HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-17, Page 5i• 1 izrsday,, .lgovenibear 17, 192; maws NISRALD $USINESS CARDS DUDLEY E. HOLMES 11BA B11USTRR, SOLICITOR! NOT ART PUBLIC, ETC. dice, Hamilton Street, Jdat old lj io square, GODERIOIJ, Ont. 3pecial attention to Oouneel 411d Court Work, lalfs. 'Holmes may be consulted at Illeedariels by phone and Acte ahiargew reversed. Dr IL IL COW EN Bl. DA 81► D. Dr B. DENTAL SURGEON Jit DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- illy Thursday, Friday and Satur- Mao Main Office PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE A limited number of choice yo- Lng pigs, 5 weeks old. Applyito' Henry Cl.ausius. LOST On the Sauble Line, a :taro Wil Robe. Finder please ret ern to Edward J. Deniomy, R.R. 2. • NOTICE. T:EBENTTJ'RES FOR SALE Debentures of McDonald Drain, Township of Hay, amounting to $11'22.75, 4927, for five years at VA% per annum. For, particulars aj:'ply to r i • ` • , • A. F..HI! SS,, 'Treasurer, MIARTI,HIB'S BLOC$., DASUWOOTi• Township of Hay, • Zurich, Ontario. strew F. Hexa, TownehiP Cleric Aksel ' et marriage lieeeauses. Notary sW'puc, iCoreanileMioner, Vie land Aut- isenebile ismue`r'aneo Re. eventing litaren & Erie Mortgage Corpor- *Rom, The Canada Tad*Co. 'WHICH — • STRAYED From ;my grass farm, Lot 9, con. 6, Hay Tp.,. a white yearling heifer, with horns, finder will be liberally rewarded by notify-ing Mr Tr Henry Trurmner, Zurich. A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E ad STRAYED 'Unto my premises, Sauble Line; Mr, Harvey Gelinas returned to See Oidas SLOVZ Hay Township, a yearling heifer his home last Frid ry, after spencl- ®i>ea Net' Owner can have segue by, prov- ing two months with his • uncle duate Carol gGhool o! AtacUopeDrb°s oak ing property ander payingball ex- Mr, Leon Gelinas, in Saskatchewan. R��Termeiv� I+eurs s.—Alfred Meidinger, kBeping Miss 'Annie Troir, of Ch^sley;iYTr. We Breselo Choice • I.grnc Di'eior• of Chesley and Mina Pile. NOTICE .Tear, Dreier, Hanover visited at at the homp. of Rev. and Mrs. W. Notice is hereby given thatin YY Dreier over the week -end• future all shooting is strictlyefor� bidden on Lot 28, con. 11; Lot 28 Everybody iso cordially in can. 12; N. pt. Lot 27, con. 12, Hay e ited to , visit Jos. Gelinas store Township. By Order. at Drysda e for anything you xf�ay David Schwartzentruber. be in need .of.. During .the ten day's sale. Got a pair rif fancy gio\'es free of charge. FARM FOR SALE A new firma has .been oirgan- A very desirable farm, consits- :zed in town, namely- Koehler & ing of 120 acres of ehoire clay loan. izesch;; (the •personell are Mr. Gid - being Lot 21, Concession 10, Stan- eon Koehler ,and Mr. Elmer Oe'sch. Gid - ley' township. There is on .the Their line 'of 'br!siness' is lheng re- iroperty a good brick howse;ivith presented in their ,ad. on page 1 of th,ils issue. LOCAL NEWS N. Sararas wa's''a week -end, Visitor at Kitchener. $;lr'. Rhyman Howald was a. visitor to Hensall on Sunday. Mr, Chas, Weber is spending a few weeks at Crosswell, Mich. Mr.., and Mrs, Mose Gerber of Eaden were, week -end visitors with relative's here: Mr. and Mrs, J, J. Schwartz of: Detroit, were recent visitors at the home °of Mr, and Mrs. J, Fuss. , Messrs. Ward Fritz and Allan Schrag motored (to London on Wedncisceay, < ,Mrs. Oscar Koehler and children Shirley and ,Harold, were week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.Ezra Koehler., at Baden,. Mr. Ward Fritz motored to St. Jacob's on Monday, where he met this father on his way home from his hunting trip. Mr. C. Stade of Dashwood is visiting a few days this week, at the rhorele of his don, Mr. R. , Stade of town • , Miss Ethel Williarra is \enjoyng a free trip eio New York C'ittef presented to her by her cousin. Rev Morris W. Eh.nes of that city i prevailing mill sell simytbin8 �� for eaie. Meryes,e M--93 or Writes Zurich. 