HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-03, Page 8Ne are showing a new ship- ment of Ladies' and Misses superior Fur brimmed Coats. made by the Celebrated North- way Coat Co. We invite your inspection DBE SSE S WE WERE FORTUNATE IN SECURING A LOT OF LADIES AND MISSES FLANNEL DREsSE•S. THEY ARE WELL MADE FEA,T- &TRING ,NEW STYLES IN A VARIETY OF SHADES AND SIZES, gT REMARKABLE LOW PRICES ONLY A YEW SILK DRESSES LEFT Al REDUCED PRICES ICOR QTTICK CLEARANCE, WINTER GOODS OUR STOCK OF LADIES AND MEN'S WINTER WEAR NOW ICOMPLETE; STA.NFIELDS, PENMANS AND LENNARDS UNDER - WEAR, ALL SIZES AND PRICES, SWEATER COATS, MITTS, GLO- W -ES, CAPS, SEE OUR LINE OF LADIES ALLWOOL AND SILK :AND WOOL HOSIERY. ••®64...•.•.•.••e•.•••••••eeeaaamsa•se•aeasseaasises WANTED Beginning Monday October 17, We will be in the market for No. 1 quality Dutch Setts. Highest market prices paid. Give your home dealers a chance to buy your produce. Multi- pliers and large onions taken as well. Call or phone for prices J. GSCHO & SONS ProduLv wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage has, Oils, Greases - - Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS /'UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES 111B ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS IT. _ L. B.tTTEP7 )2F IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO FRCELL THOSE OF fl', EATON CO_, AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, .ALSO AC- 13ITYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE o Moasseau. Zurich. • 1 . • • 2 • a 1 000e•0000.•00.••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••i • WarmingYour - Home ! • • Is Your Next Problem• • • But if you bring your problem to us • we will cheerfully overcome it for o you by giving you free advise just what kind and size, of Furnace or Stove you require BRING US THE PLAN OF YJUR HOME, OR BETTER STILL, PHONE US TO COME OUT AND SEE AND WE WILL TELL YOU JUST WHAT YOU REQUIRE._ A FULL LINE Ob' SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS ON HAND. If in need of new furniture, dos'. forget; we have it! • ••••••••••*•••••••••r, • • • • • • • • • • • r • • !' • • re in the market for. good Clover woo ?ikon l9 .At Special Prices 3.25 Silk Pannels at $2.79 1,95 « 1.69 1.50 Cotton Nett 1.15 85e Cotton Pannels 65e Ladies' Children's Men's and Boys' Underwear in• Wool and Cotton. Ladies, Hose and all Men's.., -Furnish- ings Real Values. Get our prices* x, 1We take Sett Onions in Exchange for Goods JOW.MERNER MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Oscar Fleischauer, and Miles Eva Boa, of Rogerville, :spent .Susi day in Seaforth. Mr..and Mrs, Fred jHaist of ;Cred iton, spent last week with Mr.and _Mrs. Everett Haist of town. 14Ir. (Fred, Moro of ZZnrich ac- companie'd by Miss Edna Wolfeof W;Ilianr4 St. Hensall, spent Sunday calling on friends in Clinton. Rev. A. E, Hangen of \Cleve- iand, Ohio, /,reached a much ap- preciaLd m•;ssionar'y sermon in the Evangelical Church, Last Sunday - evening. " Mr, and Mis, Ghetke, Mir. Oscar Beim, ll:s; F•ozence Bierman,, Miss Wilma Schroeder, Mr. Colin Thur ton, all of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Everett Haist on 'Sunday. , Last ,Friday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. C. Kuhn and Mr. and Mrs Dan ;Oestreicher 'hof Crediton, cal- led eat the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich, rind Ft the home of other friends ;in .town. The Evangelical League is hold ing a Rally Day program, on the evening of November 13th. This promises jto ba very interesting as it is taking the- foa•ni, of an 'orator- ical 'conae:,t i:: whiech several /mem,- 'hers lof the I.,eague are taking part We are,looking for a large crowd so try to be among Rs on .the 13th Me lsrs, J. E. Gascho, Josiah Gei- ger, San.. 'Schoch, Misses Lydia E. aust and .Pearl Pfile motored to Listowell on Monday evening and took in ,a session of the Confer- ence on •Mis>u:ons and Evangelism returning after the evening sea= Ilion. At a recent voting contest_ of ''most the valuable player in the intercounty Laseball league we notice the name of Mr. Ciar- erica .Hoffman, hof Galt, 'and son of Mr. .and 1s i W. rd Hoffplace, of the Zurich Hat Vhoppe village tas in third puce, with I his number of votes w^"• , il to r Showing the New LOCAL. MARKETS Eggs 30-37-42 Butter,•, II -•- ,.� 35 Dried apples 1b. _— - 9 Young chicks Old Hens ..... -6-14 Dacha wr . .... . ... 12--10 Wheat per bushel . . 1.22 Oats.__ --- •a a Barley 75 Buckwheat' ....• ....75 Flour___ - 4,75 $.75 Shorts per ton.__. Bran per ton__ —,__, _._ : 32.00 Live Hogs cwt._= , „. 