HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-17, Page 4-A. Real Sale Of Real Goods- Real Bargains Beginning Saturday, November 1 91h Ending Wednesday November 30th Men's Wear ,;;›`ail Wool Underwear, each ,..$1,19 ?s"„ , tb wool Underwear, oembination at $2.29 `'leacc Lined underwear each S9 '; elal i -and grey wool 'shirts ...1.1!1 acy Dress shirts at ekshirts each 89c %Tommy Plaid Shirts, New Design ...... °,_, $1,6:3 Iatsf:enalls, Carhardt blue, at 71t4i3ty Brand, Black __- $1,99 "'?r't1 Hose , 39c, 49c and Ladies' Wear Bloomers, Silk and Wool at _-. Vests, Silk and Wool at ... Vests, Silk and Wool at ... Fleece Bloomers, Reg. 85c. at Ginghams, best and latest :shades, 34 -in. ,at 49c 49e 75c 69c 19e 99c FACTORY COTTONS 11c. TO 20c. SEE OUR . PRINTS DRESS FLANNELS, YD. GREY FLANNEL, Yd. $2.19 TOLDREN'S CWEATERS PLETTE SHIRTING . 65c 37e 22c 59c WHITE AND COLORED FLANNEL ETTE, FROM 14c. TO 20c PER YARD, THE VERY BEST. $L75 VALUE FOR 51,39 X1:25 VALUE, FOR .._ _...,, $1,0(JCHILDREN S COMBINATIONS AT ,L7.10 VALUE FOR .'. ... S9c • A SNAP 'E OUR CHILDREN SHOES AND CHILD'S 2 -PC. SUIT UNDERWEAR :�,UBBERS, NOTE OUR PEIC'E. L . AT COST , 41k. Pair of Lad'e3' Fancy Gloves given Free with every purchase of $10.00 Joseph Gelinas, Drysdale SEE THE PINK TICKETS Banish file ilan Pump PUMPING and carrying water is not just hard work --it's drudgery slaveryr Who could be happy and Healthy, pimp - ng and carrying tans of water each year? Why tolerate such drudgery when a Duro Water System will deliver fresh running water under pressure to your kitchen, bath- room and grounds for 10 cents per 1000 gallons? The low first cost of a Duro Water Sys - ;!tem will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac- jtory water service at lowest •ost. And now you can have fresh running water under ss preure at less cost than ever before. See us for complete details. No obligation. The Empire Brass Mfg. Co. Ltd. London Toronto Vancouver For Sale By , Stade & Weido Johnston & Kalbfleisch Style No. 400. 400 gals. per hour. . • t W..ter' • ZURICH 111112A1.0 NOTICE.. MEETING OF HUttONi COUNTY COUNCIL The Council o.. the Corporation of the County of Huron ,will meet in the Council Cir.amber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th day of •December 1927, All •accotnt•s against the County krr>iust be'in the hands of. the Cleril;; not later than ,,Monday preceding the meeting •.of Coup- Lilt ,At this meeting of County Council thq appointment of a County ,Treasurer. Also an In- spector fort House of •Refuge will be made. Applications for the above poositions to be sent or delivered to the undersigned -Co Clerk on or before Saturday, •Dee ember 3rd, 1927, GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, Goderich, November 5th, 1927 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, tARM STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD, EF- FECTS, AT BLAKE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 291h, At 1 o'clock, p.m. HORSES -1 bay mare 14 years old; 1 .hay mare 12 •y oars old; 1 bay mare 15 yrs. old.; 1 Gen, Purpose colt 2t yns. old; 1 'she- ing colt 4 months old. CATTLE—Cow 6 yrs. old rfesh; cow 5 -yrs. old due in March;' Y e ailing heifer; 18 White Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS%1cCormiek 5-t.f cut mower, N Oxon cultivator, set iron ha_rows,. Fleury walkingplow ferric riding plow, inthrow disc, hay rack, seuffier, wagon box and spring seat, 2 sets double trees and neckyo'kes, gravel box, hay rect., 3 -seated demo rat, bob .s;e:glrs and bunks, horse power and jack, 'cut- ting box, 30 -ft. 5/16 chain; wind- lass, set double harness, 2 eoliars, forks, shovels, hoes, rakes onion racks, onion (weeder, honey ex- tractor, honey cans and a ctuau- Samuel Chambers and bride ea turned bion.* atefr a two week's honeymoon. Boy, and Mrs. J. 'W Down re- turned Wednesday from their trip east .and were entertained at the home of gr. and Mrs. J, Liston, The other day 'while preparin, to cut straw ont he frank of :W, ,, Webber, London Rd., 'Cliff Hill, thresher, had his leaf arms badly cut and was brought to the Ex- eter hospital for treatment, Ile was ,in the act of oiling the cut- ting box atefr .starting the eng- ine prepatory to starting for the day when the sleeve of his coat was caught in the belting and his lett arra, ,was drawn into the pulley witht he resutl that the 3..1.711 was bruised and the flesh badly torn, COUNTY NEWS The many friends of Mrs. John Jarrott, Sr,. of Hil'sg•r'Yen, e he has been in poor'health lately hope she Zvi llsoon be restored is.)good naalth.. I• Sunday was observed as anni- versaryacrd re-open'ng day by the Varna United church, when sere - ices were held morning and even- ing. The preacher for the day Wz.s Rev J. E. Hogg of WEslersWil'is 'United church, ,Clinton. Margaret and Aaybern Dur- and, of near Zurich were visitors with Mr. •and Mrs. Patrick Gib- bons, Wingi'tanr, The much discussed slander case of Ross and sons against Joseph Hood of Stanley for $5,000 damages Was listed .for trial before Justice Raney • and a jury at the fa1;,' assizes at Goderich last week. Before the case was readied how- ever' it was announced to the court that the action was withdrawn by Ross r Mrs. ,Thos Hudson, a former resident of the Hillsgreen vicinity away at her home in Marlette, Mich. A number of her tity of bee boxes and top stories i relatived motored over to attend with racks. • the funeral. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —2 tab The hunt of th Lawse is ,again ies, 4 chairs, trunk, rocking chair heard at thy; plant of the Goderich clothes 'basket, eggcrate, 2 dozen Manufacturing Co. As the re - sealers, 2 lamps, box stove, baby suit of the fire. in June last, the carriage, child )ped, A quantity of mit .had not begin in operation u'n- hay, 4 bags potatoes, and nuln- til last week, but in the mean- hay, other articles, throne the propr'etor, J. E. Beech REAL ESTATE—Being Part 'Lot ler has been busy getting the 18, Concession 10, N. B., Hay Tp. plant again in condition. consisting of i acres of land, The death occus:ed on Novem- well drained `and fenced, never her 2nd, of Henry Pybus., aged' failing supply of water, also a 81 years i Ie was visiting at the barn 22x42 • feet. Terms will lye ho'r..c of ;his son Wm. in Tucker - smith ode known on day of sale. sn.itll and on Sunday atternoon TERMSAll suites of $10 and when the ,esrt of the family were under cash. ,Over that arount10 at church (ire took suddenly iliand month's credit on approved joint falling he received several se ,ere notes. {4^/,, off fog cash oil credit (AIR., and bruises,' which hastened the end. amount's, `Hay, potatoes and hens C cash. Lady W 1 i o•a, of To oat o,Wvido'-:v Arthur :Weber, Auctioneer of tae late Sir John' Willison was John Bechler, Proprietor. a pleasant caller at Exeter and Hillsgreen the birthplace of her Thos. Ingersoll and Mrs. ends. Dr. and Mrs. Oitis Truemnerf, of Strathroy spent the week -end with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wein. !Gladys ,I,evvis is visiting wth friends at 'Mngersoll. Mr. Land Mrs. Allen Brown and daughter and Mrs, Murel Druntnl mond and daughter of Ailsa Cr- aig, visited with Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. C. Hoffman and family A very pleasant time was •sp- en t at the, home of Mrs. Wm Fischer, (when the neighbors ga- thered to. t.pend. a few hours be- fore her (moving to town. Mrs. (Harrison Holtzrr_ann and children, of Detroit, spent a. few days fat the home of Mrs. Jos Hoist. Mrs. IL. Wightman and children of Pt. Huron and friends 'visited here *he past week. Garnet ,Sin v, a sailor on the. steam.iehi, Cedartou, was born in Crediton, on Oct. 20th, 1902 and died on Oct.j 20th, at the Souianges Canal, Ile Yvas raised in C'redp- iton and ?attended High School at Crrditon, afterwards he took a position as ;druggist and lineman with Dr. tOrtr.e, where he (stayed a fe'w years, then he engaged with r;Clarl:e as telephone ober-. *tor later he spent -a few years ib Exeter, !later he went towork as'a sailor on the great lakes, late husband. Sir John during -his CREDITON early life, was for a time en;- aged •`in what was then the Ex - Edwards and family of eter Tines office under the late spent yunday with Mr. Jahn White. , !J. Sims, and other fri- The 'convention held at Kippen on Thursday last was quite lar- gely attended. Supper was ser- ved by the, ladies in the (basen_ent, the ;evening session was also a surc-ess. 'A pageant delighted ev- eryone, also two fine selections from. the Kippen choir. Varna choir was in attendance in thea -f ternoon, also Mr. Leonard favored the audin-n_e with two fine 'Se ;OS. The congegation o fr the Grand 'Bend United church- opened their fine new church for worship on Sunday, NNoveretber 6th. Dedi- catory service in the afternoon be - in • conducted by Rev. Robt.Hicks B)D.. of St. Thomas, President of the London .Conference, assisted by Rev. C. J. Moorehoue of Exeter, and Rev, J. M. Coiling (the pastor of the church. Fire sof unknown origin, unless it, was dine to lightning, as an el ecl icr ,storm: was passing at the time, totally destroyed the bank barns and ,Tracie house last Friday evening, together with' the seas- on's crop, on the Gibbings farm four miles west of Seaforth on the ;rfu.ron Road. It was fortunate for ad?Dining property holders that a heavy rain .fell during the ,fire. A terrific gale was blowing and sp- acl:s would have been carried afr and Wide. .The .house was unocup- ied, and the loss only partly cov- ered by linsuranee. Crossley and Leonard, 'well kn- own , Evangelists have just com,- PXT'T>FR 'pfeted a _ten day campaign at .A quiet wedding tools place St Andrew' ,sUnited Church, Bay - it; town 'when, Mrs E. A, Birk of field, under the pistiorate of Rev. town was united in marriage to lt. M. Gale. The meetings were W, T, Hewitt of Detroit, . all well •attended and the sermon Mrs, J. Beer, who has been via- n:.essages of Dr. Crossley touched itbiig with her son Writ,,, Left to sp- all heats deeply, and the sr•ong end the winter with Mrs. Grace service of Mr. Leonard was greatly (Till, of Crediton. enjoyed, Soonte 35 or 40 were Wm. Peth'cli, of Seaforth, has •led to make a definite confession purchased the corner property in of thou• fait's in Chist and others Exeter No, th, (the toner site of the ,to, renew consecration. old McTaggart Hotel, He 'shay. Jas, Logan passed away, he was ing a (gas station erected on the born in lStantey Tpt in the year site, 1E'c•5, being a, son of the late Wm The other, evening an :tufo ans Logan, Moose Jaw, Sask. He was c:ident tool: place at the Trivrtt atirr,e1 to Ar n`3 Had''o' claugh e; Meant !church corner when a car of Joseph Hudson, Stanley He li tr driven by Et Cortlti:s was 1•un in- ed Tor a few years in ?Forest af- into by another car rfomt Wing cloying to Gode,ieh, then to Wind- ham which was 'travelling north, ,sort foor° ?thirteen years in the last, llilr, Klink, who has been opera five years they ,spent the winter, ing the Abbott ehicl:e., farm, mo- in Florida for the benefit of This he- \rtscl his' household effects to Kit- alth ind last Juno they motored r`rcrlf' 111.1 sir 1Giini: ,.tiva l tal;ert ill fes, thwr horrirl, of Mr, and Ars. Al- {a.•lrl. rl:• p e nt in the 131,e',er lro.l l�'i•t Harvey Kipper, and 'spent the fsl tel, su1.1; 4.t tilt re 11111. ay, November 178 1927 cry GY PROC Your Garage endure another w nter with a cold garage? I3y lining it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked radiator, ffrtxen water pump and numerous repairs caused by zero weather. Gyproc keeps out winter's bitter cold. It is also fire - resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for free booklet—"My Home." It will tell you how Gypro , Htorlward Insulating Sheathing and mauler will reduce your fuel bill from 2111 do 49%. TJHE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA ref if5f4 • • • • • • • • • 0 • 2 • • • • fireproof Wallboard For Sale By Ia Fred G. Kaibfeisch y - - - - Zurich, Ont. ✓ esioseesamesemossoeiseesompoesemeoemeseessee Oontinental Stock. Salt For Your HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS,. SHEEP and POULTRY TRY IT, NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET ALWAYS SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE. FLOUR FLOUR TRY OUR 'VARIOUS BRANDS OP FLOUR POR BAKING Ox= BREAD AND 1FINE PASTRY. FtTLL LINE OF MILL FEEDS AND SEEDS OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Louis Schilbe Zurich ••••M••••'•N•!M••••N••• ••••••M••••••......•••. 1 .4 +4.4.0...14.1.01,444.4.4.m.4144.14,4,4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4. 4. The New and Finer 4 4.. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + •+ • Tiemart we and 'drive these new Paige ears before you } you eau ituily realize the wonderful plerformance and the f amazing 'valuer they really are. Let. urs demonstrate. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARAuE WORK ,A SPECIALTY ' r I I s 4 I• I5NGEL, Kron. t 44+++4+t4'+ti tip++++r•at•4444ah+444444+44++++++++++1M4 Pontiac Six New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader- ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstration VIEN PAIGE; WITH 20 CHARMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN- ATIONS — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS — GIVES YOU THE WIDBBT RANG OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS. Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories 4' 4' 4' 4' 44 44— - 44- 44- 44- 2- 4444+++++4144-14-17144-1+44-444-1$ rn-r`'t+4"i 444. P++++•MP!'11414* 1!` e. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?rk THAIT WE ARE ALWAYS Al' y'OUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING n THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 'THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETiTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANU'FACIT 'GOERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY ,QUANTIITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEIS- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST. ,ATIONERY• NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE !NE BOTTL* WITH GOOD POtt.NTAIN PEN INK POR 5e LAEG.. GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS TEAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL y�y.�7Pwfifl PRINTING TOUR WSP1u l:'CTALT"V 1....{p.44 "i,"•,V•+i'Y o tvi+P...f++O.'�".,"+++.**4'4.•10.16.6•.'M.1"16".P'•i"I .,,..1"16 :*S:"iv.''t1;^