'licensed Auer%sneer TOR HURON & MI - CON .AM IN A POSITION TO TOs,rcTl- Meat any auction sale, 1 11.1 to sig• or articles to sell. t seinen your buspo s, and if lot )iyliad will make no changes Acs's' a Dht,00a. ;a rthdr Weber, furnace in, and running water at both house and barn. Large bank barn with straw shed, and NuN• other good outbuildings. Farm�is 11 ,en's Institute will hold their 11001. as+Oa • well fenced land in a high state of ,men's meeting in the Council • cultivation, 18 acres of wheat sown Chamber i.00m in the Town Hall Zurich, Merl and about 20 acres of plowing is on Tuesday evening, November 22 • done. For particulars apply on at .8 o'clock ,sharp. Reports will the premises. i be given ,hy M:Ss Pearl .?File, who The Zi rich Branch of the. Wo MARKET ! Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Ugliest Cash Price for Wo;r1. • CASH FOR SKINS ,14, HIDES • uuglblut &, i - Doic�,cib • Geo: E. Johnson, Varna, P.O. NOTE Earn $25 weekly up at home ad- dressing envelopes. No canvass- ing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney, ,Nova Scotia. FOR SALE Fresh and ,attended t'ie Conven`.:o.i at Loido as the lo al Delegate. The meet- ing willbe lead by ,Mrs. J. ?: Hey. Jr., All ladies are cordially invited to be, present. 1, 5-h. P. Lister Engine. loae4iNNoeNoea N.••aN1, 5 -ton weigh 'scale, apply to S. Er, Merger, Bayfield. :ZURICH LIVERY J em in a position to accomo- lbbs all requirement in the Livery ;hlietwol, have Auto for hire. Any 1sg drone in the teaming line. fIRORGE J. THIEL, 1liio +Oa Zurich,Ont.1 LIVE :SOU LT R WANTED Makes every day till $ O'cloek.p m: 1300. not feed fowl Immo morning Elmo brought in. Ugliest Cash Prices ,---0•11111 TOR-- Cream and Eggs- W. ggs- W. O'Brien2 1 !lb0ii! M Zurich ea dquarters FDR TIRES TUBES •. , _�. _�� and. Soft Coal AND STRAYED. Unto my premises, Goshen Line south, Hay, about Oct. 6th, ayear- ling heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and settling alt accounts. Louis Wurm. WANTED • Wel ares in the market for Dutch sett onions of good quality. High est market prices paid. T. L. Wuriui, Zurich. NOTICE TO FARMERS—After Novemr her list chopping and rolling will be done at our rni11 ion Tuesday; Thursday and Saturday of each week, during the whole day. Williams Bros., Zurich. NOTICE. We carry a complete line of Poultry supplies, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. - Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Phone 47 3, Exeter, Ont. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Ooal Scranton ALSO CARRY, ante Coke Foca Cas Ian- L. Storage GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND ' TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS Ratte11 EARLY TO Prop, Case & . Son S. WIyg ��q,,y 4. ry, 1,+"' •{' 35 .'T Z ' { , 713C?" -+7E lYy , ,., WI4 11,E.N SA +w �tsll �YrSe •,r: tae c +�, �. J*, ��: �,'a ,. i�....� .. ' Poi" 1rn104. SCHOOL REPORT (No. ,0, Hay Tp ifor \Ortot u: jr. IV—Eleta Gi rgerch $4,' Prix-, cilia ,Farwell 735. Jr. Ili—Martha roster 832, Doris Grey 822, O1iv e WtMer 733, Louie Farwell 601, Alvin Gngerich 570, Kenneth Greb .•105.. ` 'Jr, 1I Winnfred Battler 761, Gladys Gineeerch 721, Orlando [Batter 64.4, Joy Hoffman 461, Lorne Gingerch 430, Anthony :Hoffman 4395. F{ first Gage—Grace Wen 408, Irene roster 421, 1Vlilcli _ d Kpfer 335. Sr. ,Printer—Freddie Farwell 314, Rose Hoffman 307. Beginners—Nel Gingerich 230; Ruth Witmer. 