14.25 (;Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454.14. Being an increalaeof I>raurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman — Zurich AGENT, AL.BO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING -RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, Millinery Autumn Styles in Felt IlaIs AT THE I the winners. We eongratLate i1I Roffman on .his splendid work on the ball •dield, that he was consid- er d the third best Ilan in the en- tire •loagt;;e. The regular meeting of the Ev- angelical League was held last Friday evening. Edith Greb had charge of the meeting. During the early part of the meeting Iittle Mae Smdtli :;ang a very, pretty sblo, A contest was next held which was enjoyed by all. Bus- iness was th en transacted.. We sere fortunate in having with us at this meeting, Rev. EdgarePanst of Detroit-,+, who gave a very in- spiring 'and interesting talk. The attendance e•Nvas good but there is room, ,:or more, Cone! AUTO CCTDENT Vhile .;driving from Crediton to Exeter High iScliool, a sedan own- ed by W. P. Clark, and driven: by his daughter, • Laura, accompanied by three, girl friends, all high. 'seh•- ool :students, collided with. at car dt.lve'n by Peter IVIeeIsaec of Dash- d, one mile west of ;the Lon''-' Road, on the concession le- • • 'd n teo C. edi' on on Monday mere • w •l. i• !tin • iSTAbF El l° r drive Seed The sedan turned over three s, and 'McIsaac's car onee,froin force cif the impact, The girls badly ;shaken uta and ‘the i", Laura Clark, suffered sere • !driver, inte•"rias injuri -s Medi.: -Al sea'rl, • O N T. was :„Wed d to the soene ,and hard to a .,w4.••IM•••+ •a ••MP•g• B the irl,lu7 fydd removed. nearby i �Il�•*•••• •••A••• • MB••• r0.a�i7. 1101.11 ,, • Outstanding Fall Colors In Attractive Smart Shapes THAT HAVE BEEN WELL SEL- ECTED TO SATISFY EVEN THE MOST REMOTE. A HAT FOR EVERY MEMBER OP THE FAMILY. COME IN AND SEE. THE PRICES ARE ALSO VERY EASY. MISS Va Siebert Operations are tender way to have 'they "large barn on the tele- phone property taken cloven as ,it i� in a rather del<aborated condit- ion and would not withstand many more 'yearsl. A new garage and store house will be erected with the available ariaterial> this will be pint eastward to 'the old site and will bntt'lup against the rear door of the telephone office, and will be a great convenience for cen- :raloperators to got their ,supply of fool. genr.`.nt Thursday • NO,Vezniber 3 easona le. yarware Fall is here and we can su the Public with Seasona. , pP . �war'e ne at oderateble ward - prices A 600D SUPPLY OF` BUILDING MATERIALS CL1i'DZl[a COUNCIIL BTANDAB D ROOMII % AND CHEAP, FE.NCI.NO- A CARLOAD OF LOADYS LUCKY TIE WIRE, JUST ED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL E ARBLe�. POSTS RBo BRACE AND STEEL' A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCH'A TIRES. NONE BETTER PAINTS .AND VARNISH A 40©D SUPPLY OF AND A PULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL SENOURTIN 100% TQ ENAMELS. ALSO FULL VARNISHES, E A LIFE OF MQBE4CO3 BZ!(�, , A NUMBER OR GOOD D SECOND HAND HAM, BTO,VES ,r►3I: VERY TIR ' S AND TUBES FURNITURE Fun Line of Furniture in Living Suits, Bed Raoan, Suit Rooms Suits, Dining gam. Chairs, ARoomSOF Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Reekere awl. Chairs, , GOOD NUMBERSOF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED OF FAMOUS SIA/MONS FRIER,. SPRINGS AND MATTRESS BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES i l I. l ,�l_Ltri RUGS RUGS ALL SIZE$ IN WILTON'S, A.Z., MINISTER AND TAP_ESTR Y RUG Johnston& Ka1bfiejsch Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 Safe Investments A Carefully Selected List of Safe - Securities with attractive Interest Returns Security Due , Victory Victory Bonds Bononds --- Yield. Bonds 5 .1943.. .....:_. ._ 4.75e 'Victory }Sondes Oct, 15, 1943 ._. ..... Saskatchewan , •_,_Oct. 15, 1944 _ 4,5?,•- Ontario .............Tune 1, 1957 _, » ... cos _._,,.. ___D 'c, 1 - 1942 Bell Telephone Co: 1, »_........ , 4.82 Gatineau Power Co, June1957 4.82 --•-. ---� June 1.,1956 5,0TMassey-Harris • .........................Oct.•...............Oct15, 1947 •-- Huron & Erie Deb-entures "s __.»• 4.75 Canada Trust Mortgage Certifieaes, guaran sed k —4.75 INFORMATION ON ANY INVESTMENT GLADLY GIVEN Before Ton Invest— INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO)—@SR VIAS AND SAFETY Have You M k.DIE YOUR WILL? Made a Mess of it Bought CHEAP remedies; got (0)• Use Mrs. Sybilia Spalira 'Ion- silitis for Cough, Eronchitiia, Croup, Quinsy, Head Colds, Catarrh, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills. Success or money back, at WagnerIsStore JOS' WARD Drugless Practio - eer and Optician EXETER Pub•• AT WALPRR HOUSE, Z Every Tuesday, *— ,—" '—' _*--+''' .r--4_+_•+ g,_ 44 $-4.-1l-!>.._4."10.,_,0".,„*1 TAILOR MADE l BY THOSE -wg0 KNOW NOT moo- Tai$ BUTT sEwNN BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOWL The Naw Fall Suitin s E ,ARE RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE 1 L ON • +P'AT'TERN, itTYLE AND Qtritift+ {BALL OtTR GOODS GUARANTEED • DONT be misled by burying cheaper and inferior goody. .BUY from those yon know will stand behind everything they sell. to MERCHANT TAILOR. W. 11,11OFFMANi Ali! Bon, EMRAIS G. 'AHD., FUNERAL DIREOTOR$ Dap and Niger