HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-17, Page 1I Li • ERALD ZURICH, THURSDAY M0• NINE. NOVEMBER 17. 1927. Make your Fall purchases in Zurich. uy the Best COAL DELAWARE & HUDSON and, -D. L. & W. SCRANTON C O K� SEMET SOLVA.Y SOFT 'COAL MILLER'S CREEK Arriving Soon 121 CAR OF PRINC1u'EDWARD I9 - LAND GRADE A, WHITE POT- ( ATOES. \ . .-A.- C i xite1Or. HENSALL ONT. loons -Office 10w, House 16J HAY COii..8Ncn. The regular monthly meeting of the Idoltncil of the Township of May was ;held in the `i'own ,Haft, 7n.rich, on M'and<aya Oct: 31st. ,All the members, were present. The minutes of :the meetings on Oct. Mrd and Oct, 24th were adopted as Meeker II!4 l9mlith, » Nl E ? + 111.25 zs M Adkukika, $1.501NAXi1tJ ARS, $2 MAY BE CRARC,11Ci' Read. the Ads. then Aet! Eye Specialist Doming pR;OF. E. KATZ ; To Reheve Eye Sight' trot.ble at ZURICH, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEa 23rd AT THE DOMINION HOTEL headache, Dizziness, Twitching Eye Lid®, Defective Vision re-, lieved by our 'Famou's Mniscus ,Lenses, A's Prof. Katz, is known to be one of the Moot Skilled Opticians of To -day, By his Great Meth od .:He can help you, even other+s Fail. read. The tahlowng accounts were passed-• , , •Berlingtom Steel Co„ steel Rd, 3, 71.89; C.X.R. freight on steel 8,51; E. Hendrick,, pay sheet crd. '14, 57.50; T. Ayotte pay sheet rd. 1.0 178.43; Perth Fire Ins. Co, insur- ance en :hall 20.00; Ont Hoispitai, for C. Rupp 39.00; R. Cudmore, lime for hell 3.00; E. F, Klapp, sel- ecting Vicars, \4.0D; W. H. Edighof- ler, ditto 4.00; A. F. Hess, ditto 5.00 1}T. Flanzbard ' pay sheet Schwalm; Drain 146.99; ]T, 'Brown, pay sheet ec OD NEWEST Fas ion Thoug ts In 'all Footwear Brown's Boot Shop Windows FORETELL Alii, INTERESTING- STORY OF NEW ',FALL FOOTWEAR. 0°,ASELONS. THEY ARE AUTHOR.ATIVE AS .THE LAST ISSUR Cf•F VOGUE. THEY WILL ThPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD OF VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICES. AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LEG,. BBB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • teeliellreeleati Bron'; Redd Shop REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ea ea as • . . •e • e fJ . . z 0 0 0 • • 0 0 . tL . Ep 0 0 0 O . • V4041odt•«sa...m,. •ceenseanet-049.4, 4,4ne 444,-4,4.tee 4909 eete •4+404:V4 *4. o:v ERCOATS it Ee • FOR 2 4) ME Q° , AND BO' S Prices $8. to $35 40 This isthe largest and best assortment ,of Et . Coats ever shown in Zurich if Come iat and see for yo && v Sfanfie d's and Penniares Underwear .44 Al r .' qAscacvs atm .ND 4444 PHONE'83 1444l4+6+64di*Z 'l0s,t,;s,0*e-4 044 4 • 8 • 4 re 4 8 Eoerylxody its, Cordially Invited, e w W. Y. Dreier Paeto a,: Roe, w , y �' ,,Rd, 15 92,50; P. Schwalm, pay S!ht 1 Rd. 7, 168.50; Stade & Weidlo, cem- ent and ,furnace 227.50; F. Stelck, pay ,,sheet rd. 4, 202,80; C. Aids- worth, pay sheets rds. 2, 3, 13.14 '377.15, C. L. Smith, printing. ac- count' 202.50; H. Krueger, i'pay sheet (rd, 10 217.25,; E. ; Datars,pay sheet *is. 3, 17 27.50; 4, Wein tile ids 1-18 53.23; A. Foster, , part cement/work rd. 3, 75.00; Yee. E. E. Clarke, tending lantern Rd. 18 1.95 Ecc-•nonLieal Vire Ins. CO.. IDS. telephone offiee 24.00; Bell Tel. Co, tolls 1.36.50; :Northern Electric Co. supplies 29.81; L. Albrecht, swit- ching 60.00; M. G, Deitz, salaryjr car and batteries 91.00; G. Thiel, teaming account 4.75; D. Schwartz entruber, wood 8.00. The Council adjourned to. ,deet again on Monday, Dec. 5th ,at 1.30 o'clock, p.m'. A. Ff. Hess, Clerk, , - then Compare Bolster 6-D A Six Tube Set with Single Control Make sure that your new Radio Set is all that you hope for. Test a number