HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-10, Page 5411ThAr441.ara NO+yentb ;; 14)a 1827 11*1U$INSS CANN DumETE.Hoilvms alLARISTintr SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIIC, E1 C, )lttelt, Uamiiton Street. diet off erne Stowe, GODRRIOR, Ont. *peseta attention to Vonnael and Court Wok, 'Holmes may be torasultfatl at +aderich by phone and planes clalargeb revered. Dr. '11. 11. COW Li. ++x..04 ]D. Da . R. DENTAL . SURGEON fry DRITZ BLOCH, ADRICH eve • Thursday, Friday and ,Safer. MaIn °Blice ,e411.11TLII11373 BLOCK, DASKWOOIi' Andrew .F. Rees, Township Clerk uer .of marriage licenses. . Notary hg?sai'iit', Coromtelauaner, Fixe Mod Au•t-. as neibile In'aueraslce Bepre �- Mures & Canada e rTrulet Co, Et1om, TheZTiRICR — ONTARIO :Maw°SCAB 1CLOP11! `• hradu'ate Carey M. Janes Nat- b Mani School of A:rnetiomearing. Try I Vas for Rosie -tared Live Stock Breeden Terms tai heaping pt).l `.0trs Wants, F o r Sale, L, olst,. FouJnd, Notice, Eta Ads IN THIS COLUMN IN MEMORIAM Wurrnr—Anna, 1%t W urnr Iia sweetest Memory of my dear 'aunt* . who passed away two year a- go Nov, 10, 1925, Jest at bought of yoti dear Aunt Anna 'just st ae remmibrance hied and tree of affection. That npy', heart still aches for you Loving • nephew, Lindsay STRAYED Unto illy premises, Salable Line, Bay Township, a yearling heifer 'Owner can have 'same by. prov- ing property and paying all ex- p. epises.—Alfred Meidinger, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in f>;ture all shooting is strictly for- bidden on Lot 28, con. 11; Lot 28 con. 12; Cn7,. pt. Lot 27, con. 12, Hay Township. By Order. David Schwartzentruber. FARM FOR SALE A very' desirable farm, con g 'sits- inaf 120 acres of choice clay loam eing Lot 21, Concession 10; Stan- ey torwnship. There is on ,the property a good brick °houise,rvitli I urnace in, and running water at both houise and. barn. Large ank barn with straw shed, an ther good outbuildings. "• Farm•is, ell fenced and in a high state of i 0,11 '2,"ealtlii :prevailing pace®. Choice faMeette for sale. Will sell aaxything b otra deiceurlieh w Wanes 18-93 oe 'writer, Z aria about 20 acre;, of plowing ,: sumo wocsaa Mrs. W. C. Wagner ,sand so f.egaard were. Sunday vr'sitors Guelph, • Mr. jand Mrs. C., L. Snaith an dayghter Mae Were Holiday vi Kora at Milverton, 1/2r, Chaa. Webei . left for Cro '';ell, .where he intends to• ;stay,fo a te'W weeks. Rev.and Mrs. F. ,L. Howeld an LOCAL NEWS Messrs, Clayton and Clarence at Ifefi'rrrrrran of (.kalt, were week -enol vl'sitors ender theparental roof. cl der rrlaar has recently o local ybeen snoti- fied by the :Department that he harp been awarded tho contract of a, nee:traing the •mail betweei7 Hen- • all an Zurich. 3an.c ,to talo' 1 d affect the laoginnoifl of the v •ai• two children, of New Dund.ee,vi5 Thad rolativo'a here ha town i on clay recently . - Don't forget the Ivan, elierl 'LeagueRally next Sunday nigh which is ate take the (fern of a •oratorieal contest. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobs an SOT: Laird, Mr. and M. Erbanlaf fila spent Thanksgiving- with re- latives and friends at Listowel(. Miss Hazel Sparks •of kiarriets- Ville, (spent the holiday with her parents, Mr; -and Mrs, Jno',,,,,Sparke. Shipley Township. Mr's. Willian Klopp has instal.e,•1 the hydro and a1 o �a. Westing- heu;se electric -range, installed by He -se & Sons, . . 'Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weber and Mr, Barney Wilson of Godcr:eh, sr - cant the week -end at Mr, and Mrs. Chas Weber. Mrs`. J. Hey, Jr., District ..Presi- dent, and Miss Pearl Pfile, local Delegate of the Wereen's In titete are attending the conyentioon at Loncton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wettlai ter Master Bob_; Margaret end Mrs. P. i 'eittlaufer and daughter Ella, and Leuea, ...1. o: Kitchea.r, v'si'e•.1i at the ho.ra,' of Mr. ante -Mrs. John - n Need Sunday 'is, anotlwr reel letter I day at .tare Evangelical C.`hande 'Zurich; when the 'Bible School. 'and the Christian Ender League will observe their Anneal Rally', Ai. the morning ;worship (10. a.. m) then '"`� pastor's message will be on • "The value;•and irnportance of ' Waseca!! d - instruction." All the brhi:'sch ooi !present. and •workers should • be pr.esen:t. `The bible school 'session earitivation, 18 acres of wheat sca'r'f I .. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX _ea IN A POSITION TO CON - et any auction 'sale, regardless r to size or articles,. to 'as'IL not Nonfat your business and if satisfied will make no changes for, 141214041.613.H Dashwood. ::5rthea Weber, MOWS 11--5`: . 