102, DASHWOOD Mr. John Thede of Grand Rap- ids visited with. Mr, and Mrs. J, C Reid over the week -end. Mrs. A. Sillery of Seaforth is v:seing he: si's.er, Mrs. W..,Wef\\' Mr. C. Stade is spending a few days in Zr,•rich this week. Word was rreceived here on Monday rr'oreing of the death of Mrs. Dan. McCormick; nee Jessie Baker; at Bridgeburg: Her Mother, Mrs. F. Baker, sister and brother, Mrs, G. Weigand ;end Mr. R, Baker aro attending the fun- eral which wakes place on Wed- nesday. Mr.: and Mips. .I,' 0, Reid and El -Wins -spent ,Sunday in Goderich. Miss F.ossie Kieinstiver left on Monday for Stratford where she has secured a position,. Yr. L. Schroed 'r of London, is spending a f:nw days with his par- ents. BORN—On Friday Nov. 'Lith, to Mr. and Mrs. A. IL:tugh, a son. SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 13 liay for the month of October. Those who missed exams are ruarked Sr. IV—Martha Rader 80%. Sr. IIi—Arletta W alp^'r 78; Elva Turnbull 76, Lecl'a Wa per 71, Ivan Sharrow 68, H.ury Willert 63. Sr II—Lillian Wilson 70, Jack Turnbull 67. Jr. II—Frieda Rader 80, Lloyd Wii:ert 80, Billy Siianrow h2, Anna Patterson 33*. Sr. I—Warren Sharrow 92, Irma Keller 69; Printer—Eva Baker 97, Florence. Tru'emner 97, Merle Waiper 95, Ruth ,i5har.row 78. Alice Hoffman, Teacher.. Mr. Henry Deters, who recently resigned his position as local agent 'for ,the Massey -,Barris Co. has en tired upon a new contract with the company end in future' will act as their soiling agent for this territory. •iWVIN Pines, who took' over the agency upon Mr. D' t- er s resignation, will h•mdly- tri:; repairs.--Haurg Ind ;pou:1- ant, The Big Reduction S lie of Merchandise at Merner's Store -be ginning on Saturday, has been a great boon .to the buying puhlic Early Saturday morning till a' - most midnight the place was fair- ly jammed with hungry buyers who rapidly partook of ' pies v: o•nderfUl bargains offered. Yes ever the most skeptical say it is a sale beyond expression, and they have all filled both arias to capacity and marched home re- joicing, and ;are all coming back for more ibargains. Be one of then., the time is slipping around fast a?' l 'the supply is also going down, the 'timh to act is 'right NOW! ,. RALLY DAY At Emanuel Evangelical Church Zurich, the Bible School and Yn- cng pep e's ,League observed Ealy Day in ,right royal fashion on Su.r- day. At 10 a.no, the pastor, spoko on "The s-alue and importance of re'igioiis 'education." The Bible S2hooi 'ssee'o :r was 'ntroducel with a inose pleasing and delightful Junior School program, when the boys ,are girls occupied the choir loft did ifull credit to themselves in 'song and recitation and ,bro- ught a brimming full measure of enjoyimant to all present. Mr. W. 11.2dighoffer, .teacher of the Yo- ung Men's. Bible Class gave a well thought out and practical and forceful address oon "Rallying the Forces." At the Oratorical con- test in the evening 313 attended. The ,orators were Miss Lylyan Mar- tin, Mr. Garfield Witmer, Mise Rett Rumble and Mr, Newel Geig.erThe e'0 ITh':q or t1:e.r se:f paoduc,elnes. sage as well as the delivery of the same was as good that rt was a. Iscrean of Delight to all. , The judges ;were, Miss Ruth H. IIills, Exeter;; (the Honorable W. .G. Meed, Mi. SP ,P, E Teter end Mr.. 3,. W. Ortwein, o:f Hensall, who d'ec ided on Newel Geiger as first win- ner, although all the contestants carne mo close to the 100 per cent. stark that piety surely are all win- :erg and ,are to be complimented on their .laudable achievement We' are r i; htuflly proud oft herb awl J7' �.e:ix ek o (:h.' , ,.i 1 t.,,,. 