of sets on actual perform- ance. Then hear the Kolster. We know what your decision will be. The Roister makes its superiority apparent at once. A demonstration does not obligate you. Give us a call or come into our Shop any time. olster (eineeteselfaluepeseDollere RoFaunik & OESCH Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Mr. Win. Brown was to ;Kit- chener on Monday. Mrs. W. C. Wagner spent a few dayin Detroit. . Mr. and: Mrs, .1, E. Gascho were to London on Thersday. Mr. George Deichert, who was out west on the harvester's ex- ctp Sion has returned hone. Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Wn.erth mot- ored to Kitchener over the we- ek -en d. Me. and Mrs. Rol, Geiger and Mrs. L. .Pfile were to London on Thursday i last. Special Kelearial Services will be ,observed in the Lutheran ch - teen next ,Sunday., to which ev- `ery'bot ty is invited. , e Mr. and Mre, C. 0. •Smith ,and` Mr. and Mrs. F, Messner of • the Sauble Line were to Kitchener one day recently., t Messrs. F. Fink, H• Mousseau and Well. Johnston were on a hunting trip to CanEache• this past week and bagged a few fine wild geo!se Mr. Andrew Price of the village has purchased the fares of Ila•.. Sunclercock, 2nd.aConcassion, Stan ley, and gets, possession on Decera- ber,lst' nest. Mr, Suitdercock be- e ele•s ori ner. et Mr. Price's 'pro.p-. erty in ,urksh in the deal,' but does not intend ko move to Zurich, at present. Mr, Chas, Fritz, our local hunts- nian, who had been up le Musk- oka on a two -week's deer hunt returned home on Monday, with the handsome, prize of a fine three year old busk. We hear very little comment from "Charlie" of the 'exciting time he had in bin; Ing .this big fellow down, but if Charlie to le us that he shot it hires- !self we will most certainly be- Iiev� a,iy rate if he in.ends to consume all the venison , he brought along, it will be a • longer job than ,it tookt o get the deer. . fihe Christian Work Committ.'e Newell Geiger, convener, took charge of the Evagelical League meeting last !week Miss Beulah Sararas reid the scripture read- ing, The .discussion period fol- lowed; Miss Olive O'Brein led the diseas.on. It was the live'i.t'st des cession khat has taken place this yeee We are going to have •a reel lr,ore p1 asant t me this week We believe there, is to ,be a our - Jr League, Tuesday eve. 7,00. prise, in store. Our meetings are Our aim s to instruct, build and all very ,interesting and instruct - enrich the lfe and character of lee'. Join at the next meeting! the Juniors. Come 1. Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer an d prase STANLEY COUPLE WEDDED •.A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized on Saturday, Nevem, Friday, 71.30 ppm Sr. ELCE Ou: program is fascnating inspir- ing nspi-ing and educatnve. If you come .cane you will conte always. Friday 8,30 p.m, -Choir Practice THOUGHT PROVOKERS The Ixer;son who does as • he pleases is seldom pleased with what the h e, done. Watch your tongue. It recti; get you into more trouble in a mimeo than .you can bet put of in a :year. Sunday 10.00 a.lnl Worship Subject -God's rapturous unfold- ing hof the mysteries of Heaven,. I 'Cor. 13; 12. 