Zurich Herald, 1927-12-01, Page 1Vol. XXV I I I No.2o ZURICH THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1927 Cheater iu. Sbaith, Pr 0.25 a Yew $1,60'[hT A.RRRLA 2S. $21114 X kid. 0240000 Only 3 more weeks till Xmas. Po your shopping now in Zurich Hear the New 1928 Model jraco -atho Thirty-two, ,persons Ntiero as - l I,�1 wing an his ChrySlei coupean. sewed a "fine of. a each and costsMr. Alex. Voisin, ho,eJbeepe� o. of . 1$2.90 eaeh, this being the Zt iich, with his Jewett sedan col - sequel of • a Hallow'e'en. raid ,iat the lite:) with (the result of quite hotue of •Virdid Allen,.' Colborne n:i:z:.up. The Coups was struck; Townships, when' windows`were near the right front fender and in tbroken wilt other damia.ge done. +swinginU around the rear ends bumpec17 again. The coupe went' : n 6; 7, and 8 Tube. Models froth. $140. Up. IN TABLE' TrTOD1';rLS, WITH CONE AOR CATHEDRAL, TONE SPEAKER REAL 1 DIAL .CO'NTROL,. ELEC- `TRIC LIGHTED). "€NY1 SOLL MOD. BELS" EQUIPPED WITH ORTHO- ;t'HONIC SPEAKER paw& $230.00 up, both styles in: either battery .or A. C. Electric Operative, Grarantee41 mth table •for Sel iaetivity long distarme receptive,. vorume., torten < , ,uais-t3- and Econ- omy in -use oil' current. . • LET US GIVE. YOUR A DEMON. - ' J M0N- T..H. Lerbclt — Zurich Phone" 5i-15 into the Aitch nose first. One of Anannouncement i+s eXpeeted..the doors flew open' and Mr, t f rice r merit of reduction in the motor One front wheel oft he ,coupe vehicles license lees, to take ef- broken and,,the ear badly wreck ed, but no glass was' broken' Mr leer with. ,the canningng year. Of course, it` :is not known or ,ev'en vo1's'-n was aceoniipanie'd by another: fitrxtlised Whether this reduction man tan dthey, also lrac.1.,a bunch -of will be only a small one Fir a subwhich ft/4%n_ live dunks, ivh eh were kept " in` Govern Elsie tthro.wn ou • o h 1 . ,. soon from tlxe Provincial "It' seems 'atrauge" nurses The Raraner's Advocate, "but in most eases where fern:Dna spend a little :Time in fixing up' their :.hole, 'Sur- co-undings; Ithe' farm, work goes on lust .the same." When' you h^ar "people saying Canada isg Ding too the dogs, you have niloductive figures as follows- cent Canada today produces 90 per ei of the world's nickel; 85 persent of the world's asbestos; 53 percent. of the world's, cobalt; 9 percent of the world':„ gold; 8.7 per ,cent of the world's lead; 8.4 per ,cent of, the world's .sliver; 6.4 percent , of the world's sink a:nd. 4- per cent of the ,world's . copper. In 1929 ivas Canada's mineral p computed to be worth $241,245,898 AUTO ACCIDENT What ,might have proven an even more serious auto accident took place at the corner of the 14th eon -nand Zurich Road one day, Iast week,, when Mr. Win+. Elsie, merchant of Grand Beni,, Who was va Dally to resat he. increased. 000000 eaa gas 4110:4Elcb'td�nac` 0000 5" 00,19000000000009;00000.00000000Q0 0 0 0 3 0 0 036 Brovirtfs Boot Shop Windows FORETELL INTERESTING STORY OF - NEW ,,`ALL 8 FOOTNIEgaii EASIILONS, TEEEY ARE AUTKORA.TIVE AS THE LAST' ESSU E, Or VOGUE. 0 THEY WILL PRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW SANDAR D, CO --VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICES, : 0 9N1 YOU' ARIL, ASSURED OF SATISFACTION 0 *HEM GOOD SHOES COST LESS. SEE OUB WINDOW DISPLAY % t�fn<hnn;a:rs,�tea EkOPTI{I1�TG 0 0Oil het/ NEATLY DONE 0 i�n To.)ht1 FailFootwear iseeeeseem Mali0 4r4PkF14:0414,0+ • AV 440 3 4.3 4 This is -the largest and best assortment ent of 4Coats ever shown in Zurich 400444 dtcri 4444 44.4,414-40,^*`4'lrs 0c7'•%$•v8¢°r'Pi0@' 4.4 to, 4? 