1,1.1 joi' i,se1ulnesa and influence in fife HENSALL Ler Douglas visited the past 'a eel: With friends iri 'roronto. Mrs. John Diusdale. .has been confined to her Thome with. illness. Mrs, Thos Berry is visiting in Wnrdsore and Detroit. Mrs. John Zuefle who was vis- iting in Windsor, has returned to her horn'. Mr. E. Rennie, who has been en- joying a Wive month's 'visit with re:atives in the West, has returned horn i and reports a pleasant trip Wm. Simp-on, accompin'od by hs mother and sister, of Detroit, vistled ov•'r the week -end here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Sn•ith have moved into Mr. Ortwein's house, Lo':u-r:y known as the old Method- ist parsonage. Helen and Jean Elder of Lon- don s i'sited their parents here. Jack Stacy, of Detroit, visited with his mother here. 0 Lin Ortwein of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Ortwein, Ml's. Fred. Smallaeombe, of Guelph, who has been visiting her sister here, Mas Theis, reLurae.1 to her hone). Mr. and Mrs. Tho:,. Sherritt vis- ited with relatives at Lions Head Mrs Fo'it, Bo Ahron is visiting hi Detroit. fMr. and DIrs, Edmund Geiger of London, visited with his par- ents here. What might have been a ser- ious accident occurod the other day, when Altex, Murdoch was driving East, collided with i car driven by John Caldwell a mile east of H:ensal', the two cars meet- ing at the school house corner. Mr. Murdoch'•s ear was turned. comple- tely over, pinning him underneath, and he was taken from under the car with a good deal of difficulty Luckily no cine Wait seriously hurt hut loth cars were badly dams- aged. , There passed `away in Tucker - 'smith on Nov. 3rd, Win. McDougall in his 72nd year, son of the late lWm. McDougall, of Hensel!. He was born in this country and sp- ent nearly all his life in Tucker - smith itlr o•n 3rd con, with the excep- tion of five years which he lived in FlPrrsall. He has been in poor health for about a year, and is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Caldwell of London. also three sis- ters; ,is wife* predeceased him, some 30 years ago. A quiet wedding took place at the United Church .Manse on Nov. 1th, when Rev. Sinclair united in ni,arr:age Miss F:orence Robert -son a •popular young lady of Chiaei- hi i st, to Janto, M. Coope t-.1(1- 1,1:.1.•).) .,. 11 "r ..ih 1 104+0.44+0•41 4.44044n8e4e0e Zurich Drug Store Both For PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich felymmwmmApmwmwmwmfmkiwrl ! 1 ÷+++++++++++++++++++++++++ .+4-4.4.4•4r4•+4.441•3143••D•3•+++. c ARE YOU ROOFING? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 TEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND rrHG.LEST. We stili have a large quantity of Gyproc or hand. The Fireproof Wallboard; Use it. for wall's and ceilings to repair the old plaster before you spring decorate. C. PHONE ( 9 XALBFLEISC MB ZURICH ++++++++++1!+++++++++++++r-.,-4-4•44+4.4.4.+++++++++++4.44•01 Get your Buggy Light Now! You must b a v e them Electric Lamps $10. Oil Lamps $2.75 Auto 'Tops, Wagon Repairing,. Paiutirtg, Etc. HESS e ZURICH MEMO • •••••••••••••••••••••04+O 40++40+040•••••••••4•444•0 • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • .•••. • •• • • • • • • Autos and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY ... ,.. $8.5e TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY .....:............ $1.419 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ...:.. $15.0& 1 SECOND HAND 134 H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. 1 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. 4VE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING• BAT rERIES. l i !FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOB. FARM IMPLEMENTS .AND CARRY JUST TRE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICCI FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUt3 PI' APS. , Tires, Tubes, Oa Osis and Creases Tires, L. A. Frank, Zurich