1$1109•00194011•600000.00011011411411 •0.0011•6000001i000•f,M• O • - MARKED' -. Zurich Beat •. • Fresh and Salt Me t , S Bologna Sausages, Mg' Cash Pries for Wolof • BASH a FOB SINS & R1DFS It " ' aigblu, 1 Deicher • of ;ZURLCH AVERY ' lr amt, in, a .piolsition to aeeomo-; }idiots' s11 requirements in t'1aeLivery1 llie►se, have Auto for hire. Any `ailng done in the teaming line. O E . :HIlhT. Boma bB Zur'sehdnt. 4141. L VI P,OU LT R' WANTED' Ahearn every day till 3 'O'eIOelk,p.mi, :not feed lows aurae morning ;tea♦, an brought 'Highest Cask Prices FOR:- see . Cream , and Eggs. 4 W. O'Brien *Moine &aria Headquarters 4-4 FOR TIRES TUBES ANDD , forage Bafferieis fib .IR, +,, Prop, 'a1 it of1°wl NifU'rxf eldix± 40310,171C1' alla_an on' Thanksgiving Day. The fine autumn wea icer came One.,, +or particulars apply on to a very n lyrlrpt elos:: nn Sa urclay, when it turned to eolcl•er with !snow ;and frost, and a real este of winter ha -s prevailed ev- erslime: the premises. • Geo. E. Johnson, Varna, P.O. NOTE — . Earn $25 weekly up ,at home ad- dressing vnvolopes. No canvass- ing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars' for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney, Nova Scotia. FOR SALE 1, 5-h. p. LMtae Engine. 1, 5.ton weigh scale, apply to S. B. Nierner, Bayfield. STRAYED. Unto' oily premises, • Goshen Line south, Hay, about Oct. 6th,• ayear- ling ih'eifer. Owner can haveame by proving. property and settling all account's. _ Lour Wenn. WANTED • We• aria in the market for Dutch sett onions Of good .quality. High est market prices paid. T. L. Wurn , Zurich. • HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable dwelling pro- perty in Zurich, with three -:lots of good 'land, 'good franiie house, good hard water well • fruit trees fine location. Apply to ' Andrew Price, Zurich. FOUND at the United Church Manse, on In Gaschces a quantity of can have sane srty and payi L Iat 11 a.man;, will begin with, spirit land interesting -Rally Day pro- gram' consisting of a' pleasing ea -• aety. An .address will be given by one 'who is we^it, iqu'ailified, to Ispeak.. -The evening service 'r1 4.30 will bring ;the day to at delight - hal climax ,hien an oratorical ;eon-' !test wilibe staged. Pur leaguers will speak on various phases of evangelistic endear or. Three out of town judges will bo present, to ,decide who- ,ds first winner. Special music will be proa:id d. The church 'Will be crowded, so Corse Early STRAYED ,From, nay grass form, tot 9, con. 6, Hay Tp., a white yearling heifer,: with horns; finder will be liberally rewarded by not ify-ing• Mr Henry Tru 7rnner, Zurich. AUCTION SAL Of CATI'I:Et ,, At JIy. Neab's F'arni, east of Zur- '10 ice ,Fair Grounds, On SATURDAY ✓ OVEMBE R 12 h, 1 211 At, t.30 onock, prate , II 10 :Der'hmi cows, due to freshen in Decernber; 1 Derham cow new nal mallei 12 Durham cows to freshen n Itlarch; 4 Holstein cows to freshen in March. There Will -al- so be a' carload of suers and eifers Weighing 700 -lbs. if they ti *gill aeeive, In time for Welt. _+above aiattl r nee all extra gond n A. 1.: condition. 21 are no older hen frons it to +i yrs; and three I re past yrs. All cows guanine + eed as represented. TERMS` -5 months credit will be +iven on approcad joint notes oaring t,6 ,par cent per annum. .rthur Weber, Auctioneer; . V%. S. Johnston, Clerk. 0,V.e;Wa11is, Proprietor, Air. Ed. Bossenb+erry of Bae- 1 field, has moved to the home o.f Mr. and Mrs.Henry. Volland of the Bronsoy� Lin: , where.. he Mil 12 stay /for '• the winter. '.('hose who attendee the funer-.1 Y a t of the late John Schnell on Sunda we notice—Mr's. 1-foao.and ; n daughter Shirley" of Detroit; M and Mrs. Ed. Manes! and children Miss Lou• sv Shu:ok , 'Mr, and Mrs. Elton Schnell all of Detroit; Mr g George Schnell of New Jersey; A Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schnell and. daughter,• Irene of Ayton, 'Ont.,and. Mr. henry Sohn -ll of Kitchener. wwwwiimumiwiwwwwwwwwww6461 Zurich Drug Store PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dr, A, LT, MaoKinncn3 Zuricl i- WMr ++++++.1.40+++÷.4..+++++++.1. ABE YOU ROOFIN,-G? TTTINK OF KEYSTONE The ;Christian Citrzeenshp C'en- mitten Mildred Geiger coag en.pr, took charge of the League meet ing last Friday evening. Mrs .Leas Haffncan' read the !scriptur reading, Oiive :U'Brein took chug, the •discu.'ision period. Tl League had :a very lively claseua sion." Conre and take part. in it next week. MRS. BRISSON PASSES, 1� OTI9 F. .,MEETING OF HURON' • a. • COUNTY COUNCIL i ,The Cou'icil of the Corporation<' of ,the 'County of Huron ,will -meet will mt in the;Council Chamber, Goderich, 1e at 2 o'clock • in the afternoon of • Tees:lay, the 6th day of December 1927. All accotnts against the C'oenty eerist be, in• till hands of the Create not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Coun- cil. ,At this meeting of Cot;nty Coi.ncil the appointment or a County ,Treasurer. eAiso an In- spector fort she' House of Refuge ..will be made. Applicatione for the 'above poositions to he sent or delivered to the tadersigned Co. Clerk on or: before Saterday, Dec- ember 3rd, 1927. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, i Goderich, November ,5th, 1927 IN MEMORIAM IJ.izabeth daughter of Mr.an:1 Ruin e h proving. prop- 'er ce ' 'i 14—Annkl M. r nee 1 u y p g. pro gsad and loving remexabragce of our nig this adv. ]lvlrs 1i'ne. E. 'Curnbuil, of the Lake,dear (sister who passed away twoRoad, Hay Township, to. M. years ago, 1V''ov. 10, 1925,-- Sareael Hendrick, eldest son of 'With patience she suffered Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hendrick, of I Her troubles ,she bore. the Sauble Line, 'seueh, Hay .Tp. ' Bust now they are ended This popular • bridal coupe).will1 1rs. Ra•:he. •Er:sson, •ween of Mr. Edward •Briss.on, Sauble Lin. , St.- anley, passed away on Friday Oct- ober 2btli in her 71st year. De- ceased had been ill for mangy ye- ars. The funeral was held ,on Monday, interment being made in the R. C. Cemetery Drysdale. , HENDRICK—TURNBULL A a vary happy and- interesting matrimonial event was celebrated Store a purse- with October 27th, when. Rev. Coiling Money in it. Owner l united an Holy' 4V edlocle Miss Fiore NOTICE • TO FARMERS—After Novena ber est choppieg and rolling will be done at otrr" mill ion Tuesday( Thursday and Saturday of each week, during the whole day. WilliamsWillias Bros., Zurich. NOTICE, We carry a complete line of Poultry supplies,'Cod" Liver °011, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, ,Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal remedies.Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Ch ok Ilatchery; Phone 47 J, Exeter, Ont. OOAL 1 WB ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Gt1 NUINB Scranton Coal ALrSt3. CARRY` Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal ROOD SUPPLY ON . RAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS 1D g_,_ it"` TO Case witSt amt make their laame on the grooms She suffers no more. She sleeps, we will leave her, fine faint on L.R.W. -Hay Town -1 In quietness, ''she rests. strip The Herald joins their Melly The parting was painful friends in _extending congratulate But Goad knows best ions. Loving Sisters and Brothers Change Your Attie into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. Write for free booklet—"My Roane.',. Itwill tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will redltce your fuel bill front 20 to h0% 155 THE ONTAAYO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PAM, CANADA ----- �.... �.... �. -•,ate,--.,As,,,i `eproor Wallboard 1 or Sale By "[,✓ 7.7.1 `� lfr a+ •�' SN 1. 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH - Y OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL CO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND frHE.L'EST. - + We ''stili have a large quantity of , Gyproc on hand. The t• Fireproof Wallboards ties it. for walls and ceilings to a'epair 1. the old plaster before you spring pang decorate,. sa • f a s, ti. •L:;1?L]iIS PHONE b ZURICH e' ear Get :your Buggy Light Now! You must have them Electric Lamps $10. .Oil Lamps $2.75 Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS ® ZURICH ++®,+A44+4.+9++ +44+4+,4,P+ +.44,4.04.10044'0,00,1040.41)4.4441 P4@ .04.+W+9<?%a'e',0dv7,10A.,D+Ad 4441 Autos and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A. COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, 4. AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE VARIOUS LINES e CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY e TUBES 30ic3;i AT ONLY... $8.50 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ... . $1.40 o 1 SECOND HAND le: H. P. 'GAS +N(xINI, E i 51.5•0(3 2 FORD TOURING CARS VERY CHEAP. $15M i FORD ROADSTER CAt-t. • 1 GOOD TRAILER. d* ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING C+'f DER. • WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORT+ ON R +PAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BAT"TRIES, • I FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND • CARRY JUST TIIE KIND OF MACHINERY THA'r WILL GIVE st YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICI FOR YOUR MONEY • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL; OUR a PUMPS. aTires, Tripes, Gas, Oils 'and g7 t L. A. Prang Zuri h 4-faT?0'eah seav,ealeto3+PW,i}.aasee,4-4,..'Q > 'ease W o