'r, ZD • • tD. a t�. FOR E AND 13 YS ' ices $8. to r5 Come and. see for yourself ^ad► ' tank P and \ enma Underwear 1640.360 ✓ 4000.0,44 i +sP 1444, nE.:r,e�Q^Ida Q' fi 2m nt during the ra- ther unpleasant experience. No one was hurt to any extent.. Our motto is "full vela!! . in radio and service; .. OIar stock nI Kolster radio and our complete line of radio accessories r>;pre-- rents tine "met -tor -jour m.money"' in te;1'r'r& in and have h Koister demonstration.' No nation. - Earre test"lreltuse a'a-FD4ta'1100 ott KOEHLER & .OESCH' air .ts.1a,, ,:Jr_:t Evangelical Church Notes ZURICI-i ONT. Jr. Leagu.:," Tuesday eve. 7,00. Our abut s to instruct, build and enrich tiro lie and character of t he 'juniors. Thursday 7.30 p.t1i. Prayer and. I?rai'ae Jai eveni.ng, during which period. 0 Mas Diary Me:Ling. Chas, Fritz Mrs. Sarnras -ray the r -,ceip[ent of Leac1•er.•a suitable gilt and an address. Friday, 7G30 paGte,.--Sr. ELCE The Zurich Branch of the \To�r- Oar program. is l:ascnating inspir- en's I ,urizt? ,-rill' au/let in the Jug and eaueatnve. If you come 'sown Hall, Chan..ber au/let on Darer: wort will come always. 1VIo`iclar Cny, December 5th at Friday 8;30 p.m. -Choir `Practice 8 : o'clock `harp. All ladies who Do -Ilot miss these spirit filled attend. +"'1 't'lf..r members of not messages on the liiet hat ;s t cle.e.i are recpuesbted o bring a rte^elle w 'God's celestial biding, but wh.- and thin,b:e. The sewing will he .ich is nevertheree�s an uncont,:iln; stlpp'101 t the a,i2et°its -r'hreh' ill be afro n, , hL to nine o'clock. At- ale and uncoile2alabie boon. of s1a- to -which the business will be "ritual weaitT ,b 11 of us. Coln;g and It 1 or all of po tel en n9:. .also an r change oraver V Miss 'Vera Siebert visited at Kitchener fon ° a, few days. IIr. and Mrs. G. Koehler were Sunday visitor t at Bayfielci, Mr. J. W, Ortll ein of Henson, called on frit nds in. the village o.n. '1 ussday. Miss Hazel ,Fritz, •R. N. of Lon- don, who was in care of Mrs. H. H. Cowen, during her illness, re- turned to. London on Tuesday. Mr. • Louts Shilling of Hanover was a welcome visitor at the Evangelical •Parsonage oon Friday of last week. The aiditor of (thy, Provincial Highway. Departnunient called on our township Clark, one day,last weak.. Mr. Wm. Uttley retr+rned oil Monday from ,Toronto, where he was again being e::a:Mined by the n.edical officials of the Workmen's Con'.pensatioi.' Bo ird. Mrs. M. J. • Brooks of Thedford. who -visited at the hoome of Mr. • and Mrs. J: E. Gaseho, for two -tiee1us, returnedt o her home , tIn Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Taylor, of De- troit, were \ isitiug with thelat- ter's mother, Mrs. Hy. Rupp, Mrs. Rupp returning with thele, to the c:ity nin., will spend the v'inte,. months. The final businas's Meeting of the. weal and nomination night of uto LE ;ler.;. will be held Friday e fining. Every n,eanber, present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess,arP moving their effects from, Crediton into the dwelling' property owned by the late Mrs.' :Gimes estate, jus, north of the artll. SEW OUR WINlDOiW. FOR PRIN- CESS DIAMONDS AND WEDDING RINGS SOLD BY LEGITIMATE JEWEL- LERS ONLY Hsu, Th; hwellEr any the COAL DELAWARE & HUDSON; , .and D. L. & W. SCRANTON 0. 0 SEMET SOLVAY SOFT 'COAL MILLER'S CREEK Arriving S&h A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD LAND GRADE A, WW TE POT-, ATOES. Castiteltnnk H E SALL O mew Phones -Office low. House HO.. 40*`*'a4-P+0,4,434'ro� ®."2'1.4'4'*1. 4' 4011...a$*mat*.<9444?; E .r ' 4 V!!`4*494F4-,,, 4t,ro .914, 42,4$+lY04•+9oioc.