP, ETC;, ETC. u TH,A1T WE PILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INS BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INS FOR 5e S,ARts- tart iQIIANT)GTIEB AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT Wit PRINT POSTING BILLS, .AUCTION SALE 1 OEh 'T'BESr MERCANTILE POSTEES AND ALL IIENRR.s31 PRINI'INO OUR 8P HCIAL7''V l: * t4'11t444.1- t*1'+ *43'+'! 44+44444 o++,F+'i' '444.4.4,*+++++44+4.