11 lam -Bible School, • The Pastor, ,Rev; W. Y. Dreier, will conduct ,the opening 'exer- cises, • Our :Bible, School Sessions are fnteresting and instructive. CoiT,,e and (meet with us,, we have classes for all. J•. E. Gesell °, Superintendent 7.30 see---Wortahip Subject -The immeasurable Mess *1 the Grace of God Christ Jestts put Lora. frill - ie i bel 5th, when Frieda Lees Talbot, youngest ;daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. H. Talbot, of the Blue Water Highway, became the bride of Mr. Boy Frederick Scolchmer, son of Mr. and Mrs„, John Scotche er, near Bayfield The corem,o.ny was per- formed liy ;R• v. R, M. Gale of Bayfield. The 'bride lookedsweet and girlish in hex sleeveless .French frock of white georgette, which was heavily beaded, and with deep ;scalloped heat. Her embroidered 'ilk nee veil was held in place with. orange, blcissoms, and she carried an aenet', o;f pink and white 'mums, with bu`texfli;.rs and maidenhair hair fern, Miss Vera Dowson e.ade a 'charining bxi:l. stnaid, gowned in �t1owe ed chiffon neo- rgette and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and maidenhair fern. The groom }vas supported by the bride's brother, Leonard TnPhot. .after the eerernlouy tb e happy co- t.plo. left by motor for Detroit,the bride wearing Ca egress of rose beige crepe with pleated trim- ming, ,rosewood coat wits shawl Caller of roandel fee and a Smart French .'hat rind accessories to 1 match. Thegr etom's gift to the -gide was e handsome cabinet (el ail v er. On th^it 1 ett:e n Mr., midi jvM'•s,. Itienitlinvn will vs cl, nn tree i 1 groom''; alle, etei'roi Thar ;1 a‘,ie!d,, '►, ' 1 RADIO Atwater Kent t l �, e �`ugqu OPERATING IN A 1,000,000 AUL. RICAN HOMES TO -DAY COMPLETE INSTALLATION PRICES . ATWATER KENT TABLE MODEL 35 - ----- -40.20,00.4 : ATt1 ATER KENT TABLE MODEL 33 _. _ `i•7011. ATWATER KENT WRITING DESK MODEL 35 __._.,-- Me DE FOREST CROSLEY CONSOLE THE WINDSOR ... _.-. 5 DE FOREST CROSLEY BATTERYLESS CONSOLE •,_-.i - _. fi2PEA11. KOLSTER TABLE MODER 6D $160.11.114 KOLSTER CONSOLE 6E (...__4 ....-- ..• setasUr Df? FOREST CROSLEY• TABLE MODEL _4821 ,. KING TABLE MODEL ... ... ............... ............i, ... N 0:1 t'v ESTI`; "T TOURS • TABLE MODEL ...... ...-.. ...-_.. _ _ Mettle WESTINGHOUSE ,FOR EAR PHONES •...___ , _Meal PRICES INNCLUDE BATTER, ES, SPEAKER AND INSTALLEME ION. SEE AND HEAR THE A JE ABOVE SETS. AT; Hess & Sons .0000.9444. ***0000040000404.0 c d400OF40400444400e feeetr • 1r 9 b y 0 9 0 9 9 P 9 0 9 9 4 9 0 4 • FRED THIEL- - ZURIOH ETOLEATHER G00➢S, a Harness Trunks Valises Auto Mos WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, 'HARNESS OP ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' EBAGS., e0IN AND OT13•FR PURSES A PINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE Ems, ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in :and !see (our Sine display of TJ efuil Goods. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SER VICIl3.i a 4•E+A+t++v++sk+i++E'+;44.4 4 N4.t44.+I4+ ++l++ ++ a+÷.1.4- :+++a WINEMFA 4. • 4. 4 4 4. 4 t 4. 444+x4. School Footwear NOW is the time to secure School Footwear for Style and Service while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LINES TO SHOW YOU Ili MEN' WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR,. A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKBOOTS. Where Quality, Style and Prices Count [� We Win! C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 1133211TH I G 2:0162 +2GSL Y. : NB 4i+d+4d+4+1++4443+++.14",la+444444+44dot++++4+++++....tio t, 4 4• Fall am Winte ODS We can supply your wants at the right price IN THE LINE OF GOOD WARM UNDERWEAR, MACKINAW SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS WIND BREAKERS, SWB.AT- ERS, LINED SMOCKS, ETC. ALSO FLANNEL AND FLANNELETTES AND DRESS erGOODS, W004, AND !FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, STOCKINGS AND SOCKS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, IIALTERS AND HARN. +'SS REPAXRS OV ALL KINDS. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND ,Ra N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT F HONE 11 - 91 I LAK r