`4+4`WZt4Ct+41§r -9ed•`Oi+S5 LEATHERGOOPS, ETU sows maks Valises iltite . WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB FAGS, LADIES' BRAGS„ COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAi ID? GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE l3L ANK)9TS, ETC. ON HAND. • ' SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES. .RIGHT NOW. Colne iii 'and 'see ipiu fine display of Useful! Goods.. otri 44,1 HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVI£• r • FRED THIEL ZU Mr. and Mrs. C, 0. Smith of the • Bit e Water Highway, with their two: sons, Gordon and •Stanley, were week -end visitors with relati ves at Baden, New Hambr rg and 0 New Dundee. t�The new garage and store room , being erected. l.iyt he Flay Tele- j phone system, just north of the; W Tow Hall, is now nearing coir, g pletion and is a big improvementin to the ooid delabitated barn,wiiieh p needed. a lot of repairs. The new. building will accomodate two; to autos as well as fuel for the local) Office, and tha storage of supplies • re IE-+ Mrs. Noah Sararas and fcur+ily 1 N are having their household effects; :7,1,- mo -'ed to .-Kitcehnor on ' Thursday of this weak. Their many Zurich friends will regret very. much to j,fi see then leave the village, On 10 Wednesday evening last the Lad- ; g lea -Aid ra mbers of the Evangelical ,'• g Church gathered and held asoc i nd learn niior* about it and you cones and brings a gift will al wilt. make ro'oiei for it ill yol1 soi receive one. No gift i5 to be r1 than 50 cents, and not less than 125 cents, Conve and en - KL O PP-Ii.ALB r L E:[SCII • A very a interesting niatriuioual YMAS,+' Giflts, every lady that life. Sunday 10.00 start. W.oi ship Subject -The life that is+. hidden With Christ in God. Col. 2,3`4 event -vas celebrated at the fur- 11 a.m.—Bible School, Lich Lutheran parsonage on Thum - day morn.xlg, .tA0coniP r h44h,.\ilen WM' L. re.vat, 'Missionary Sup- Rev. II. R :tr.ibe, 1:,8 5,., united in Clint=llilent,, 'will :have charge of Bonds of Holy Matrimony, Miss the opening exercises. 1:41111'..Clara A, daughter of Mr, tnd:airs. Win:,+ber ..the monthly Missionary of- Louis I albfteisch, 16th concession [er;iig+ C Hay ToWn'ship, and Mr. 'Bertram J. E, Gaseho, Superintendent. w.. mom), eio.i of warden E. F. IClopp of Zurich. After a honey - 7.30 p ai, -•'-Worship moon ' tript ho bridal. eot,ple will.' Subject --Part II of '.`l.'hc Life settle down nn the groom's fins` that is 'hidden with Christ in 'faint located on'the eornol of the God, 'Zurich Road and ' Bron' o•f Litre, 'Whore they hat et he best wishes of l'01ybody is Cordially ,Invited; La large crrcleof fi' 0 1 las. '1110 .Rev. W. Y. Dreier, "Pastor 1 :etc .a d tinre in c :ezcli.ig coag a.t+-. intio4lts', AGENTS FOR r Rthr Footwear AT THE REGULAR PRICE ZF JY)MINiON RUBBER l' OOT'WEAR WASN'T BETTER — ll DIDN'T WEAR LONGER -WE WOULD NOT SUPPORT THE GUARANTEE tTHA'I' GOES WITH EVERY PAIR '-You get the most Value for your dollar when you insist on, getting otr itsand. _ No -v oa display An our south Window WE ARE GLAD TO SHOW ,you A PAIR EXACTLY SUITED' FOR. YOUR REQUIREMENTS . FRITZ SON SHOE MERCHANTS THE SHOE STORE WITH -THE STOCK AGENTS for the New Ford CAR And TRACTORS .3,..+4,++SF r+++++++++4h4^k+**- kid^+d•+d.^:..i.,i++.1.0414 00•,441:4 i�. 43 fiiYi I.Fall We can supply your wants at the right aIle IN THE LINE OF GOOD WARM UNDERWEAR,, MACK7AW SHIRTS :FOR MEN AND BOYS WIND BREAKERS, SlirEAT-• ERS, LINED SMOC1tS, ETC. ALSO 14'1/ANNE!, AND FLANNELETTES AND DRESS GOOLV4 WOOL AND +FLANNEtE'rTE. BLANKETS, STOCKINGS AND SOCKS, MITTS, AND GLOVES. HALTERS AND HARNESS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. 'FRESH GROCERIES ALWAV'S ON HAND R. Nei DOUGL GENERAL l9 'EROH "AV r I i-1 C t' Y1 1 11 - 9 ^+,1Ye.NOrviv4n ,v>y1W.W,M%41.117 ,;at..:tt i kaLAKE 7.'wIP.Q W.a..tia4KnN nY ... r•,,.,,.,,,,, ..